Creating a Cryptocurrency Tableau Dashboard Tutorial

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hi hello and welcome to my end-to-end tableau dashboard video in this video we are going to be creating a cryptocurrency dashboard this dashboard will allow us to explore the last 30 days of trading activity but let us explore the dashboard firstly we have a candlestick chart which shows a daily trading activity for a specific coin underneath we have trading volumes a market capital over time we will also use hiding shop functionality to create a menu this menu will have additional pieces of information such as the latest price latest volume and latest market cap for various different coins and we will be using parameter actions to change our coins as you can see we also have a dynamic gradient background for wow factor also as this is an end-to-end tutorial we will start by sourcing our data we will then build our visualizations and visual components applying several different techniques and the end result will be this very cool-looking interactive per blog dashboard so I hope you are excited I hope that you're definitely still interested and more importantly I hope you're ready to have a little fun the first thing we will do is to create a spreadsheet that would hold our cryptocurrency data as you can see I am using Microsoft Excel as a side note I do want to create a tablet web data connector to script this information but that is for another day and a project for the future in the meantime let us manually get our data we will now browse to coin market Capcom this is where I typically go to look at cryptocurrency price fluctuations and other interesting details in this tutorial we will gather data for the top 10 coins by market capital so let us click on Bitcoin once your page has loaded find historical data and click on this this will show us data for the last 30 days for this specific coin what I want us to do is copy this data select at all and paste this into your spreadsheet you I will also make sure that the formatting matches the destination just in case we don't really want any of the HTML formatting or their phones let's keep it as clean as possible now we will rename the worksheet as coy name - coin code so in our case will be Bitcoin - BTC in our excel file we will have a sheet for each coin for example our next coin is going to be a FIRREA and a coded ETH so we will create ten of these sheets within our excel file so that's it now pause the video and repeat this process for your top ten cryptocurrencies your top ten might not be the same as mine as it all depends on when you watch this video relative to myself but that is okay a key thing to note is to name the sheets correctly remember coin name - Quinn cold once you're done save this file and let's move on hopefully you now have your data prepared your Excel worksheet will have 10 different sheets each of which representing a different coin and 30 days worth of information which contains the date open high low close volume and market cap so with this all low delay or with what is prepared we are now ready to load this into tableau let's click on Microsoft Excel locate your file and click open we want to actually combine all of our data over sheets into a single data source so we are going to perform a union we will start by taking the topmost sheet and just dragging it into our editor I want us to now select the remaining sheets dragon so it just goes underneath where it says drug tables to union and let go what this has now done is Union our data ie stack or sheets on top of each other so that we have one single data source if you look at a column the sheet now represents each individual coin so we can call this coin name let's just rename that column we don't require table name so let's hide that another thing I want us to do is change the data type for the date field from a string ABC unless you change it to date and lastly I wanted to actually change the name of our data source let's just call this crypto currency data now with that said a date is ready time to think about our petal worksheets we are going to create three initially this will be our candlestick chart for our daily trading activity a line chart for daily volumes and another line chart for our daily market cups so let's start we've renamed the sheet from sheet 1 to daily trading ice let's just call it that for now I wanted to create a parameter to start off with this parameter will be used to actually change our coins we would also be able to apply parameter actions to it so let's right click create parameter let's call this at coin name you can use whichever commissioned fancy change the data type to string and allowable value select the list now add values form select coin name this will take all the values form our queen name field and add this to our parameter now click actually before click OK current value change it to Bitcoin always stick with the original let's click OK I want to create a calculated field the right-click on a blank space I want to call this coin name filter I want to type coin name is equal to our parameter that will return to a force let's click OK now let's take a coin in filter and drop it into the filter shell and select true again click OK perfect now to build a candlestick we need to complete two fields and we're going to create them now the first one is going to be called low - I and this will consist of the sum of law subtract the sum of pi nice and simple click OK the next time plated field we're going to create will be called closed - open this would be the sum of clothes subtract the sum or open nice and simple let's click OK now I want to change the mark type from automatic do can't I want us to take the date and drag that onto the column shelf right-click on that pill select the exact date perfect now we have a beautiful little timeline now I wanna see drag I - devotion I wanna also drag open onto the wall shelf let's click on hi and what I want us to do now is drag low to high on to the size mark there we go underneath the open I wanna see drag close open onto the size however I also want to join the close open onto the color mark let's click on the column of yourself edit colors let's change the palette - red-green diverging steps let's change that to two click on advanced Center this to zero and click apply beautiful now we have the negatives we have the positives last thing I want us to do is add a border let's add a white border you won't see much for now however trust me it will make a lot of sense in a moment what I want to see now do is right click on open and select your axis to put them on top of each other like clip on one of the headers and select synchronize access there you go looking pretty good right now I know let's double-click on the axis header antek include zero here we go why now this is looking pretty good however we are going to have a colored gradient background so therefore we are going to have a lot of white in this data visualization however if we change or use a lot of white we won't be able to see anything but therefore temporarily I want us to click on format' or right-click on the area select format click on shading and turn this to a near black color here we go I want us to hide the headers we don't really need them anymore I want it now click on the high mark panel all wants to reduce the size let's take it to about I'll say little bit underneath let's undo that let's take a mock size to about 1/4 a little bit above 1/4 let's change the color to white now last thing I want us to do is get rid of the gridlines so let's do that in terms of borders let's get rid of the rows and column dividers we don't need those back they're gone now I wanted to get rid of bit-lines boom they're gone last thing I want us to do now is right-click some blank space go to trendline show trend lines for open you see that black line is just appeared click on that let's click on edit or want is to turn into polynomial and select B degrees let's click OK you see there's a black line there I want to click on that again go to format and the trend lights all lets you select dashes or select white very thin and let's turn to 80% visibility there we go looking good so far let's stop click on the title I wanted to change this to a different font let's go for cobbler board let's make that ten we don't eat too big and let's make that white as well and boom here we have it so this is our daily trading prices looks pretty good so far we are going to now create our daily trading volumes so let's do that Queeny worksheet let's call it daily trading volumes let's take the date actually before that let's take the cranium filter dr. - true take the date drop on two columns right click on this pill changes to an exact date which makes it a continuous date take the volumes let's drop into walls pretty good let's go click on the header' thus we move zeros we don't want that anymore we want to see the trend let's hide the header there's also hi today remember this day visualization this tableau a visualization is very heavily based on tooltips so we're going to make it nice and clean let's reduce the size a little bit there we go let's change the background let's do the same as we did with our daily Trading Places let's give it a top background beautiful let's get rid of the lines if we can zero lines get rid of that excess ruler tick access let's just get rid of gridlines there we go what a once you do now is take the color turn it to white I want us to right-click on a blank space go to trendlines and show trend lines as you see we have the black line again let's edit that change it to a polynomial and three degrees click ok click on a trendline again right click format trend line white very fin same as before visibility 80% and there we have it now finally I want us to create our daily market caps so what I want us to do as it's very similar to trading volumes where I click a select duplicate let's rename this to daily market caps nice and simple now I want to stake market caps and just drop it on top of volumes just to do a place as you see it's a place completely however axis has changed which is fine this double-click and take include zeros hi the header as you see now have daily trading twice we have a daily trading volumes let's edit the title let's make it consistent let's make this tableau bold let's make the size 10 and let's make this white the same with market cups select make it bold make it ten let's make it white beautiful now that we have all these created let's assemble them into our tableau dashboard so let's select new dashboard nothing I'm going to do which is a habit I'm going to change the color to blue for some reason all my worksheets are blue all my - balls of red I have no idea why habit let's call this crypto cozy dashboard now first thing this editor sighs because I'm on monitor I'm gonna go for 1,000 by 700 but as long as you can see the whole thing is up to you I very rarely use tiled layout so I'm going to well I prefer to use karma on containers verticals horizontal because I have a bit more control so let's take vertical and drop it in let's take our daily trading price drop that in underneath this I want to drop in a horizontal container dragon trade volumes and on the right of that market caps now I don't want to actually see this because it does really do anything for me so not quite the look we're going for but that's fine this actually updated dashboard let's click on menu format change the dashboard color debugger now we're getting there now what want us to do is in the layout vertical I want to add some de padding let's see what that looks like that would do for me we're adding some padding all around I also want this horizontal container to not be as big because the true stylus show is the daily trading prices there candlestick chart so what I'm going to do is minimize the height reduce that dude let's see what 200 looks like still a little too much for me let's make it 160 here we go and now last but not least make things a lot neater let's highlight worksheets and here we have it we've created all three data visualizations our daily trading prices daily trading volumes and our daily market caps and we've added them to a dashboard now one last thing just to test if you click in your daily trading prices go to more options and parameters you should be able to now have the coin name and we should be able to change that now why now we're actually changing the plant itself but what we're going to do is create a menu that menu will actually have planter actions which will change the coin name parameter itself so it's a more fancy way of actually doing the following well let's remove that and let's get ready for the next video we are basically a visualization created we are now going to look at creating our interactive menu this menu is slightly different as it will be used to filter the actual visualization itself and would also leverage the hide and show functionality that tableau recently introduced so let's get started by creating a new worksheet what I want this is show is all of the coins the strike the coining onto the walls very nice and simple I want us to do now is fit hi perfect and I want to create a calculated field which I'm gonna call zero I use this trick a lot if I want each column to have different data within or a different month time this is actually quite an interesting technique so what I want to do is grab 0 and drop that in all times as you can see now we have four different columns however each of these will be slightly different you will see what I mean in a second the keys because I want the first color to be a shape and the subsequent columns to be text value but what I want to do first is I want to actually apply a shape or an image to each individual coin so let's do this as a data source level so I don't have to repeat myself that's why I click on coin name go to default properties and go to shape as you can see currently each coin is allocated a random shape we don't really want that we want our so I've already prepared my images you can find this on the table magic github underneath tableau icons there's 4,000 icons for you to use let's go to my coins as you say I pre-selected and pre-built this or that my coins are there if you download the cryptocurrency icons form the tableau magic github there are hundreds of these and you will spend all day trying to match them together but we don't wanna do that so we are going to mash them quickly hence I prepared this ahead ahead of time so that's aphelion that's like coin this luck tease at all don't ask how actually I know this and know what the guys look like it's quite depressing story so yes he is a dragon pinions I believe that so now that we've applied the default shape change the first civil change that to shape and let's take a coin aim and plop it on to shape let's increase the size as you can see we now have the actual coin icon pretty good so far now on the second fourth we want the latest values so what we want to do is create additional calculator clothes to represent this so let's go to create calculated fields so we want the map or the latest value for the maximum date in our data set so what we're going to do is the following I'm gonna cause latest twice if date is equal to I'm going to use an LED expression max date then I'm gonna call this those so that's the latest price else zero simple enough so that's the latest price so I'm going to drag this onto label and there we have it well want us to do now is to repeat this so I'm just gonna right click duplicate duplicate your friend and it I want to change this to latest for you you drag that into the third text you see huge values and lastly duplicate let's edit this and now same things before changes to market cap drag the enter text as you see we have absolutely huge numbers the key here though is that we do not need headers anymore I want to change the mark time two tanks you you see we're building up slowly and trying to kind of assemble this menu we don't need a coin name label so what ones do now is a bit of formatting had a bit of context so let's click on the second this is our price I want to see format the objects I want to convey to a currency sheis told us and I want to have this other she want a small place I'm going to click on text let's edit the text and I'm gonna put latest price there we go you can see how we're building this up slowly underneath that again this is currently very very big numbers so let's format that number is fine it's a number former but let's see what millions looks like that's still a very huge number let's change it to billions that looks a bit better let's leave that as billions edit the text and now call this latest volumes finally we're going to do the same per market cap I think buildings will probably work again so let's give it a try let's format this EP as a custom number format let's convert that to billions is he way looks like that is pretty good let's edit the text let's call that latest market cap we might do a bit more formatting but that's fine we can do that so what wants to do now is yeah let's right-click format let's see if we can get rid of the zero lines first cuz we don't really want them actually let's get rid of all the lines because we don't want any of that stuff there let's go to format borders we actually don't on a column divider there you go however what I do want is a road of either but that nicely separates something else is there we want to remove the column gridlines as you see we built herself actually quite nicely now change the sheet name mother Amanda's we're not gonna be showing a sheet name but let's call this and it's cooled it what is choose a coin less is simple I'm gonna double-click I'm gonna turn it into bold I want people to be able to see this there we go almost a less and a few extra touches I'm going to go in I'm gonna increase the size slightly hopefully this works and change that to gold beautiful Chloe's reformer and keep on formatting till we get exact desired look change it to ten and again let's go up bulb you last thing we're going to bold us out and the final thing I want to do because we don't really need a tooltip here I'm going to disable the tooltips there we go what I probably want to do as well is you see the pricing it's kind of ordered by name let's right-click on Queenie click sort or by field let's go for price actually we chose to top-10 by market cap so let's do the same so we're ordering by market cap lastly the name itself is a bit small time will increase the format slightly let's change that do 12 and here you have it you have your menu now built cheese names go choose a coin let's add this to our dashboard first things as we are going to use show and hide that functionality I want us to create a floating container vertical horizontal doesn't matter too much let's just drag that and leave that right here let's increase the size a bit now go back to child choose the coin let's drop that into that container I don't want the legend that has been created let's leave that as that select the entire sheet or the container that we just dragged on let's turn it back on to white so now we have this floating horizontal container with our menu worksheet inside but let's until I have slightly sorted let's kind of pair undersized and make sure it all fits make sure you can all see it now let's stop click the header let's now add our show hide button in sis here so if you click on out you should have to show and hide that menu now very very simple you can also try to change the color of this by choosing a different icon but for now I'm gonna leave it as it is nice and simple we're Popeye clicking on these right now you don't really do much so what I want to do is now add a climb to action so that when you click on one of these coins you change the parameter value itself so let's do that let's go to dashboard actions let's add a crab to action by changing parameter so we only want it to happen when you're selecting on a choose a coin go to choose a coin we are going to change the coin name parameter going to take the Queen name very very simple now let's see if this works that's a figure ever becoming cash this is pretty good as you can see we click around however there is a fundamental design problem at the moment and that is once you close the menu you have no idea what is being shown so what we're going to do right now is add that additional information so let's create a new worksheet I'm just gonna call this coin icon by the way choose a coin change the color to blue we can hide it now we don't need to see anymore so all we're going to do in this worksheet is take the car name filter idling I want to have a shape drag coin a let's increase the size there we go I'm not changing but that's fine but work in a moment let's turn that into blue now starting to play he criticized ah now on a cryptocurrency dashboard we have the sheet here what I want us to do is at a horizontal container right on top now let's drag that coin icon right there you don't need the name I was going to format that and I'm going to remove the background increase the height to say 100 and you see we have the coin don't actually need a legend quite simple so far what I want to do now is add an additional bit of information to have some text so now that we have the icon let's call it coin label now as you remember if you look at a coin name we have the coin name and then we have the code what I want to do now is to split that so let's split them into individual parts let's go to transform custom split let's clap - we want the first part let's call that name part drag that into the text let's drag the coin name filter into the filters & putre for true again so that's Bitcoin I want us to now right-click on Queenie go to create opioid transform custom split again this time we want the last part very nice and simple technique very simple right-click rename and now I'm going to call this the cold part let's drag that on to text beautiful let's edit that let's add some size to this so I want the coin name that's been me kind of big let's make it bold a sinner to white quaint cold let's make it a little bit darker but I still give it a bit of size a bit of your space can't see anything that's okay formats won't she let's make a dog daivi pretty good turn now coin label let's take that to the right-hand side there we go so there's just a little bit resizing let's see what it looks like as a hundred let's make sure we get everything kind of size as we want it to be let's make that 70 yep scientific woodwork you yep that looks pretty good one thing I want to do is to make sure that we reduce the top you don't need a space at the top anymore I want to make that 50 I'll push the coin right up to be perfect for honest I probably want everything to be 50 let's see what it looks like yeah that looks pretty good now I want us to take the blank just put on me you could use padding if you want to I still have a habit of using blanks from time to time let's increase that to 50 so as you see we built up idea visualization now actually 50 is little big there we go now if we want to actually see this in action you cannot pop the menu as you see we are now able to change of coins and there's only one pot left and I'm sure that's the Potter probably over you're excited about and that's creating the gradient background so therefore we will be able to remove this black background and have a nice gradient color which actually changes so I hope you're ready for that so here we are that last leg the finishing line what we're going to do now is create our dynamic gradient backgrounds to add a little bit of spice to this tableau dashboard but to do this we need to prepare some data and that's what we're going to do right now so the first part is we want to extract a full list of the coin names so let's just go and create a temporary worksheet let's take the coin name and drop that into text perfect let's select all control a or just highlight all your coins over and in view data that's what I was looking for so now copy all the coin names and let's go into our spreadsheet so I've created a new sheet and paste so what we're going to do is build an additional data set just for the gradients so the first part will be the coin name another thing we need is a data model because we're going to be applying data identification so I want you to type the following I want you to have two columns 1/2 and position in position I want you to have the following 0 0 1 1 in path 100 0 100 and 0 very simple so far do not be afraid we're going to do this step by step I want us to now select coin name the first column this is going to be our data I want us to go into tableau oh boy we don't need a anymore so let's just delete that I want us to paste that data source in very nice and simple I want to see now right-click on a data source and click Edit firstly dollar the name let's just change that to gray gradient background one is always good to us again to have of naming the connections let's call it coin names now I want us to go back into Excel I want us to select the two columns now copy this and I want us to now paste that into a query editor don't worry over there I want us to now click on create joint calculation and type in one essentially what we are doing here is producing a Cartesian join type 1 again between the two data sources so for every coin name that we had we now have the full table so the four walls that came with the secondary source or as we will rename it now the model perfect now let's go into g7 already created for so let's keep that for now I want to clear it all I now want to create a replica of the form that we created before so that would be called coin name filter we created this before but now we need the same for the gradient background data source type coin name is equal to diameter nice and simple to show the planter control here let's move that underneath the marks to take when a filter dragged into filters and select true pretty good so far now we are going to build our gradient background right click on the path go to create select bin and type the value one with me so far now what I want us to do is take position and drop that into the columns click on this click on this pill I want us to select for mention wee-ooo we have one pretty standard software and I want us to create a calculated field could index that is going to be index minus one as a formula nice and simple click OK drag that intervals looks crazy at the moment but do not fret drag path pin onto walls I want to do one click on this make sure that show missing values is selected and now I want to drag this on to detail Bakugan index go to compute using select path I didn't see we now have positions 0 & 1 we now have a hundred different lines here or a lot of lines so you see we are building up nice and slowly what I want us to do now is to creating this where the fun really starts table calculation color I like to label tseebo on my table counts I don't know why we're gonna call or tie start typing in windows max max and we're going to type plainly nice and easy we're going to add that to stream of index so that means we will have quite names and then one to a hundred let's click OK I want you to drag that on to color now doesn't it look quite impressive but now I want to right click on color compute using bin the important thing here is to not be lesser thousand by the sheer number of colors but if you look at the following you can see we have the coin name all of our one two three four all the way down so this is good let's click on color and it colors let's go to Pilate and because right now what are we filtering on Bitcoin bitcoin is an orangey color so let's go to orange assign palette let's click OK you see you've created this nice beautiful gradient however there's not enough pieces so there's a few things we can do we can increase the size of the line still doesn't quite work for us so I'm going to edit my bin let's change the signs to 0.5 let's see if that looks better still not quite working for me that's changed that too not point two let's go to edit colors again and let's assign a pilot again now here we go now we have a nice gradient we have a nice value so what I want us to do now is edit the axis and I want us to actually fix the values to be from 0 to 1 can see what we've done we've completely removed the left and right white padding I can now hide this head up because I don't need it I'm gonna now click Edit and it in x-axis I'm going to change that I'm going to fix the start to zero and to 500 now as you can see we have a beautiful credit however if we change the coin you can see it's all the same color so let's actually modify the colors per coin so what I'm going to do is select aetherium and let's change the color for a fever if iam is blue so let's apply that pattern let's switch between the two so this is your Bitcoin that is your fury we're gonna really quickly change this for all the different colors in our palette so let's go for finance coin that's kind of an orangey color so you can leave it as is which is fine - that's a greenish color so let's edit colors let's go for green and apply beautiful bitcoin SV that's yellowish color so I'm going to leave as orange because it's a bit striking we converted on iOS is a dark black color so let's change that color to black let's go for gray Ashley likes a little too harsh let's see what it looks like that's pretty neat boom is blue litecoin is also a light gray so I'm going to leave as gray as well USD is green so again we are going to apply this so it's almost hard coding colors let's apply that as a green as well Tasos is also green too especially quite nice an ex appease is dark we're going to change that so now as you see as we change our colors or change our coins the background color will change so this is pretty neat at a moment I'm gonna rename the sheet as gradient background let's make that blue as per our worksheets and let's go back to our dashboard this is where it becomes interesting now I want to do is I want to make the whole of the sheet floating the reason is I want the gradient background to be the sole sheet which is at the background remove the Queenie I'm going to hide the title because I don't want that and as you see we now have this beautiful gradient background what I'm going to do now is position our date visualization again I'm floating this and what I want to do now is to right-click on the individual visualizations and now select worksheet background to none last thing I want to do is go to the dashboard and also turn that to none as well you let's click on background sheet let's go to layout let's give it zero in terms of any padding or borders there's one thing I also like to do because what you could accidentally do is select on a background is not really gonna make sense to anyone so you want to avoid that so what I'm going to do is add a floating blank and I'm just going to position that on top so I'm going to set a position of that to be to cover the entirety of the day visualization and I want to make sure that it's only just in front of the background so you can still interact with the other visualizations but you cannot touch the background oh and let's for completeness sake let's remove the tooltips here because we don't actually need tool tips same as with a coin we don't really want to talk to I also want to hide the rest so the worksheets we can now hide them and voila almost there to make sure that this worksheet is on top so on bring it to the fun so whenever we show our menu is always in fun so let's give this a whirl as you see this is pretty neat as it is but now the final touch if you're using tableau 2020 point one I want to now go to format animations and enable I want you to set the duration to two seconds so it's a bit slow I want to really show this and I want the style to be simultaneous so I give this a whirl let's click on etherium Bitcoin Bitcoin cash you as you see the animation is pretty nice depends on this power of your machine but as you see it's pretty awesome and we done said there you have it we have created from start to finish this really amazing little dashboard the show cryptocurrency over time for the last 30 days you can adjust this take it copy it play with it apply to your other dashboards really just have fun credit don't need main thing is I really hope that you enjoy this if you did enjoy this let me know in the comment section also please do send me any feedback you may have and yeah hopefully if you enjoy this and you let me know I'll create more more of these enter in tableau dashboard video tutorials and hopefully we'll have a lot of fun together so until next time I hope you really really enjoyed this you
Channel: Toan Hoang
Views: 2,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tableau, Tableau Magic, Data Viz, Data Visualization, Dashboards, Tutorials, Cryptocurrency, Candlestick Chart, Parameter Actions, Icons, Gradient Backgrounds
Id: jHnfrHSr3KU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 1sec (3421 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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