Create Animated Lightning in Blender 2.8 Eevee

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so you want to know how to make some lightning in blender hey guys one meant that's by Kai I'm Kai and today we are back in blender to put eight once again take a look at some lightning some flashes of the light so we're back once again we're gonna get started real quick I'm gonna delete default cube with the Delete key so sad we're gonna shift a and add in a mesh cylinder and then we're gonna go ahead and before we move anything around before we click anything we're gonna go on down here to add cylinder and we're gonna turn down the radius to about point maybe point zero five I think it was yeah point zero five and the vertices on thirty-two that's fine the way it is right there so now we can go ahead and enter get rid of that oh you can click somewhere here or that rather and now what we're gonna do is go scroll long in with my mouse wheel here zoom in and out hold down shift and middle mouse click to pan around my scene hit tab to go into edit mode we're gonna go up to face select up at the top up here and we're gonna zoom on in here and grab that top face right there and click that bad boy now what we can do here is we can do a couple of things we can go ahead and hit G to move this downward animal to the side now what I want to do is I want to make sure this is like super random super crazy because because that's what the way lightning is so I'm gonna go ahead and hit G to move that and left click to confirm that e so extrude and then left click to confirm and then we're gonna hit G to move around so we're just gonna go ahead and do this a couple of times e to extrude G to move it around up and up until I have what I want all the way up so we're gonna vary eight this a little bit make it a little bit crazy you know maybe some some sharper angles you know I'll make it curve over a little bit cuz you know lightning sometimes it does do that something like that maybe that's good I like it now we can do is we can we can do one of two things we can either go out of this behind tab so now we have that as an object and making it shifty duplicate this and then just our Y to rotate it and G to move it on over and we can just like connect these two but you can see there they look kind of similar so I wouldn't really recommend doing that to get the most variation I'll just go ahead and create another one so we hit delete on that one and then we can just hit shift a add in another cylinder make sure it's the same exact settings which it is well it G to move it over GX to move it over on the x axis and do the same thing so tab B going to edit mode I'll grab that top face only AG to move it down and then e to extrude it over and over again alright there we go so now we have three of them pieces of course if you want to do a lot more pieces of light and you're gonna do want to do a lot more of these but we'll grab the smaller one hit shift D a duplicate it and we'll move it on over here now I want to make sure this looks like it's coming out of this piece so we'll go ahead and get our Y to rotate a little bit and when we're trying to line up this end piece inside of the Lightning's here so I'll zoom in a little bit hijita moving around and I think that looks like it's in there right make sure all sides nice so now we have this kind of piece coming off of the lightning here and now the way we're gonna merge these I'm gonna hold down shift and select both of them for the modifiers tab here add modifier and boolean now I'm gonna change this operation from difference to Union and we're gonna we're gonna grab one of these cylinders so this name over here it's the one that we're not see we put the modifier on the big one so we have to select the third one so it's a small one which is the third one and make sure we know the name is which is cylinder three we can call this small and we can call this you know we call this big forget those other two cylinders for now we don't need those those are just duplicates gonna go back to our modifier which is this bad boy and select the object of small now when we go ahead and hit apply you can see if I select this small one we don't need anymore hit delete now you can see on the big one now they are there combined so now we have that which is nice and what we can do now is let's guys you get rid of both of these we can go ahead and just I'm just gonna hit G to move them over and H to hide them because I don't need them like I said you'll do more of them if you want more of them hit R X 180 to flip it completely upside down and then gz2 moving on up and left click to confirm all of that as you can tell so now we have a pretty randomized looking thing which is nice so you can see it if I look down from the top here it's it's really randomized with a crazy I mean even more randomization by going ahead and going to the modifier to have been adding in a displacement modifier and then going to the texture tab down here all the way at the bottom hitting new changing this from imaged or movie to cloud and going from but modifiers tab once again and scroll already editor - we can go ahead and select the a texture which is that bad boy right there and now we can change the strength we don't want to do it too much because you want to get that but you can just change it ever so slightly just like that just get a little bit of variation in there and now we can do this really easily by dragging up from the bottom here do I open and splitting on window Natsu going over to the to the graph editor and then inserting a keyframe by hovering our cursor over top of the strength of displacement making it eye on our keyboard to insert a keyframe and now if we open if I grab the if I grab the lightning you can see we have a strength display over here which is nice we can drag open from the right hand side over here and open up the modifiers inside of the graph editor add a modifier of noise and I can see this noise will very slightly change this so we go ahead and change the strength now it will change a lot they can change the scale too if you want to make it quicker or not as quick this is lightning so I want to be like super fast crazy jumbly so we'll do that point maybe point one right that's too fast the dew point too sure it looks fine I think I like the way that looks looks pretty good just a little bit of randomization we can close that now and now what we can do is we can actually animate the Lightning itself so I'll go to the first frame actually I'll go to the 20th frame and I'll hit i scaling then I'll go to the one two three on my arrow keys to the 23rd frame hit I scaling then we'll go one away from that so on 24 well it s zero to scale it by zero and then I scaling and then right before our first keyframe you can see on frame 20 so on frame 19 I'm gonna go ahead s 0 just scale at zero on these on the nothing access we're just scaling it to zero but I scaling - so now we have it going from nothing to something and then we have it staying for three frames or so and then going back to nothing so if I play this you can see that's still it lasts on the screen a little bit too long but looks it looks pretty good so far so I want to go ahead and move these two keyframes up so I'll hold down shift select both of these hit G to move it up and we'll just leave one frame in the middle so this is no frames we'll just leave one frame in the middle there so he has the little a little buffer so I think that's pretty good now you can slow it down you could speed it up if you wants you by just moving these keyframes together all the way no not all the way right there so now that hasn't there's no frames in the middle where it stays that's a little quicker I think I might like that better actually we'll leave that I'll go to the material tab here and we will go to render viewport shading right now by hitting this little render it up there I will go ahead and delete the lamp because we don't need that and grab the lightning hit this little drop down and select them the default material will go ahead and change this from principle be SDF to of course emission and then we'll change the base color to you a very slightly blue color like that right zoom and you see that color right there and then we'll change the strength to something crazy like maybe we'll do 50 just start off with and then we'll go ahead and go to the scene tab the render tab sorry and turn bloom on now you can see what we got here which looks awesome in the world tab we'll go ahead and change the color from grey to black and now you're all set to go I'm gonna try my overlays off by in this little button right here and then we can go ahead and turn the color a little bit more blue and maybe the value a little bit more up now you can animate the the strength of the emission as well so on frame 20 maybe I want to be less bright like actually what maybe I want to be more bright so we'll do like 500 almost and then I to insert a keyframe and then by the time it ends on frame 22 imeem I'm gonna put it on like 30 value right and then hit I so now you can see it gets brighter it's super bright right there and then it goes down a lot but I want this to be even lower so maybe we'll do a keyframe there instead yeah so it kind of just pops in really bright I like that and you can also even cheat a little bit more and grab the scaling keyframes so now because these are right next to each other so the scale zero on the scale regular is right next to each other they're kind of just popping in you can also drag these one away from each other to make a nice little kind of fast scaling kind of thing going on so if I if I play us now you can see it kind of like looks like it's it's kind of building which is what lightning does which is cool so it kind of just comes up from that too and then it goes into that which is pretty nice now if you go from my frame you can see that it's just looks like it's scaling down so we can fix this really easily by going ahead and just rotating it right here so if I go ahead and insert a keyframe when it actually gets to its full scale well it I rotation and then we'll do the same thing on this keyframe I rotation and then on these two so right in the middle of this and this piece right here I'll hit our Z 180 to rotate it and then hit I rotation and we'll just select this keyframe and then shift D to duplicate it and put it right over here so now if I if I go through this you see it looks like it's kind of just you know a little bit more random than it was before it doesn't look like it was just scaled down and then just gets bigger so that looks really cool I like it looks really random looks really lightning me so that is pretty much our lightning like I said if you want actual want to boost the emission value back up for this smaller piece right here because I think that's a little too low and all the different lightnings you make can all be different and very easy it's very easy to customize but I'll see you boys and girls in the next one but until [Music]
Channel: TutsByKai
Views: 64,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutsbykai, tuts by kai, kai, tuts, beginner, tutorial videos, tutorials, tutorial, how to, beginner tutorial, easy tutorial, simple, easy, animation
Id: 0qwMCheJuOQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 56sec (596 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 24 2019
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