Creating A Music Career Alias | Keeping Your Identity A Secret

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so you're a music creator you love to make music and you want to learn everything you can about the music marketing side of things so you watch a ton of YouTube videos you go to a ton of different blogs and read article after article you even buy some books but everyone's telling you to build a brand you have to have your face plastered everywhere you have to have a website here you have to have a social platform there but do you really have to have all of that to be successful let's talk about that what's going on guys Adam Ivey Adam Ivy calm as always I appreciate you joining me yet again for another video now in this video I'm gonna be addressing a question that came from one of you guys in the channel family on a recent video so let's just jump into it alright guys so I have the question queued up in my phone as usual and like I mentioned it's from one of you guys in the channel family now if you're new to the channel and you don't know what the channel family is it's anyone who is confirmed as a subscriber on the channel clicks that little bell icon so they could be notified first any time I upload a video just like this what I do is I go through all my notifications and the best questions I do a screenshot then I verify that you're a subscriber I think it's fair free videos find value and me it's kind of a trade off right anyway this is a great question so without further ado let's get into it this is from a channel family member named Explorer audio so first and foremost shout out to Explorer audio for the question and this is what he says he says nice video man do you have any tips I'm sorry do you have a tip for people who won't make a striptease for the public I find it interesting to create an anonymous or mysterious brand do you think it's possible I'm gonna read that one more time a little bit slower Explorer audio says nice video man do you have a tip for people who won't make a striptease for the public I find it interesting to create an anonymous or mysterious brand do you think it's possible so let me put my phone down and let's get into it so this question comes down the pipeline in many different forms of fashions on a regular basis so I'm glad that I get to address it with you guys in this video bring some perspective hopefully give you value and clarity on the answer now if I'm translating the question correctly which I hope I do he's asking how do you build up a powerful brand a successful business bring in that income bring in that attention that popularity without putting your personal business all over social media without having to share photos of yourself constantly maybe photos of your family photos of where you're from what your interests are how do you stay a little bit more anonymous how do you stay more mysterious and build up a personal brand okay so as a music creator the number one thing you need to understand before you're pursuing any type of career in music is what drives your passion why are you pursuing music is it to make great music to share with the world to hopefully change someone's life in one way shape or form is it because you want to buy a Bugatti is it because you want Fame and you want attention and you want that popularity that you might not have had in high school in college you really have to take a deep dive into what is your driving motivator behind this because let me tell you if you want to be behind a mask if you want to have an anonymous character an anonymous brand a mysterious entity behind your music career it's gonna be a lot harder for you every marshmallow out there every dead mouse out there every sia that's another great example there's 10,000 people that are mimicking it that it just will never work for them because people are cowardly people are soaked up in their insecurities and I don't mean that as an insult I have my own insecurities you know I I constantly worry about my shirt binding up on my stomach and it's it's [ __ ] it's stupid but at the end of the day this is what we deal with right we look at ourselves in a mirror completely different than how people perceive us now as a mysterious entity you get away from that completely you can kind of hide in the shadows you can not take responsibility for whatever it is that recently I received an email from someone who said oh it's easy for you you got nice teeth really nice teeth that's what's stopping you from making music that's what's stopping you from I mean I could talk like this the whole time and you don't really have to see my teeth if you're teeth are that jacked-up and music I'm sorry I'm going off on a tangent but if music is so important to you that you become a famous act then go get your teeth fixed it takes money sure it takes money to buy clothes it takes money to and have a car if it's something that bothers you that bad save do what it takes be resourceful and make it happen I'm not trying to be a dick you guys know that I'm just being straight up with you guys that's the first question I ask is why are you trying to hide behind a mask why are you trying to hide behind the shadows are you in a witness protection program or something because people want to be able to attach to a story people want to be able to attach to a personality people want to be able to attach to a real thing right why do you think all these huge brands on TV have a spokesperson I bet you can name three of them right now Flo from progressive you got the other guy from a State Farm the guy looks like Denzel Washington Allstate never mind you got the guy from Sprint who used to be with Verizon you mean the list goes on and on I could sit here and make a whole marketing video just on big brand marketing strategies when it comes to the commercial realm but we're not doing that in this video sorry I'm getting off on a tangent now this is this is why I asked that question what is your purpose right because there's a music creator as a music producer for instance you can make a six-figure income for the rest of your life without anybody knowing who you are I know that might blow your minds I make the majority of my money from TV and commercials these days when it comes to the music side of things I have several streams of revenue if you if you guys want me to break down and I've gotten this a lot lately I don't know maybe it's because the views are going up if you guys want me to break down all my different income streams which are like ten at this point leave a comment in the comments below and I'd be happy to share that with you guys I'm probably not gonna go into specifics because IRS but anyway when it comes to being a mysterious entity why do you want to be mysterious is it because of something that's you're self-conscious about is it just the fact that you love privacy now you can become up sorry I'm not gonna start this video over you can become a mysterious entity if you have good storytelling skills and why do you need that marshmallow he built the whole brand around not knowing who he is it to this day as as I film this I don't believe many people know who he is I don't think that that's public knowledge now a guy like deadmau5 rocked with a helmet on his head for years and then guess what even he has like a master class thing on how to do you know house music jams or whatever I'm not trying to insult him if that's not what it's for but his face is everywhere everybody know he has a twitch stream he well had one everywhere you get what I'm saying here even see up people know what she looks like now when you come out as a mysterious entity it's hard to maintain that because it kind of comes off gimmicky right eventually people are really like okay you're wearing up you're wearing a rabbit helmet like enough is enough who are you people get annoyed because they feel like you're withholding something from them and if you're so afraid to share that information with them that would really make me question what you're willing to share as far as a marketing persona now if you're trying to be a mysterious character the other thing I would ask is are you wanting to do this to become famous is it ego driven because as I mentioned just a couple minutes ago you can have a successful music career as a writer as a music producer as a composer without anybody ever knowing what your face looks like in public I mean the industry cats will know who you are because you network with them and that's a whole different side of the business but you don't have to be an online beat maker to make money as as you know as a producer in fact I hit the question a lot there like how do you you don't sell beats anymore why sell beats I just don't have a public catalogue at the moment which I'm planning on releasing another one because I have like two or three hundred beats that are just on ice on that computer anyway this is where I need you guys to find clarity why is it that you're making music does it matter to you that you have Fame does it matter to you that you make money because if you don't want to make money and you don't want to be famous then you could do anything you want I can literally I don't have anything readily available I can literally put a paper bag over my head which I think a lot of you guys would prefer you wouldn't be able to hear me though and be as [ __ ] paper bag the producer pee bag like it doesn't matter you get what I'm saying here you have to understand what it is your goal what your goal is if you start from your goal and work backwards you find a lot more clarity than just throwing [ __ ] in the middle of the night hoping that it hits so many of you guys are incredibly talented music creators some of you songwriters out there I mean this is the thing at the end of the day look at me I'm not a particularly attractive person you look at a lot of these successful cats out there anybody with the name lil before their artist name like a 95% chance to look just as goofy as I do if not more them and I'm kind of joking but you get what I'm saying we got guys like Kodak black we got guys like Lil Wayne we got guys like Christopher Walken Steve Buscemi we have so many different looks so many different personalities we got short guys we got tall guys we got Lane we got buff we got fat you are an individual I'm not trying to turn this into a motivational speech either you have to embrace that either embrace it or I'm sorry you have a hard road ahead of you because like I said for every one marshmallow there's 10,000 other [ __ ] wearing helmets talk about how they're gonna be the next big marshmallow don't be the next anybody be the first you it doesn't make sense to me how why somebody would chase and an enemy and I mean you guys get me on my grammar sometimes an anonymous brand that's what I'm getting at the the biggest brands of the world are personal based when it comes to who they're pushing and I'm not trying to start a stammer but I have so many different thoughts running through my mind think of Nike campaigns think of your favorite rapper think of your favorite producer Timbaland we got guys like even like my boy superstar oh he's building an incredibly powerful personal brand we got guys out there like [ __ ] Scott Storch who took a hiatus because he was getting his [ __ ] together and now he's back at he has a million different videos he's doing huge records with some of the biggest names some of the biggest upcoming people but he's not hiding behind anything he went through the the trials and tribulations of his life and now he's back and he's telling the story people don't interview for looks people don't interview for music they interview to get a story so what's your story and why are you trying to hide it this is this I know that I'm kind of ranting I know that I'm kind of rambling but this is really just thoughts straight from straight from me to you guys you need to understand why you're doing this first and foremost if it's for the fame if it's for popularity don't hide behind anything unless you have a ton of marketing dollars because you're gonna compete you're gonna be combating someone who isn't afraid and the person that's not afraid let me tell you no matter what you're doing in life the person that's not afraid is your competitor the person that's not afraid is the person you're chasing I'm not afraid I hope you're not afraid what the [ __ ] are you afraid of I got to stop swearing so much anyway I hope that you guys find some value in this video I hope if you have any other questions that stem upon this leave them in the comments below and sign oh hold on hold on hold on don't go anywhere don't go anywhere I need to answer the question real quick if you want to be anonymous if you want to be mysterious spend your time and efforts on an amazing aesthetic spend your time and efforts on writing great backstory spend your time and efforts doing guerilla marketing and making everybody that you know talk about you without ever releasing who you are that's the challenge because someone somewhere is going to be upset if you start getting a little bit of attention and they're going to expose you for who you are and guess what the article that exposes you once you have a little bit of buzz is gonna blow up because guess what once the mask is off like a scooby-doo episode you're not putting it back on without everybody knowing who you are and then at that point it's kind of lame so a great story a great aesthetic and great music with a whole lot of marketing tons of content and keep people guessing you might have a chance otherwise good luck I hope that gave you guys some clarity if you guys have any questions that's stem on that or completely different and you're a part of the channel family leave a comment in the comments below and make sure to smash that thumbs up button I get a little bit heated I love having these conversations with you it's like a phone call one way unfortunately we're gonna change that very soon but if you haven't joined the channel family yet this is a perfect opportunity all you got to do is click that little button over here to subscribe to the channel the fastest-growing music marketing and business channel on YouTube which I'm incredibly proud of but if you want to become a BFF if you want to become part of the channel family click that little Bell icon while you're at it so you could be notified first any time I upload a video just like this this video isn't highly polished it's like kind of a one take but it's genuine and this is genuinely how I feel alright guys so I just went on like a four-minute tangent like I usually do that I decided to edit it out because it was all over the place and it didn't really pertain to this video so anyway what I was getting at is I want you guys to share your wins I want you guys to share your success stories I want you guys to share that positive energy that momentum that progress that the rest of the world is trying to steal from us but not on my channel not with my channel family and with that being said I want you to connect with me over on Instagram that's by far the most active social platform for me right now I love it leave a comment below one of my posts over there I'm really sorry that I haven't got back to dm's I'm getting over a hundred DMS a day now which is kind of crazy it's out of hand trying to figure out a way to solve that issue but anyway I love Connect with you guys and if you have sent me a DM and habit got back to you nothing personal I'm doing my best so I appreciate you joining me yet again for another video I hope you found value I genuinely do I love doing these for you gonna be another video next week every few days twice a week I hope you subscribe until next time guys you can find me at Adam I be calm
Channel: Adam Ivy
Views: 95,996
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Music Career Alias, How to develop a music persona, music aliasing, how to have a private career in music, private music career, mysterious music persona, mysterious music alias, keeping your music career private, adam ivy, adamivytv, music marketing strategies 2019, music marketing instagram, music marketing 2019, music marketing and promotion, music marketing strategies, advanced music marketing, how to get more streams on spotify, sell music on youtube, sell music on shopify
Id: VcNbXVtwkf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2019
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