Create Login Window in C# step by step

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hi friends this tutorial I will teach how to create a login form in using cell 2010 and a skill that is okay yes I am going to start menu and go to su Studio 2010 the one say say once I said we will walk on the open your project just creating a new project new project new project then I am using the language call to visual see shop under windows application select a Windows application my project name is windows form application for yes and click OK buttons so one default form they will become so I will change this form to login form okay how to change it just once I want to create it first you have to understand understand that concept okay first I want to create the login from login form means want username and password so I am go to text box here just one text box and one more text box two buttons one and two Here I am just changing the text box equal to like go to arranging the text box and two labels to is not I'm using three levels okay just I'm here tracking I'm changing into a name here I may change to password okay I'm just challenged to here was okay I have two buttons one is login and this is exit pixie yeah I'm using an symbol and symbol then here to see like exit X in a underscore X equal to underscore honest that in below the X okay here login okay I'm using one I don't know like any logos or anything you need then just threw it session go to properties and go to font just fun to don't it properties and go to form name equal to 4 and X equal to log in you dough in now it's changing law envelope just I'm changing a color like I like very much in this color and here I'm changing it a little bit custom color going to chica like it's not good I think using this color on me yes I go to change your color go to white this is my thinking okay just hang leave it click exit button this door closed once I need the login button I want to go like want to okay so I'm creating the form on one more form open solution Explorer right click new item our new fox new forms so this is the main just hide it and just little bit right it just and changing color like okay control this and good interlocking palm and hand hit the farm my family's name is equal to this dot height test I'm running the farm this is Lauren bomb Jason cooking the main window will be opened up and and run the programs just click exit then the program will be exist okay I am going to farm and I am creating the one database here just go to server explorer and I'm creating the one database like create new connections and here go to type any derivation like just a tear tuck I am using data the same pepper here I am selecting the SQL Microsoft SQL Server database file you have to go to and select clear any doubts just I'm here and just I am click OK the default programs will creator in my documents ok just for case they won't say that I was creator then he had to create like table table name is Logan and I will create two files like name and username and a password okay here my database here yes saying go to table no table is that just right click add new table so here you get a type to hack and yeah I'm using user name underscore just a music user name and here and taking like okay here I am using said primary key this control acid in table name is login and click OK so our table is greater loss so I am creating just go to show the show table data we will show nothing here and type in username is user pas 1 2 3 passed on to 3 in this is password ok just I am going to here once I click login button it will be lying ok just go to login button here I am writing I am importing the SQL using system dot theta dot SQL flight okay once I imported rescue applied here I am going showing right program like connection SQL connection SQL connection see warrior equal to new SQL connection here I will put that connection for conscience sake just click they were database and right click and go to properties here connection string is not just double-click and turtle see here in double quote here to inside the double code you have to paste it just : okay this is murder so here some errors is coming because of the single cut oh yes she had to go to Hudson but the no error will become otherwise you have to using double slash like that so no need for that just try using as you were like okay now I want to using SQL that are after because I want to try to fetch a data so I'm using SQL data adapter to use QL they taught after else P equals new SQL data here are mating like [Music] some star from logging you no need to select star this time using count souped-up this is my logic I'm using some different logics okay as a gunshot you saw me equal to hear some mere heard chorus then suggestion let's see you open the connection ok guys now I have pitching there that result into on data table so I'm using Delta table DT equal to you today dot E is the dog now if if DT dot was zero to Shane take cruelty so I'm explaining this court so first time running the programs like I'm just losing height be here and just I'm using first I'm using the skill connection Cy Young using their I'm fetching the connection string here after that I'm using the skill that are after to run the SQL query select count store from noggin where username equal to textbox wanna and the password equal to text box to is right then the count will be one is wrong anything is wrong then count will be zero okay so I'm using data grid and data table DT rows 0 column 0 row the value is if equal to 1 then height the form will be hide and main main form will be coming like show otherwise the message you become please check your username and password like Canada okay why okay guys I am just running the programs so this is my window just I am typing user and I am diving boss one two three just click nothing so login window will become okay so I'm using wrong password and username day user password pause one two oh this is wrong right I'm clicking please check your user name and password like okay guys we will teach our next tutorial in better better logics okay meanwhile see how to any queries or any doubts I just pushed into command command me I will definitely order definitely our add the videos for your solutions okay guys we will need we need
Channel: Vetrivel D
Views: 2,382,628
Rating: 4.7167373 out of 5
Keywords: C# Login Window, c# login form, How to create c# login form?, how to create c# login window?, c# tutorials, c# tutorial, login window, c# beginners, login form, create databasefile, one form to another, username validation, password validation, check username, check password, login, form hide, frm login, frm lgin, log in, c sharp programming, programming c sharp, c sharp program, business report software, c# development, asp login
Id: tcmmCcMs8yU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 35sec (995 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 03 2013
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