Creatine: Why You Should Consider Taking It

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creatine everything you wanted to know we're gonna bust some myths 12 myths we're actually going to bust Dr Paul zalzo Dr Brad winning welcome to talking with them this is talking with docs and we're going to talk about creatine creatine a little C4 h9n302 okay you don't have to go all Breaking Bad on me there Walter I I think you're Jesse Pinkman oh it's an organic compound normally you get it from meat or supplements right and actually this is a very big business they have to make currently about 300 million dollars a year and expect it to go to about half a billion dollars before the end of the day okay so what do you think viewer at the end of this are we going to say it's okay to take or it's not okay to take stay tuned and find out okay so there's a lot of myths about creatine and unfortunately on YouTube you do play a doctor on YouTube I play a doctor on YouTube but there are a lot of people that say a lot of crazy stuff and we're going to try to use some scientific evidence and some research papers that we've read to tell you what's true what's not true here's the skinny on Creatine okay so the first thing is does it cause water retention okay so initially it does cause some water retention and that's why a lot of people when they first start taking it they'll gain weight and a lot of younger teenage boys or athletic people want to gain a little bit of weight at first so it does initially cause a little bit of weight in water retention but long-term total body water does not change with creatine good studies right you're not going to be bloated when you're running your 100 meters you're definitely not okay the other myth is well I don't want to take it because it's an anabolic steroid it is not an anabolic steroid it's completely a different compound than an anabolic steroid animal exteriors are like synthetic versions of testosterone right creatine is not that and it's Canadians we know this very well because in 1998 I remember the exact place I was in when Ben Johnson won the 100 meter race against Carl Lewis and I remember the picture on the front of Sports Illustrated it showed how big his shoulders were compared to all the other sprinters particularly Carl Lewis and as it turns out he was taking anabolic steroids and maybe they all were but he got caught there you go don't take steroids that's I first take a message all you people trying to get stronger bigger faster don't take steroids they are so dangerous for you that'll be another video yes creatine next one uh next myth is it causes kidney damage does it cause kidney damage it does not and this all started from a case study in 1998 where there was a young man who took a whole bunch of creatine very large doses for a long period of time he had some other medical conditions he ended up with kidney failure and then it propagated this myth that creatine was dangerous other Studies have gone on to show that it is not dangerous it is broken down to creatinine which is something that shows up in your urine particularly when you have kidney dysfunction but also if you exercise a lot or if you eat a lot of meat when creatinine you've heard it before because you probably had a blood test for that yes because it is how we measure kidney function creatinine clearance okay number four uh just before we leave the kidney damage sure any treatment medication supplement anything if you take too much of it it can cause damage so always try and stay within the recommended doses of things don't overdo it okay and it may be different depending on your age your gender your other medical history for all the supplements or other things you're taking biologic sex not gender now the other one is creatine is that why you're bald is that why you're bald you don't get so personal yeah it does not cause baldness so a male pattern bonus is caused by something called DHT which is a breakdown product of testosterone multiple Studies have shown that creatine does has no effect all this time I thought that's why I looked like a bald version of Arnold Schwarzenegger but it wasn't the creatine that's right okay dehydration is the next one right so before we're like well is it causing water retention now it's causing dehydration the thought is because it's an osmotically active compound living inside the skeletal muscles so it pulls a bunch of fluid into your muscles and causes dehydration this is simply not true no you can't push and pull at the same time right you can't water retention dehydration forget it look at your mind what about uh adolescent younger person pediatric population it's dangerous for kids to take creatinine so they've actually done a lot of studies including things like traumatic brain injuries spina bifida Muscular Dystrophy and lupus and they've shown in this population that it certainly is very safe they've not done a lot of rcts and kids exercising or young teenagers exercises but yes it is thought to be safe no studies at all really on toddlers or babies the next one is people think that it increases fat Mass simply not true it does not increase fat Mass your fat mass will be increased by the donuts the Twinkies the junk food you eat but not the creatine no one wants to blame the food that's it okay number six is is a loading dose required okay so the answer to this is maybe so if you're trying to get big and get strong really quickly or Logan goes may be beneficial but long term it is not mandatory you can take the standard dose over a longer period of time you'll get the same benefit okay the next myth is that only good for men males males are the only ones who can benefit from it 100 not true this works for for everybody um and lots of Studies have shown this male female doesn't matter how you identify creatine biologically can help you no studies for pregnant women so that's probably an area where if you were going to continue taking her you're already taking it maybe discuss this with your doctor because their potential safety issues super careful if you're pregnant taking any medication or any supplement always clear that with your health care provider your OB GYN or some because pregnancy is a whole different physiologic situation got it anything else yes two more okay and like too old for it to work or does it only work in younger people and the resounding answer is it's okay to use at any age in fact this might even be more beneficial as you're older because as we age we start to lose muscle mass that's just a natural process called sarcopenia and it happens to everyone wants to get over 40 or 50 they just start to lose muscle mass so this in conjunction with exercise might help reduce the effects of muscle mass loss and actually a lot of studies the very exciting part of the creatine research and this is why we've talked about another video saying you know maybe the the aerobic the long distance running and the heavy duty cycling are not certainly the best way to get strong resistance training is a critical part to reduce your risk of Falls and improve your daily functioning activities is it only good for resistance training no well that's one of the other myths so so no it's actually good for both resistance as well as endurance training because of the way that it's held inside and increases your ability to form glycogen and have ready energy stores okay and the best form of creatine if you're thinking of taking it as the monohydrate form it's the most inexpensive and most easiest to ingest none of them are water soluble so they don't always mix well in a drink but monohydrate is definitely the probably the best form to take yeah so that's the skinny on Creatine and so at the end of the day do you suggest taking it so I think if you're looking for a Performance Edge and you don't want to do something that's illegal as long as you're exercising regularly I think it does have benefit I have I haven't you know trialed it a little bit myself and initially I did gain actually like almost five pounds oh you tried it yeah I have tried it before yeah like when if you're working out regularly and you're taking it certainly you can see Improvement in strength and endurance um and they said that's an N of one but yeah lots of Studies have shown this okay so I mean often we we give a talk here and we discuss a different supplement or vitamin or energy drink and at the end of every pot we're often saying you know don't do this yeah it's probably not going to help creatine on the other hand maybe of some benefit log into it and as always talk to your health care professional before you start taking something new and if you like this video please like it subscribe to our Channel let us know what you've experience with creatine remember you are in charge of your own health see you next time
Channel: Talking With Docs
Views: 870,139
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Keywords: creatine, creatine monohydrate, creatine side effects, creatine benefits, how to take creatine, creatine loading, how to use creatine, what is creatine, what does creatine do, is creatine bad for you, creatine hair loss, best creatine, how creatine works, creatine hcl, creatine results, best creatine supplement, how does creatine work, creatine before and after, benefits of creatine, is creatine safe, creatine loading phase, creatine explained, creatine supplement
Id: 8ao1cX3jfu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 27sec (447 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2023
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