Creating a 3D Model with DJI Phantom 3 and Agisoft Tutorial

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hello this is Jonathan Mallory at dro mines calm and in this video I'm going to be using my DJI phantom 3 and a computer program called ad G soft r RG self-dependent now you want to pronounce sets that sound images of this into something like this okay so this is Barbie barrage in North Yorkshire and this is the River Derwent running up the middle and this is the river Roos running across from horizontally across the top and this Bambi barrage is a time to lock that stops the tidal waters of the river ooze coming into the River Derwent and raising and lowering the water the deer wins it also helps stop some of this brown silty water getting into the River Derwent and keeping it clean for the people down river or late to go up and down the bolts and so I'm going to make a model of this this barrage this lock and the ground around it using my DJI phantom 3 which geotags the images for you which is really good looks it helps make the model a little more accurate you don't have to use geotagged images in it hug yourself but it helps and obviously I'm not going to make the model from this video I'm going to fly around and take pictures from each different angle so I've flown around the the Loch and ground taking images at different angles I am taking many images there's only about 10 - just to make this shorter if you're doing this properly to get a high res model you'd take a lot more pictures than this and that's it all the way around you take a lot more pictures and out probably getting a bit closer as well and these are looking more or less straight down however even looking straight down the camera has a field of view so it's not looking straight down like a laser beam it's looking outwards like this so you'll still get some light coming in from the sides of things from the sides of objects and buildings but if you wanted to get a lot more detail you could you could fly down to below the level of the buildings or objects you wanted to get into it and point the camera up and go around the sides as well but for this I've just taken about ten simple pictures looking pretty much straight down with the field of view of the camera capturing the sides right so I'll go ahead and open a deuce off now and so the first thing is you go to workflow I'll just just took up a G soft a bit as well this there are you can download a free trial of is if you want to give this a go and they have like a cheaper version I look if I look it on the website so confirm I know what I'm talking about so it's called a G soft photo scan you can google it and go straight to downloads so you can download it straight away and use it I'm not sure Thea 30 days you can use it for a month either an Apple Mac or Linux and the price isn't so bad actually a lot of these 3d modeling programs are really expensive and the biggest one is still expensive you want to buy the professional version but you can get the standard version which is the one I'm using which is on hundred $79 and he does a pretty good job and the professional version just ask them it is more for high-end industrial work and using real time kinetic satellite ground control points which are really accurate satellite positions where you want the the model to be like millimeter or centimeter perfect where this way you know whether you want the year about every gradient and and bump in the model and to be as accurate as possible but for our purposes the standard edition is very good and it would do for most people I think so anyway that's the the website go back to the model so the first port of call in the program is to go time not going to go through all the menus and explain everything it should be a quick how to really if you want to download the trial just follow these steps moving that much to it really so you on the workflow you're going to add photos are add folders you can just add a whole folder but I'll add photo so these are my photos I've taken that I just showed you there's actually 12 Vata going 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 yeah so I can just select them all open them okay so I've actually got the pain with the thumb photos on switched off but on by default when you get it you should have a window down here with the fossils in them so these look like they're all okay usually I've like a little mark next here come on it is like little alert sign if they can't be used but so it's going to be using all of these so back to the work though again you pretty much follow the list down more things appear the more things you do so we can align the photos next you can do high medium or large leave it on hikes as well line them as well as possible so obviously this is in real time if you had a lot more photos on each of these steps going to take a lot longer so the better your computer is the more memory you can have I've got 32 gigabytes of memory in this computer and the fastest processors you can get if you can get the latest i7 processor as are the best you can afford and they and I totally banging graphics card the the more intense you rather do this than the more accurate you were able to do and quicker it'll do these steps when that didn't take too long so these blue points here aware the programs estimated where my DJI phantom camera was in which way it was pointing you can turn these on and off so these blue things like the actual are actually called cameras such as shield cameras on show cameras so these are my 12 camera points you can highlight the one here too so you can see which picture it is getting the information from so this is a fairly basic point cloud at the moment which you can't really see much from this is the well this is the main River Rouge here and this is the River Derwent in the barrios somewhere in here so the next thing to do is refine this by going to build dense cloud which means it's going to build a lots of these dots the different high stick upon the full selves so this is one that makes it this doesn't make a huge difference to how long it's going to take so if I put on lowest you'll do it in a few seconds I've got an ultra high it might take all night so for this video I'll try it on medium and see how long it's going to take so I'm going to row to 1% in nearly 10 percent about 10 seconds so it's maybe won't take quite so long I'll still posit they'll seat up to watch all this so we're just about done now making the dense cloud so it looks like it hasn't changed but in actual fact it has you just need to go to the menu here this is on the not so dense cloud the point cloud the original point cloud if you also see the dense cloud you click on the next one and then you'll see loads more detail because turn the cameras off so you can see them better you can use your mouse wheel to zoom in and out now like I said if I'd done this sir on high or ultra-high there'd be more points than the more accurate this isn't so bad you can look all the way round it get right in there now the next thing is to make a Builder mesh I believe on on the settings it's already on now a mesh is likely kind of like a sending the model so it's got made up of polygons and beneath the points and building these dense point clouds and meshes useful for all kinds of different reason the useful for other people who may come computer models in computer aided design programs and also more recently you can export some of these these models you can export them in different formats so you could even make a computer printout or 3d prints of this topographical map and even paint it use it on a desk for I can architectural model or something just to show the landscape you can do this year to make landscapes like valleys mountains you can make lunch scapes for using in games like Warhammer or something like if you wanted to you know tabletop battle games and make models based on real-life topography or places by going in scanning them but that might even be a moneymaker selling their real-life battlefield models to a tabletop gamers so anybody gets rich they send me 10% becoming of the idea so that's the the mesh gun I'll show what that looks like so it's got different colors it's kind of weird-looking kind of looks a bit like it if you take another Walter away or something I am at I'm the last thing on the workflow it's to build texture and the process of building texture he's actually again made better by how many photographs you've got and you've you've got all the angles he's actually using the colors and bits of the photograph to slap onto the sides of these the point cloud and mesh that it's made the polygon mesh you're going to slap the textures the bits of imagery from the actual images themselves and try and make a nice model and this sport doesn't have any real effect on exporting 3d printing as such unless they come up with a way to work color the 3d prints in the future I'll show you something else cool about this what reason to do this properly so that's the textured done so now if we click on this pyramid with a little tree on it you see the full textured version now anyway we've got holes in like this this gray piece along here that's because the modeled in have enough data because all if you look at all my pictures they're all they're all pointing towards this this is the main feature and you can actually fill this in with different colors if you want but I'll leave that I'm not going to start doing all that kind of stuff you can also work and cut this out as well you can you can trim it to just just within this bit here if you wanted to see that you can zoom in to this as well so like I said if you wanted to make this more accurate you would take more photographs and get more angles and in the workflow build the dense cloud on ultra-high but depending on your computer first it is it could check you know literally all night sometimes more like 24 hours 36 hours even the rendering can get really labor-intensive for your computer but for a lot of people's purposes this as it is would be very impressive and very useful I think now the other thing you can do I'll just save that it's another model I made earlier that's three Barbie borrowed and full calm model because it saves a bit of data in there call it um the barrage so I know it is and it seems it is a foetus gun project file dot PS Z or Zed alright so we've got a model now so you can just leave it here if you want or you can export it before export so I will talk a bit more about these that the pictures that you take though now what you need to do to make the software work better it's not just this software any software you're using a picks for dr acute 3d lots of different software you can use if you look at the blog post as i mentioned on that but it helps the software if the photos are in a series and and if the following photo has lots of elements from the previous photo in it so you're right so you get to here this photo doesn't look look like this photo but if you go through them all the red ones are the last one in the next one all the way around and then depending on the accuracy you require you can put more of the previous fall photo in I mean some people recommend that there's 80% of the previous photo there's a native a spent overlap eighty percent overlap between each picture so whichever way ticket pictures if you have gone around like I have if you've got up and down in a lawnmower pattern go through your pictures afterwards and make sure if the ants in a sequence one after another just rename them renumber these numbers so they come in a sequence one after the other that way the software knows which photo God's next which which one's joined together and it will help it align the different parts you know like these corners align the corner on this picture with the same corner in this picture and if you have to you know tell which bits go together if they're all kind of out of sequence if you did like a flight up here going one picture to picture three pictures and then you went back over here and in one picture to be two three pictures to be a big leap from this picture to that one you might get an error here you might not know how these pictures going together and you might start joining them together this way and miss pitch is out and you'll get little triangle yellow triangles and here saying this picture couldn't be used because it know where it's supposed to go so try and do them all in an order and if you don't come out in order to renumber them so that they are in an order so there's always a novel up on picture to the next anyway that's all that's that's that so the last thing to do is to export your model so you can either export the points or export the model depending on what you want to do with it you can export it in different formats the wave from objects 3ds model and some of these are different 3d modeling programs that animators use and some of them like architectural programs so depending on what you want to use it for will depend on what you export it as one of the coolest things is their being able to export as a PDF so if I exported bound the barrage save so it's going to come up with these and you can just leave it like that if you want you can look deeper into the Adyar soft website if you also see what these are different things mean you can write your own text in here usually says generated by Angie software you can change it here were generated by Sarah Smith our copyright by Sarah Smith anything you want you can put in here so I'm going to get generated by John mines calm and press ok so then if I go to the folder this is where it's been exported to I've got a PDF file of my model now if you open this and try to open it so you get nothing about a blank page you need to update your Adobe Reader to the latest version if you've got an old version it won't display 3d models like this but if you've got the latest version or anything from about 10 upwards it should be fine when you spot to update W read all the time anyways one of those things as always now can you easily only computer so isn't that cool so in the latest versions of Adobe Reader not only can you I look at the model you can manipulate it zooming it out with the mouse wheel and do a lot of the things you can do actually in the software so if I did a really high res version it's nice and detailed and I was doing this for a client say like like an environmental agency or something I was about being dumb I've done an area think of the riverbanks are they Walter you can see you can even see the detail that how far the silt coming into the River River Derwent here and they can look at it from all angles zoom in and out and use this in their own presentation put it in there yeah of a projector and use it in a board meeting which is I think it's pretty cool everybody knows PDF so you can select so anybody okay so there we have it that's making a computer model from photographs taken by the DJI phantom 3 professional you can use the DJI phantom advanced or any of the other phantoms or could use a DJ inspire you could have used a unique q500 or even though 3d robotics if you're that way inclined the only problem is with some of the others is they're not geo-tagging the images which isn't a hundred percent issue because you can use non geotagged image is energy soft and some of the programs but when they are geotag the the model is more accurate but you can still definitely use a model without do attacking you still get some pretty cool results so don't worry if you don't have a drone but doesn't geotag still give it a go anyway Algie soft is free to download I think picks 4d as a free trial to download as well and acute 3d as a free version are free twelve something if you were have a look on the forums wherever would be posting this video to go either a blog posted it while back you can see a list of some of the programs there and a bit more information or you can ask your own questions on the forum post itself so if you want to do it that would be great I'll promise to answer any questions you have or you can have some questions below and here on YouTube or you can subscribe if you haven't already I hope you will give me a thumbs up pass it around let other people see it I don't want these techniques to be secret I think everybody should be doing this sort of stuff and a lot of people try not to tell other people about these things and I like to get this information out there let's get some more 3d models some nice aerial photographs from all our cool drone footage thanks for watching catch you next time
Channel: Drone Minds
Views: 217,812
Rating: 4.9071617 out of 5
Keywords: DJI Phantom 3, Agisoft Tutorial, 3D Model, drone aerial photographs
Id: 1iYtjLlm8eI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 51sec (1371 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 11 2015
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