Create a NavMesh in Large Open World using Navigation Invokers in Unreal - Works with Voxel Plugin

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hey everybody today we are going to look at how to set up your navigation messages in a large scale environment the problem that you're probably already aware of is that when you try to set up a navigation match mesh in a large open world type setting uh well it just takes too much processing power to add a nav uh mesh bounds volume so there are there's a well there's probably a couple ways but there's at least one way that i know of for for a nice fix to this problem and the solution to the problem is uh the use utilization of navigation invokers so let me show you how this is set up number one you have your character which would contain a navigation invoker we've got my skeleton character here and i'm just going to open him up really quick and what he's got in his component is a navigation invoker you can just add component find navigation invoker and add that the other couple of important configuration options that you'll want to look at is uh number one the navigation radius um not too sure the difference between these two options here but i've got the most set to the same that seems to work and the other important option that you're going to want to have ticked is uh this auto possess ai option placed in world or spawned now this is applicable if you are spawning your enemies in at run time if uh if you don't have it uh checked as or spawned then this will not work the auto possess ai will not work on spawned enemies it'll work on enemies that are placed in the world just in the editor but otherwise it won't work that that took a long time to figure out and i had some help with that from a guy who actually also had a long time trying to figure out that stupid little check box or whatever anyway important part as you can see the skeleton that we're looking at here has a navigation bounds around him uh if i move this skeleton for example the navigation area will update based on the 2000 radius around him 2000 unreal units 2 000 centimeters i don't know what the units are but it's 2 000 something and that's how far it is um there are a couple other important things that you are going to need to do to make this work number one head on over to your project settings and look to the navigation mesh area from here just scroll down until you find the runtime generation from there you will change it from what it will probably be right now is static you'll change that to dynamic the other important thing is searching under all settings it's probably somewhere in navigation but i can't remember exactly but just search for invoker and what you're looking for is generate navigation around only around navigation invokers you'll want to tick that to true if you don't do that the navigation mesh will be generated around i would dare say everything that it encompasses and you don't want to necessarily uh try to do that much processing because well your game will not be able to run the last and last uh step is to actually have that nav mesh volume so right now this is my navmesh volume this large square here we're just back down there so you can see the relative scale i'm pretty sure i can scale that up and definitely because it's not calculating a nav mesh uh on its own it's just telling the uh the game where a nav mesh can be invoked what print like if you're if your character with a nav mesh uh invoke or a navigation invoker moves outside of this area oops i shouldn't have done that let's try that again if your character moves outside of this area you'll see that there's no navigation uh mesh generated but you move them back in you can see there's the navigation mesh tiny little green thing back there oh by the way if you don't know how to see that green thing it's p press p on your keyboard to to get that navigation generation yada yada so that is basically all there is to it you set those things up right when you have characters in your world they should uh automatically generate a nav mesh i'm not 100 sure if this nav uh navigation invoker updates as they as your characters move around if you have them set to wander uh or if it is fixed on their spawn point i think it probably updates as they move around but i'm not 100 sure on that so that may be one thing to check out um otherwise yeah it should work pretty well alright hope you guys enjoyed this video
Channel: Werewolven
Views: 18,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game development, game dev diary, indie game, developer diary, indie game development, game dev log, unreal engine
Id: t7J7Mxlso6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 44sec (284 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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