Creating a Model from a Photo with PhotoMatch in SketchUp - The SketchUp Essentials #30

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what's up guys Justin here with the SketchUp back with another SketchUp Essentials tutorial so today I'm going to come in and I'm going to teach you how to use a a uh function that's built into SketchUp that can be used to help you match photos so let's go ahead and just jump into this so basically what this tool does is it lets you come in and set all your axes and uh your um origin point and everything else to kind of match what's in a photo to make modeling easier so first thing you're going to do is you're going to want to import a photo so basically what you're going to do is you're going to come in here and you're going to use a photo kind of like this one and this is just one that I downloaded online um I want to say that it came from National Barnes um but it's just a photo that I pulled down off of Google photos and um I'm just going to import this in I'm going to model it real quick so basically what you're going to do is you're going to come into SketchUp and you're going to go to file you're going to click import and you're going to go find your image and then once you find your image you're going to want to select the option down here at the bottom for new matched photo so what that's going to do is that's going to bring this image in as part of photo match mode so you're just going to want to select your image you're going to select new matched photo and you're going to click import and what that's going to do is that's going to bring in this photo and all of a sudden your model looks all funky right so don't get uh don't get intimidated by this so basically what this is is this is sketchup's way of uh letting you or helping you set your axes to match the photo so in this case you can you can see how you've got these red lines and these green lines and basically you're going to set these on this model um you're going to place them in a way that kind of sets The Vanishing points and the origin point where you want them in SketchUp and so what you're going to do is you're going to find a couple you see these little red lines right here what you're going to do is you're going to move those so that they kind of match up with uh the starting and Vanishing points on your model so in this case I'm going to take this and I'm going to move this all the way down to the end here and you can see what I'm doing is aligning this red axis to go along this Vanishing or uh along this perspective line right here so you want to take this and you basically want to take these lines and you want to line them up with that so in this case what I'm going to do on the bottom one is I'm going to come down here and I'm going to kind of line that up with this point right here and really this kind of requires a little bit of understanding the way perspective works in the sense that um if you look at the way that this uh photo perspective kind of comes together you can see how basically these lines go off into the distance so if you were to draw a line along this face into the distance what they would do is they would go all the way to a vanishing point which is this point right here so basically what that means is your perspective lines here go off to this vanishing point and then these perspective lines are going to go off to this vanishing point and once you've kind of got those set you can use that to work in your model and so you're just going to want to come in in here and you're just going you're just going to kind of want to do the same thing with this other side you see how I'm kind of aligning these Vanishing points with the perspective in my model so I'm going to take this one and I'm going to put it along the bottom here and I'm just doing this by grabbing the grabbing the boxes with the little x's in here and you can see how I'm just kind of coming in here and I'm lining this up with this perspective and so that that kind of sets my perspective in here and then the other thing I'm going to do is I'm going to move my origin point so and what I'm and I'm going to move my origin point to a point kind of uh along this um along this face right here so you can see how now the blue axis runs straight up and down on this face so you can move where your origin is that's just going to be the the origin point in your model and you can see how now I've got this kind of aligned um so that it kind of matches up with the photo so this is basically set up your your perspective and your model and so now what you can do is you can come in here and you can click the done button and so now um you can see how my origin is right on the corner of this face right here but if I rotate off of this you can see how the photo kind of goes away but the origin Point kind of stays the same um so basically this has set this model up so we can come in here and work with it a little bit more so and uh you can rotate off of that in order to work in your model but if you ever want to go back to it anytime you select match photo sketchup's going to create a scene so you can click on that scene and go back to your kind of match photo view in here and you can go ahead and delete the default model out of here but you can see how now if I come in here and I draw a rectangle along this face for example you can see how it's actually lined up with this model so you can use the photo now as kind of a guide on this piece so you can see how I draw a line on this face and it's actually lined up on this model if I draw a line on this face it's the same thing you can see how everything's like really well aligned in this model right here so this is a real quick easy way for you to rough out the shape of an object but what I'm going to do is I'm actually going to come in here and um I'm going to I'm going to start roughing out the shape so I'm just going to draw on these faces and um you know the one thing I am going to do is I'm going to come in here and I'm actually going to model half of this face right now so and we're going to do the same thing we usually do with symmetrical objects where you uh model half of face and I'm just kind of drawing that as a guid point right here but you model half of a face and then what you do is you uh create a mirrored copy of it so you can see how I drew this face right here well now I'm going to use the move tool and I'm going to create a copy and then I'm going to flip it with the uh scale tool and then I'm going to move it back and all that does is that guarantees that our model here is symmetrical so and we're going to have have to come in and actually that looks pretty good so you can see how this is actually along this face what I'm going to do is I'm going to use the push pull tool to extrude this face that I just created and you can see how I can move my mouse until that lines up with this back wall over here um so again I'm using the photo as kind of an inference um for how big this piece should be so anyway you can see that I'm basically just coming in here and I'm just using this model to basically rough out this shape so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go in here and I'm going to finish roughing this out real quick and then uh we're going to talk about the um we're going to talk about the next piece of this which is we're going to project textures onto this so um I'm probably going to speed this piece up a little bit um and then we'll come back and we'll talk about projecting textures all right so what we're going to do when we come in here and we model uh kind of rough shape like this is we actually don't want to get into too much detail um because what we're going to do is we're going to use um one of the features of photo match in order to come in here and kind of texture everything and so what I'm going to do is I'm going to wrap up these little uh posts real quick so I'm going to come in here figure these to be like 6x6 posts but basically remember this is this is a really fast way to create a model so you don't want to come in here and get super super detailed and I always struggle with this a little bit cuz I like to go in and model every little bit and everything like that so we just want to come in here and we just want to model this fairly quickly um so that we can go ahead and bring our Textures in so what I'm going to do is I'm going to finish creating these posts so real quick so I'll move a copy of these down to the end I'll type in divided by four so that'll copy those over here here all right so what we're going to do is we're going to select our model just like this by dragging a box across it and then there's this option in here that says project textures from photo and you can go ahead and click that option over here in the match photo toolbar and what that's going to do is that's going to ask you first of all if you want to trim partially visible faces what that means is it's basically asking you if the faces that you can't see from right here if you want to go ahead and apply textures to that or not if you if you say yes then it's going to leave everything behind this as a white color it's not going to apply a texture back here if you say no what it's going to do is it's just going to apply this uh wood material to that piece behind there so it's kind of your call however you want to do that I'm going to go ahead and say no just so you can see what that's going to look like but you can see how now if I rotate around in my model it's actually come in here and it's applied the photo um it's applied the F the textures from the picture to this model and you can see what I was talking about over here because it uh basically um it applied this wood material to the this wall over here so and there's some different things you could do about that you could probably pull like a piece of this texture over to this texture or um you could just leave it as is for right now this is a really great way to just like really quickly create something and you can see how it's not perfect like the roofing material for example at any angle other than the one that we kind of did the match photo um it's kind of distorted a little bit but um it's a real fast way to just like create a model and then apply textures and you could drop this into like a geographical context model or whatever and uh you can just do that really fast so anyway that's where I'm going to wrap up today's show U leave a comment below let me know what you thought um did I uh go too fast for you is this something that uh you could see yourself using in the future I just love it having that SketchUp conversation with you guys if you like this video please remember to click that like button down below if you're new around here remember to click that subscribe button for new SketchUp content every week if you really like what I'm doing in this Channel please consider supporting me on patreon every little bit helps even if it's a dollar a month that just helps me keep bringing you great SketchUp content but in any case thank you so much for taking the time to watch this and I will catch you in the next video thanks guys
Channel: TheSketchUpEssentials
Views: 140,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thesketchupessentials, the sketchup essentials,, sketchup tutorials, sketchup modeling, sketchup 2016, architecture, sketchup 2017, sketchup photo match, photo match, sketchup photomatch, sketchup photo modeling, sketchup photomodeling, sketchup photo match tutorial, sketchup match photo, photo match sketchup, sketchup, sketchup photo match background, google sketchup photo match tutorial, sketchup match photo scale, photo match sketchup tutorial
Id: 70sAEpqpfyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 04 2017
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