create shopify app tutorial - PHP 8, Laravel 8, Osiset 17.1

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Hello, this is a tutorial about how to make a shopify app with with Laravel and PHP if you like the video like and share it these are the stacks that we are using in this video, PHP, Laravel, Mysql, Nginx and we are using vscode as a code editor and we will do these steps in order to create shopify application * - create a new laravel project * - install osiset package * - upload project to the server(because I don't have composer and git on my server) * - create a subdomain * - config nginx(check the website) * - sync project with sftp * - fix .env, * - fix web.php * - disable CSRF * - add the uninstall webhook * - login in shopify partner * - install the app so let's continue
Channel: Sam Shahbazi
Views: 7
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 38sec (2258 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 10 2021
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