Creating A CHRISTMAS House With TIK TOK HACKS ONLY In Adopt Me! (Roblox)

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oh it looks very cold in here i know you'd be freezing taking a bath right here before this video starts we're going to be doing a giveaway we're going to be giving you guys a chance of winning your dream pet and adopt me all you have to do is make sure you a thumbs up on this video make sure you subscribe to my channel and unicorn twins and of course make sure to leave your and make sure to leave your roblox username together with your dream pet in the comment section down below hi moody hey santa as you see behind us we have our amazing gingerbread house together with our nice new decorations look at my hair bow smoothie and my outfit do you like it oh yes do you like my hair it looks amazing booty it looks great wow so today we are going to be doing a little cute christmas video where we basically look at tick tock hacks that people have created and adopt me and we make them in our own little gingerbread house to get the christmas spirit going christmas is still in a while but but [Music] but i don't know we don't have an excuse we just want to do it okay oh yes we do i'm excited i'm so excited as well and hopefully we can fill up this entire house and when the first of december hits we already have our christmas house done oh yes uh i don't even know where to begin in here no me neither but okay so i think i'm gonna get started with this first tick tock hack should we get started and check it out right now oh yes let's do it let's do it oh actually maybe both of us can do this one we can just do it in a different room okay are you ready to see yeah yeah let's do it all right let's watch it look at that i think they're making a christmas tree oh my gosh it's looking fancy it's looking so cute oh and they use the bowls to make little christmas wolf oh that is so cute and the star on top of the christmas tree oh that is so cute uh i really hope they're gonna release some new christmas trees like last year and so we don't have to uh use tick-tock hacks though entire time to make all the christmas trees oh yes that would be very nice yes so i guess i could get started with making one maybe right over here and then maybe you can make one in the entrance okay i'm gonna make one here this looks so cute i think from this tick tock i'm gonna try to just make the christmas tree right here i mean on the other side of them they added like a tv a couch and and some different cute decorations but i think i'm gonna just make the christmas tree right here okay that sounds good i don't know if i want to put the rugs on the wall i'm not sure look a little strange i'm not gonna put the rugs on the wall either i think i can i'm gonna make the christmas tree first and then see what it looks like okay that's a good idea yes and we decided to make this together again just like we did with the halloween update i just i just thought it would be cute for us to you know make it together me and moody oh yeah and a lot easier and less stressful so let's not look at each other's christmas trees yet let's take a look at them after okay okay okay oh this gets me so excited for christmas oh yeah christmas is right around the corner it feels like it is okay this is even uh i think so looks like my tree is gonna be very small oh yeah mine is definitely gonna have to be a little bit bigger yeah because you have a really really tall wall there you should be able to make a super amazing one moody that's what i'm trying to shoot for now shoot for the star smoothie literally because there's a star on top of the christmas tree i'm so funny gosh i want a million stars at the top i don't know if we can afford that we only have a build budget of 9964. oh my gosh well it's gonna have to happen oh oh man rest in peace my roblox account i'm joking no peeking okay look at that center like my center is off while looking at it yeah i feel like mine is off a little bit too hopefully not hopefully we're just seeing things yes but i'd be worried if we start seeing things too like a ghost yeah oh no all right i'm coloring my christmas tree right now because i didn't do that as we went so i'm just gonna color it all the bricks right now oh man you're already to that point where it's done oh no but i think you're making a lot of a much bigger one than me my christmas tree only has one two three four five six rows so it's not like huge but i want to make space for the the star as well of course on top so okay yeah that makes sense i think mine is actually a pretty perfect size okay hopefully i'm doing this correct i think i'm gonna start doing what you did in color later after it's done yeah i'm trying to do something right now but it's just not working out that always happens it's okay all right the star is on the top of the christmas tree now i just need to decorate oh man i'm still doing my branches i wonder if i can complete some new decorations do something cute okay i can finally start coloring the rest of this tree nice i'm trying to do something but it keeps on like i'm trying to add some text yeah it doesn't it keeps on tagging out i don't know what to do oh no i hate when that happens i know especially when you have the perfect idea yep like i always do i'm joking oh my god guys don't have perfect ideas it's fine i'll just do it like this it's just gonna cost me everything i have but it's fine you know it's christmas oh my god i don't spend everything i'm gonna try yeah this is going off your christmas present moody what yep sorry i'm joking no so what are you getting before christmas moody you're getting me something nice i'm not telling you okay is it is it a horse a horse yeah no it's not a horse is it a toothbrush i mean you need to brush your teeth more often they're kind of stinky right now oh man what about is it hmm is it is it i don't know i can't think of anything moody i guess you'll find out when you get it oh man i am gonna make such a cute christmas tree do you think your christmas tree is gonna be cuter than mine um well if you're using text i don't know you have the upper hand here that's right okay i have an idea of something else to add i don't think it'll be easy to do it oh no i'm not sure if i really want to go that route i feel like this is going to take forever we need to have like some kind of time limit on all of our different hacks because i feel like we're stuck on the first one for a very very long time i mean we could always do this and come back to decorate it even more later on it's true it's true but i'm almost done i don't have way too much left to do all right that looks good now i'm gonna start adding the bowls with the all the different colors ooh bows bowls oh bowls bowls i i i don't know i can't even pronounce it right now okay i started going the route that i didn't want to go oh no don't do it booty oh but it's gonna look so cool moody yes stop it's like a real good what if you're like doing the same thing as me uh i mean we have two different sized trees yeah which makes it makes yours gonna look even cooler you never know all right i'm done you're dead that means you're gonna have to be done too no no not yet all right oh look how cute i must say i am very content with my uh christmas tree does it look really good it looks amazing all right moody time to move on to the next one oh yes i'm dead anyways all right wait i'm wondering if i should cut off this room or not i don't know all right can i look at yours yeah you think i'm over here ooh oh my god this is huge that's a very big christmas tree yes it is very big oh my god come look at mine okay okay here is mine do you like it yeah it looks nice it's nice and cozy oh i love them they look so cute i wanted more light so i decided to add more light okay well that literally took like 15 minutes to complete the first tick tock hack so should we get started with the next one yes let's do it i think we're gonna have to split up our tasks for this next one you're gonna have to do this one and i'm gonna do the next one coming after that whichever that is ready okay all right this one is the next one that you are gonna do it's a reindeer oh wait what is it it's i think it's gonna be a reindeer bed you see that oh yes it's looking really cool that looks so cute i love it oh my god look how cute it is booty i'm excited to do this one so let's go up to the room where you're gonna do it do you want to do it downstairs maybe we should actually make like the kitchen out here and have like a dining table out here and maybe we could have bedrooms in here as well oh yeah i can do it in here yeah do it here and i'm gonna check out which tick tock hack i'm gonna do right now let's have a look wait what is this putting down like plant pots oh i think they're making another christmas tree but that's fine you know what i can make a christmas tree right here if you make the bed like right here oh yes i can do that so that it's in one room okay this looks fairly straightforward she keeps on stacking them up while adding the barriers and then there's a cute little christmas tree and then she put what are those oh wait how did she add the light i'm confused oh it looks like lamps like the the basic lamp i think oh wow yes oh that looks so cute i love it okay okay you know what i can do this i i got this this sounds like it's gonna turn out amazing all right you get started booty don't mind me just taking over this entire room oh my gosh all right decorative pulse i think i'm gonna make it over here in this corner i think that's the perfect spot for it are you happy you didn't have to do this take talk hack down booty oh yeah a little bit it looked kind of difficult oh my god no i'm stuck with it it's it does look difficult it looks super cute though the results so i think it's worth it oh definitely all right first layer done and then i'm gonna change the color all right time for the first floor plates oh man how big are you planning on going with it i don't know i really don't know booty i think i'm gonna make it a little bit bigger than she made it in her video okay i don't know how well i will succeed though i think he got this thank you molly thank you okay i added some ears it wasn't in the hack but i think the ears really suit the reindeer ooh yeah that i bet would look so cute okay now it's gonna start on the bed part oh that's exciting i think it's quite difficult to actually make this one very tall mine's not even getting that tall yet yeah it's almost at the end i think i put the the reindeer head a little too high up but i know how to fix it pillow is that dirty but it's so cute though i love it maybe if i do like little white pillows right here that is adorable all right more floor plates all right we are almost at the reveal to see what it actually is gonna look like i think i only need one more uh but first i need to add some floors okay all right i'm coloring it and i think i made it to the top are you ready for me to start deleting oh yes i'm ready oh my god i hope this is gonna look look good because i i don't know looks a little bit bulky at the top it looks like it's a very wide christmas tree but shorts oh my gosh it looks good actually i think it's pretty cute i like it it's quite a good size as well i do need the star of course do you like it booty yes it looks nice oh look how cute it is you put the star up there yeah look at it that looks really cute oh i like how these lights really light up the room a lot oh yes we did it nice and vibrant in here at nighttime exactly how's it going booty uh i think i'm done i didn't do it exactly like the decorations on the side but i did put these tables with candles on them all right all right i think i'm done oh my god wait i can't see it properly right now because i'm still trying to get some lights in here but oh my god is this a little bit too much lights no it's perfect oh my god maybe one more lamp like right over here oh my god that is a crazy christmas tree but you know what i like it oh yes can i sit on top of it yes i can and then of course let's just go for a little rug underneath of it just like this i love it look how cute and oh my god look at this bed i love it it's so cute oh yes the little reindeer bed and this room looks nice i really like this room wait is that the bedside tables that they had in the video or uh they didn't have bedside tables they had a crib and a chair i think oh yes i like that one better actually yeah because i was thinking i was like there's some other ones which which i thought of that i really like that would fit in perfectly with it and it's these ones so i like those that looks so adorable that looks so cute i don't even know these were at side table oh yeah they are all right well i think we can still do a couple more tick tick-tock hacks so should we look at the next one yes let's do it let's do it all right what is this okay so they're adding some something on the wall oh what they're using wooden shelves are they making a snowflake no way that looks so cute i did not think of that that looks so good i guess we need to make another bedroom oh yeah probably huh or we could even make it into a bathroom we could just put the snowflake on the on the wall there for example in here oh yeah why not okay uh do you think we should uh change the wall color probably right yeah probably okay well i guess we'll change the walls and i'm changing the floors as well oh that is so cute they're making it into like a little baby room with or like a pet room i'm not sure baby slash pet room it looks really cute oh yes i like that so how about you start decorating the actual bathroom while i do this or actually how about you take care of this and i'll check out the next tick tock hack okay okay so let's look at the next tick tock hack together ooh what is this adding ice or something to the to the door oh oh my god i think so it's a penguin oh my gosh look at it that looks so cute i love that that's so creative yeah how did they even do all that looks so cool i don't know wow that is amazing that looks really really cool okay well i'm definitely gonna try to do that to this door right here how did they though get rid of the oh wait i'm confused i think it's made out of rugs and bricks oh yeah because i thought it was a door i thought it was too in the beginning but we can do it through the door oh that is true actually all i need to do is try to cover up the this right over here if that's possible maybe i can do it with chopping boards because that would be super cute if we could do that to all the doors in here oh yes it would how's it going moody uh just trying to get this to be even i'm right now working on the eyes i'm not sure how well it went with the chopping boards but i tried my best that's fine oh it's looking quite cute but i'm still not feeling the chopping boards that i did i feel like you've ruined it oh no should you have used brick instead no i don't know if bricks would have been good either you know what i'm gonna try with bricks instead just like you said okay okay good all right this is looking so cute okay i love it it looks very cute now i i think it looks amazing that's good that's good now i just need to add some little little arms to it you know what why not add a little christmas hat to it oh a christmas hat yes why not all right i'm adding the little furry part on the top of the christmas hat and then i think it's done let me see a little bit further down yes oh my god it's adorable it's adorable it is looking so cute all right moody how's the bathroom going uh it's really difficult to figure out where to play certain things but it's going all right that's good okay well i'm coming in to check out how you're doing okay all right i love them they're so beautiful these snowflakes i was thinking it would have been cool to have like um text around it like instead of these stars because they're kind of big yeah it is cute true and they are very big but otherwise why don't you add barriers just to make them thinner the room will be a little smaller but oh no no not like the the snowflakes like these stars like instead of the stars do like the signs like little dots oh oh do you want me to do that yeah maybe all right i can do that do you want me to delete the stars uh yeah might as well all right um just like that that little itty bitty one yes oh my gosh it looks so much better that's so cute i was also thinking of putting like the bigger like the mermaid hot tub instead of this normal tub but i don't know it just looked weird i don't know where to put everything yeah maybe it's a little bit too big uh i guess we could just like put some trees over here ooh that's a good idea i wish they had trees without the pots yeah i agree but we can make a cute a red pot for it yes or or another color too i mean this one is not this room is not very red oh yeah it's definitely like a blue room should i put the pot or the one over here there yeah go for it next to the toilet okay i'll get a blue pot then yeah yes yes yes all right what do you think i like it nice okay well this looks so cute i feel like this is almost done now maybe like a rug right here would be good oh yes maybe i could just put the stars on this wall instead i do feel like we do need a rug though it looks very cold in here i know you'd be freezing taking a bath right here well the bath would be very nice and warm of course i like this room definitely more could be added but this is good for now i think so too i think it looks amazing so we have actually already completed quite a lot of our amazing tick tocks i never looked at your door look at it is this so cute i think we did an amazing job and i can't wait to fill this entire house up with more tick-tock hacks and just make it so beautiful so what's your favorite part i actually love this bed i love the way you made the the head right here oh yes the headlights are really cool i do really love the christmas trees though i cannot wait to get one of my own in real life oh yeah i really like yours with the stars going across it i love it all all right guys well thank you so much for watching this video really hope you guys enjoyed it we're gonna see you soon with another video bye [Music] you
Channel: Moody Unicorn Twin - Roblox
Views: 1,098,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, twin, twins, unicorn, unicorns, neon, legendary, adopt, me, adopt me, bloxburg, friendly, family friendly, royale high, rare, new, update, roleplay
Id: QMozuCJ2wTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 32sec (1232 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2020
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