Create World Space AR | Geospatial Creator Tutorial - ARCore in Unity

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hello guys my name is in this video I'll be showing you how to build an air application based on newly released Google AR core features like geospatial creator scene semantics and terrain anchors and all that stuff so if you are not sure about what exactly geospatial Creator is all about make sure to check out my previous video I have made on what exactly your special Creator is and what can be achieved through that in this video primarily you will be learning how to visualize 3D real-time 3D title maps of Google Maps inside Unity 3D using CCM and also how to place content in AR based on the three trial Maps before that let's quickly roll the intro of the YouTube channel okay now that we are here let's get started so before getting into our actual stuff let me tell you what are the prerequisites that you need in order to build in your application based on geospatial API offered by Google uh there's been some confusion in terms of what are the dependencies needed and the documentation is also little confusing and the links are not working so I'll be providing the links to all the dependencies that you need uh and uh and also for this you also need to access Google's Cloud API and I I'll also be showing you how to enable the different apis and how to hit the API key and all that so the top three things that you need for to build an air application based on geospatial API is AR core Extensions by Google is one Unity package that you need and also you need CCM if you're not sure what system is all about so it is a package at that party package which will enable the unity to render uh you know 3D title maps based on the latitude and latitude and longitude that you put in and you also need the a Google Cloud account uh uh even I am not familiar with Google Cloud I only uh uh worked on it or for this tutorial and it was a little bit of little bit confusing because this is the first time that I'm working on it but uh I'm sure you will figure it out uh so so we have to create a Google Cloud account and you have to enable couple of apis and you have to create a key so let's get started uh before that let's start a let's create a Unity project and uh call it jio sorry out and let it load okay now that the unity product is loaded up let's get started I prefer I personally prefer changing the platform before importing any packages so let's switch to Android and as I told you you need to import a couple of packages and I'll be giving the links to those packages in the description the first one would be your core extensions uh I'll be giving this link there once you click on it it will take you to this page uh go to the bottom and download this package at this Dot pcz file and keep it somewhere and also we also need this a package called decision for Unity and same here you need to download this here and keep it somewhere around I already downloaded them and I'll be importing them now oh sorry uh it's not a Unity package you have to import it from the package manager my bike also we need to click on the plus icon and you have to click on ADD package from Turbo and here you go these are the two packages so let's first import the AR core extensions first import the second package which is CCM for Unity you might have to restart your Unity project also don't forget to uh import that geospatial sample here okay uh now that we have imported all the dependencies Let's uh pick the settings let me change the company name what else I think this is somewhere around 28 I guess I'm scripting back into IL to CPP we don't need um G7 remote 64. what else foreign okay let's go to extra plugin management and enable PR code there it will take some time based on how good your laptop is of course okay now let's go to AR core extensions and we have to change the Android authentication strategy to either keyless or API key uh we'll be sticking to the API key for the time being uh I'll be showing you how to get the API key uh in a minute and you also need to enable geospatial and geospatial creator finish okay done now that it is completed let's head back to the Google Cloud API so this is how it looks when you log in with your Google account and initially uh you have to create an account account now now that I already have created the account I don't I I'm not sure how to show the exact steps I might have created new account and take you through the test but then you are I mean my viewers are smart enough to you know figure it out so once you set up that and by the way you might you might be um needed to provide your credit card details in order for you to access Google Cloud API but uh as far as my understanding goes uh it won't charge you until uh you actually ask it to charge is what I I know based on my little understanding uh correct me if I'm wrong or anything so yeah let's keep that aside once you are there uh you can go to console and you will be shown this and initially you will have to create a project uh I have already created a project and named it geospatial Creator Unity and uh you need to go to APN Services as I already told you you need to enable a couple of apis uh you can go to library which is where we have all the apis that Google support and uh you need to enable the AR core API first which I have already enabled as you can see from here that is one API you need to enable and also and one more thing is map files API is what you need to be enabled once that is enabled you need to create your API key uh that you can do that by going to credentials and creating an API key I have already created one so this is my APA key here and you need to copy it let's go back to Unity and go to product settings Excel Management and here now that everything is set let me quickly change the layout this is not how I usually work so this is my favorite layout this is how we are I organize tabs in Unity by the way okay so now we have this sample scene with this canvas and buttons and some text uh let's to use geospatial API you need to create this thing your geospatial creator origin and you will be given this and click on this to add the system component and once you are there you need to copy that you need to press the API key so if you can see this so this is some random place so this is some latitude longitude of some random place I'm not sure where exactly it is but uh of course the good thing is you can uh put your own lattice longitude here let me try to get some coordinates let's search for e-fill Tower so if you are familiar with the Google Earth interface so this is kind of having the Google Earth inside Unity 3D uh so I I can imagine lot of other use cases other than uh in just the air Augmented Reality Part okay you can also do other stuff I guess going forward you will be easy you'll be seeing a lot of use cases out of this okay I think this is you can get that coordinates by you know right clicking on it copy the code okay so once you get the coordinates of any place that you want to visualize inside unity all you have to do is enter the latitude and longitude here and set the height to one I mean you can play with the height value but I find one to be uh really good because that way you will have closer look at everything around um so that couple of ways different ways multiple ways uh of using this information here so one is to accurately place the elements in here for example if you want to exactly Place particular maybe a dog or a tiger or whatever that is strategically personal content uh you can plan it accordingly based on the 3D available here because it can be very easy for you to manually place the object here and move it around as you have all the render 3D data but uh keep in mind that this particular data is not available in the entire world this is only available in select cities excellent selected places only for the rest of the things you'll only uh get a view similar to you know uh satellite view wherein you have to approximately place the object there where you don't have the 3D map data you have to figure it out in terms of exact placement and you have to it's more like a trial and error game but yeah it's good that uh it's you know it's getting in the right direction and going forward the number of cities supported will only increase okay so now now you have clear idea about what are the dependencies and what to import and what how to enable API key how to enable the multiple APS in Google Cloud so in order to test this feature I have entered the latitude or longitude of my location where I live which is the southern part of India and some random place okay so so this is how it shows like like usually that this is kind of the same thing that you see on uh what satellite view of your Google Maps right so this is a single way so this is the apartment that I live in and I'm going to place something on the in front of the apartment on the road or somewhere maybe a simple Cube or something let's get started uh acne criticism if you placing so to this component you need to add geospatial Creator anchor so here we have couple of anchors multiple anchors one is terrain anchor another one is rooftop anchor so what is Terran anchor and what is rooftop anchor so if you want to get in detail you can check my previous video but in simple words if you want the object to be placed on the terrain you don't have to calculate what's the C mean level what's the altitude there you only have to previously you have to manually input the altitude also which is the height about uh now uh with these new features I enable if we figure out the terrain and this altitude offset is with related to the terrain for example if you make it 10 what it will do is it will place the cube or whatever the element that we have added this Creator anchor to 10 meters above ground level so this is related to the turbine so terrain will be zero and whatever the value that you input will be calculated with respect to the terrain so if I input 10 then the club will then the tube will be floating or at 10 feet height related to terrain but as you can observe even though I am changing this value the cube is still there it is because this value the altitude offset will only be considered during the run time for us to visualize here in the unity editor you have to play with this uh parameter which is wgs84 altitude for your placement and however uh so by this time you should already uh know that of the VPS which is visual position system is supported only in the previous cases where you have all the 3D data where you can also use semantics uh you can also uh have the collisions because you already have the three data it's just matter of using that for occlusion and collisions but since you don't have the access to 3D data here it's more about uh you know uh it it uses a couple of other things like GPS and other factors to figure it out but more or less it should be working great so after this I'll be building this application I'll be testing out so after this you might not be able to see the cube you might be seeing something else so let's wait and see over the X works or not foreign
Channel: The AR VR Guy
Views: 17,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: geospatial, Create World Space AR, Geospatial Creator Tutorial, ARCore in Unity, ARCore Geospatial API, Augmented Reality Tutorial, Unity AR Development, Spatial Mapping Tutorial, ARCore Unity Projects, ARCore Tips and Tricks, ARCore World Tracking, ARCore Apps and Development, Unity ARCore Tutorial, ARCore Examples and Demos, ARCore Geospatial Mapping, ARCore Unity Development, ARCore for Beginners, Unity ARCore Integration, ARCore Unity Plugin, ARCore Tutorial Series.
Id: tnBFi_EWaCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2023
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