Create PBR Materials From a Single Image in Substance 3D Sampler | Substance 3D

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[Music] we've implemented in substance 3D sampler this  artificial intelligence allows you to generate   a PBR material from a single image this new  AI uses different algorithm based on material   categories like plastic ground fabric wood Etc  here we can see ceramic tiles generated from   the ceramic algorithm the concrete and asphalt  category can be used to generate concrete walls   here's some needed Fabrics generated using  the fabric algorithm the leather algorithm   can generate different type of leathers of  course the ground category that is the default   category in the image to material AI powered  the AI now works also with metallic materials   the organic category works fine with food  and skin materials the paper category can   generate paper grains cardboard and torn paper  here are some plastic materials generated by   using the plastic category two different types of  bricks generated by using the Terracotta category   the wood category will work fine to generate wood  patterns bucket and wood planks finally the wood   outdoor is more specialized in three box materials  now that we've seen what is possible to generate   with this new AI let's have a look at the image  to material workflow I will use this Subway floor   to generate my material let's drag and drop it in  sampler in the pop-up window we select the image   to material AI powered my image has a resolution  of 2048 pixels semper will round off the document   size to the nearest ISO spoiler of 2 resolution  in this case 2K let's click on import if we look   at the layer stack we see now resolution by layer  if you want to know more about layer resolution   there is an official tutorial about the texture  upscaling workflow using layer resolution mods   here with the ground category we already have  a good result the delighting of the best color   works well and the normal and the heights let's  appear big bumps and small bumps on the surface   let's try another algorithm by  selecting the plastic rubber category   the results works well too the overall material  is sharper and flatter the bumps are modifying   don't hesitate to try several categories on the  same image input and keep the best result in my   case I like the output of the ground algorithm  so I will select it before tweaking the parameter   of the image to material filter I like to  drop a height to normal layer it allows me   to set correctly my normals the intensity  parameter sets the normal intensity baked   from the height of the image to material and  the bottom normal intensity parameter allows   us to add to the mix the normal from the layer  Below in our case the normal generated by the AI   now we can come back into the image to material to  fine tune the surface detail of the normal and the   height with the micro details the medium  details and the large details parameters   finding a good balance will add  photorealism to your materials we can also adjust the ambient occlusion intensity   finally we can select if our material is matte or  shiny and fine-tune the base value for more glossy   or rough materials the variations parameter will  introduce some big roughness variation and the   Albedo importance will add fine details in our  roughness Maps now I want to show you a trick   to restore some details in your base color height  roughness or any other map to do so we can use the   channel switch filter to input details from your  original image inside any channel we like if the   delay thing is too high for example we can add our  original image to the mix by selecting scan 1 and   selecting base color as the output Channel now  we can play with the opacity and blending modes   or change the output channel to roughness or  any other maps to add details to these Maps   to better repeat the material we want  to even out the Channel with an equalize   we can set the common radius  lower to equalize more the maps   if some channels need to have another radius  we can override it with this parameter   we can see that some local areas are  too uniform now in the base color   we can use the mask option to deactivate the  equalizing locally now our material is uniformed   so let's style it first we want to realign the  burn pattern so the surface can repeat uniformly   to do so we can use a paint wall we can set it  to straighter mode and paint some vertical stroke   that follows the pattern flow to realign it let's  switch to the 2D viewport and paint some lines   with the help of the shift key to draw the lines  the pattern is realigned vertically let's do the   same for the horizontal axis we drop another Bend  warp and set it to horizontal and straighten mode   we can paint horizontal lines following  the pattern flow with the shift key   now our material is straightened and can be tiled   let's add the tiling filter and crop the  material until the opposite side aligned together   the vertical and the horizontal sides  are matching now let's add a bit of   blur to fade a bit the seams now our material is  seamless and can be repeated on large surfaces   for better repetitions we could erase locally  some visible imperfection with the Clone stamp   we can move the source area with the pointer in  the 2D View then paint on the imperfection to   erase it again like the tiling filter we can  fade the seams with the blur parameter let's   redo the same process for this imperfection we can  click with the control key to set our source and   then paint on the imperfection to erase it also we  will use the blur parameter to fade a bit The Sims   perfect I think we are done with  the past processing of our material   now we are ready to export we  can click on the share icon   rename the material and in the material  settings we can select the export format   and the size we can also check the map that we  want to keep in the sbsar finally we can export   during this tutorial we add an overview  of the capacity of this new AI available   in substance 3D sampler you will be able to  convert images to high quality PBR materials   also we've learned some tips and tricks to post  process the maps this update brings the material   creation from images to the next level I'm looking  forward to see your outputs thanks for watching
Channel: Adobe Substance 3D
Views: 78,306
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Keywords: 3D Creation Software, 3D Design, 3D Modeling, 3D Pros, 3D Workflow, 3D design, 3D painting, 3D support, Adobe CC, Adobe Substance 3D, Create 3D Textures, PBR, Physically based rendering, Scans, Substance 3D, Substance 3D Assets, Substance 3D Designer, Substance 3D Modeler, Substance 3D Painter, Substance 3D Sampler, Substance 3D Stager, Substance 3D Tutorial, how to use Substance 3D, materials
Id: vz5j4X6Baw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 43sec (463 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 05 2023
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