Creating a MOVING ANIMATION IN SKETCHUP with Animator - Step by Step Extension Tutorial

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whoo what's up guys Justin here with the sketch of essentials compact another Sketchup extension tutorial for you so as most of you may remember last week I did an introduction video on animator which is fredo sixes new animation extension that allows you to actually animate geometry in your models I wanted to go ahead and create a video kind of walking through the basics of how to create those animations so before I get started I do want to take a second and thank my newest patreon supporter Keith Dewey as most you know patreon is the website where you can support creators that you like on YouTube and on other websites so all proceeds from my patreon page go towards just expanding the show buying new extensions and hardware just kind of making what I do for you guys better so if you're interested in supporting the show make sure you check out the link in the notes below now let's go ahead and just jump into it so the first thing I wanted to do was kind of introduce you to the animator or workspace so when you install animator you get this fredo 6 animator toolbar that pops up and basically what you do is you use this in order to create and edit your clips and so he's got like a full full-on video creation tool set in here and so there's a few different options the one we're gonna focus on in this at this point is the clip editor that's where you're gonna go in and you're going to edit your clips and make all your changes that sort of thing so we're gonna go ahead and click on that when you click on that it's gonna pop up all this stuff on the on the top and to the left of your model and it looks kind of intimidating but it's really not it's not as complicated as it looks I'm gonna go ahead and kind of walk you through what all this stuff does and it may take a couple videos to get really into the details on this but we'll go ahead and start off and we'll just do some kind of basic stuff so the first thing is this over here is your sequencer so your sequencer is basically where you set your time so it's more like a timeline of your actual clip so as we add clips in here you'll be able to set different times and be able to see where all the objects are at that point so that's that's gonna be important you can click if you want you can click this little yellow box if you would rather the timeline was vertical instead of horizontal instead of vertical so if you don't move that around you can definitely do that mom so that's gonna be your sequencer and then you've got a couple different menus in here you've got a menu over here that's got more like housekeeping type stuff you can adjust like your settings you can exit temporarily to Sketchup you can do a lot of different things with this but that's gonna have more to do with your settings itself and then this toolbar here is where you're gonna manage your different clips so when I want to create a new clip I'm gonna click on this and I'm gonna be able to rename it and actually we're gonna click the drop down and make a new one but you can edit your current clip by clicking on this right here and then over here on the right is where you're actually going to insert your animation objects so or where you're actually gonna insert things like your movements and that sort of thing so this is going to adjust you can adjust everything from unit movements to adjusting your camera or visual effects so this is where you're gonna insert all of that stuff so what I want to do is I'm gonna go ahead and let's just create our first animation and before I do this I'm gonna adjust the materials in this model some of you may remember this is an older model that I did that I pulled back up and I figured I'd just start off with something simple like animating a car driving down the street and then also people moving around in your model and so the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to adjust this material so now we have some asphalt in here I'm gonna add concrete for my sidewalk so now my textures are more right all right so now we're good to go so we've got basically we've got a house model we have a person model and we have a car model and so let's walk through creating our first animation so the first animation I want to create it's gonna be a very simple one I'm just going to animate this car moving down the road so in order to do that we're gonna start off we're gonna click this little drop down and we're gonna say new film and so we're gonna name this something that we can understand so in this case we'll call this car movement and it's important and go ahead and click create film and it's important for you to label this something you can understand because you're gonna be able to switch back and forth between your different clips by clicking this little drop down and so you need to be able to tell what they are by whatever the name whatever the name that you want to call them and so the first thing we're gonna do because we want to move this car is we're going to insert a movement so we're gonna come over here to the insert and we're gonna click this little box right here which you can see at the bottom says insert a unit movement in the timeline so basically we want to insert a new movement and so to insert a new movement you just click that drop down and select new movement and then you've got a bunch of different options in here so you've got rotations and scales explosions pads all sorts of different things well in this case we just want translation so all translation means is you're just gonna move something from one place to another place and so in this case you can see this as being a little tricky because there's a couple different objects in here what you can do is you can click on an object and it'll give you an option for all of the components in there so in this case I'm clicking on this object you can see how this car was modeled in two parts well if I click on it it gives me the option to select either the car half or the full component so I want to select the full component and so now you can see that I'm selected because everything's blue and so now it's gonna ask me where I want this to go so in this case I'm gonna tell it I want it to go from this point to this point and so you can also set that offset by clicking on this box right here so let's say I wanted this to go more like 40 feet I can type in 40 feet and you can also set the speed or it does this you can also kind of lock this to the different axes so basically now this movement is this car moving from this point to this point and so once you're done with that you're just going to go over here and you're just gonna click the little green dot and you're just gonna say save the sequence in X and it's gonna ask you to name your new sequence so in this case I'm gonna call this sequence car movement and click OK and I was testing this a little bit we'll use car movement 1 and so now when I hit OK you can see how now over here in Maya in my sequencer now I have a clip in here and so if I was to come in here and I was to click play with car movement selected that car is gonna move in my object you you saw how that moved and so you can click anywhere in this timeline to see where your car is gonna be at any given points so at this point you can see how my car is moving those 40 feet in my model in two seconds and so what we can do you can click on this and you can adjust different things so if I click on this you can see how this is my car movement I can change my duration so let's say I want this to take 4 seconds and you can see how that got longer because I adjusted this to 4 seconds so now if I click play my car is gonna move slower you can see how it's moving just like that so you can adjust your duration you can set it to repeat you can adjust some of these other ones as well and quite honestly I'm not a hundred percent sure what a lot of these things do so you can see how the easing what it does is it looks like I believe those adjust the way that this moves so in this case what I can do is I can tell it to speed up so what this is doing is it actually adjusts the speed that my car goes so instead of it going at a constant speed what it does is it'll adjust the speed and the easing and you can turn the easing on and off so you can turn easing off by clicking on this and as soon as this is a line the easing is off but you can use this to adjust so things don't move at a uniform speed you can have it start slow and then speed up and then slow down you can adjust things like that so there's a lot of different stuff in here but for right now we're gonna go ahead and say ok this car can move this distance in four seconds and then what we're gonna do is now we're going to add a second animation we're gonna add the me and Bonnie moving along the sidewalk this way so that's gonna stay on my timeline and then you're gonna click this little drop down and we're gonna select a new film and we're gonna call it actually no we're gonna select the car movement and we're gonna add another translation so to do that we're just gonna click this insert a unit movement again and we're gonna click new movement and we're just going to move our mouse over here we're gonna select them me and Bonnie object and then we're gonna do the same thing where we're gonna offset so when you select this translation you're going to click on this point here and move your mouse over here and so now you can see that the me and Bonnie object is gonna move 34 feet this way and so now we're gonna go ahead and click Save the sequence and we're gonna call it me and Bonnie walk so now we have two different clips that show up in here and so now if I click the play button you can see how the me and Bonnie object is gonna move this amount of time or this amount of distance in this amount of time so if I click on this timeline you can see where I'd be at any given point well obviously me and Bonnie are very fast but we're not gonna go faster than the car and so what we're gonna do is we're gonna take this clip which is me and Bonnie walking we're gonna click on it and we're gonna take that duration and we're gonna make that duration probably 10 seconds so now the me and Bonnie object is gonna move a lot slower than the car is so if I click play you see I'm walking down the road the car is going slowly this way and this object is still moving so now I have an animation where I have a car driving by and I have this object walking and then the last thing you want to make sure that you do is you want to make sure you click the Save button over here so you can come back and edit this animation later otherwise you could lose everything so make sure you click this Save button once you've made your changes that way you can come back in here and adjust this and get to it later and then we can just click this exit tool well now if you get this you can click on this little video player right here and you can actually play your clip so you can take a look at your clip look at the way that it look at the way that it looks and then you can also when you get the right exporters in here you can actually export this to a video file so just make sure that you save that because that's gonna be really important so that you can actually come in and edit this stuff later on so that's a very basic animation you can create in the next video we'll probably talk a little bit more about animating objects along paths and animating the movement of multiple different things at once so things like moving the top of a tower crane or a tire moving on a car so make sure you check that video out as well so leave a couple of notes thought um did you like this video do you have some good ideas what you can do with animator I just love having that Sketch up conversation with you guys if you like this video please remember to click that like button down below if you're new around here remember to click that subscribe button for new sketchup content every week if you like what I'm doing on this channel please consider supporting me on patreon every little bit helps even if it's only a dollar a month but in any case thank you so much for taking the time to watch this I really appreciate it and I will catch you in the next video thanks guys
Channel: TheSketchUpEssentials
Views: 211,125
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thesketchupessentials, the sketchup essentials,, sketchup tutorials, sketchup lessons, sketchup modeling, sketchup 2016, architecture, sketchup 2017, sketchup tutorial, justin geis, sketchup animation tutorial, sketchup animation, sketchup animator, sketchup animator tutorial, animator fredo6
Id: Mk5LbqdUwIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2017
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