Creating a Biped Walk Cycle

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in this lesson I'm going to show you guys how to do a simple walk cycle using an imported bipedal system so start off by creating some place for our figure to walk so I'm just going to create a plain primitive and let's get a position on the center and I'm just gonna scale it out so it fits a little bit better just give it a a all right so we got a surface for our character walk on let's actually produce the segment still one so it's not thinking more than it needs to so to create a bipedal system you are going to go to create and you're going to go to systems and then biped is the second one down and then just click and drag anywhere on that and you're bipedal figure will pop right in so that's what a bipedal system looks like this is usually created as a means to start a basis for a skeletal structure for a character right from here we're just gonna make a couple changes that I wanted to show you what you can do so if you see under body type several options first thing that I want to address is that he has one finger and one toe which is kind of creepy so let's give the poor guy some more fingers I'm just gonna select him first just go down select that from the list I'm gonna go or two [Music] a moment all right so firstly we wanted to why aren't you responding to me it is because I am in the wrong menu you want to switch over to the motion menu and you want to click on figure mode and from here you can go down to structure and here is where you can add more figures so I want to give them five fingers with two segments each that looks a little bit less terrifying and let's give them see five toes it's two links Shh that looks better um let's give him actually one less spine make it easier to pose so now that I have the figure where the bipedal figure where I want it to be I'm going to uncheck figure mode and the next step is I am going to go to the copy-paste section as the only other one I'm going to need so I'm just gonna close some of these other ones down all right so copy/paste is pretty much the only other place we're going to be using for the rest of this exercise in this menu so first thing I do is to create a collection right and creating collection is just what this animation is going to be so I'm this collection for me it's going to be a walk cycle so I'm just gonna call it walk cycle and I'm gonna even spell it correctly there we go the next thing we want to do is to kind of create poses for a walk cycle there's two major poses there is the key position where is typically where one foot foot is outstretched forward and the other foot is all the way back where you're taking you know your first step so that's one pose we're gonna work on the other one is a passing pose and that's where one foot is on the ground and the other foot is lifted so we're gonna focus on those two poses first so what I'm going to do is I'm going to create the first pose so as I said that first pose is going to be one foot is going to be brought up forward and as you can see I'm only dealing with the rotation points here because I don't want to move any limbs so I'm gonna start with the green leg back if I wanna be extra super fancy I can then the tolls but I want to keep this moving so we'll just kind of right there all right and then the thing you want to remember is that you know when you're walking your arms are actually moving opposite so if in this case if the green leg is going back the green arm will be coming forward and vice-versa now I'm I'm just more comfortable using the perspective view if you want to go back and use all your views it's up to you it might be easier if you don't have a lot of experience in the program so this is generally the first key position those are the basics of it but you know to get the best result you want to think about how the body moves so obviously if his left foot is forward his pelvis is actually going to turn a little bit right and then since his shoulders are also you know the left arm is forward and the right is not he would also be turning in one direction so I'm gonna select all three of his spinal things and just kind of turn them a little bit right that looks good and you can go as too far as far as to kind of I like to put a little twist to the arms all right so that is essentially what we want 490 selected my first key position right let's come back if you come to pastes alright so now I want to click on copy pose right and you want to make sure you're under the pose you pull select here not posture or track you want pose and I'm just going to name this key e o1 all right so now I want to start posing the second position in this case and the bombs are to the side and these are kind of a generally speaking if you want to take some creative liberties and kind of mix these up but this is just kind of a good place to start and his spine has been rotated so I'm gonna get that back in place it's about right like I said he's gonna be taking a step now so let's get one foot planted on the ground and this other one Oh oh that's why because his pelvis is turned so that's pretty good for a second position making every selected here so now I want to create a new pose I might create it and I'm gonna call this passing Oh what okay so the great part is that's pretty much where we need to start so now what we're going to do is get this guy moving so let's get him selected um I'm going to make sure my time line is starting or way back to frame 0 and I'm going to start animating and for this exercise we're going to use Auto key so go ahead and click that but be very very careful see the problem with Auto key is that any change you make will be recorded so you have to be very careful on what you're doing so I would strongly refrain from clicking on anything in the viewport during this point when you have Auto key on because we're going to be relying on the poses we created and this panel here to create the animation so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to switch back to key one because this is where I want to start and what I'm going to do is I'm going to say paste pose and you can see that he automatically goes into that pose so from here I'm going to move over I'm just gonna say seven frames and I'm going to switch over to passing a one and I'm gonna hit paste pose since I have Auto key on you can see that it is recording it as I made that change you also want to make sure that from the drop-down menu from select from scene that you have the whole biped selected which here it's reading as VIP 0:01 right so now that I have that second step down you can see that he's starting to move already now I'm gonna go since that was seven frames I'm gonna go seven more and I'm gonna switch back to the key one but in this situation I don't want him to go back to kill when I want him to do the opposite because at this point his other foot should be forward so what I'm going to do instead is paste pose opposite so now you can see that that other foot is coming forward instead right so I'm gonna go seven more frames and I'm going to go to passing oh one and again I'm gonna pace pose opposite okay and I'm gonna do this one more time because at this point he needs to go back to the position where he started so I'm gonna go back to Keo one and I'm gonna pace pose okay you know since this is only 28 frames I want this loop to only be 28 frames so I'm gonna click on time configuration and for end time I'm just going to set 28 this should be whatever your last keyframe is so now if I hit play is walking a little slow but you know you can adjust that by reducing the amount of time between key frames and you know from here you know I did some pivoting of his pelvis and his shoulders but obviously when you walk there's a lot more going on for example when you were doing the passing position the hips are going to be a little higher so be sure and kind of if you need to and a lot of animators do this record yourself walking you know record yourself doing a silly walk and then try to replicate it you know keep keep an eye on every single body part because every single body part is involved when you are walking so the more you take into consideration the more believable and engaging your character will be
Channel: Anand Hurkadli
Views: 155,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk 3ds Max (Software), biped, Animation, Walk
Id: KxKg0zoIvEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 06 2012
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