Creating A Fantasy Render In Blender

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right so I've recorded myself creating this render right here if you want to see me make this from start to finish that's what this video is just one thing to note before I get started is uh this process was pretty messy and this one I ended up kind of just going all over the place and trying a bunch of different things and getting frustrated and I wasn't even gonna post this video but a lot of people said they wanted to see it so here it is so yeah if you want to see me kind of just struggle through this one just keep watching you can just watch me make this and endure a little bit of pain so so how do I want to start first of all so I know I want it to be dark right I want it to be a dark environment with a bit of controlled lighting from the top so this will probably be like a spotlight or something up here that means I need the world settings to be black or dark so I'll just take the sky texture or have fun by default and remove that and now we have Darkness and as usual I I usually start with the ground plane so I'll just do that and maybe let's just kind of model out the rough space of how big I want things so I know it's going to be some kind of thing like this and I'll just put maybe some placeholders of where I want certain objects to be so maybe I want my big pile of treasure to be like right here and then I'll obviously make it into something that actually looks like what I'm trying to make later but for now I'm gonna keep it as just basic shapes to block it out just again to get a rough idea of where I need to put everything and just so that I have a rough it's kind of like a blueprint that I'm making right now so those are just mid-journey things that I was experiencing I can't talk geez experimenting with just to get a um some kind of idea before I when I made this I don't always do that sometimes I just go on Instagram and find other people's stuff or whatever but I thought I just felt like using that so that's what I went with anyways let's pull this back and maybe double this up this model I just pulled in here I made this in a different render I didn't record it but I made it in a different render just using my usual techniques for modeling if you haven't seen me model stuff before I have a bunch of videos on doing that so go and watch the last one I did on making buildings even though it's not the same style it will give you a good idea of how I use very basic shapes to create more complex structures and there's also one that is fantasy style called um I think modeling Temple Assets in blender so if you go watch that one you'll see my modeling process and you'll understand how I made this kind of stuff and then yeah I might just double this up this way so like pull it out like this or maybe not because I could it might actually be better to have a curved sort of uh end to this to this hallway so it's like in all these references I have here it's like hot it's a hallway and then it's this nice curved Edge at the top here where it's like um kind of a looks a bit cathedrally kind of cool could do that I'll just leave it empty for now and then figure it out later I actually have some right here again just some stuff I've modeled before another project so I could just Chuck that in here through our other types of stairs I could use but here let me delete that there are other types of stairs I could use from uh I think the fantasy asset pack has more stairs there's some other random stairs I have in my browser here but I'll mess around and see what's gonna work best let's add some volume so I'm gonna add a cube scale it up over the whole thing go to the object settings new texture delete this add a volume scatter plug that in density at 0.005 maybe scroll in and out on the viewport to refresh it and let's increase this to like 0.6 Maybe anisotropy and then display this as bounds down here viewport display bounds done okay and then this Spotlight obviously needs to get moved because that is not nice right there so maybe let's just pull this more this way and maybe bring the spot size back down a little bit something like that roughly there I want this to be a little bit more narrow if possible right yeah right there ish seems about right and then I have to figure out how to make fit end of this curve around not really sure how to do that I might try this first duplicate this this might not work but I'll try it and just uh just take one of these that I already made and then just maybe use a simple deform modifier first of all let's set the origin set the origin to Geometry I guess uh yeah right here okay and then let's throw on a simple deform modifier and let's see if this is gonna work so if I could Bend on the Zed and then bring it around this way this is a very lazy way to do it but it might be okay depending on uh depending on what happens here we'll see so far it's not really okay anyways let's duplicate this down and have like another level and maybe we can make this lineup a little bit nicer if if this goes right here and all these top sections line up and The Archers are kind of doing their own thing that'll be fine I think so like this we can take this pull this down to the level below right here just so it kind of connects a little bit there we go so we'll see if this works or not I'm not really sure exactly how to distribute this around the scene but I'll see if I can figure out a nice way to place these around oh okay what about trees sometimes that just instantly makes it look better so let's try that let's throw on some botanic trees uh this one actually looks good let's hit that and then yeah just put some of these in here this doesn't really make sense or I think I might just delete these extra lights and not deal with that right now so that's nice but maybe 30 is too much from this code wherever this is drop two I kind of like that a lot actually that's pretty cool how it's like coming in from the top above that as well that's very interesting very interesting I don't know um about about this floor anymore like this all the all the gold stuff at the bottom here I'm not super sure about that maybe the lighting should be changed again for like the 50th time to like this or oh that's kind of weird ah I'm gonna take another break because I don't know what the hell to do uh this guy here I don't really like this I'm gonna turn that off just hide it for now I need something I just don't know what so I'm gonna try a bunch of stuff and just see what works maybe this is ruining it could be maybe it could be that like just something else and then maybe I don't know but if I add like some special thing in the middle maybe like water water at the bottom let's try that that's actually kind of cool I do like that a little bit having just water down here would be better um this let's hide that and maybe try to spot that again I'll call this um area good just so I remember what this is okay add light spot bring it up make the power just something great and maybe not that bright 100 million Watts maybe let's do like three million and then this could be better maybe I don't know maybe this could be like red or like this what if I put those here like rotated this around this way I think I might need a break from doing renders for like three days because I'm just hopelessly like moving objects around trying to find like some kind of solution to this problem which I don't really know what to do um okay honestly I might just render it as it is but it's just missing something I don't know what to do like I don't even know what I'm saying like what about stairs what if there were stairs coming through like all of the sides like this what if it was we uh scale that up by two and just kind of scale it said by like 0.5 and then kind of put that right there and then what if we do like even wider and then what if I do like a bunch of those through here what happens that's kind of interesting but I don't know if it's good it's fine but I don't know if it's enhancing the image or if it's actually making our render better but it's actually kind of fine right there like that's interesting but it's I don't know maybe like some squares that are kind of beveled or something you could do like a bit of modeling I guess just take this and do this inset extrude inside extrude inside extrude get this one too bevel and then that is so uneven but it's fine custom boom boom boom boom boom squiggly lines segments up here and yeah and I selected one wrong Edge but I think it's fine it kind of makes it more interesting and then maybe this can just be some kind of thing that is like part of this fountain or like part of this I don't know what you call this water section here this material like material yeah I was at the same one I don't know uh Cube project and then array this down here array and then rotate it this way offset two increase this toe four or whatever and then I don't know scale it like this yeah that's actually nice that's actually nice I like that it's more interesting than flat nothingness it doesn't really make that much of a difference to the actual render but it's it's fine it looks kind of collabing underwater okay maybe we're good maybe I could just render this maybe I can bring a a person back in here like some robe figure kind of thing this I just put a model of a person did a cloth simulation over the person and then deleted the person if you want to just make one of those pretty easy okay I'm gonna call it there I'm just gonna say we're done because I really don't want to work on this anymore and it's at an okay place I don't think I need to change channels like everything's fine it's cool it's fine I'm gonna run with that and yeah we're just gonna send it so render uh let's just go I don't know 256 samples it's not that noisy three thousand by thirty seven fifty 100 percent depth of field we don't need because it's very wide angle and who cares about that and yeah we're good let's render it and then bring it to photoshop okay render image cotton okay so after all that here is what I did in Photoshop just to finalize everything so here's straight on a blender this right here and then I just did some basic adjustments nothing too crazy basically just making some areas brighter some areas darker uh adding a bit of glow and Haze with a blur layer in the camera raw filter right here that is uh that always has you know the biggest difference to uh to editing this so but again it's something too crazy in here it's just like increased contrast increase saturation increase sharpening add grain Clarity up like you can see my edits right here just basic uh saturation just going a little bit crazy grain sharpening contrast clarity yeah nothing nothing that insane and then after that just color lookup table just to add a little bit more punch to it and then a curves layer same thing and there we go done so I know this one was a little bit all over the place and messy again but yeah if you like this video and you want to take it a step further and learn my best tips and tricks and advice for creating nice environments for blender go and watch this video right here where I do exactly that and other than that yeah thank you for watching I'll see you in that video
Channel: Max Hay
Views: 20,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2023
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