Creating a GeoDatabase in ArcGIS Pro

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I'm gonna that I have here I'm gonna just quickly show you guys how to make a geodatabase and then import shapefiles that you may have into that geo database so to start off with I've got ArcGIS Pro open as you can see and the beets I've loaded in the world imagery is my base map and then as you can see in my contents pane over here I have several shape files now you guys don't have access to this shape files this is just example shape files that I have I've got rail stations fishing spots campgrounds railroads wetlands lakes streams and while meet major roads and so these are all just individual shape files and I have them here on my desktop I have them in this folder called sample shape files and if you open if if you open this and then look at the different folders I have so if I click in each one of these note remember a shape files made up of all of these files and so the whole good points about it having your data in a geodatabase is you can take all of these shape files for example and wrap them up bundle them up into one location so that they're not in folders potentially being lost or all over your computer so instead of having all these folders all of this data is going to be in one location and this will become hopefully more clear as we go along with the video so I've just loaded these shape files in the ArcGIS Pro and again I'm going to show you how to make a geodatabase and then how to get all these shape files into the view excuse me so the first step is creating the geo database so I'm gonna go to mine I'm gonna go to my View tab in ArcGIS pro and I'm going to open the catalog pane and that opens over here on the right and I'm gonna go to the spot on my computer where I want the geo database to exist so for me I'm going to go to folders and I may need to actually make a folder connection and I'm just gonna have this on my desktop you may want to put it in another folder for the exercise that you're doing somewhere else on your computer but for me and this is just an example I'm going to put it on my desktop so I'm going to right click in the white space here and I'm going to say add a folder connection and I'm going to add the folder connection to my desktop and actually on my so there we go I'm going to highlight desktop click okay try this again here seem like it's letting me make a connection right to my desktop so I'm actually going to oh here we go I need to get it over here on the right side so I click computer on the left and I highlight a desktop on the right and I'm going to click OK and there you can see I've got a connection to my desktop now I'm going to open up my desktop and you can see I've got my sample shapefiles folder here and I've again the first step here is I'm going to create the geodatabase so I'm going to right click where I want this to be in this case on my desktop and I'm gonna say new and I'm gonna say on a new file geodatabase okay so a new file geodatabase there you can see it created it now based on the data I have in my map this is all sort of Wyoming data so I'm going to name my geodatabase Wyoming GIS ok now the nice signals of geodatabases so the way you need to think of this is you can think of a geodatabase as a filing cabinet so I've made my filing cabinet now the next thing I can have in my filing cabinet is drawers and they're not called drawers in a geodatabase they're called feature data sets ok so this is a feature data set as a way to further organize your data now if I look at my data here I've got roads I guess the way you want to think about this is how do how what would be a logical way to organize this data so I've got for example several water features I could make a feature dataset or a drawer called water or Wyoming water and in it could go streams lakes and wetlands excuse me so I'm gonna go ahead and do that I'm gonna right click on my geo database over here and I'm gonna say new and I'm going to click on feature data set and so I want this to exist in my Wyoming GIS data geo database the feature data set name I'm going to call it Wyoming water and then you can give your featured data set a projection and any data you move into that feature data set will have this projection that you give it so I'm gonna pick a projection that's suitable for Wyoming in this case I might pick oh I might pick a projected coordinate system maybe UTM and maybe zone 13 north again you could pick any projection you want this might be suitable for Wyoming so I'm going to UTM zone 13 north click OK I'm gonna click run down here and it's going to create that feature data set okay and then let's go ahead and so wetlands lakes and streams are gonna go in there maybe I could have another feature dataset called transportation and inside that might be my Wilding roads my railroads and my rail stations so while the geoprocessing tool for creating feature dataset is open I'm just going to change my feature dataset name to Wyoming transportation I'm gonna leave it in the same projection I'm going to click run and you can see that's created okay geodatabase to feature datasets here finally I've got well it looks like I've got fishing spots and camping spots so maybe I could make a feature dataset called recreation so I'll make another one called Wyoming recreation and I'll click run and I'll close this tool because I don't need it anymore and so here you can see I've got my Wyoming GIS data geo database inside that I've got my drawers of my filing cabinet or feature data sets called Wilding recreation transportation and water now as you can see there's no data in here yet I've just built the filing cabinet or the geo database and I've just built the drawers or the feature data sets now I need to get this data over here my drawing in my contents pane over into my geo database so just going to do this one at a time so I'm going to right-click on Wyoming roads I'm going to go to data export features my input is Wyoming roads obviously my output but you could tell it where to save this so I'm gonna go to my desktop my wildly GIS data to your database transportation and I'm gonna name it why oh I'm just gonna name it actually the third major road click save click run you can see it added the major roads over here so once it gets added to my map right here I'm gonna delete the old ones I'm gonna right click on the old ones and remove it and notice here in my catalog paint while I'll be transportation I've got the major roads okay let's do the same thing for the rail stations and the railroads so let's see here rail station I want them to exist in my transportation feature data set and I'm gonna call this rail stations click run again you can see it added it to my geo database it added it to my map I'm going to remove the old one and finally we need to do railroads okay you can see I've got my geodatabase or my filing cabinet I've got my drawer of Wyoming transportation or in this case feature datasets then I've got my these are called feature classes my actual data and a geodatabase is called a feature class and in this case I have major roads rail stations and railroads I'm going to keep on going with the other ones here so let's do let's do the water features so I'm going to do streams now I don't want streams and wildly transportation I want them in Wyoming water so I'm just going to name up streams again run the tool yep there's my streams inside of wild water I'm going to remove the old one let's do lakes call these Lakes again click save click Road going to remove the old data good let's do the last one for this is wetlands and then the final two is going to be campgrounds and fishing this is going in the recreation feature dataset I'll call this fishing locations and my last one is gonna be campgrounds call this okay so you can see here again I've got my filing cabinet or geo database called Wyoming GIS data I've got my three drawers or featured data sets called Wilding recreation Wyoming transportation Wyoming water and inside my drawers I have my actual files or in this case data called feature classes with all my data in it okay so you can see these the shape files are no longer called shape files are called feature classes and they're all stored in one nice neat tidy location and if I look at this file on my desktop you can see here it is right here it just looks like a folder and if I open this folder up it just looks like stuff that I can't even recognize I don't even know what these files are they certainly don't look like anything I would know on my desktop but when you open it up in ArcGIS pro its my data is my fits my GIS data and notice the good thing is is it's all in one file as opposed to my shape file folder where I have all of these folders with all of these files in each one so hopefully you can see the geodatabases it's a lot better for organization it's a lot better for storage and it just keeps your GIS data cleaner and neater on your computer better organized so hopefully that video makes sense of how to create a geo database and how to populate it with existing GIS data get if you have any questions make sure you give me a call or give me a call email or text me and thanks and we'll talk to you on the next video
Channel: Jeff Sun
Views: 8,768
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 20 2019
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