Create and Apply Store Procedure in ASP.NET MVC [For Beginners]

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[Music] hello viewers welcome to thumb I can channel myself a mere skeleton this is my 37th programing video tutorial in this tutorial I am gonna show you how to create a stored procedure and how we can use that residue in MVC project I will show you a simple create operation using store positive you can find complete MVC create project in previous video link will be given in description part so first I am going to create my database universe CD okay and I'm creating a travel ID which will be primary key type is integer name said primarykey auto-increment yes and the table name is student okay now I'm gonna create I stored procedure programmability still presidio right take new stored procedure okay on this part rate my story suit my store posit your name is SP is student parameter is name this name fellow's name okay your name is a key so I'm using hard bracket there's execute okay my store goes to do is create it I'll make it alter okay now I am gonna create an MVC project project is be loaded web application MVC stored procedure okay MVC okay first I'm gonna set my project connection a string okay vo server Explorer if this one select Microsoft SQL Server continue dot University this is my database name okay so connected right K property this is my connection a string so select all copy go to wave dot config this is my connection a string part and I will replace this one with my connection string and my connection is string name will be even you were CD connection string okay then now I am gonna create I student plus add class student let's take some properties ID stitch roll string string okay there's created data access layer class so I am taking a folder create a class student data access layer private school connection I declare a constructor scale connection configuration manager without connection a string and go to web config university connection a string copy best connection string now I am declaring a save function for public void save student-student then I'm going to write my store positive name which is SP is student student connection [Music] toy store positive parameter and with value my parameter name at the rate of name student dot name CMS I'm gonna take parameter rule okay now it's good come on Doc execute not great now no I'm gonna call this method from student object + click void see student student data access layer save okay then let's create a student controller and student controller controller okay action result view games student return feel strange HTTP POST by home I can save my student public just some result save student student save JavaScript serialize their string jason serialize student return Jason [Music] [Music] okay then let's create this view via students so go to view part create a folder named student and you know I can see HTML I'm gonna copy this part this is my name text rule text and it is button Save button and this is my JavaScript part this is my HTML and JavaScript part I take two input field name and rule and a Save button and this is my JavaScript part this is as a Ajax by clicking on Save button it will hit in this part instead of a post so let's try okay name em rate rule zero zero one say except okay let's open our database the table student table okay so success let's insert another a student named routine roll people to say okay shaped okay done hope you understand thanks for watching this video and if you think this video is helpful then please like comment and share and obviously subscribe my channel for new tutorials thank you for watching [Music]
Channel: Thumb IKR - Programming Examples
Views: 21,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Imrez Khan Ratin, thumb IKR, Stored Procedures with, Store Procedure in ASP.Net, ASP.Net for beginners, Beginner's Tutorial for ASP.NET, Create Store Procedure, Apply Store Procedure, Store Procedure apply in ASP.Net, Retrieve Data Using Stored Procedure in ASP.NET, Use of Store Procedure, Basic Store Procedure in ASP.Net, Calling Stored Procedures in Asp.Net, How to Create Store Procedure, Create and apply Store Procedure, ASP.Net Store Procedure
Id: PNa_biZwsNc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 56sec (1016 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2017
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