Create Epic D&D Characters Using a Post-it

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listen up you click this video because you are sick and tired of generic character advice you want to create a character so epic that you will have BS writing sonnets about it so let's do some research yeah this suck I never heard anyone bring this up but don't you worry I'm going to help you out here let's be real most D and D guides have boring character questions like what's your eye color or what's your uncle's name or do you have a criminal background obviously have you played DND we just murder people for fun but guess what 90% of that stuff disappears faster than a Goblin's fart in a dust storm it's hard to role play that when your brain's doing a caffeine fuel tap dance on 4 hours of sleep line line but with this video video I'm going to help you answer the question of how can I create an epic D and D character with only using a sticky note so let's take the sticky note or maybe two based on your handwriting Like Yours Truly and let's grab a pen instead of a pencil for this permanent life-changing advice obviously so by using these we're going to be able to create a character so awesome that it'll outshine that 30 page character and backstory your friend made which is a total anime fanfiction ripoff of inua yeah deep cut right there also you'll have a focused reminder on how your character will act 100% of the time hey there everybody this is AJ and welcome to first time DM so you got your sticky note step one write down [Music] flaw you want to embrace your flaw most importantly you want a flaw that comes out at the table I'm going to say it again this crazy advice you want a flaw that will come out at the table if your character is scared of water but the entire campaign is set in ADV verice with literal fiery boys and yeah didn't really think that through make sure you bring up this flaw to your DM to make sure that it can come into the game and come into the setting remember flaws are conflict magnets they are the spicy salsa to your narrative burrito but don't make a dehab flaw one that'll ruin the fun for your other players instead of being a kleptomaniac Thief you could be a rogue which has two backpacks brimming with trinkets that are absolutely worthless or avoid the cleric that is so holier than thou in instead have a cleric that's way too okay with death that keeps on talking to your characters about what they're going to do with their bones after they die and finally just remember you don't have to overcome your flaw at the table but you have to run into it head on next we're going to be talking about a short-term goal and a medium-term goal a short-term goal is going to give your character an immediate need to be able to be in the situation that they're in this sets them up to meeting the party in whatever way you want now this doesn't need to be the immediate Quest hook or a grand Adventure just something to get them rolling short-term goals should be achievable within um maybe five sessions or so think something like uh finding the perfect wizard hat or winning a bar brawl or yes getting a pet cat so immediately once people start talking about oh maybe let's take a stop in balder's Gate you can say oh yeah cat Haven let's go [Music] there so now that you're done with your short-term goal think about your medium-term goal a medium-term goal should intertwine with the narrative tapestry it could be more complex compared to your short-term goal but still should be accomplishable don't worry it's way easier than it sounds it's somewhere in between getting a pet cat and taking over the world some examples could include raising enough money for starting up an orphanage or becoming a famous author retelling your escapades and Adventures and maybe not So Glorious outcomes but wait dummy didn't you forget a long-term goal well your long-term goal should be an embodiment or driving factor of your character and it needs to be one that's going to be almost impossible to accomplish so how in the are you going to know about this before you even play them this will develop as you play your character as they interact with the party and interact with the world around them in the last point the cigra the chef's kiss what do I want to get out of the Char character so go ahead ask yourself this super easy question to make sure that your first two goals are going to be fun for you this might seem stupid simple but it'll make sure that your character is headed in the right direction if you just got done playing a genius wizard but now you want to play an absolute dummy Barbarian who runs into head on well make sure your goals are a little bit Dumber aligned now finally take that sticky note and put it all over put it on your character sheet put it on your computer screen put it on your fridge put it on your microwave put it on your dog well maybe Peta don't come after me for that one final piece of advice don't it up let the rest come through at the table you're not going to be an expert at what your character is going to do but you're going to have a clear reminder every step of the way embrace the unexpected let the flaws flare and as you hit that short-term goal create a new one as you hit your medium-term one create a new one maybe you overcome your flaw regardless thanks for tuning in everybody this has been AJ with first time DM
Channel: FirstTimeDM
Views: 2,124
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: D&D, Dungeons and Dragons, TTRPG, DND
Id: 1Vj6RL1QNrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 45sec (405 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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