Creating a Graphic Design Portfolio: Expert Tips

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okay so I finally updated my portfolio and it's time to show you the new look I want to give you an idea of how I put it together and my thought process there and if you stayed at it in I'm also going to give you some tips on what you should put in your portfolio what will help you when you're trying to stand out as clients look for your work let's get it [Music] so I just have a little reel going right here with the different work that I've done so it's a quick snapshot for clients when they're looking now if we scroll down here we have some more of my work and with this I pretty much just want to show everything in a horizontal kind of stage because I wanted to make sure that clients could scroll down and see the different companies that I've worked with but also be able to click and learn more I usually like to stay with 10 or less projects I included this 11th one just because it was a differentiation between another project I did with the same client and I want to just show that branding aspect but typically 10 or less is pretty good and what you can do is just interchange those as you go along and put your best work out there so if we go to the top and click menu you have a spot for portfolio I also have webbing apps stuff that I do with another company and a way just to connect with me as well or you can simply just go and see more and that'll bring you into the actual project breakdown so this is just a project for Netflix for uh David Letterman's my next guest needs no introduction and I pretty much just break down a quick idea of what this is for the task and then I get right here into my role and I just break that down a sentence or two just so they get an idea what your role was for that project how much flexibility you had with your creation process and different things like that I kind of have just breakdowns on this side of how I actually put these things together so I wanted to give like a snapshot of what my mind was thinking when I was creating it and then we'll get down to the problem and the outcome and here I like to add the problem because it can be shown through your work but it's important to kind of just think what are the things that you were thinking and what are the ideas that you had to come up with to solve those problems so I think that's a good idea for when clients are really trying to figure out if they can hire you if you can talk about your work it's going to make them Elevate you in their process of who they're looking for and then down here is just the alcohol so I just kind of give a short blurb this project was seen by an estimated 180 million people this is one of the first things I did with Netflix so they kind of gave me a little congratulations message like yo this is going to be seen a lot of people so it's kind of a full circle moment for me coming from a college student just kind of trying to figure things out to actually working with these big Brands you know it's a humbling process and this is the outcome and for me I just wanted to show one outcome image and then I had more like a collage right here the thing with this is though is that especially working with Netflix or certain companies I have over a thousand files with Netflix alone so I try to just incorporate a few of those whether it's just key art when you're scrolling through Netflix or if it's billboard designs or if it is kind of stuff that you're going to see on tablets and phones and stuff like that here's some work that I did for puma and this was for their Puma run event and I was just pretty much creating like some virtual space for like it's almost like a website but it was a website that's only gonna be used for this one event so I did the website and I did some brand and Graphics as well this is another cool project to be a part of because I am a fitness guy I like to be into that realm and stuff I did like seven years of baseball four years of football so yeah it was cool to be a part of this here's another project that I was a part of this is with YSL and um Lenny Kravitz and it was pretty much just the announcement of Lenny being the face of Why by YSL so this is the male fragrance I'm pretty sure some of you have seen this this is a pretty dope fragrance I actually have it myself and this is the stuff they mailed out to everyone you get your VIP badges they gave you cologne they gave you a nice box and kind of a letter and all this different things like that so I put all those assets together and it was a dope project to be a part of and to say you did something um that Lenny Kravitz saw um that's not a bad look at all I'll just fly through some of these this is show time this is some stuff I did for Shameless this is the last season of Shameless so they kind of want to bring pasty pies to real life I actually have not seen this series but um this was interesting to be a part of kind of like just diving into it from someone that's not a fan of it and this is what we came up with so they had different character ones and it was cool it was cool to be a part of that so something that I wanted to know here is that it's important to show your work but make sure you show the work that you want to be hired for so all of us designers and creatives we have a lot in our portfolio some that's just not going to make the cut because we don't want it to make the cut but just keep in mind that the work that you show is going to be the work that you are going to get hired for so there's certain things that I'm proud of I'm just not showing them anymore because I don't want to do those type of projects I'm not as passionate about those speaking of hired if you want to hear more about how I make good money with design um it'll be on the screen somewhere and I'll have a link Down Below in the comments so some tips when it comes to actually creating your portfolio first of all get with the website Builders of some sort and kind of customize it to your liking there's so many different website Builders out there but the number one thing to remember is is to use a custom domain people often refer to me as Jay Burke or Jay so I'd rather kind of use that branding moving forward but we'll see what happens with that but custom domain is good also make sure you have your contact info on your website I know that seems chill and simple but just having a link to your email is cool but having an actual contact form has really saved my career and really kind of kept me going after 13 years and it's important to do that because it streamlines a lot of things when you have a budget on your actual form that lets you know what you're working with already off the top and then it just eases the conversation a bit more money talk can get kind of interesting so having a budget line that they have to fill in makes things a bit easier when it comes down to it the last important piece of your portfolio is it should Elevate and show off your style so everyone's always working through their Styles and kind of figuring it out and honestly it'll change over the years but it's important to show who you are in your style just by going to your website if you like that Sleek look of your more artsy with it if you're getting more into animation and just kind of having things fly all over the page show who you are and that's it that sums up my portfolio that's pretty much all I want to show and give you some tips on how you can help with yours and kind of carrying it for your own self if you want to see more stuff like this make sure you like subscribe comment share all those things help this small channel that I'm building right now it's gonna grow it's going to grow we're going to grow as a community we're going to create and share different ideas together let's do it it's Jay Burke that's all I got see you later
Channel: Jarrhette Burke
Views: 17,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graphic design portfolio tips, graphic design portfolio tutorial, tips for online graphic design portfolio, graphic design portfolio, graphic design, graphic design portfolio for college, graphic design portfolio for university, graphic design portfolio for job, professional portfolio, professional portfolio website, how to make a protfolio for graphic design, how to make a professional portfolio, how to improve graphic design portfolio, tips for a good graphic design portfolio
Id: FP5rpaCcn-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 2sec (422 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2023
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