Create more with splines | Unity 2022 splines

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foreign s are a great tool they can enhance how you make your games you can use them to improve game visuals or even assist with gameplay features such as making a present movement routes and much more Unity now has an official explain tool which gave you the power of spines in a very simple and easy to use package here's how to work with spline and how you can easily use its basic components to spawn and animate objects to install the package open the package manager window make sure you are filtering for a Unity registry search for spline and install the package [Music] to start quickly explained right click the hierarchy and go to the spline option or you can use the game object manually top to do the same you can start a spline with a few shapes or use the drawers Point tool to create it [Music] by using the draw tool you can click on The View to create these points column knots and draw this plan shape [Music] you can also click and drag or great in the knots to have more control over the curvature when you're done disable the draw icon or simply press enter to finish displaying creation this will create an object with the spine container component which holds this Point's information to be able to see an edge to your spine make sure the spline tool icon is enable in the tools of relay this will display the handles and allow you to manipulate the spline there are two main ways to manipulate this plan clicking and dragging the blue indicator will move the knot in the XZ axis and while holding the mouse button you can also hold the ALT key to move it in the y direction instead [Music] alternatively you can click the knot to select it and enable the default Transformer handles here you can move it just like any other Unity object selecting a lot this way will display the element inspector you can select High spline curves are drawn here linear for direct Lines Auto for very rounded lines and busier for a mod refined control which will show damage outline that you can use to control curves continue curves will allow you to set different distances for each tangent points choose mirror if you want smooth curves and broken for Sharp turns and complete control [Music] by selecting the position handle to Center you can use the rotating scale tools to move multiple nuts together [Music] this blank package comes with three different components ready for use spline instantiate lets you spawn objects along the spline with a lot of customization options add the component to the spline and click on the plus button to add a slot and drag the object prefab you want to spawn you can control how far apart objects are by changing the distance and selecting the checkbox below will give you this power object and offset let's fix the rotation of this object Now by rotating 90 degrees in the y-axis the scale offset means how much scale is added to its object so a scale of set of 1 will double the object side they spawned object rotation will be aligned to the nuts rotation with this spline to enabled you can select a knot and use the rotate transform to rotate its direction you can also randomize any offset values by selecting random then setting the Minimax values by using the render Offset you can quickly Place decoration objects in your scene if you want to rotate the spline in its local Direction you can do so by selecting the elements in the rotation handle this will allow you to rotate the knot in its local directions instead of the global ones to Showcase how you can solve some common problems let's create a three line for our scene foreign objects you can also select instance count and set a fixing amount of spawns as you can see the tree will rotate to follow display orientation which is not what we want in this case to solve this enable rotation of set and turn on override space to workspace to ignore the spline alignment we can also add multiple prefabs to our spawns and set a chance of them being instantiated as a final touch let's give some offset position to the tree line the second component is the animate component which can be used to move an object along the spine on the object you want to move add this planet made component and assign a spline you want to follow to the slot use the play button or scroll to pair view the animation you can control the speed by changing the duration or changing to speed instead and set the velocity [Music] changing the easing view control how your animation behaves you can also change the loop mode to move the object back and forth you can use spline animate's great routes to move objects like cameras and NPCs in your game you can upset animation by creating an empty parent and animating that instead this will allow you to move the child object in offset the position [Music] the extrude component will extrude our mesh around the spline adding the component will automatically create a mesh render to the object and it will create a mesh file in your project there is recreated every time you change the components option or the spine you can enable the draw tool icon to create another spline inside the same object the new spline will be created inside the container components which can be seen inspector you can display only the points of a single spline by selecting display inside the combine container you can also join two splines by selecting two knots at the endpoints of the spline or splitting by selecting a knot and clicking the split option using the closed option we'll set if your spline Loops or not if you want to make intersecting rules you can link two knots and have them move together select both points and click the link button now you can move both roads together you can also learn link them to undo this Behavior [Music] to create a new point in the middle of the spine you can use a draw tool and pick the spline line this will create a linked point with the new Creator spine then hit ask and cancel the creation of the spline keeping on the new knots on the Curve and that's it the spline tool is a simple but effective tool that gives you the basic functional average manipulates blanks and comes with some components that can get you started using points to help make your games you can also expand upon it to make very complex and useful things I hope you like this and until next time
Channel: Octodemy
Views: 14,697
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unity, unity2022, splines, tutorial, unity splines tutorial, how to use splines, unit spline, spline tutorial, spline package, game tutorial, unity tutorials, beginner tutorial, simple spline tool, unty, spawn object with splines, animate with splines, how to work with splnes, unity 2020
Id: n-o2e4KxbW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 0sec (420 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 23 2023
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