Create Hair in Unreal Engine 5 | Groom Tutorial Works in UE5

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hello everybody today we are going to speak about how to add here to your meet a human character and how to add your hair and how to play with all parameters how to increase and decrease intensity and how to make your style hair with Unreal Engine so before we start don't forget to subscribe for my channel and like for my video and let's get started first of all we have this is our meter human character so if you want to add it from window and go to quickest bridge and we I have a lot of tutorial how to add the human to your character and how to create it from zero so this is our meet a human character and you can download anyone from them just for example this one just you can select your character and after that you just we can download it so now I'm going to select this character and we are going to select as this face and look here we are going to search where is our mesh okay close this one okay so this one we are going to export it to Maya or blender or as you like so as this one just I need to make export so assets and export and we are going to desktop for example meet a human heads meet a human head okay head okay this is our head and if the X mesh skeletal mesh morph Target we don't need it and level of details we don't need that okay just we need to be heavy a little bit so now we have a Maya okay if you use blender just we need a groom alembic just so now we are going to import this file desktop meter human open folder meter human this one okay wait a little bit so and now we are here in in my object I don't know any kind of this material bonds delete history freeze and we are going to select all of them delete so if you have a problem maybe you can go to zbrush or anything and import a model just from here and import your head and so we have a lot of details we just we need this hit only to select in this area yes hmm extract sickness 0 seconds Direct s abstract accept Okay now we have this one okay export it Bakery topology zero measures okay now export okay hey here OBC delete this one invert okay make sure we have carry it automatic automatic UV okay now this is our so create Interactive Group now we are exact right way so make sure we have this intensity scaling make it huge like that and from this area we can add it as you like look so uh try to make uh scale intensity careful then okay rebuilt now okay clicks that okay of this area nice yeah try to make it like your hair when you are in front of mirror try to make it like this okay well okay maybe sometimes you need to cut some of them just you need to make like that okay okay this area maybe here okay no and maybe if you need to add more or you can add the scale this is one scale this is our scale so we need to make with a little bit okay but we need to increase intensity or maybe two okay guys oh sorry as you like maybe we can add noise for example here look so guys to play with this intensity like that a little bit alert okay so now so nice maybe you can add and increase and decrease all of this value maybe you can add one layer again and and everything as you like okay sure here over here just make sure you have select this one in the top of description okay and come here cache export cash and here final number two okay export sometimes maybe I get a after that here final number two import ant double click look here what happened look the difference so now we are going to here uh zero one zero five zero three nice um here's the skill we can make it a little bit okay hair shadow okay nice so now we are going to play with parameter okay close now delete this one okay we don't need it now I need to create material for it uh create material make sure we are here defaultlet make sure it here and we can write um three from keyboard and connect it and choose any kind of for example okay now for now you just you can repeat it as you like it just make sure here use with here strength okay save close if you are here make sure this what is the name of material here final two in the final math okay and we are going to go to again to here and what is the name of our material from this one select this one okay look here this is our material but you can change it as you like so now we are going to add this uh here to our meta human character but before one you just make sure which is skeleton is this one and groom 90. okay add groom under face okay okay now we are in the right way okay but now for example if look for this a very important thing if I am here and I need to add for example in animation for example so this any kind of Animation like that for example look here is not connecting to our okay and that's connecting here so very important thing we need to bind this one now we can close this and go to bind and which one Now look for what is the name of it blueprint and go to Facebook go to body and face look here a skeletal mesh asset Papa face mesh is this one okay now I'm going to go to point create pending skeletal mesh Baba face mesh create okay save close okay if you come here to this area you will see here final Boba fismish bending copy this one very important very very important okay close now if you come back to our meta human characters and you will see groom here bending asset okay now we are in the right way if you want to animate it this go to for example buddy and I use in animation asset look so now if you look here and you can choose any animation everything is working so nice simulation but we need to add just a little bit physics for this here so from this area okay so from this area physics okay now uh graffiti maybe zero zero one okay save and look what happened so nice everything is working so nice so maybe you can be zero okay we don't need just a zero zero five okay close so now this is the end of our video if this is the first time at myself don't forget to subscribe for my channel and like for my video see you in the next video take care I have a lot of tutorials at my channel for Unreal Engine uh for meet the human and modeling and a lot of interior uh design and how to create animation and cinematic and I have a lot of videos so if you are interesting to Unreal videos I have lots of tutorials you can check it as my channel see you in the next video take care salaam alaikum
Channel: MR GFX Unreal
Views: 7,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unreal, unreal 5, ue5, metahuman, hair meta human, groom unreal, maya to unreal, unreal groom, unreal hair, hair unreal, hair ue5
Id: gxp0FxyTflc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 10sec (1210 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 06 2023
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