Create A Money Making Affiliate Marketing Website With ChatGPT and WordPress (Seriously)

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we created an article using chat gbt and our blog post is now ranking on the first page of Google this single post generates 5000 visits a month and reason anywhere between one to three hundred dollars a month and this was all done using Chachi BT we have another article on the front page of Google this post will teach you how to write fully optimized blog posts that will get you ranked on the first page of Google but this one was not written by chat gbt this was actually written by me however it will teach you guys how to write high ranking blog posts that will rank on the first page of Google what is up party people my name is Daryl Wilson today in this video I'll be showing you guys how to create an affiliate marketing website with WordPress and chat EBT so I've been a full-time affiliate marketer for about five to six years I manage my own blog during where we receive around 100 000 views a month and we have many blog posts ranking on the first page of Google Now in case you guys are total noobs with affiliate marketing don't worry everyone at one point is going to be there let's first talk about what is affiliate marketing and how you guys make money from it then let's talk about Chachi BT and how this can help you make money with your blog affiliate marketing is a form of online marketing where a person or an affiliate earns a commission for promoting other companies products or services in this performance-based marketing strategy Affiliates use their own affiliate links which tracks the sales generated through their marketing efforts here's how it works you start by creating a Blog you then create posts or reviews for your blog that promote other companies products or Services these posts then get indexed by Google and appear in the Google search results when a user finds these reviews and makes a purchase through your affiliate link you will then get a commission from the sale the more posts you write the better chances you have a make making a sale it's pretty simple and with chat GPT you guys can automate your blog creating tons of blog posts using AI did you guys also know that affiliate marketing has become the number one marketing method on how to promote and market products online here are some quick facts 81 of advertisers and 84 of Publishers in the United States have turned to affiliate marketing for their business affiliate marketing generates up to 25 percent of all online sales for large corporate Brands and people love reviews 77 of consumers make purchasing decisions based on reviews found on affiliate marketing blogs and today I'll show you how to create one every year affiliate marketing just gets more and more popular over the last five years the keyword affiliate marketing has grown by up to 500 percent so you guys can see there is a huge demand for this Market next let's talk about chat gbt so what is Chachi BT really and how can you guys use this to make money with your blog chat CBT can be used to create large amounts of content for your blog chat gbt can to be a valuable tool for bloggers in various ways including content generation editing brainstorming ideas and even creating full-blown articles for your blog AI has made a big impact on hobby right blog posts today and in the future with the speed of tbt you can write 10 articles at the same time it would take you to write one article yourself you can use chat GPT to create long detailed articles product reviews how-to tutorials or use it to get ideas for your own articles and today I'll walk you through how to master chat GPT me and my team spent months of research finding the optimal prompts to make long detailed blog posts that can generate you a ton of traffic we will share our two golden secret prompts that can fully automate the writing process for your affiliate marketing website as you guys can tell you know chat EBT is an amazing resource or app or website or whatever you want to call it that can help you create tons of amounts of helpful content for your blog but knowing how to use chat GPT is really only half the battle the other half of the battle is creating a well-structured blog post and also well-structured articles that will rank well on the Google search results so today I'll help you guys with that I'll show you guys how to create a well-structured blog post and blog that will rank really well on the Google search results today I'll walk you through you how to properly structure your blog I'll show you how to create a professional looking blog that looks great and is also easy to navigate remember people hate ugly websites so I'll make sure you guys create a modern blog that looks great and fits today's design Trends in this video I'll be showing you guys how to create your blog using Wordpress and a page builder called Elementor WordPress is by far the most popular blogging platform on planet Earth WordPress Now controls 45 percent of all websites on the internet because it's really simple to use and completely drag and drop Elementor is the leading drag and drop page builder for WordPress with Elementor you can completely design every aspect of your websites Elementor works by simply adding in elements these elements are fully customizable where you can drag and drop elements and adjust the size or color it's by far one of the easiest page Builders to use and doesn't require any knowledge of coding whatsoever I'll then walk you through how to create blog posts design your blog posts and even integrate Google AdSense so you can start to monetize and make money from your blog Vlog and in this video we're going to use 100 free tools to build out your blog we'll be using Wordpress which is 100 free we'll also be using a free page builder called Elementor it's like the most popular one and then we'll be using a free theme to build out our websites we'll then also import a free Charter template to fully build our affiliate marketing websites we'll also be talking about how to monetize your blog so there's various different ways in how you guys can monetize your blog there is the typical commissions where you guys can promote a product and get a commission you guys can also integrate Google AdSense where you guys can get money from ad revenue for people just visiting your websites or you guys can even make your own product and sell it on your own website there are so many different ways on how you guys can make money with your blog on my blog we actually use all three methods we sell our own products we get commissions and we get AdSense it's great so I'll walk you guys through how to make money with your blog in the monetization section of this video now no bssi guys I want to be very transparent with all of you guys affiliate marketing is work you know this is not some get rich quick scheme but as long as you guys are consistent with your blog you put in like five ten hours a week you're gonna discover that you're gonna start getting traffic that traffic is going to start clicking on different articles on your blog they're gonna start making ad Revenue then you're going to start making commissions and it's a very exciting feeling when you guys make your first commission to this day I still remember my first commission back in 2015 where I made a commission through a HostGator and I made around 50 bucks I woke up I checked my phone I'm like oh my gosh someone actually use my link this is crazy I just made free money you know so it's a really exciting feeling when you make your first commission so in this video I'll walk you guys through how to do that right I'll show you guys how to create passive income with affiliate marketing and chat EBT and on a more personal side note guys me and my team has spent a few weeks making this video you know we have created a really sold outline that step by step and really easy to follow we have also spent a ton of time finding optimal prompts that will generate you guys a ton of traffic which I will show you guys later in this video so I really do hope that you guys enjoy this video now we're gonna break this video up into five different sections step one I'll show you guys how to get a domain and web hosting a domain is the web address for your website like and web hosting will host your website online 24 hours a day in Step 2 import a free starter templates and step two I'll walk you guys through how to import a free Charter template that will help you get started with your affiliate marketing website it's a fully designed affiliate website that has everything that you guys need including your home page your post pages and other various pages in step 3 I'll show you how to create a blog post in this part of the video I'll first show you the basics of how to create a blog post for your website then we will go in detail on how to structure your blog how many words that you need to write and what to include in all of your blog posts we will then learn how to use chatgpt then we will share the more advanced methods of how to create golden prompts that can fully automate the blogging process for you in Step 4 SEO SEO is critical for Block success I'll first walk you through how to integrate your website with Google analytics the Google search console and then submit your sitemap to Google these are basic fundamentals you need to make your website appear in the search results we will then install a free SEO plugin called rank math and we'll optimize your website for all major search engines in step 5 I'll walk you through how to monetize your blog I'll help you sign up for AdSense and talk about affiliate programs and how to join them there are several ways to make money from your blog and I'll cover these in this part of the video let's first go to step one and get fast web hosting now there is a link in the description of this video it'll take you to a page to purchase web hosting and this is now is among one of the fastest yet also most reliable web hosting providers available now how do I know that how do you guys know I'm not just lying you right well we actually test all of the hosting companies that we recommend on this YouTube channel so over the last 30 days you guys will see that we've had zero downtime with siteground and all of our websites load at around one second with so you guys will have a fast and reliable website when hosting with now this is their current landing page but the link that you guys used might have taken you guys to this page which is my current landing page with now just for using my link you guys will get a free domain pretty cool right so you guys just came up and you guys do get 86 off your web hosting so congratulations now here we have three different plans we have the startup The Grow Big And The Go Geek now I usually recommend the grow big the main difference is with the grow big plan you guys can host unlimited websites versus the startup which is just one and the Go Geek you know that's something something a little bit larger scale something for like me you know where my website's getting like a few hundred thousand visits but for those of you who are just getting started out the grow big will do just fine so right here let's click on get plan so go ahead and register your domain right so this is the name of your website and this can be anything right so just give it some thoughts I'm gonna put something very basic here so Daryl's chat see if that's available oh no it's not I don't know so sorry Daryl's chat there we go okay next you'll be brought to your review and complete page so here you're going to create an account so you'll put in your email your password you'll put in your first name your last name yada yada yada here you'll enter in your payment information like your credit card and your Social Security number I'm just kidding guys that's a joke they don't ask for your social the joke don't put it on there is a big joke next we have purchase information and for the period I recommend doing either 12 months or 24 months the reason why is because when you guys use my link you guys do get the maximum discount code available you guys also do get a free domain so this will save you guys more money in the long run now here we have extra services and guys I do recommend selecting one of these options for extra Services I do recommend the domain privacy this will actually protect your personal information from companies who want to send you spam right so if you don't check this you guys might get emails for Viagra for SEO packages from all this crazy marketers so if you guys do add domain privacy protection this will protect your personal information from third parties and once we scroll down you guys will go ahead and confirm and if you guys do want to subscribe to their newsletter you'll click on that box and once you guys fill everything out you guys will then click on pay now so I'm going to go ahead and fill all this information out and I'll meet you on the next page all right cool so once you guys go through the process and sign up and pay for your accounts it'll then tell you that your account has been successfully created right here let's click on proceed to customer area all right so it actually took me to a login page right here or it wants me to log in so I'm going to enter my credentials here and then click on login all right and this is your welcome message from psychrom now the very first thing that you guys should do before we set up our website is to verify your address and your domain the reason why is if you guys don't verify this within two weeks they're going to suspend the domain so whatever email that you guys use to sign up for you'll just go to that specific email and you'll get an email that looks just like this right here where it says verification required you'll simply go over here and just click on this link and that's going to verify your domain so here is the current domain that I used so we're going to scroll down here and click on verify information and the reason why they ask for that is because this is part of icann rules where basically the domain that issues them they want to know who owns that domain so in case later you guys want to sell it or you want to claim ownership they know exactly whose it is so let's go back to our Cyclone account here now the first thing that we're going to do is set up our website so right here click on setup site so right here we have our existing domain right where we're going to select the domain that we already have purchased so right here is the current domain and then we'll click on continue next on the left side you're going to see start new website let's go ahead and click on select and start our new websites we're going to scroll down and we're going to select WordPress so right here under WordPress click on select now go ahead and create your login credentials now these are the credentials that you guys use to log into WordPress so you guys can build and modify your blog and websites so right here you'll put in the email address and then you'll put in a password make sure to write this down because if you guys do forget this you'll have to go to the reset password and you'll have to contact support if that email address isn't available so yeah just make sure to write this down okay and once you guys do you'll go ahead and click on continue so next they're offering us the siteground site scanner I don't really want this so right here I'll just click on finish awesome it is now creating our WordPress website so just give us about two minutes all right cool so now siteground has created our website so over here under site tools let's go ahead and click on site tools all right cool and here is the customer site portal and here you guys can access different things like you guys can create email accounts you can access your file manager on the left side you can see you can access the file manager you know access your FTP accounts here you can get access to backups where they create a backup I believe it's every six hours pretty cool and just some other Security Options over here you see WordPress whoops here click on install and manage now what I want to do is log into our websites so under WordPress install and manage if we scroll down you're going to see our installations so here's our current domain on the right side right here where it says login to admin panel go ahead and click on log into admin panel and this is going to log you into your WordPress websites now this is siteground Setup Wizard and you guys can actually choose to exit out of this but if you guys want to actually go through the process here you'll click on start now so once you guys log into WordPress it'll prompt you through the siteground setup wizard now you guys can actually skip this because all it's going to do here is make you install a WordPress theme which we're going to do a little bit later so at the bottom of the page you're going to see the exit go ahead and click on exit and ta-da this is your new WordPress website so this is the back end of your WordPress website and this is where all the magic happens now if you guys want to see what your website looks like right now here at the top you'll click on visit sites and this is our new WordPress websites little Bland let boring but uh don't worry we'll make this site look really cool all right cool so now that you guys got your domain and web hosting now we're going to go to the next section and we'll talk about the WordPress general settings in this part of the video I'll just show you guys some of the general settings like how to make pages and we'll go through like some of the general options and creating permalinks and all that good stuff so let's go ahead and jump back to the video all right now the first thing that we're going to do is that we're going to install an SSL so up here you guys will see this says not secure and this is a really quick easy fix all you got to do is go back over here to your siteground customer portal and under HTTP enforce I just want to make sure that we enforce the SSL now over here under SSL manager you can see that we do have an active SSL so under our domain right here you'll see that it is currently active so if we go back to our website right here and maybe just refresh the cache you guys will then see that our SSL is now secured it does log us out of our website and that is standard but all you got to do here is log back into your website so I'll go ahead and enter in my password and click on login alright so now you guys will see that we have our SSL and it is active and installed on our website now really quick if you guys ever do want to log in and log out of your websites I'll go ahead and click on logout right here all you got to do is just go to your domain right and you're just going to type in dash wp-admin and this will bring it to the login screen you'll go ahead and enter in your WordPress credentials and then click on login so that's how you guys can always log in and log out of your WordPress websites now before we go on any further I just want to introduce you guys to some general settings now the first thing is over here under settings under General go ahead and click on General here we can go ahead and adjust our language so if you guys do speak other various languages you guys can go ahead and set those there you can also adjust the date format and the time format as well here you'll click on Save changes now over here also we have users and we have or I'll just go to all users here we have our current user so right here click on edit all right and this is your personal profile right here so this is where you guys can adjust the color scheme right so we can change this to midnight also for those of you who want to change your email or you forget your password this is the email that your password is sent to so if you ever want to change this or update it this is where you can update your email address next if you guys want to change your password you guys can always just click on set new password and put in your new password and that's how you guys can create a new password for your websites I'll go ahead and scroll down and click on update profile the next thing we're going to do is update our permalinks so over here under settings we'll click on permalinks now post name is the optimal purdling structure these other permanent structures like you know where they have the dates and all these random numbers this is not good for SEO and post name is optimal and very clean uh way of adding your permalinks in so make sure you guys select post name scroll to the bottom and then click on Save changes all right cool now I just want to make sure that you guys have these siteground plug-in installed so right here I have the psychron optimizer plug-in installed I don't really use these other plugins like Central or the security one but if you guys do want to activate the security one you guys can activate this and then on the left side you're going to see you have options right so whenever you guys install a plug-in it's generally going to add options here on the left side these ones right here I don't really need you know over here we have the Cyclone Optimizer this is good to have on your website because this is going to Cache your website and make sure it's quick so this is a great plugin to have on your websites so make sure that you guys do have the Cyclone Optimizer on your website right here I'll go to caching and you'll see that we now have caching enabled on our websites they also do have some other options right here I'm probably going to make a whole another video on this plug-in because there's a lot to go through but adding this plugin in will make sure that your website's fully cached and fast all right so let's go over here to dashboard so here are the plugins installed on your website I only have these siteground Optimizer installed on the website this is a great caching plugin and will greatly speed up your website so just make sure that you guys do have the Cyclone Optimizer plug-in installs all right let's go ahead and go back to dashboard now we're going to import a WordPress theme so we're going to install a WordPress theme on your website and then we're going to import a starter template now this starter template is designed specifically for affiliate marketing it has product reviews it has really nice blog post structures and you can design and change every blog post to FIT any style that you guys want it looks great so let me show you guys how to import it on your website so next let's install our WordPress theme so over here on the left side you're going to see appearance let's click on themes at the top left you guys are going to see add new click on add new now before we install a WordPress theme I just want to give you guys a brief overview about what is a WordPress theme and what does it do for your websites first let's talk about what is a WordPress theme every website you make with WordPress requires a specific WordPress theme without getting too techy a WordPress theme is a general style and layout of your current website each WordPress theme has different options in the theme customizer the options can range from a header and a footer Builder different blog post layouts controlling the width of your website like a blocks or a full width or specific eCommerce features like product layouts or different shot page layouts a WordPress theme generally controls the layout and style of your current WordPress website a WordPress theme does not build the website itself but it's more of an outside shell for the page Builders and a starting point to build your WordPress website feel free to check out many of the WordPress themes to find a style that fits for you and your WordPress website you guys got that so A WordPress theme is pretty much an outside shell for your websites it controls various parts of your website like the header the footer and it also offers various blog layouts or shop layouts depending on what we're pressing you guys install you guys can switch between any theme and you guys will not lose any of your progress as long as you guys keep the same page builder so the page builder is the primary I guess builder for your websites now for search teams right here we're going to install a really good blogging theme called bloxy so right here we'll type in bloxy and this is the thing that we're going to be using the reason why is they actually have detailed blog posts and evened product review posts specifically for affiliate marketing which makes it the Perfect theme for affiliate marketing so right here under the bloxy we'll click on install and then we'll click on activate now once you guys do that it'll take you to this little wizard right here you guys can always access this wizard by going over here to appearance and clicking on bloxy and I'll bring you to this specific page here at the bottom you guys want to make sure that you install the bloxy companion so right here click on install bloxy companion essentially what this does is this gives you more demo templates and it also generates more features for the theme all right cool so once you guys install that plug-in you will then see the tab for the starter sites here at the top so go ahead and click on starter sites now bloxy has some really cool like templates you guys can import on your website so here you guys can see you know they have one for photography for restaurant for wood and then these other various templates now we're going to install a template that was specifically designed for affiliate marketing which includes some really nice blog post layouts if you scroll to the bottom right here you're going to see product reviews this is the template that we're going to be using so you want to make sure that you guys click on the import here on the right side and this will import the templates so go ahead and click on import here it's basically saying do you want to install a child theme now for those of you who are not developers you guys really don't need to mess with this so I'm not going to install a child theme so right here let's click on next now this is very important for the choose page builder you guys want to select Elementor Gutenberg is the default editor with WordPress and it is a little limited and there is a steep learning curve with it so I'm not going to use Gutenberg for this video Elementor is much simpler and also it comes with various templates and tons of plugins that'll make your blog really easy to make so over here let's click on next and now it's going to install the Page Builder and also this contact form which is like a default contact form on your websites here let's click on next and let's click on install now this is going to Auto install the entire demo on your website and this speed might depend just depending on like the server and stuff like that so just give this like one minute alright and once the starter site has imported you'll click on view sites and voila we now have a beautiful blog that we have created in just a few seconds so here is the home page you guys can just click on the home page here and this will bring you to your home page and this is your new websites it is amazing it looks really really good and this is just demo contents right so they just have like some examples like action cameras or tablets or something like that and you guys can actually go ahead and just insert your products and just plug and play it's really simple here are the product review templates so you can see here that these are just some example blog posts right so these are just like basically blog posts that you guys can create and that you guys can review other products and here we have just some other General contents and yeah everything looks really good so yeah congrats we have just made a Blog in just a matter of seconds now one thing that we need to do here is up here at the top you're going to see home I want to assign this home page as our default home page in order to do that we need to turn on the theme customizer so right here let's click on customize all right now this is the theme customizer and we're going to come back to the theme customizer a little bit later but this essentially allows you to build various parts of your website like the header like this is like your actual header Builder where you can like drag and drop your uh you know your logo and stuff like that and how you can just build a custom header from scratch you can also do the same thing for the footer and then also like the sidebar for your blog post layouts earlier I did mention that the theme is essentially controlling various parts of the website that the page builder normally does not and this is where the theme customizer comes into play however what we're going to do is we're just going to scroll to the bottom just keep scrolling and here you have home page settings and you want to make sure that your static home page is set to the home page okay and once that's done we'll click on publish now essentially what I'm saying here is when users actually go to my website you know my you know and they go to the home it's going to take them to this page first by default so I'll go ahead now and close out of the theme customizer and there you go so now you can see that if someone goes to our website they'll be brought to this page first which is our home page now let's go ahead and take a look at other various parts of the website so here is the reviews page so you'll see that these are just product reviews and this is where all your product reviews will propagate in a really nice clean formats and if you guys just want to browse around we can just click on one of these reviews right here so here we have the featured image for the actual products and then below that we have the title of the products here we have features right this can be like features price and then you can rate it right so you can change all this text to fit your criteria and then on the right side we have this overall score here we have these two buttons and this is where you guys can insert your affiliate link so for example this can be a product review for something on and here users can click on buy now and if they were to purchase that product you would then receive a commission of the sale here we have read more and this could be anything right this could be like an other article that you wrote like a much more bigger detailed article and you can link them to that specific article here we have a quick summary right and this can be something like hey you know this was a great product we liked it this is what we liked about it this is what we didn't like about it and then here we have the specifications you guys can also add pros and cons right here users can share this to their favorite social network like Facebook or Reddit or Pinterest on the right side we have this beautiful sidebar we have popular reviews and if we keep scrolling you just can share it again and then they can also navigate to other product reviews right here on your websites here users can leave a nice comment so like great review great review here I'll post a comment all right cool so there you go there's me right there and it shows like the date and time everything it's really cool we can also add an author box right here so if you want to give credit to the author I'll show you guys how to do that and then again we have the sidebar here on the right side where you can add as much widgets as you want and then we have related posts here at the bottom where you can create related posts so if user you know keeps scrolling and scrolling they can go ahead and say oh you know I like this I like this review right here so then here is like another review that the user can actually go through like the same thing right and this can be for like a related product and I think the number one most important factor for affiliate marketing guys is to keep the visitor on your website for as long as possible the longer the visitor is on your website the better chances you have of making a commission it's not just about creating content but it's about how the blog's structured to make them navigate the website and then here you guys can see for this specific post they added the pros and the cons and then it is the same exact format right here so as you guys can tell you know it's a really clean format and stuff like that here's click on the new section and I'll click on the very first article so this can be something like you know the top 10 best this or the top 10 best stats here is the featured image and then here is the content for that specific article now the difference is that news are basically long-tailed posts and reviews are post like you know product reviews and you know if you want to review a specific product but news are basically more longer posts where if you want to talk about something with more content or in a broader sense the blog post here would make a better fit for that and then we have the contact Section which is just a you know it's just like a contact page you know where they can learn more about your address or your hours or your phone numbers we can edit all this so if you don't want them to have your physical address which many of you probably won't we can just go ahead and get rid of that section and then here on the right side you just can go ahead and send you a quick message asking about a specific product or maybe they even want you to review one of their products which is really cool you guys will discover as you're in affiliate marketing you're going to get more companies that are going to ask you you to promote their products so yeah they can go ahead and submit the details right here and this contact form will be sent to whatever email that you guys have on your WordPress installation I do have a long tutorial that goes in detail on WP forms and I'll leave that in the description below this video it's about an hour long so if you really want to get in the technicals of the contact form that's a tour will really help you guys out all right so I showed you guys the website now let me give you guys a 10 minute overview about how to actually design this website here at the top you're going to see edit with Elementor go ahead and click on edit with Elementor and I'm going to give you guys a 10 minute crash course on how to use this Builder you guys might get this message right here for the very first time you guys turn on Elementor just go ahead and click on recreate kits and here just click on recreate kits this is basically just creating a default kit for you guys to work on your website you only have to do that one time and after that it should work with no problem right so let's go back to our website here I'll go back and let's turn on the Builder here edit with Elementor and now we can start designing the website using the Elementor page builder hey guys I have a quick announcement before we make this video during the production of this video Elementor had a small update which might have changed the UI just a little bit so it just changed the colors and it also changed how some of the icons look so let me give you an example of what you're going to see when you guys use the new version of Elementor so here is the new interface with Elementor and all they really did here was they just basically changed the actual color and they changed the update button to the square and also it's this pink color so everything in this tutorial is updated and the same all they did again was just change the color now one thing also I do want to let you guys know is Elementor rapidly updates and there is going to be a new update that changes this interface to something that looks like this right here so this is going to be elementor's newest interface and this will be out in probably two to three months this is currently in Alpha I have access to this because I actually installed their beta plug-in and this is actually in Alpha so if you guys do see the nav menu here on the left side change don't worry Don't Panic the video is not outdated it's just that they tend to change their interface quite often if you guys do actually want to get access to the Elementor beta maybe near the end of the video you guys can actually install the beta plugin so over here under plugins this is the plugin that I currently am using and this gives you access to their features so over here under Elementor and settings under the dev plugin under features you guys can see that the editor top bar is currently in Alpha so at the time of making this video it's not in a stable release but maybe in like two to three months that's going to be the new current version and the interface with Elementor we also will be using the loop Builder a little bit later so this one right here we'll use that later so I'll show you guys how to use this and you guys will have to turn that on but we'll talk more about this later when we talk about the pro version so let's go back to the video all right so this is the layout for the Elementor page builder now what I'm going to do here is just start from scratch so I'm just going to right click on this whole column and I'm going to delete this column now let's say for instance you guys want to insert elements you guys would take these elements and simply just drag and drop them onto the page so I'll take the heading text right here and then here we have the title and this can be anything right so the best tech reviews on the internet now for every element you guys are going to have three columns you're going to have the content which controls the contents you're going to have this style this controls like the color and the topography and the advanced tab this will control the position and it also add really cool things like motion effects where you can add specific effects to your text but first let's change this to whites because I really can't see what I'm working with here so over here under style for the text color we're going to change that to whites and then over here for the topography we can actually increase the size right there right so increase the size and then for the font we can go ahead and adjust the font right here now I like Poppins but uh I don't know if I should use it for this site but uh there you go you know you guys have probably seen this font before it's a very popular font but Poppins only looks good when it's bolded I don't know why you know poppin's not bolded looks kind of weird like for example you know uh I mean that's okay right I mean it's not bad it's not that bad but uh you guys get the point right I just like it bolded right so we're gonna do something like maybe 45 and I want to Center align this you know it's kind of like stretch to the left and I don't like that so I want to click on the center right here and then we're going to Center that content and then we're just going to keep going right so let's add in a text editor and this is just going to be some demo contents right this can be like uh I don't know like your pickup line or something like that I don't know what these guys do today you know I think on our demo website over here oh yeah they just use some demo tax but this is our demo website that's we are going to basically get inspiration from and I just you know threw in some demo text but this can be anything right it's like home of the best tech company reviews or you know uh see we are the best tech view company or blog we are the number one best source for product reviews on the internet you guys get the point right you can pretty much make this say whatever you want now let's add in some buttons so click on the elements here now really quick I just want to quickly educate you guys on the intersection now there's intersection and there's also the flexbox container next we have intersection now really quickly I want to talk about intersections versus the Elementor flexbox you guys have probably seen a lot of videos talking about the flexbox container however that is still currently sort of in beta right now and Elementor doesn't know if they're going to replace intersections or keep the flexbox so I'm just going to talk about the basic intersections and show you how to use this so over here intersections I'll take this and I'll drag it right there and now we have these two columns and this is where we can insert buttons so I'll take a button here drag and drop it there and I'll align it to the right side all right and then for the style this is where we can adjust the color so for the background color here I can obviously change it so over here classic color and here we can just uh you know change it to any specific color right something like that now also you guys might notice that we have this color scheme right here if you guys do want to get that same color scheme I'll go ahead and click on this button right here right click and then I'm going to copy this I'll go back up here and now I'll paste the style and that what that's going to do it's going to take the same exact style and format and paste it right here and then this can be like you know read more right read more and then I'll duplicate this module by right clicking and duplicating it and then I'll drag and drop it really really awesome I mean look how awesome that is and then over here we're going to change the alignments and this will be visit blog you know this these obviously can be any sort of buttons you want right now we can adjust the padding right here so for the edit intersection I want to add some padding so I just want to add some quick space here so under the advanced section I'll go up here uncheck this and we're just going to add some quick padding remember I talked about like this is where like the padding works and stuff like that all right so I went ahead and added some padding and here if I close this you guys will see that we now have a beautiful landing page and of course we can further design this we can make this text larger you know so if you like the text is too small we can improve upon it you know and make it however we want and if you do want to add space to any elements all we got to do is click on the element right here go to the advanced section say you know what I want to add a little bit of padding up here to the top section right and then maybe a little to the bottom and that's going to create space between those elements so as you guys can tell you know we've created a landing page that looks great in just a matter of seconds it also looks very similar to our other page over here the only difference is that now we're going to add in a background so I showed you guys how to drag and drop elements but maybe you want to change this background so let's do that I'm going to right click on this background and click on edit section now here we have the layout this will actually adjust the layout like you can change the width of this section and the height of this section so here's the style Tab and this is where you guys can adjust the background type and the color or even add in your own image so here is the current default image and if you want to change this we can go ahead and click on this trash can icon which will delete the image from there you guys can either add in a gradient color right or a classic color like for example here we can add in a specific color or we can choose to add in a specific gradient color so over here if we adjust this we can change this to like you know two colors right or it's like two colors in one see that and then you can also add a video background so you can insert a you know a YouTube link or something like that and then here is a slideshow where you can have consistent images keep sliding on the background but I just want to go to classic here and I'm just going to select one image so right here I'll click on the image now I have demo images for all of you guys in the description below of this video it'll give you guys access to the background I'm going to add right here so over here under select files this is the image that I'm going to be using I'll click on open and this is how you guys can upload an image to your websites then I'll click on insert media here for the display size we're going to select contain right and then for the background I'm going to select like the black color right there right and then I want it in the center so you guys can also adjust the position of this like Center center right and stuff like that for your images so I think this landing page looks really sharp let's go ahead and close this and just get a quick little preview as you guys can tell you know this is a really nice looking landing page especially for your first website you know I remember when I made my first website it looked nothing like this it was really terrible so you guys have a really sharp landing page that looks great and you guys made this in a matter of seconds so the starter templates really do give you a boost in that design process and they do save you a ton and ton of time now really quickly let me introduce you guys to just some quick features that might help you guys in the web design process okay here on the bottom you're going to see history now let's say for example you guys made a bunch of mistakes right or something went wrong you guys can actually go back into the revision section right here and you guys can go back into any of the design process of when you're making your website for example click on the editing started and now you guys will see that it takes us right back to when we first started designing the website using the Builder so it takes you to older versions of your website just in case you guys made a mistake or something went wrong and stuff like that next we have the responsive mode now responsive mode is very important let me go ahead and turn on the elements here I'll click on the there we go responsive mode okay when you guys click on the responsive mode you're going to see these three tabs you're going to see desktop tablets and then you're going to see mobile so this is what your website looks like on a tablet View and as you guys can tell you know these templates are fully designed and optimized for all devices and they look great right so here we have all of our categories and this is the style of the mobile view that users are going to have from tablet devices which looks really cool now let's go back up all right let's keep scrolling back up now let's say for instance you guys wanted to design something specifically for the tablet right maybe this title is a little bit too big or if you wanted to change the size of this text you'll click on the element here and then here for typography you're now going to see these three tabs you're going to see desktop tablet and mobile this will allow you to adjust specific sizes of these elements for specific devices so for example for this size we can say I want it bigger right whatever and uh you know for this section we're just going to make this uh you know we'll just change it I don't know you know you you guys get the idea right we can adjust this to something like I don't know let's do 20 pixels right and you can go through the entire website here and adjust anything that you guys want for the tablet device now this is already optimized for a tablet so there's really nothing left for us to do here but I just want to introduce you guys to these options then we have the mobile and with mobile you guys can tell we need a lot of work to do right because I mean look at this text it's it's way too large we have to fix it obviously so here I'll click on the pencil icon and go to topography and then for the size right here we're just gonna we're gonna reduce the size there a little bit you know there we go let's do uh 50 right and here for this text this text is a little bit too large so I'm going to reduce the size of this text right and also I'll click on the elements and you guys might notice here that we just we have uh you know there's no space here at the top you know so over here under the advanced section for padding specifically for mobile I want to add some padding here so let's actually unlink this let's add let's add padding together here so I'm going to add maybe just see here 20 pixels of padding there right and I want to add more padding here to the top right there we go all right so yeah that looks pretty good now obviously we have two buttons stacked on top of each other now for mobile the general practice is to only have one button right that makes sense right you don't want to have a bunch of buttons on mobile because that looks a little weird we can actually disable specific features and elements for specific devices so let's say I just want one button here right I'm gonna get rid of this button you know this button has to go all right so we're gonna get rid of this one here by clicking on the pencil icon going to the advanced section and then for responsive I want to hide this on mobile you know I don't want this on mobile so now they're just going to see this button and also for this button we can maybe increase the size of it right because it is a little small you know for mobile you know they're they might have fat phones or something right so we want to make sure that the button is bigger so for the topography here we're going to increase the size of the topography which will essentially increase the size for the button so I'll do like 25 pixels right 25 pixels and we're going to bold it all right there you go so it'll look something like that right there which looks a little bit better for users on mobile devices and as we scroll down you guys will see that everything else here is fully optimized for the tablet and the phone devices so it's a great template to get started with and it'll save you guys a ton of time if you guys do want to learn more about Elementor and mobile responsiveness or the Elementor Flex box which is one of the newest features that they've introduced I have a full tutorial that goes in detail on Elementor and I will leave that in the description below and they do have a pro version but you guys don't need it so we're just going to skip the pro version for this basic part so I hope this part helped you guys out hopefully by now you guys have a good understanding of how to use this Builder let's go back to desktop here now before we go on to the blog post I quickly just want to talk about how you guys can create new sections which some of you might here we have the plus icon so here we have the plus and then we also have the templates so you guys can actually create templates here and then import them a little later on your site but if you guys ever want to create a new section for example you have this three column row right here now we can go ahead and drag and drop elements so let's say for instance you want to add an image here right and then under the image you want this heading text and then under that we want a button I'm sorry more more text and then and then we throw in the buzz and there we go and then here I'll click on the image and then we can just simply insert one of our demo images here right so we have an image of our phone and this can be like the best phone ever right the best phone ever here you can give some description on the phone and then here we can change the button and we can link them to a specific article that we want now I'm lazy guy right I'm very lazy so I'm just going to go over here and I'm going to copy this I'm going to paste the cell over here right paste this style there we go now this is aligning to the right because over here it's obviously aligned to the right so we got to change that so I'll go over here and we can put left but I think we can also do Justified looks which looks really cool so now you'll see that the button stretches all the way across and then for the link we can go ahead and Link them to that specific article or wherever you want them to go right now again I'm a lazy guy right so I'm going to delete this column and delete this column and now I'm going to duplicate it so I'm going to right click and duplicate it and duplicate it so there we go now all we got to do next is we just need to change the images here and then link them to any various article pretty simple right and for the Finishing Touch we want to add some padding here so for the edit section for the advanced section I just want to add some padding to the top because it's just a little bit too close here right so we're going to add something like maybe like a 100 100 pixels right and that looks much nicer right 100 pixels and then we can link these articles or these links to anywhere on our websites so as you guys can tell you know the page builder itself is pretty fluid and all you got to do is probably spend 30 minutes with this Builder or an hour and you guys will definitely get the hang of this Builder all right now to save our progress here on the bottom you're going to see updates so I'll go ahead and click on updates and then I'm going to view the page so over here you're going to see view page so now you guys will see that all the changes that we made are live on the website here we have the title right and if we scroll down we now have the images we have the title and then we have some you know just some demo description and then we have those buttons there where we can always link them to other parts of the websites and if we scroll down you guys will see that the entire website is intact all you really did here was we just basically added in some content and you guys can just go back and delete it or you guys can update it however you want to your liking so let's go ahead and scroll back up here now the next thing that we're going to talk about is we're now going to talk about the pages and also the menu up here so you guys can create more pages and then you guys can also add them to the menu so let me show you guys how to do that let's go back over here to our dashboard now we're going to talk about posts in the next section but I just want to make sure that you guys have the general fundamentals of you know how to design your website and how to move stuff around before we even talk about blog posts so over here we have pages right if I click on all pages this is a list of all of your pages right this is the home page the news page we have a privacy page which is draft meaning it's not live on the website and then we have the sample page and stuff like that if you guys ever want to get rid of a page you'll just click on the trash and that will get rid of the page right there so now it's no longer available on your pages section you guys can always access those in the trash section think about this part like your recycling bin so if you ever want to restore those pages or completely delete them this is where you're going to do it right so let's go ahead now and add a new page so I'll click on the add new and this will be like the about us page right about us here click on publish and publish here click on view page and this is our about us page right and there's nothing on it because we obviously need to access the page builder to start designing this page so let's do that let's go back over here to edit page and at the top right here you're going to see edit with Elementor let's first click on edit with Elementor now the same thing like we did earlier now we can click on the plus icon and we can make a whole new section however you guys can always click on the folder icon and you can use some of the Elementor blocks now Elementor recently had an update here where they made they made a majority of these Pro and that's just a little unfortunate but if you guys do want to use some of these blocks right here and insert them on your website so you guys can do that so over here under the category section let's find something like the team or something right there right or something that relates to people or a team right team and then here we have some blocks right so let's go ahead and click on the meet the T or meet our team right here and I'll insert that and now we're going to connect this to Elementor now all you got to do here is just click on get started and make a free account with Elementor this does not charge you guys anything whatsoever it's completely free so I'll go ahead and click on and get started now it might prompt you guys to a little Setup Wizard where it wants you guys to actually go and set up and make an account but once you guys do have an account already all you got to do is click on connect and then it'll connect your website with all right and once you guys do that it'll then bring you back to your website and it'll import that block sometimes there's weird little errors see that where I clicked on it these little elements change sometimes with WordPress guys some weird stuff happens and if that does happen just uh yeah it'll fix itself you know so then we can go ahead and design and edit all these sections right here and if you want to insert another section I'll click on the folder icon here I'll go back to the team section and let's say for instance you want to maybe have an image of your team or something like that we can use this block right here I'll enter this one and then from here we can start designing this block now one thing also I do just wants to quickly cover is how to make this full width so if you ever want to make a section full width you'll just click on the edit section or any of these sections here and just make this full width and now you'll see that it's full width and then right here we can just go ahead and change these images so instead of this person you can add in your your staff member or wherever you want and you can just upload that to your websites and then here we have like the description we have the founder and then we have some other I guess these are social icons here at the bottom so this widget right here is the image box widget this one is a divider and then this one is social icons so on your own time you guys can just go ahead and use these and you know if you want to add an even more you can just drag a button right there and then maybe even put this button here in the center and then of course you guys can style this button and make it look however you want and you can you know you can add in more elements onto these blocks or you can get rid of them and you can get as customizable as you want as you can tell right so that's pretty much a good rundown of how to create a page how to add in blocks and how to add an element to those blocks now let's talk about how to actually assign this page to the menu right so we made this page right but let's just say for instance I want to add this to the menu now right so let's go ahead now and click on update we're going to save our progress here and now we're going to assign this to the actual menu so to do that let's go back over here to exit we're going to apply the settings right here so just click on apply and leave and we'll click on the WordPress logo there now over here you're going to see appearance and menus now when you guys imported the template with the bloxy theme they have already created a menu for you guys automatically right if you guys ever do want to create a new menu from scratch right here you'll click on create a new menu and this will be like the newest menu right newest menu and then I'll click on create a menu so here we have pages right and here if I click on view all these are all the pages that we have created so we have the home the news and then we also have that new page the about us and then we also have contact so I'll I'll add all those so I'm going to add all these Pages here to the menu so to do that just click on add to menu and then over here we have posts we have custom links and we have categories now let's say for instance you guys want to add posts to your menu you guys can do that by adding in you know like if you created a post like top 10 best this you can add those specific posts here to the actual menu now this is all demo content obviously so all this right here is just you know filler text but once you guys do create post you can add those to the menu so next we have custom links now if you guys want to create custom links like your Twitter page or your Facebook page or your Amazon Kindle Store you guys can go ahead and Link the URL right there and then add the link text for example this will be like Facebook right and this can be like your Facebook page right so Daryl Wilson and then add that to the menu and this is a custom link that you can add to your menu and then we have categories now later on we're going to create categories for our blog post and this could be something like laptops this can be phones this can be shoes this can be different categories so you guys can create categories for your post and then link those categories onto your menu as well so for example I'll just take all three right here well those are the menu now one thing is you guys can probably tell this menu is a little bit too large right it's very large and it actually might start to make the site look a little weird so if we have too many topics here at the top it might actually have to create a second line which might not look good so we can actually create a drop down menu there so for example we'll go over here and we're going to say all right let's first take this Facebook and let's add it as a drop down right there and then for the categories here we're going to drag and drop these underneath the new section because it's pretty much directly related to our blog right so we're going to add these below that okay so here we have the home and the new section and then we have our sub sections we have the about and the contact and then we have our Facebook page here as a drop down so I'll go ahead and click on Save menu so this is the newest menu now over here under manage locations I want to now for the header menu one I want to now select our newest menu and click on Save changes now let's take a look at the website let's go back over here to visit sites and now you guys will see that our menu is now there instead of the previous menu so we have the home page and then for news now we have our topics here we have the about us and then we have the contact which has the Facebook link drop down I don't recommend that but you guys can always do that if you want to add that in there as well so that's how you guys can create pages and also add them to the menu and just to make sure let's click on the About Us section here and you guys will see now that it has the template that we imported with the connect our team and then we have our team members here at the bottom which of course you can put your writers you can put yourself you can put your dog you can put your neighbor whoever you want to put there right so uh that's how you guys can create pages and add them to the menu also I just want to remind you guys that we do have several blog templates on our website we have a few affiliate marketing websites and we also just have some general blog templates on our website if you guys do want to purchase those I'll go ahead and leave a link to our website with our template kits in the description but you guys do need to have Elementor Pro installed on your websites and all you got to do is just take the zip file drag it into the toolkit and the entire website propagates automatically it's pretty it's pretty crazy so if you guys do want access to those I'll go ahead and leave a link to those templates in the description of this video so in this part of the video I'll be showing you guys how to create blog posts for your affiliate marketing websites now I'm just going to give you guys the Bare Basics of how to use the default editor also known as Gutenberg Gutenberg is the default editor that you guys can use to create posts for your affiliate marketing websites so I'll walk you guys through how to actually you know make basic blog posts I'll show you how to upload images how to upload your featured images show you guys how to create tags in uh categories for your post so I'll walk you guys through the basics of how to make General blog posts for your websites before we jump into something like chat gbt so let's go ahead and make a blog post for your affiliate marketing website alright party people this part of the video I'll be explaining how to create blog posts for your websites now I'll first talk about how to create a general post we'll then talk about how to structure that post then we'll talk about how to integrate chat GPT to help you create and generate posts for your blog now right here you're going to see post let's first click on all posts now when you guys actually import the demo content with the bloxy theme it creates a lot of this demo content now we don't need any of this demo content and I highly recommend you guys to delete all the demo content on your website because later on they're going to discover that you will not be able to monetize your website if Google detects demo contents because they feel like your website is not genuine right so let's first get rid of all of these right here so I'm first going to click on all these and we're going to move this to trash generally when you guys are using AdSense Google will look for demo content and if they feel like it's some sort of like dummy website they're not going to monetize it so deleting the demo content is actually very important all right so I went ahead and I deleted those posts now let's create a new post so to create a new post right here at the top left let's click on add new now the post on the page are pretty much identical right now this is the title of your actual article so what we're going to do is I'm going to show you guys a post that we've already created and give you guys an example of how to you know just how to write blog posts in general in case you're brand new here's a guide titled The Ultimate Guide to the best monitors for gaming in 2023. here is a featured image right this is the main featured image of your article then below that we have the introduction paragraph We have the next paragraph which talks about what we are going to cover in the article and then below that we have the subtopics right so here we have what to consider when choosing a gaming monitor we have refresh rates we have response time and these other features now this was all created using chat TPT we wanted to create blog posts that you guys can look for yourself to understand how this works and what your blog will look like so here we go you know we have the basics of okay what to look for in a gaming Monitor and now we're going to introduce the next topic which is the best gaming Monitor and here we have five different products we have the first one which is this one right here it's a high-end Monitor and if we scroll down you'll see that in it includes the statistics of the monitor we have key features and then people can actually buy it when they click on this button right here and they purchase this we will then get a commission of the sale so that is how affiliate marketing Works in a nutshell let's go back over here to the next product here we just have another product you know this is just a random Dell monitor I guess and it's just basically saying yeah it's great you know it has all these features here we have key features which is great because users might scroll directly to this to just get enough information to actually buy that monitor and then here they can go ahead and purchase that monitor and then we have the third one we have the fourth one and then we have the fifth one here and then here we have the closing remarks or the conclusion and here you're essentially trying to give your reader closure so for instance you know in conclusion if you're on a budget you should get this monitor or if you're not you know it really depends on the user circumstances and you just want to reinforce all the choices that you made in the blog post right here now this is a very important section which is called the frequently asked questions and you guys might be asking yourself you know why would you want to ask questions on your blog post well let me answer that so here is the Google search and I typed in best gaming Monitor and you can tell this is a very competitive industry you know there's all these sponsored ads we have more ads on the right side and if we scroll down you're going to see that there's a section right here called people also ask when you ask these questions on your blog there are chances they may end up in the people also ask section where if they were to click on this they can get a quick answer go to your blog post and purchase that monitor right right away in fact all these websites right here are affiliate websites you guys are going to come to find out that 99 of all blogs are just affiliate marketing blogs right so let's say for example I were to click on this blog post it's called and here they're basically saying okay this is a good decision and then now you can tell that they're basically taking me directly to this specific Monitor and of course they want me to purchase it if I were to purchase this monitor right here through this website this website here would generate a commission so as you can tell a majority of the blogs that you read online are affiliate marketing blogs so let's go back to our website so you always want to make sure that you include the frequently asked questions in your blog so there's chances you guys might end up in the people may ask section and if we scroll down here you can see that we have many questions and what we should have done here maybe is finish this off with an email subscription form where people can sign up for our newsletter for our blog posts so that is a general rundown of a blog post right you can see here this is a well-structured Blog and this is what a majority of your blogs may end up looking like so now that we understand the basics of a blog post and stuff like that now let's create our own blog post so let's go back to our add new post over here so what we're going to do is that we're just going to sort of replicate that the five must have gaming laptops so next we have this block section now this editor is called Gutenberg and this is the default editor that you guys use in order to build blog posts if you guys want to add a specific block right here there is this plus icon and with this plus icon you guys can add specific sections here we have paragraph We have image we have gallery and they have tons of other blocks you guys can add right here now generally the most common one that you guys are going to add is probably either the paragraph The Heading and the image maybe like gallery and stuff like that now you guys can use this as a full-on page builder but it's just not ready yet you know I'll be very honest it's just not there yet so we're just going to use this as our post Builder now obviously we want to probably add in a paragraph right now when you guys see this section right here this is default as a paragraph already so let's go ahead and add in an intro so I'm going to paste some content right here so here I answered some demo content now this is your intro paragraph now for every single blog post you guys create you guys should always include an introduction paragraph So now that we've entered a intro paragraph we now need to insert another very important part which is the heading texts so up here or click on the plus and here we have the heading right so I'll go ahead and click on heading now here you can see that there's H2 right we have H2 H3 H4 and H5 now essentially we're going to create this as an H2 tag now what does that mean so here's a hierarchy for a good structured blog post the H1 is obviously the title and the main idea of your post after that you're going to have a subtopic so that'd be the h2 tag which is the first point of the actual article then it's going to be followed by an H3 and if you have subtopics for that H3 it'll be considered an H4 tag so if you look at this structure it carries the same format as an outline so let's use this structure for our future posts now let's go over here to my article right here and I'm going to show you guys how to properly structure this so over here you guys can see that we have this outline where we have the main title right we have the opening paragraph We have the sub header which is your h2 tag and then we have some content now this content is going to reinforce the subheader now here we have an H3 tag an H3 tag is going to support your initial h2 tag and then we're going to add in more content right here for instance this will be like what to look for in a laptop and then for the next one we can talk about different laptops right so that's where this structure comes into play and then here at the bottom we have the call to action or frequently asked questions so let's follow the same model so I'll go ahead and put this image here on the right side of the screen so we can see what we're doing so before we talk about gaming laptops or monitors I should probably change this there we go monitors so before we talk about the gaming monitors we should now basically talk about what to look for in a gaming monitor right so when you are going to buy a monitor what should you look for and this is very very common you guys might see articles where they talk about web hosting but before they talk about the best web hosting they first explain what is web hosting what is shared hosting before they just start listing products right or listing companies so here we have factors to consider when choosing gaming laptop and then you're going to create some content for this h2 tag so over here you guys can see we have the h2 tag and then we're going to introduce H3 tags to support the h2 tag so let's go back to our website so here we have the h2 tag right and now we're going to talk about the h2 tag right there right now we're going to say okay so what should you consider when choosing a gaming laptop and this is where you can add in another heading text right here and this is going to be the H3 tag right so over here we're going to incorporate the H3 tag and this will be like refresh rate now here we can go ahead and just list a little bit more content but you guys might need to add in some images right so to add in an image you'll go over here and you'll type in Dash image right here and this is where you can upload an image for your article so right here I'll click on upload now really quick let me introduce you guys to some free websites and also premium websites where you guys can get stunning images for your blog so this is the first one it is called pixabay and you guys can go ahead and go to this website and download the images and stop them on your blog so for instance if you guys are an affiliate for something like desks you can just type in desks and then you'll get some images here relating to desks and you'll see that there's quite a quite a few images you know they have tons and tons of images related to desks or whatever you're looking for so this is one helpful resource it's called you guys can also go to this is another free website where you guys can get images for your website next we have this is a free website that you guys can use to also get images for your websites now this is like the OG website you know this was probably one of the first websites that actually would let people upload images and then download them for commercial use so this does tons of images that you guys can use for your blog you guys can also use and unlike the other web websites also gives you guys the PSD files and also the vector files so if you guys do get an image you can use the PSD and Vector file to further enhance it and modify it so this is a great resource and I actually use this same website on my website we use tons of the images from here now if you guys do want to learn more about AI images I have a video that goes in detail on an application called mid-journey mid journey is probably one of the best apps to create AI generated images and it's getting better and better so if you guys do want to check that out I'll leave a link below to this video here next we have canva and I use canva quite often in fact on my blog over here this one right here is from free pick this one is from free pick this one is from Shutterstock but this one here we use canva and also this one we use canva as well we basically just took screenshots of the product that we're talking about and then we slap them together we added in this little nice background and it just created this really nice subtle featured image for our blog post and this was all done using canva they also have free templates as well so if you guys do want to check this website out I will leave a link below to this website now if you guys are in the market of Premium images you guys can use Shutterstock Shutterstock and also Getty Images are probably the top two websites for premium images now if you guys are just getting started out you guys do not need to use this website but later on once you guys get higher quality traffic and you really start to go through the ranks it's not a bad option if you're trying to get blog posts so for example for search for images I'll type in something like plants I don't know maybe you guys are in the fake plants Niche you know and you can just type in plans and you can use some of these images here for your blog post they're really nice you can tell the quality really goes up with these websites they do have a subscription so if you want to go through the subscription routes I think it's like like 70 bucks or something you get 10 downloads or you'll have to purchase one by one and can be a little expensive I think they're like 30 or 40 bucks an image depending on like what you get but they just have tons of really high quality images so once you get to that level and you know you climb through the ranks and you build a really established blog post this is actually a pretty good resource to get images for your websites so now that you guys know of some free image websites where you guys can go to let's go ahead and jump back to the blog post so I have demo images for all of you guys in the description below this video that I mentioned earlier but you guys can also just click on like any image on your desktop and you can upload it that way so for example I'll just click on this one and click on open and that's how you guys would upload an image right here so here we have the image and then you might want to go through the actual specs of the actual monitor right so here we have this plus we'll introduce a paragraph and this is where we can introduce some more content for this specific feature or topic and there we go so now you guys can see that we have some content here for this specific feature now let's go ahead and add in another heading so over here heading and we're going to change this also to H3 and the reason why we're changing this to h3s because the H3 tag is supporting the current h2 tag right so here we'll just throw in another topic so now I need to reinforce the response time so I'll go ahead and add in some demo content here so I'll go over here type in paragraph and then I'll paste some demo content really quick all right there we go now maybe I want to add an image in between this right so what I can do here is I can go to this paragraph press enter and then I can type in Dash image right here and here's where I can insert another image so for example if I want to insert this guy here so then the image appears right there now I think you guys can get a good understanding now of actually how to use this editor it's very simple right I'm just scratching the surface just to get you guys comfortable with this Builder now if you guys ever want to add anything else right here under the block section you guys can simply add in any of these blocks right here and this is where you can add in all these blocks to your blog posts if you guys ever do want to change the actual font right here on the right side you guys are going to see that there is topography right so we have this size where you guys can adjust the size of this so if you guys want to change the size of your topography you can do that there also if you guys want to open up more features right here you guys can actually change the line High the line spacing and all these other options and what that's going to do is that's going to now open more options for the actual text so let's say for instance you want more line Heights you guys can add more line Heights to your article right here and then for the appearance you guys can either choose to make this thin or you can make it bold or however you want it to look and for the decoration we have underline where you can underline specific parts of your blog and then we have letter casing for some reason guys I don't know why but we usually capitalize the first letter of every word I don't know why you know I know that's very incorrect for grammar but if you guys go to a majority of these blog posts or even like maybe maybe Amazon right here you're going to see that for some reason they capitalize their first letter of every word I'm not sure why that is it just sometimes looks very good you know even though if we were to bring this to English class they'd probably give us an F okay so now that you guys have a good understanding of how to use this Builder let's just quickly go ahead and make one little more section and then use the button so that you guys know how to link people to specific products so let's go ahead now and we're going to follow this same structure right we're going to scroll down here and we're gonna we're gonna speed up we're now going to add the H2 again and then this is going to be our H3 so the H2 is a new section and the H3 is going to support the h2 tag right instead actually this is a topic and then this is a subtopic right so let's go ahead now and I'm just going to show you guys how to do this over here to the plus and we're gonna go to paragraph and we're going to just paste something in there and we're going to make sure that this is the here we go under heading make sure this is the h2 tag okay now we're going to create a small intro paragraph to support the h2 tag now we have this small little paragraph here and now this is basically getting our blog post ready to now talk about the top five best gaming monitors so now you'll see that the first one that we talked about is this monitor right here where we have this H4 tag and then we have the featured image and then we have some general content and we finish it off here with the button at the end so let's go ahead and recreate that really quick so first let's add in a heading right so over here Dash heading and this will be like our H3 right H3 and I'll just paste in that contents the next thing we're going to do is add in an image right so I'll just throw in this general image here okay so next we're just going to insert some content for this so over here Plus paragraph and now we'll insert our supporting content for this product I'll paste in that contents so there's our contents now really quick here I want you guys to look at this paragraph see the reason why we broke this up so much is because you see here how we broke up these paragraphs if you guys were to have a paragraph that just basically looks like this where it's just a bunch of content and it's one block it actually is a little bit harder on the eye and it's just not structured as well so when you guys do create posts and stuff like that and create content you want to make sure that you guys do separate this just so it looks more cleaner and it's easier on the eye now the next section we're going to now use the bullet points so over here we're going to find bullet points so here we have a list right so we're gonna use the list elements and if you guys notice here on our current post where we have key features so now we can actually use these key features to make our posts look a little bit more accurate right so here we have the first one I'll press enter and now you guys will see that we have another list that we can enter so I'll enter in some more features all right so I went ahead and I answered some more content now as you guys can tell you know this blog post is actually starting to look really well structured and easy to read but I should have added a small little key feature section so right here let's Enter key features right and I'll just bold this really quick all right now what this does here I don't want to make this like an H2 tag because I just don't feel like it's really needed to add a tag here but we can just put key features and then here we can highlight the key features now we just need to finish this off with a button at the bottom right so I'll go ahead and press enter two times and now we're going to enter a button module so over here we'll take a look at buttons now you guys can actually style these buttons and make it look however you want so over here on the right side you guys are going to see you can change the color of like the background right so if you want to change the color here you guys can select your specific color code you guys can also make these gradient as well which looks really cool so I'll use this one right here right and then for the text you guys can also change the color of the text so if you want like black or white you can go ahead and adjust that there you guys can also change the topography and also the size like we mentioned earlier so here you can change the size of the text so if you want like 20 pixel button we can do that and then like previously we mentioned before we have the same options right here so once you guys understand how to use the topography features for the text it pretty much reflects most of the other elements and then we have padding so if you guys want to add some padding here make it fat you guys can do that but I'm just going to actually leave this as standard so here we have the add text so we now need to add some text to this button right here so what we're going to do is put buy now or buy on Amazon right so now we have the add text and all you got to do here is just add the text so for example this can be Buy on Amazon or this can be any website right this could be any affiliate partner this could be Buy on B H Photo this can be buy on Amazon buy on Best Buy or any partner that you signed up with you can go ahead and say Hey you know you can go ahead and buy it right here depending on who you signed up with and we'll talk more about that later in the video so this is where you're going to enter in your affiliate link now what I'll do is I'll go over here and show you guys an active program that I'm with and show you guys an example of the process you're going to go through now we're just scratching the surface here we're going to talk about more about affiliate links and programs and also how to cloak links a little bit later but this is just a general rundown of how this would all work you guys are go to whatever program you guys are signed with here you guys can see I am part of the Elementor affiliate program where we've made about a thousand bucks this month and we have a balance of twenty seven hundred dollars pretty cool so you can see that we do make money from this now over here we have marketing tools and we have default links now this is my current affiliate link right so I'll go ahead and copy this we'll go back to our website and then we're going to go ahead and paste in the URL right there so I'll paste this in and what that's going to do here is I'll click on the submit what that's going to do is that's basically going to say if they were to click on this link it would then take them to purchase the product using my affiliate link so when you guys do sign up for products you're going to then insert your affiliate links onto these buttons and if they were to click on those and purchase something it would reflect in your account over here and then you guys would see like commissions and you guys would see clicks you guys will get a little bit more information about the statistics of your affiliate links all right you guys got that so that is a general rundown of actually how to use this default editor as you guys can tell it's pretty simple to use and after using it for just a little bit you guys will definitely get the hang of it now there are some important options on this that I do want to talk about which is categories so you can see here we're talking about gaming monitors right so we might want to create a section or a category for gaming monitors so over here and type in gaming monitors and then I'll add a new category now whenever I create specific blog posts I can actually add them to this specific category so I can add them to gaming monitors hot Insider or news I mean you can add them to various categories if you want to go that route here we have tags and here you can just put something like monitor monitor monitor gaming essentially what this is going to do it's going to create tags near your article and users can actually click on these tags here and this will actually take them directly to all of the articles that are related to these specific keywords so next we have featured image and this is probably the most important part of your article this is the actual image that people see when they see your blog post so you want to make sure that you have a really nice featured image that best reflects and represents your blog posts so I'm going to go to upload files I'll upload a new one and we use these ones right here but I'll grab this one and I'll click on open that's a cool one and I don't recommend using the same image for your featured image and then again in your article that just looks a little sloppy and repetitive and it looks a little lazy you know what I think people would actually catch on to that so let's go ahead now and click on set featured image and then here we have allow comments allow ping backs and then we have excerpt which this is optional we don't need that allowing comments is basically just allowing people to comment then we have ping back and track backs now feedback and track packs are actually good to add because when you guys add in links to your blog it'll actually notify those other websites that you're talking about them and there's a good chance they may want to build some sort of Partnership if they feel that your blog is valuable and you're sending good traffic to their website so now that we've created this small little blog post here now let's publish it so to publish a blog post here at the top right you'll just click on publish and publish and then here you can click on view post and take a look at the blog posts so the five must have gaming monitors right here we have an image we have our introduction paragraph We have our next topic right and then we have some information and then right here you can see that we can now read the article and it looks great and then right here by on Amazon or if someone were to click on this it would then take them to that specific product in my specific case I use my Elementor affiliate link and just to give you guys an example if I click on this it'll take them to this page and hey you know if they were to actually buy this I would then make a commission of the sale so that's pretty cool so that's a general rundown of actually how to use this default editor with WordPress it's a great editor it does take a little bit time to get used to but as you use Gutenberg more and more guys will discover that it is really simple to use so now that we understand the basics of making a blog post with the default editor now I'll talk about what your blog post should include and what are different type of blog posts all right so now that you guys know how to build basic blog posts for your affiliate marketing websites now I want to talk about how to properly manage your blog now there's several things that you guys need to know before we start jumping into chat GPT and creating all these different blog posts there's a lot of key factors like the structure of your blog post interlinking domain Authority page Authority there are several things that you guys need to know before we just jump into it because if you guys just start spamming out blog posts with chat CBT and they're not properly optimized or they're not structured correctly half of those blog posts are just going to go right into the trash you know so let me go ahead and educate you guys on uh how to create blog posts for your websites we're going to break this section up into four different sections so we're first going to talk about the strategy of building your blog we'll be talking about how to properly build your blog then we'll be talking about the way to promote your blog and then we'll talk about the way to manage your blog so this section of the video is very critical I highly recommend that you guys watch this all the way again if we go to church EBT right now and start spamming up blog posts a lot of those posts will not rank because there are several things that you need to include in those blog posts to get them to rank onto Google so we're going to talk about all that in this section of the video you guys ready let's get started all right Party People well we know now how to make a simple basic blog for our website but there is a lot of things that you need to know before you start blogging for your website there's a lot of stuff that I wish I knew like what kind of topics to write about how long my topics could be how to manage my blog there's a lot of things that you guys need to know and I'm going to cover all that in this section right here now we're going to break this up into four different sections so I'll first be talking about the strategy of your blog so how should you strategize writing for your blog then we'll be talking about how to build your blog then I'll talk about how to promote it and then also how to properly manage your blog so first let's cover the basic strategy so I'll go ahead and go to my slideshow here here and we're going to start the slideshow and I'm going to go through each of these and explain to you these slides so set a goal for your blog post try to create a variety of blog posts to attract different audiences in the same Niche I do the same thing on my YouTube channel we'll talk about like WordPress then we'll talk about Wix first WordPress then we'll talk about WordPress plugins WordPress themes a lot of topics that are directly related to Wordpress so now let's take a look at number two write each blog post topic down be structured and create deadlines for your blog post example two blog posts a week now let's say for example you guys are just walking around you're doing something and then you get a quick idea for a blog post topic just write it down even on my YouTube channel sometimes when I'm doing something I'll get an idea for a YouTube video and I have to write it down right away so I don't forget it and then from there I basically create an outline for it and then I'll create the actual content for it so make sure that you guys do write each topic down just so it doesn't get lost and number three create backup strategies combined with Drop Shipping combined with e-commerce websites or even create a new blog and Interlink it now you guys have probably seen many blogs on the internet chances are many of those companies or blogs actually sell their own products so what they're trying to do is they're trying to monetize their blog and they're also trying to bring traffic so people will purchase products on their own websites like I said Elementor does that Divi does that all like the WordPress companies they all do that because they want to be helpful yet they also want to drive traffic to their website and monetize it or even create a new blog and Interlink it now various companies will actually have a Blog and they constantly refer people to their product websites companies like female do that if you guys ever heard of the website code nwp it basically just directs all these people to theme Isle and theme isle is the actual theme company there's many companies that do this and it's just a good way on how to get more traffic to those specific websites so people purchase products higher virtual assist listen guys you're gonna get burned out doing all this I recommend hiring a virtual assistant to help you guys out even for this video I had a virtual assistant help me create the slides help me create the demo contents all that stuff I can't do all that guys it's so much work you know so uh yeah hire a virtual assistant guys don't get over burned it's going to really hinder your progress this is a good strategy to help you manage your blog try upwork or Fiverr blog culture be yourself right in a tone that is consistent with the website know the direction of the blog and be consistent so you've seen my website where you can see that my blog has some sort of uh scheme and style right so essentially this is branding but the way we write we write on a more personal Tone If you're a larger company like Wix or Shopify they'll write any more corporate tone right so it just depends on the style of your blog but but you can command chat GPT to write in personal and corporate tones which I'll be talking about in the very next section next we have of all the Google updates and adjust your blog strategy if needed now I don't know if you know this or not but when AI first came out Google said this is against our guidelines and against our terms of using the search engine ever since then Google has actually cracked and said well okay fine AI is allowed but it has to be helpful you know and then they actually created their new AI generator which is called AI Bard and we'll see how that works but make sure you guys follow the Google updates if they push something out and say something just keep an eye on it you know I'm not telling you to to go read their blog rigorously but hey if there's a big announcement that people talk about on YouTube or something just keep an eye on it next let's talk about keywords and some other terms that you guys might not be familiar with so Target competitive keywords and low competition low competition is better to start try not to go for high competitive keywords with a low da website you won't rank build EA first then give it a shot now there's some key terms I used here that you guys might not understand so first let's talk about what is domain Authority and how does it affect your blog now let me explain to you how the Google rankings work for your affiliate marketing website you optimize these posts for Google then Google will index them and place them in the Google search results visitors will then find your blog post and this is how traffic is generated to your affiliate marketing websites however there are some factors to consider that will help users find your blog posts more easier first let's talk about page Authority but what is Page Authority page Authority is the overall score and ranking on how that specific post or page is ranking in the search results the higher the page Authority the higher it will appear in the Google search results each time you write a post it's given a score from 1 to 100 by Google and this is determined by various factors in the Google algorithm such as readability structure optimization and the quality of your article in short if the blog post is high quality and contains very relevant information for users then it will be given a higher paid score and be placed higher in the search results making your website easier to find so make sure you write quality content that would actually help someone to get more traffic to your websites next let's talk about domain Authority so what is domain Authority domain Authority is also listed from the score from 1 to 100 and is the overall score and credibility of your website there are several factors that can help you increase your domain authority of your website such as users interacting on your website like commenting and sharing reputable websites linking back to your website with good domain Authority and making sure that your posts and pages are fully optimized for Google higher domain Authority helps greatly for future posts and usually Google rank your posts a little higher in the search results by default if you have a higher domain Authority because you have already established a good record think of websites like a popularity contest if you have a bunch of large reputable websites linking back to your website Google recognizes this and will boost your overall domain Authority because credible websites are referring to your websites this also helps generate more traffic through website because people can find your website a lot easier from other various websites you can gain backlinks by simply outreaching to high domain Authority websites and seeing if you can exchange links there's also various companies that will do this for you for a small fee because it can be very time consuming you can gain a higher domain Authority by obtaining do follow-back links from credible and high domain Authority websites and remember backlinks are essential for your website's domain Authority score so to summarize that's how Google rankings work and also how you can get more traffic for your affiliate marketing website you guys got that so domain Authority is essentially the strength of your domain if you guys have a very high strength domain chances are you can rank for really competitive keywords if you're a brand new blog and you try to rank for best web hosting chances are nobody will see your website and I probably wouldn't even attempt to write a blog post that competitive I would go for very low competition and work your way up from there so now let me give you guys a tool that I use to help me Rank and track keywords okay now I use this tool for my website and this is called they're a very popular website and what this site does is they help you with SEO research keyword research backlinks and also keywords that you might want to work on and here you guys can see that I'm ranking for around 224 keywords you can see that we we made some and we lost some but overall we are doing pretty well with our keywords now over here we're going to go to keyword research and you can see here I typed in best gaming monitors you can see the monthly volume the estimated clicks then you can see similar keywords and actually use this one the most so over here under view all let's click on view all and this is going to help you find topics to write about you guys can see that best gaming monitor is pretty competitive right there is a lot of search volume for it there's a lot of clicks so if you're getting started out you might want to go for very low competition right and that means scroll to the bottom here scroll to the bottom and looking for things like best curve monitor for gaming best cheap gaming monitors best IPS gaming monitors and all these other keywords the reason why is because these are very low competitive keywords and if you guys are creating a Blog you might first want to get started out with very low competition keywords the reason why is because you have better chances to rank for these specific keywords versus trying to rank for like best gaming Monitor and competing with Forbes competing with all these large corporate blogs that spend tons and tons of money on their blog you guys can mix it up like I mentioned you guys can go for maybe like one or two competitive non-competitive and then try to focus on keywords that are less competitive because you guys can rank easier for those keywords but overall I would say the Spy food planner is actually really helpful you know it gives you the monthly volume search it gives you estimated clicks similar keywords and also questions to ask earlier we did talk about the frequently asked questions to put at the bottom of your blog post and this is actually going to give you some idea on what kind of questions to ask in your blog and then below that they just give you some you know additional keywords that you might be interested in and these other keywords over here so overall it's a very helpful tool next let's click on backlinks now backlinks is helpful for various reasons this actually helps you with competitor analysis and it also helps you understand the market for some specific keywords so for example we have best gaming monitors and here are a list of websites that are ranking for that specific Civic keyword now this is great because if you guys actually go to these blog posts it'll help you understand the market for that specific keyword and your competition I mean looking at this right here I would say that we can definitely write something that is better than what this current Blog has right here and as you can tell it's a very outdated blog this was written in March 29 of 2017. so what we can do here is we can capitalize on that we can go ahead and write blog posts that are current and as a reader you know you guys probably look for current fresh content right if I go to a blog post and it says 2016 I'm probably just gonna like skip away and just leave the page and when users do that Google sees that and they might actually de-rank those blogs so it's important to capitalize on that and write fresh content for readers now they're actually one of the more affordable options when it comes to keyword research tools so now let's talk about pricing you know I did mention that spyfu is one of the more affordable options and their basic plan is just about 16 a month for their annual plan and their monthly plan is 39 which is still pretty cheap against their competition but their basic plan is pretty much all you guys will need to get started out with if you guys pay for it in full it's only 16 a month but if you want to go month by month it jumps up to 39 a month if you look at their competition like semrush which probably you guys have heard about their plans are very expensive the reason why they're expensive is because these websites are more geared for more high traffic bloggers that have teams and stuff like that and if you're just getting started out you don't need all the features from semrush it is definitely Overkill and the same thing with a refs as well a-refs is actually pretty expensive so if you guys uh go to their websites and you look at like their pricing plans in their smallest plan they give you very limited features and it's still pretty expensive so I think out of the three semrush would be a better fit for those of you who are just getting started out with blogging so does that make sense so now that we have a good understanding of keyword research low competitive keywords High competitive domain Authority now all the stuff is starting to make a little bit more sense right at least I hope you know I hope I'm doing a good job I hope you guys are following with me uh also you guys can sell your blog to Empire flippers or keep it if you guys find yourself with a Blog and it's making money every single month and you might say you know what I'm just kind of tired of writing about this content or I want to do something else you can take that blog that's making money every month and sell on Empire flippers there's another YouTuber named WP Eagle he's actually been on this channel before and he starts you know making content for his blog and then he turns around and sells it by the end of the year for like 50 Grand or something it's crazy people will pay big money for blogs that are making monthly recurring Revenue number seven use keyword research tools like wordstream or ubersuggest I believe that is Neil Patel's keyword research tool you guys can go ahead and check it out it is free but it's a bit limited and here I mentioned that a refs and semrush can be expensive I did just show you guys those websites and the pricing plan so if I were a betting man I would definitely go with first it's much more affordable number eight do not go for high competitive keywords when starting out it is a wasted effort I'm not trying to push you guys down I'm actually trying to lift you guys up if you go for very competitive keywords when you're first getting started out chances are you're never going to rank for that you're going to get burned out and you're going to quit I don't want you guys to do that all right don't do that it's very easy to quit go for low competitive keywords to spell out those blog posts go for all that low competition get the traffic build up your domain Authority and then focus on high competitive keywords figure out how to write your blog and make a consistent schedule whether that's you or your content writers or your content writers that are using AI tools I know you guys might see a lot of bloggers out there that make it look like they're on vacation and they just blog like you know once in a blue moon that is total BS guys treat this job like a nine to five put a lot of effort to it make a schedule and make goals and just treat it like a normal job like you would any other job combine various strategies combined with Drop Shipping your own e-commerce products or invest in partner blogs and that means to make sister blogs and refer traffic to each other once you get a large da for one you can actually use that to help build up another hey that's a good strategy the next guest post on a regular basis now you guys probably have not heard about what is guest posting I do have a video that covers guest posting and it is critical for blog success guest posting is writing for other blogs the reason why you do this is because other blogs have high domain Authority and the only way to build yourself as some sort of authority figure is to get a backlink from those large Authority websites so next let's talk about Guest posting you guys might have heard that term a few times times and guys guest posting is critical for blog success it is the number one way to build your domain high up in the search results not a lot of bloggers talk about it but it is the number one way to get built on these search results so here is a blog post by name hero right now I know what you guys are thinking you guys see this post you might think oh this company wrote a post that's really cool my team actually asked this company saying hey can we guest post for you guys and we'll be ghost writers and Ghost Writer means we'll write something for you guys and you get all the credit but you got to give us a link back to our website and it must be a do follow back link so we can get some juice and get boosted up in the search results so here's an article that we wrote for them and if we scroll down to this article you're going to see that right here where it says WordPress this links to so we gave them a free article in exchange for a backlink you guys are going to find that doing this will actually drastically help boost your domain Authority and that means you guys will get seen more in the search results so yeah this is blog post we did we did right for them and me and my team we spent a long time making this blog post we want to create genuine good content for them so they look good as a website if you guys go to websites and you just write some crap blog and say hey can you put this as a guest post chances are they're going to say no so when you approach these companies you really want to do a good job and make some really good content right here they actually credited me they're saying this is a guest post by Daryl Wilson so as long as uh you know as long as you guys get a backlink from the blog post I don't really care if it's you know crediting the author or if it's ghost written as long as I get a backlink and get the Jews that's what I really care about most you know to be honest let's take a look at another example here is a sponsored post now what we did here is we actually asked them saying hey can you write about us and this company did now some companies will do this for a fee we pay this company 50 bucks and if we scroll down right here you're gonna see that they also gave us a do follow back link so there's various ways on how to approach it you know you can do sponsored posts you can do go ghost writing which is basically saying well write for your company but just give us a backlink right and in this case we just did a sponsored post which we approached the company and just said please write about our company we will pay you and we did and on my website we also do have a guest blog which a hosting company called hostinger actually created a Blog for us and we submitted it on our website this article right here you guys can see this was actually submitted and created by and what we did here is we decided to include a lot of the hostinger blog posts and websites in this article so hostinger actually created this article and submitted it to me for free you guys are going to come to find out that exchanging backlinks and stuff like that with companies is very helpful when building your domain Authority all right so again guest posting is critical for blog success the more you guest post the higher your website will be boosted up in the search results because you're going to be building domain Authority be consistent guys I know when you're blogging it's very easy to get burned out and quit just speak consistent and make some realistic goals you know one to two a week one one a week is good all right one a week is good once you guys get a little bit more serious you guys can go for two a week or something like that check your analytics and see how your traffic is performing I'll show you guys how to set that up a little bit later don't get burnouts sell the blog or keep it and good luck so these are just some basic strategies that you guys can use to help strategize and get some information on what kind of keywords that you guys should be writing about all right so now that we've talked about strategy now let's talk about what it takes to build an effective and successful blog now this part here has a lot of key information like what type of blog post you guys should make how many blog posts to make and also how many words per article this section here has a lot of good information so let's go ahead and talk about it so now let's think about okay what kind of blog posts should I write about you guys may not have known but you don't want to sell them for every single blog post you also want to be informative for visitors so they can actually find your blog and there's four different type of blog types you guys should be focusing on there's investigating transactional informative and navigational each of these blog types has a good purpose they're all meant to bring traffic but they're all events to help the reader at the same time now the first one is investigating an investigating post is they are using the internet to research their options and they need more convincing before making a purchase for example their search term could be something like what is the best web hosting for WordPress let me give you guys an example here this is a website called code and WP and they have an article here titled the 12 best web hosting providers for 2023 compared and tested and this is where they basically start listing out hosts they talk about the pros and the cons their speeds and their pricing now this post is used to help reinforce the user because they don't know what kind of Hosting they should get they're still not sure they're looking arounds they're thinking of different options they could be ready to buy right now but essentially what this blog post is doing it's trying to give the user enough information in order for them to make a suitable decision for their websites and if you scroll here you guys will see that it's an affiliate you know it's affiliate marketing post right they're just trying to make a commission but they are also trying to provide helpful information for that specific keyword so that's an example of a investigating post you guys might see things like what is Wix or what is a good thing for that or have you ever heard of Bigcommerce just post like that their investing gating and they help users get more information on that specific topic next we have a transactional blog post type and this is every person's favorite blog post type because this is probably one of the best ways to make money now a transactional post is basically saying the user is probably searching for the best deal on the product they want to buy their search term could be something like best web hosting for WordPress best something this best coffee to buy best book to buy they're looking to buy right now for something and these blog posts generally have high conversion rates let me give you guys an example this is and they have created an article here that is the nine best e-commerce hosting providers in 2023. if we scroll down you guys will notice that they start listing companies like Shopify or Wix or Cyclone they basically list a bunch of companies trying to accumulate commissions from various companies also if you look at this blog post here you guys might notice that there is sort of a lack of information typically those websites They Don't Really list a lot of information I mean they can it is helpful but they're just trying to make a commission so they're just trying to list as many companies as possible hoping that you click one of these links here and make a commission I mean look at the look at the info right here you know A2 hosting website builder unlimited emails I mean every hosting company has unlimited emails like it's like there's it's like stupid you know it's they're just trying to make money here and it's just it's kind of funny and they're just listing out companies and uh yeah so you guys have probably seen a lot of these posts in fact the one that I showed you guys in the start of the video where we talked about the the five must-have gaming monitors this is an example right here of a transactional post because we're educating the user on the actual Monitor and then we just start listing companies like this company this company this company just buy it buy it buy it so that's an example of a transactional post next we have an informative post the user wants to know more about it or they have a specific question in mind or are looking for answers their search term could be something like WordPress burst Wix comparison now you guys might see a lot of these right GoDaddy versus siteground siteground versus Bluehost Apple versus Android I mean there is a thousand possibilities on what you can write about for the informative post and this is basically saying okay the user is interested in something but they're also interested in something else and this is where you can sort of hit two birds of one stone and try to get a commission from the user when they're looking for something to buy let me give you guys an example here so here is an article by and this is titled Wix first WordPress 2023 comparison now the the tech articles from are very questionable you know a lot of these articles are written by people who have no idea what they're talking about whatsoever but since they have high domain Authority they'll still rank on their first or second page of Google which is just how it is so let's scroll down here here they have a table of contents cool featured Partners these right here are all affiliate links so they're basically trying to refer readers to these partner websites and make a commission these actually have nothing to do with the article whatsoever but hey you know if someone clicks on it and they buy something this website gets a commission let's go ahead and scroll down here and look at this like this is all the information they gave on the comparison I mean this is it like uh it's it's like I said it's pretty terrible but what they're trying to do here is they're trying to refer people to because has an affiliate program and does not so you can see here they're very biased when it comes to making money and you know I understand their point of view you know they want to recommend services or products who have high commissions or even have an affiliate program does not have an affiliate program so you can see here they didn't even put a button you know they they didn't even want to give them backlink Jews Like that's just so mean you know but uh that's how it is so you can see that they're trying to get people to go to because I think they have like a 50 uh sign up bonus or something like that or they whatever the user spends they give like 50 of that to the actual websites here they're trying to provide a little bit more value okay pricing and value something and then below that they just start talking about contents and I mean this is probably all for the search engines I don't think anyone actually even reads this stuff I mean who knows maybe people do and then here again they have featured Partners user experience so uh yeah again this is just an example of a post where they're doing comparisons to help get more information on you know which tool you guys should use and if I were a reader and I were to come here I would probably go with Wix because the website is passively telling me that Wix is better click here WordPress it's like you get you get 3.8 stars and there's no buts in here so they're pretty much forcing me to go to right so that's an example of an informative post you guys can make those informative posts up the Wazoo I mean there's a thousand different ways you guys can write that so if you guys are selling something like I don't know like coffee right you can talk about Starbucks versus this Starbucks first that Starbucks versus this and have a thousand articles on just a formative post there's quite a quite there's quite many posts you guys can write about for informative and last so we have navigational they just need a little help getting to their website but they know what or who they're looking for for example what is WordPress the user knows about WordPress but they just need more information they're not sure or they just need to find out like how to sign up or how to make an account and here's an example of an article by kinsta what is WordPress explained for beginners and if we scroll down here you're going to see that they start recommending you know they said they first start talking about WordPress and then they start to recommend uh themes so they can get commissions from other WordPress themes and they also start recommending their own service saying hey this is WordPress and you guys can sign up here click on the link to install WordPress and then you can you know go on your very way and then they're going to give you the information between what is the difference between and of course they're going to recommend because then they can make a commission when someone signs up with their hosting because is another platform and they won't make any money recommending but they can still educate users on it but just don't give them a link you know what I mean like you want to guide your visitors the correct way so that's an example of a navigational post all right now let's talk about how much content you should write and talk about very important things so you guys don't get screwed the first thing is longer posts rank better the more words that you guys write the better the post will rank this is a fact okay if you write a 500 word article the chances are you probably won't rank as you guys know those blog posts that are on the front page of Google are getting longer and longer and longer and it's almost like reading like a an essay you know or encyclopedia or Wikipedia page they even have table of contents for every blog post so those are getting much larger let me go ahead and blow this up really quick to give you guys an idea here this was a study done by and they found that on average the more words that you have the more referring domains will link back to you the more people will share your content on Reddit or something like that so the more words that you do rights you guys have better chances to rank on these search results you can see here The Sweet Spot is more than three thousand okay now in the beginning this video I talked about how many words to write I would start with maybe three thousand and then work your way from there I know that seems like a lot of words but when you're using chat GPT it's like who cares you know just tell them to keep pumping out words and here you can see that The Sweet Spot is between three thousand to ten thousand anything more than ten thousand might be considered keyword stuffing so you don't want to overdo it with your blog post but you just want to create enough content so that uh you know Google considers it rich information okay so just remember the longer posts rank better front page posts have an average of 5 000 words so when you guys go to the front page of Google on average those blog posts generally have an average of 5 000 Words which is a lot of words but hey man I mean Google's competitive you want to rank on the front page you gotta include a lot of good Rich information include interlinking link to other articles this adds points as quality now interlinking is essentially linking to other various websites this is my blog post ranking on the very first page of Google for how to write high ranking blog posts if we scroll down on this blog post you guys are going to see the I Interlink to my blog post and I also Interlink to other websites so here is the first one you guys can see that we actually linked to another website and if we keep scrolling you're going to see that we linked to other various websites we link to and we talked about the study that they have done which is very helpful info here we linked to shift so we linked to them because a lot of this information comes from various blogs and studies so we wanted to compile that and put it in our blog post but also credit them at the same time to let them know that you know they're the ones that did this study and they deserve the full credit and if we scroll down here you're going to see that we talked about keyword stuffing here we linked to the websites because users might be thinking to themselves you know how do you know what is keyword stuffing do you have a source for that and yeah we do we back everything up with everything that we talk about in our blog posts and here we have another backlink to search and Google as well and we also do Interlink our own articles as well so right here this is an article to our yo tutorial so this will actually link it back to our other blog posts now when Google sees that you guys are interlinking they credit you guys as a participating website that means they think that your website is participating with other websites and it's a white hat website if your website has zero backlinks Google might actually think that you're a black hat company and they might label you as the same category as like a pornography website because they generally don't link to other blogs right so you guys want to make sure that you guys are interlinking with other websites in Google's eyes they see that your website is participating and they label you as a white hat organic websites and they may boost you up in the search results and it always does help Google loves interlinking so I can't stress that enough always Interlink to other websites and also other articles on your own websites and lastly here is another uh link that we gave to yoast SEO we included a YouTube video which links to YouTube Final thoughts and so on and so forth so that's what interlinking is it is critical for blog success okay so now that we understand what intra linking is guys always do it it's really helpful let's talk about keyword density keyword density must not be higher than five to seven percent keyword density is keyword stuffing for example if you guys are trying to rank for best web hosting don't put best web hosting a thousand times in your article Google sees this as keyword stuffing and they may penalize you which means throwing you on page 1000 guys so uh if you guys are trying to rank for a specific keyword don't have it appear more than five percent of your article I'm telling you guys right now once you get penalized it's really hard to come back and it takes a long time so make sure that you guys don't stuff keywords next up plagiarism must be below 10 anything more than 25 percent will be penalized if you guys are writing content always run it through plagiarizer Checkers we're gonna do that in just a bit with chat GPT but make sure that the content is not plagiarized if your content is plagiarized your website could get penalized and just make sure that you don't want to be there right don't don't go there ask questions then answer them this helps with Snippets we talked about that earlier and lastly start with one thousand two thousand words if you're writing the article yourself just start with a thousand two thousand words but since we're using AI just go more than three next let's talk about affiliate programs and I have a lot of background info on affiliate programs I know the ins and outs what to look for so let's talk about it join various affiliate programs to help diversify your portfolio private eCommerce affiliate programs usually offer higher commissions but they're more risky with five to twenty percent commissions affiliate programs closing or lowering commission rates now sometimes when you guys are approaching companies large companies with good reputation usually offer very low commissions because they have high traffic and they don't really need Affiliates that much but they still give you know commission rates like Amazon like one to five percent but you guys will find that newer companies like a new bike electric company or something they might offer very high commission rates to lure Affiliates in and once they get the traffic then they start lowering their affiliate rates which happens quite often Amazon affiliate program has the best conversion rates people trust Amazon however conversion rates with them can be anywhere between one to five percent depending on the topic that means if you guys link someone to or something like that the odds of them converting is pretty good because everyone knows however the commission rate is very low so you guys might see that you're getting very low commissions when you first start but as you build more and more you'll see that the you know the traffic's increasing the commissions are increasing so you'll make more money also we've discovered a very uh it's a very funny story we actually uh recommended someone to buy like a microphone for like YouTube or something and they actually bought like a whole treadmill sometimes when you actually link them to somewhere they might actually buy something else on Amazon which is pretty cool so you can make a commission from that as well try joining affiliate marketplaces like share sale or impact radius these work with more reputable websites with less risk so let me give you guys an example so this website here is called and this website is a Marketplace for companies to find Affiliates and if you're an affiliate it's a marketplace where you can find companies to promote it used to be called impact radius I don't know if they're still calling themselves that but that's what they used to be called uh so yeah this is their current dashboard you can see that I am actually a member of this website and we have around twenty five hundred dollars that's currently pending and if you guys go to the website there's just various companies where you can you know promote and usually when you sign up for one company they give you like other recommended companies that are in the same field to give you some you know to help you out on finding companies to promote what you guys can do up here is go to Brands and then go to find Brands and you can search for something in your Niche now let's say for example you guys are an email marketing company and you want to recommend companies that have affiliate programs when it comes to email marketing software or something like that the top right I'll type in email marketing or how about this how about this email and then we have a list of various companies this is actually a very popular one Constant Contact they'll pay you five dollars if someone actually just signs up not even giving them money just signing up they'll give you five bucks and then they have like which they'll give you 85 dollars to 110 dollars per sale which is pretty high namecheap they'll give you guys five dollars 25 bucks and so on and so forth so you guys can see that there is various rates that these companies offer so it doesn't matter what kind of Niche you're in you can just search for something let's look for something else type in shoes I don't know shoes oh look at that online sale 20 20 and so on and so forth so there's a lot of companies here that you guys can promote a lot of people just don't buy from like those large corporate websites a lot of people are looking for new Styles and new designs so even though these companies might not be popular don't think that people don't shop there trust me there are tons of multi-million dollar companies that we've probably never heard about right so this is a website where you guys can use to find our products to promote there's also a website called has tons and tons and tons of merchants so you guys can go ahead and sign up here and make an account and once you guys do that you can actually go look for companies to promote you'll see here on the left side they have categories so maybe uh let's see let's see what we'll find here a food and drink take a look at that food and drink so let's say you're like a food or drink blog or like those review people whatever there are tons of restaurants and bars and sellers wine club ten percent for wine that is not bad the California wine club 15 and then you can check out their website get an idea of what they sell to see if it's the right fit for you and your blog you guys can also check out there is I'm not a big fan of it but they do have some other companies to promote but a lot of people do find merchants on impact radius or I'm sorry share a sale now you guys can also go to just the company's website you want to promote and just see if they have an affiliate program a lot of these companies are not registered with those marketplaces like for example if you guys want to promote them they'll pay you like up to 50 for their products and they are not part of any Marketplace also companies like elegant themes they are not part of a Marketplace and they also do have fifty percent commissions that are renewed as well so as long as the user stays signed up for elegant themes you're gonna get 50 every single year there's a lot of really really amazing lucrative affiliate programs you guys can join and then of course Constant Contact but they are part of impact radius or I'm sorry share sale so if you go to apply now they're just going to take you to those other Marketplace websites so that is affiliate program summed up you guys can either go to marketplaces like share a sale or you can go to you can also go to like and register for their Associates program and if there's other companies that you want to promote just go to their website and scroll to the bottom of the footer of those websites and see if they have an affiliate program Link at the bottom and they probably manage their own affiliate program which tons of companies do in my personal opinion guys I love digital products digital products have the highest commission rates because they're digital you know so they can be replicated and reproduced really quickly products that are very a large like treadmills or desks they usually have lower commission rates because they already have a lot of costs as is and that is my current experience but if you guys do want to promote stuff I would definitely go with places like Amazon I would go with share sale or CJ and just find companies and then go from there all right content creation most blogs and websites use content writers to generate content for their websites when you guys are making content in my personal opinion you guys can start with yourself at first but it would be 10 times easier if you actually got someone to help you with so you can generate content twice as fast and just pump out massive massive articles writing solo content is good to start with but hard to sustain long term so when you're getting started out I highly recommend to write the content yourself and get an idea of you know how to write and give you you know put yourself in the right direction you're going to make a lot of mistakes there's gonna be a lot of trial and error and it's good to write it yourself at first but long term you want to delegate those tasks to other people and then watch for errors and since you've already done it yourself you know what to look for websites to use obviously we're going to use chat gbt in the very next section you guys can also use Jasper in my personal opinion I think chat GPT is much better Jasper is good but I feel like you have to keep correcting it too much and it's just not there yet in my personal opinion now another very important topic and even people in my comments are going to say No Deal you're wrong you're right whatever this is my opinion and this is from a lot of Hosting companies and this is their evaluation of this topic any page builder Works Elementor Divi Gutenberg all work well for SEO anything else is a complete myth and not true marketing gimmicks people are going to say well this website is slow because of this theme or this page builder is not SEO friendly guys I've used all page Builders and all page Builders have always ranked number one as long as the content is good and you have good SEO practices your blog posts will rank on the Google search results next make sure your website is fully optimized we're going to integrate Google analytics and this just basically shows how much traffic you're getting and where they're coming from and it also will show your bounce rates which is very important a balance rate is effectively saying when people go to your blog are they leading right away that's a bounce rate so if people are coming to your blog and leaving really quickly there's probably something wrong with either your website or your content so high balance rates are not good anything more than like 60 to 70 percent is pretty bad so you want to make sure it's around fifty percent forty percent any lower than that is really good and lastly we're going to submit our site map to the Google search console the site map is essentially a roadmap for Google and it basically lets Google know about your website like where your pages are where your posts are and essentially it's a roadmap for them to crawl so they can index it for the Google search results so it's very important that you guys do add your site map to the Google search console and I'll show you guys how to do that a little bit later alright so now that we talked about the building part of the blog now let's talk about promotion now there are some things that we do need to talk about on how to properly promote your blog and things to consider when you want to get traffic to your blog the first thing is domain Authority and we already talked about domain Authority domain Authority is a metric used to measure a website's credibility this metric predicts how well a website will rank on Google's engine results pages so the higher domain Authority that you guys do have the better the website will rank you guys can use da Checkers like a graphs or Moz where you can just type in your website and they'll let you know your domain Authority my current domain Authority is around like 40 or something like that so if you guys are getting started out it'll be like below 10 but as you go and you build more posts it will get higher from there now what is a do follow link a do follow link is a link back to your website that gives you equity for a higher domain Authority we mentioned earlier about blog posts when a person actually links back to your website you always want to make sure that they do follow backlink because that gives you juice and can boost you up in the search results versus a no follow link where you get no credit at all from Google so what is a no follow backlink a no follow backlink is still a backlink to your website but does not give you all the equity or improve your domain Authority it still gives you traffic but not the da benefits so let's say for example GoDaddy links to your websites but it's a no follow-back link there is no juice and your website will not get boosted up in the search result because of that however if it's a do follow backlink Google will see that and say oh you know GoDaddy is actually linking back to your website you must be popular we're going to boost your website up in the search results and that's exactly what the difference is between a no-fault backlink and a do follow backlink what is PR page rank I guess they put ads there sorry it's a typo pagerank shows how a specific page or post is ranking in the search engine the more backlinks to a post this usually boosts the rank of that specific post so if you guys do have many websites linking back to a specific post like let's say for example the study with backlinko where they talked about how many blog posts you need to make or how many words it's very helpful content so the more backlinks that post has the higher it will boost up in the search results because people are sharing it on other various blogs so that is an example of pagerank so the domain Authority is the total score for that domain but page rank is the score for that specific post so there's two different metrics number three what is guest posting guest posting is writing and creating articles with other websites in exchange for a backlink and make sure it's a do follow back link okay so I do have a video that talks about how to boost your website up in the search results using guest posting I will leave that in the description below of this video number four websites that can help you Outreach now if you guys are reaching to websites you guys might come across that it's very tedious and time consuming you have to reach out to someone get an email go back and forth and it could take a long time before anything's ever done there are websites that will do this for you blogger or be careful of pbns all right and just to give you guys a bonus there is a 1000 websites that accept guest posts and the description there is a blogger that I met and know and he has a really long article that gives you tons of websites that will accept guest posts now right here this says be careful of pbns now a pbn is a private blog Network and that is pretty much a team of people get together and they create blogs and they link all to themselves to boost their domain Authority the problem with these blog networks is they are strictly made just to build up Authority but they're not made to get genuine traffic and these pbns are always affected in Google's updates they're always pushed lower and lower in the search results and eventually they're just going to get phased out so my personal advice if a company is offering like an 80 da but they don't get a lot of traffic or the website looks kind of fishy just stay away from any website connected to a pbn and if you guys do want to find websites that accept guest posts you guys can go to the Google search and type in these keywords like right for us submit an article contribute guest posts contribute to our blog become a guest blogger guest blogging guidelines or contributor guidelines if you guys type this in on Google you guys are going to find tons of websites looking for guest bloggers for their websites and lastly we'll just give you guys some more tips on how to promote your blog so respond to Reddit posts or create a subreddit be careful and don't spam if you guys go to like the WordPress subreddit and you just type in like are you just throwing a best web hosting blog post you're going to get banned right away usually what people do is they ask questions and then they respond with one other articles is what I usually see core questions answer with a link back to your website so if someone asks about something and you have an affiliate post that talks about it go ahead and find it on core questions and then that's where you can post a backlink to your blog Facebook groups do not spam Tick Tock and YouTube shorts these are all various good ways on how to promote your blog remember you guys can always put the blog article in the description below and you can also put your affiliate links on the bottom of those videos as well Pinterest marketing is great Facebook groups YouTube channels and Pinterest Pinterest is a very good place to promote your website you guys can create thousands of pins and just link them all back to your websites I will be having another video that talks about Pinterest but that's for a whole other topic but Pinterest is a great way on how to get organic traffic to your blog alright and welcome to the last section so in this part we're going to be talking about how to properly manage your blog okay now first let's talk about the topics you create so create blog topics and its purpose who are you why are you writing about this make a brand an identity for yourself if you guys go to my website Joe if you guys will see that I'm all about WordPress we talk about WordPress plugins WordPress themes and just general WordPress related topics if you guys are writing about specific topics you want to keep your brand consistent I personally think picking one Niche and then writing in that specific Niche is the best way to go because you become Authority in that specific Niche and users I'm sorry and visitors generally trust you a little bit more more than other blogs like Forbes where they just talk about tons of different other various topics make your blog legible have a well-structured Blog that's easy to navigate you guys already have that because you guys are using the starter template that I have shown you guys how to import we also do have another template that I'll show you guys how to import a little bit later in the video once we talk about Elementor Pro it's a really beautiful looking blog you guys are really going to love it pick a WordPress theme that works for you make sure it offers features you don't have to switch between themes now when you guys are writing blog posts you guys can switch between various WordPress themes you will not lose your progress however the website will come a little weird looking and stuff like that and you have to adjust the settings to fit it so try not to switch between WordPress themes too much you guys will not lose any of your blog posts whatsoever so you guys can but your structure might look a little weird and funny depending on the WordPress theme settings so try not to switch too much intro to content writing services writing content yourself hiring a Content writer AI or constant content when you guys are writing contents just make sure that you guys delegate the tasks and we're going to use chat gbt in this specific instance you guys can always write content for yourself to just get a general feel of it but we're going to use chat gbt to make things a little bit more easier as we go so now we're going to talk about AI content now we're just going to talk about some things to look out for when you're using AI content writers with chat GPT now it usually does not create plagiarized content but always check we're going to introduce you guys to some tools that you guys can run it through to make sure that it's not plagiarized use AI content writers to help when you get stuck they can make full-fledged articles with the right practice there's a few different methods you can take with chat GPT and we'll talk more about that in the next section however it does need fixing never take 100 of the AI content and just slop it on your blog and click on publish there's a lot of tweaks and fixes and also you need to add images to those blog posts so we'll cover more about that when we cover chat GPT which is the very very next section I know I keep saying that but I gotta be honest guys I just want to make sure that you guys understand all of this before we go to chat GPT so that when you guys use it you're not like oh wait a minute but what about this but what about that you know I just want to make sure that we're fully ready when we get there now let's talk about a little bit of history with AI generated content and also Google Now in 2022 when AI was first coming out Google took the stance and said that AI generated content is against their guidelines for their Google search results however as of 2023 Google has now changed their stance and says okay AI generated content is allowed however it must be helpful content okay that is the exact words they use is helpful content so content generated automatically using AI writing tools is not against Google webmaster guidelines says search Advocate John Mueller Google has actually created their own new AI generated content which is called Bard and I'm not really sure about how good it is but it just came out recently maybe it'll make a video on it in the future but as of right now chat GPT is probably the best out of all of the AI content writers in my opinion I've used several of them so next let's talk about how many articles you need to write to start making money now I got this information here from a YouTube channel called and I will leave this same video in the description below where I got this data however I can confirm that this is pretty accurate so for 10 blog posts a six months time frame assuming the articles are around 1 000 to 2000 words the average page view around 5500 your monthly income will be around 79 now this is from 10 blog posts and we put six months time frame here because your website needs to build domain Authority domain Authority is built by like we talked about Guest posting however it's also built by the Aged domains so if your domain is older generally that domain will have a higher domain Authority by default because it's a lot older than a lot of the newer domains now what about for 50 blog posts 50 blog posts from a six month to a 12 month time frame assuming the article is around one thousand to three thousand words the average page views around twenty two thousand your monthly income should be around 427 dollars now this is a very good range and 427 dollars might be an understatement there you guys can probably make an easy 800. it really depends on your Niche so for example if you're talking about digital products I would say that your income is going to be a little bit more higher but if you're talking about like shoes or physical products generally the commission rates are a lot lower so it really truly depends on what kind of blog you're creating in my book digital products are the best like applications and online services the commission rates are really high and they're really easy to sell because they're digital products right so now let's talk about more blog posts and let's just up the stakes here again and let's say you guys have a total of 500 blog posts so how much money should you be making from that well assuming this is a little bit more than 12 months because the domain is aging and the authority is building and the Articles around 1 000 to 5000 words your average page view should be around 200 000 and your monthly income should be around thirty six hundred dollars but we can push that to maybe 5 thousand dollars and again if you have a Blog that is averaging a monthly income of thirty six hundred to five thousand dollars you guys can probably sell that blog for I want to say 120 000 to yeah 120 000 I would say that's worth because you have to multiply the annual year by I think like two or three some people do even four just depending on the competitive of the niche but this is a practical idea of how much money you guys should be making if you generate this amount of blog posts so as long as you guys are committed to this you guys can definitely make money and I know thirty six hundred dollars might not sound like a lot but just remember in the back of your head that you're also increasing the net worth of your blog hey guys I want to have a one-on-one with you guys really quickly here now affiliate marketing is basically trying to solve someone's problem right so when you guys are creating these articles you first want to ask yourself you know what am I trying to do here you know why am I making this article you're trying to Target people on the internet who are either not sure or they're looking for something you guys also want to Target niches that are somewhat lucrative and don't really waste your time you know um a lot of people like to Market digital products right because digital products have some of the highest commission rates in the industry let's quickly touch base on the affiliate niches there are so many different type of affiliate niches out there that you guys are probably not aware of most people starting a blog they're just going to go with the various obvious ones like how to make money online health and fitness it's like oh man there are so many different niches out there there are fake plants which is a very big Niche I know it doesn't sound like much but a lot of grandmas like to buy fake plants and grandma has money so that's a a good one to talk about also the insurance industry they actually pay you really high commissions I made a YouTube short about this where all states will pay you guys I think it's like 28 just for someone requesting a quote they don't even have to buy nothing you know Constant Contact they'll pay you guys five dollars just for people signing up and not even buying anything there's also that One online bank it's called like Ally Bank or something they'll pay you guys 20 just for every sign up so when someone signs up to their service they verify their their identification that bank will give you guys a free 20 bucks there's so many different niches out there so do your research you know it's hard for me to tell you guys what to do you know there's a niche for everything there's a niche for uh cameras there's a niche for electronics a dog poop or scoopers you know everything and don't feel like it's like you know oh this is weird it's like no man we're here to make money okay we're here to make money so when you guys are picking your Niche just sit back and just sort of think everything through you know what can I talk about I mean there's a coffee being cups there's bonsai trees there are like I mentioned fake plants there is dog pooper scoopers cat pooper scoopers you know there are so many different things that you can just totally dedicate your blog to to make commissions and don't feel like it's weird or oh No One's Gonna talk about this I've seen some really crazy Google searches doing some keyword research right so people are looking for some really weird stuff out there and if we can help them by recommending products we can all make money together all right so that's my advice you know good luck and finally the long-awaited moment of using chat GPT so in this part of the video I'll be showing you guys how to use chat gbt to create amazing blog posts for your websites now I personally have an SEO company that I work with and they actually use Ai and I pay them around a thousand dollars a month and they generate around 50 to 60 blog posts for me every single month and on those blog posts it's a great investment on a return because now we're seeing traffic and we're getting commissions from those blog posts it's like a whole Wildfire you know the more blog posts that you guys create dates the more money you guys will earn and we also are going to give you guys two special prompts that you guys can use to rank on the first page of Google and how do I know that we actually use these same prompts to rank on the first page of Google so as long as you guys follow these prompts and do what we do in this video you guys will be on your way to start ranking on the first page of Google so without further Ado I'll be showing you guys how to use chat gbt to create really high ranking blog posts for your affiliate marketing website and me and my team really spends like weeks on this really narrowing down AI to a science and we have just two prompts that are amazing that you guys are gonna love so with that said let's get started so this is the website where you guys can access chat TPT it's called I'll leave a link to this website Below in the description once you guys are here you'll click on try chat TPT now if you guys are brand new it's going to prompt you guys to sign up and use an email so you'll go to the sign up process and once you guys do that it'll bring you to a page where you can now enter prompts now for the free users it's going to use chat gbt 3.5 version there's a various versions right here you can see there's the default one there's the Legacy and then there is gpt4 which chat GPT says it has more reasoning and conciseness when creating prompts and articles but we're first going to do here is I'm going to walk you guys through the very very basics of how to use chat TPT and how to write prompts for blogging and creating product reviews and all that good stuff so let's start with some basic prompts I'm going to give you guys four different prompts to use and just show you guys how all this works so let's say for example you want chat CBT to create a review or some sort of article for your websites we can just type it in so write me a detailed article on the benefits of creatine all right and there you go we can now see that chat EBT created this article and this content for us and you guys can go ahead and read through this and just make sure that it's accurate so here talking about athletic performance muscle mass enhances strength supports brain function reduces muscle soreness improves endurance safe and effective which I believe all this is pretty much true and then it finished it off here with a conclusion here at the bottom now you can also use chai gbt to create product reviews for you which is pretty popular and I think most people are going to use it for that specific reason so here I'm going to type in write me a product review on Elementor now there's also another trick here you guys can actually insert a link to a specific website as well so right here I'll say instead of Elementor we'll just link Elementor and we'll put write me a product review on and then we'll link the actual websites and then what it's going to do it's going to scan that domain and it's going to get enough information as possible to write the article so here you guys can see that it's writing an article about the Elementor page builder all right and here is the little product review that they made you can see that they're talking about Elementor and stuff like that now we can go a step further here and we can ask it to write product reviews on any product that we come across so for example product review on this product and then you can actually just take random links here from Amazon and you can actually ask it to write product reviews and what it's going to do it's going to go ahead and go through all that information it's going to look for information and it's going to scan that page and then it's going to give you the relevant information about that specific product you guys can see here that I just linked it to a coffee product on Amazon and now it's writing this whole review on this product which is pretty cool so here you guys will see that this is the product that I linked it from Amazon you guys can also use this if you guys need help with specific titles like for example go ahead and paste this in right here suggest five clickbait titles for how to make a website you guys can also use it to research specific titles you can use it to research even articles to write about so you'll see here that it's now saying Unleash the Power of the web five secrets to making a killer websites discover the easy way to build a website no coding required these are actually pretty good in my opinion we can use these titles right here to create titles for our article so let's go a step further here I'm going to brainstorm topics for making a websites and now it'll actually help us get topics for making a website so as you guys can tell you know this is actually really cool where you can use it to brainstorm topics now did you guys also know you can have it create outlines for those specific topics as well let me give you guys an example here I'm going to paste this in please create a blog post outline for the following I'm sorry with the following considerations the topic is about the best monitors for gaming now notice here how I put number one we can't actually create several commands and one prompt to generate an article so before we do that let's just press enter here and get an idea of the outline it can create for us so now you guys will see that chatgpt has actually created an outline for the specific blog post which is best monitors for gaming here we have the introduction key features and then here we have the top five best monitors for gaming now again this is just an outline so let's actually go ahead and create a new chat here so now let's get Advanced you guys saw the very basics of what Chachi BT can do but now let's talk about how you guys can use it to get a little bit more advanced when you're creating blog posts now there is two methods that I recommend for creating optimal blog posts and this right here is one of them now I'm going to paste in this command and we're going to go through each of these commands and we're going to talk about it so you guys can see now that we're getting a little bit more advanced and we're trying to really direct it on how to actually write the contents write me a detailed review about this product which is the Brix Builder this is actually another WordPress page builder so I'm asking it to write a detailed review the review should have at least 3000 words use transitioning words and an active voice when writing here we have expand each section what this is saying is for every section that you create I don't want you to just list like a bullet I want you to actually expand on it and write more content for that specific feature create a table of contents and create a detailed review about each rename the conclusion title to one more suitable include a fact section after the conclusion create a two paragraph introduction I'm sorry create a two paragraph quick intro summary on the review make a bias review with a positive outlook you guys can actually use this is to make negative and even positive reviews if you want to go that route so you guys can see that you can add a bunch of commands here and one prompt to really try to narrow it down and create a really well structured article now let's go ahead and press enter here and let's just see what this creates for us so this prompt right here that you guys see this is a golden prompt if you guys use this right here this can actually really help you create structured articles now just remember write method a right now there's actually another method which will actually help you guys create even more content but this prompt right here me and my team he's probably spent like we probably spent weeks and this is what we actually came up with that was optimal for creating everything that you guys need in a blog post so let's just take a quick look here first off they said 3000 words is too much but that's no problem because you can always ask it to write more content when you put tell me more right here we have the table of contents and this is actually very important because Google actually scans articles looking for table of contents so this is great to add to your blog here we we have introduction a brief summary and then we have product overview we can probably get rid of brief summary and put these two paragraphs together and then for product overview what we can do is maybe just change this to something a little bit more friendly like what we thought about it or something like that make it more human-like right next we have features and it's going to go ahead and talk about the features now I was talking about the user experience it creates the pros and the cons through these really nice bullet points now I don't recommend actually instructing it to write bullet points for you guys we've done that before with prompts and can you create bullet points with pros and cons and what it does is it actually writes a whole article with bullet points and it looks terrible so this is actually much better so don't ask it to write bullet points but pros and cons are good and then we have our conclusion and they've also changed out to final thoughts because I told it to here we have the conclusion and then below that we have frequently asked questions this is very important because remember earlier how I mentioned that you need to ask questions because this will end up in the Google search under people also ask so you always want to make sure that you add a fact section for your blog so this is one prompt right here that is actually gold and that you guys can use for your blog post now I have an Evernote here and obviously you guys can tell I was using this the whole time right but I just didn't want to throw it all at you right so you guys can actually access this Evernote there is a link in the description to this Evernote but just remember there's some basic commands right write me a detailed product review you know write me a review summary on this prompt right here works sometimes this is available in the 4.0 version and this is saying that I want them to write a review on this specific card you can actually copy and paste information and give it to them and you can also take take articles and give it to them as well now this has worked for me sometimes and then sometimes it says it can't do it so it really depends on how it's feeling at the current time you know but what we can do is we can actually give it information to write about so now let's talk about method a so I already showed you guys method B which was a very well way on how to write blog posts but there is another method and this method actually requires a two command prompt flow but the information here is a little bit more rich so we first need to actually create an outline right so let's first actually take this prompt right here and we're going to go to our Chad gbt and we're now going to paste this information in here however over here I'm going to put the topic is about the outline is for an article with at least 2000 words the topic is about Elementor include various headings and subheadings as well as starting Tendencies for each section so now we're just going to create a really well detailed outline for Elementor all right now you guys will see that has created this outline right here so it has the introduction what is Elementor now that it actually has created this outline what we're going to do is we're now going to build on this outline so we're now going to introduce the second part of the prompt here and we're now going to have it write an article based off all this information so here we go we're now going to have it build an article based off that previous outline and now you guys will see that we now have this really lengthy article based off that previous outline so you can see that it actually went through every single table of content feature and it wrote information about every single point so you guys can see that this has a lot of Rich information and this is the probably number one most optimal way to use chai TBT to create articles for your website for example here you'll see number two is what is Elementor and if you go to our outline right here you're gonna see that it's actually following the same exact outline because here it's you know number two what is Elementor and then number three getting started with Elementor and if we scroll down to number three getting shot with Elementor you can see that it's actually using that same outline to create content for the specific blog posts now I'm over here at and I'm going to take that article here and I'm gonna paste it and if we scroll to the bottom you guys will see that we have 1494 words now we can always ask it to expand upon sections if you want more content for specific sections but overall you know 1500 words in a matter of a few minutes is actually pretty good however I want to show you guys one other feature that is actually really uh critical when it's actually creating content so for example here you can see that for this specific section it created three sentences right you can actually use it to expand upon specific sections so let's go back to the article so at the bottom right here I'm going to type in expand on and I'm going to paste in that section so it is section A leveraging on pre-built websites so essentially what I'm doing here is I'm saying I want you to write more content for that specific section because it's just not enough content for that so now you'll see that it's actually going to create a little bit more content for that other section and now you guys will see that it has now created a lot of content for that one bullet point right here for leveraging pre-built templates and if we go to our word counter here and look at what they wrote for us earlier you'll see that it was only three sentences however now you can see that we have a lot more content for that specific section so you guys can use this method I think this is probably one of the best ways to get chat EBT to write a lot of content for your blog post we have experimented with other ways but when we did that it just never gave us enough content or the content it gave us was just very dull and I felt that it wasn't suitable for blog posts however with this method right here I would say with confidence that this is probably one of the most optimal ways and that is the method a right here which is you first create a blog post outline and you're you're gonna tell it to write an article with a lot of words because if you were just to tell to write an article it might be a very small you know a small outline and it's going to build a blog post off that small outline which is what you don't want so you want to create an article that's long to get as much topics as possible then give it a topic then include various headings and subheadings which is like a or I'm sorry which is like number one and then under that is a and then under that is like you know one two or three to give as much content as possible and after you create the outline you then actually have it write an article based off that outline and this method here to be honest guys is probably the best method you guys can use to write blog posts which igbt at the current time of making this video I've seen other blog other videos and stuff like that but they're just not detailed and I feel like this right here is a great way on how to write blog posts all right so now we're going to actually use this and we're going to copy and paste this on our other websites now there are some things that we need to do before that but let's just create the article first so over here I'm going to go ahead and paste our script in here and for this one we're going to put top five best web hosts and we're first going to create an outline for this specific topic all right and now that we have the outline we're now going to enter in the second prompt and here we're going to actually tell it who to write about so now I'm asking it to rank the specific web hosts in order so I want psychron to be number one hostinger beam number two name keyword number three Bluehost number four and GoDaddy number five okay so we're at Bluehost and now I have to ask it to write a little bit more all right and after about five minutes of waiting it has now created this massive article for us now when it creates these articles you guys might want to go through and just take a look at the contents make sure that it's correct over here you guys can see that I was trying to create a comparison chart now chat GPT can actually create comparison charts but right here you guys can see that it says it's going to create one but it didn't do that so I'm probably just going to take this part out right here but what I want to do next is I'm actually going to have it expand on the overview for each host you can see here that the overview for the hosts are a little small so I'm going to go over here and now ask it to expand on each one of those hosts and here you go now you guys will see that we have a lot more information and expanded upon each host now it did fail for me and if it ever does fail just go ahead and just regenerate the response it'll try again sometimes with their servers they do get over uh overflowed and overflooded with a lot of visitors so now you can see that we have more content for each specific host previously you guys saw on the other article right here that it only had three sentences and that's just not enough content so now that we have enough content now let's add this to our blog post all right and now that we have more information about those hosts you can see each GPT it expanded on those hosts because previously it only had like maybe two or three sentences which is not enough content like for example for the GoDaddy they had just three sentences only about GoDaddy and for the new information you can see that we have a lot more information about GoDaddy so let's take all this information and let's go ahead now and structure it so I'm first going to take this whole blog post and what we're going to do is we're going to copy this and we're going to put it into some sort of editor now you guys can use various editors you guys can even use the WordPress one by default so right here we're going to go ahead and copy this and we're gonna go over here to this website that I use called grammarly you guys can use various editors you guys can use Microsoft Word you can use grammarly you can use WordPress but I just want to go ahead and paste this content in here now that I've done that let's go back to the chat gbt oops and now let's take each section and place it where it belongs so for cyclon we're going to now put it in the other section here so where we talked about siteground we're now going to get rid of this and we're going to paste in the new content so now you can see that it has a lot more Rich content and now we're going to do the same thing for the hostinger but we have to clean this up just a little bit you can see here we just gotta clean it up just a bit right next we're going to go over here and I'll do these for the next four hosts all right so I went ahead and I copied and paste that content into each section now we just need to go through the article and just clean it up you know because it is a little like messed up and stuff like that so we're just going to add some spaces here and we're going to make this look a little bit more structured so here we go we're going to now structure the outline here for the actual blog post all right and the first one is psych round so we're going to change siteground to number one and we're just going to scroll down here make sure this is all correct you can see here that's the pros and the cons and the plans and pricing both say number one so we need to change that so I went ahead and I cleaned that up a little bit now it says one two and three and then this is the outro for psych rounds now we're going to add a button here with our affiliate link here at the bottom and that's where like the buy now button goes and then for hostinger here we're gonna do the same thing right we have to clean this up a little bit by adding in some spaces and doing the same thing here so for pros and cons and plans and pricing we're just going to put one two and three and after that uh we're going to do the same thing for name hero so I'm just going to clean up the structure of this article but when you guys do create an article just go through it clean up the structure a bit and make sure that it's legible and easy to read for your readers so I'm going to go ahead and just fix this article really quick all right so I went ahead and I cleaned up the structure of this post now that is the very first step is to clean up the structure of the post the second step is to actually proofread the article so you just want to go through here and make sure that everything is correct and that the grammar makes sense sometimes it's going to look a little weird where if you go to it it might make double words like it might say the and the sometimes I might spell a word wrong but one of the more common errors is that it adds plural to a lot of words and they don't need plural so you'll just go through the article and just make sure that it makes sense according to they're basically saying that this is ready to be published right so they're saying there isn't a lot of mistakes plans and pricing cons I mean this all makes sense you guys can use you guys can use Microsoft Word you guys can use any sort of proofread Checker that you guys come across on the internet there's tons of free ones out there you know you don't have to use grammarly this is a paid service where it's only like ten dollars a month or something it's really really cheap you can use any sort of planner that you guys want but overall I can see that the grammar here is pretty accurate right here you can see that it says considers the cost so consider the cost you know it's just a lowercase c not a big deal consider your website's scalability as your website grows all right again it looks like they are capitalizing a lot of these words right here it looks like right here what they're trying to do is maybe even create like a sub section looks like that's what they were trying to do right there this works either way I mean I can make it part of the whole section or I can just put enter and make it like a you know like a sub section but uh here we go I'll just make it part of the whole paragraph here all right this can help you make it more important decision okay clear they're basically saying who is this right um we can change that but I think that's just fine and going through the rest of this everything looks great and you'll see on the right side that as long as you know it looks correct and it passes a lot of the grammar uh applications and stuff like that in my opinion this is now ready to go so now we're done with step two you know we went ahead and we proofread the actual article and everything makes sense now there is another option that you guys can go and that is using Surfer SEO this is a website that'll actually add specific words in there that will help the article rank better so for example for the keyword we'll type in best web hosting and we're going to now create the content editor for that specific keyword and it's going to create it for us now this is just a tool that you guys can use on the side you don't have to there's other various keyword tools that you guys can use this is a paid service but it's actually probably one of the more cheaper ones out there so now you guys will see that the editor is now ready to help us rank for this specific keyword you guys can go to this website here and just enter a keyword you want to rank for and it'll actually give you a lot of recommendations and content to put inside of your article to help it rank for that specific keyword so let me go ahead and show you guys here I'll click on the best web hosting all right so I went ahead and I posted my article now we can use this app to sort of clean it up a little bit more and also add relevant keywords that relate to this specific article so over here I'll enter H1 here we have an H2 tag right and this is also an H2 tag here as well siteground you're going to be an H3 tag and we're going to go down here and we're going to add in some tags so this is number two where it looks like I missed that number two all right and we'll make this our H3 all right and we'll keep going down here you'll see that we can make this also our H3 here as well you can see on the content score that it's going up because we need to add a lot more headings right and the more headings that you guys add the better the structure of the blog post is so what we're doing here is we're just basically trying to optimize it and fix it up a little bit more for the search engine here should probably make this like an H4 actually because you can see the H3 here is name hero and then we can use this and you know make that an H4 and we'll keep scrolling down we'll make this our H3 tag all right this will be our H4 and as you can tell like the score is actually going up more because you can see that the surfer SEO is basically saying okay you're making this structure now now it all makes sense so we're just going to just add a little bit more here all right and then here at the bottom we're gonna make this our h2 tag because now this is introducing a new section here and over here the same thing we'll make this rh2 and then we have our frequently asked questions which is our H3 tag so we're basically just fixing up this article a little bit more now we can go ahead and say okay you know we have the H2 h3h4 tags or H3 tags now we can add in a little bit more keywords so now that we added in some heading tags we can now add in a little bit more content you'll see over here on the right side how they're recommending for us to put these words now when you guys create articles Google is constantly looking for words like this like best web hosting Services uh web hosting virtual private server dedicated hosting all these other different type of words now what you guys can do me and my partner have done this is you can actually create other articles that talk about dedicated hosting virtual private hosting have it create articles and then insert those articles inside of your main article now just to give you guys an idea of what I'm talking about right here I can actually ask it to create something really quick for me like what are the different type of web hosting right and then I'll have it generate some content for me so I can enter that into my article so since we didn't have any keywords that related to types of web hosting I now generated a small quick article right here and I'm just going to take this article that talks about different hosting and then put it inside of my main article right after here where we talk about how you evaluate web hosting and before we talk about the best web host I'm just going to put an enter here and we're just going to paste in that content right here so that our article has a little bit more relevant content about what we're talking about all right there you go so now we added in this section here which talks a little bit more about web hosting and this helps because now that we have these different keywords here the odds and chances of this post ranking is a little bit better versus not having any of this information whatsoever now after you guys optimize your post and you add in the keywords the very last step that you guys need to do is to actually run it through a plagiarizer checker and I highly recommend that you guys do this for all of your articles there's various websites you guys can use there is plagiarism where you can just go ahead and copy and paste your article in here there's also these are free websites you guys can use and I use grammarly so at the bottom right you can see that the plagiarism Checker is around five percent and that's pretty low so anything lower than five percent is good anything around ten percent to twenty percent higher than that that's when you might have to go and change things right here but looking at the actual content of what we added here you can see that the plagiarism Checker is just five percent which is very good so at this point this article is now ready to go so just remember you know once you guys create the article you first want to clean up the structure after you guys clean up the structure you then want to make sure that the grammar is correct and the third option well this is optional is just trying to add a little bit more contents to it making sure it's more relevant to your topic and then your last final step with AI content is to always run it through a plagiarizer checker where you guys don't get Bing by Google and get in trouble and we spend a lot of work making this article so I want to make sure that it ranks right now that we have this article we can now put it inside of our blog posts so let's get started let's scope here to plus new and go to post and now we're just going to paste an article so I'll go ahead and paste it in here and we'll scroll to the top now let's add a title our title is the top five best web host a comprehensive comparison for 2023. now we need to create a category so over here we're going to put our category for web hosting review and the next thing that we have to do is we need to now insert images inside of this blog post and that is probably the number one most tedious thing with writing blog posts is you need to add images and there is no real good AI creation images for specific blog posts because when you use them you're going to spend more time correcting them than actually finding images for your blog post now you guys can use several different websites to get free images for your blog posts so the free image websites I recommend number one is pixels you guys can use this website to find free stock photos for your blog post the second one is you guys can use this to find some really cool mock-ups and also icons for your blog post number three is this website has tons and tons and tons of free images that you guys can use for your blog post and the last one is this website has lots of images that you guys can insert for your blog post and these are all completely free and you don't have to pay anything whatsoever so they're all great resources when you are creating blog posts for your blog so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to go to here I typed in web hosting and I'm going to download a few images right here and then I'm going to now upload these to my blog post so I'll go ahead over here and let's go ahead now and just download some images all right so let's go ahead now and add in some images so right here we're going to add in a quick image I went ahead and I downloaded some images and we're going to now upload those I'll go ahead and leave these images in the description below so you guys can go ahead and use these if you want to follow along so I'll insert this image right and we're just going to add images here just to make sure that the article is not so Bland and boring you know so first we have siteground now we need to actually add an image here for siteground so before every single I guess feature or product you always want to include an image for whatever you're talking about alright so there is the image of psychrom now what we're going to do is for the end of every company that we talk about we're now going to insert a button so right here we're now going to insert a button and this is where you're going to enter in your affiliate link so this is going to be like buy now right and this is where you're going to link your affiliate link so whatever program that you guys use to sign up with you guys can enter it here I'll enter in my affiliate link right siteground all right so that is my affiliate link all right so there is the buy now button now I need to add a button or I'm sorry an image above hostinger so over here if I actually hover over this section you're gonna see the plus we can now add a block above it and I'm going to enter the image and we're now going to insert an image of the hostinger and there you go and we're going to scroll down and now we're going to add a link or a button for hostinger right so button this is also going to be buy now right buy now and then we're going to link our affiliate link with hostinger so mine is all right next we're going to do name hero so let's do the same thing here for name hero we're going to add an image of name hero so there's our image for name hero and we're just going to scroll down here and we're gonna do the same thing so let's hit space twice and this is going to be our button and then I'm going to enter in my affiliate link here one buy now and we'll enter our affiliate link name hero and then we have Bluehost we'll enter an image here and then we're going to enter in Bluehost all right and here is the image for Bluehost right cool I'm sure you guys have seen tons of Articles like this and these articles actually convert really well here let's go ahead and press enter twice we're now going to insert a button okay bye now and then we're going to insert our affiliate link here so Bluehost and then lastly we have our famous one and our lovely one which is GoDaddy now you guys might also see that we rank these in a specific way Affiliates do that because they want people to buy the company that they recommend because those companies usually offer higher commission rates and that's just a tactic that most Affiliates do here we have buttons we're now going to insert the link right GoDaddy and this will be by now okay and if we scroll down here you can probably just add in actually I don't think we need to add any images there at the bottom now we're almost done here so we've basically structured this article it looks a little bit better now that we added images and stuff like that but we need to actually add a featured image so we added in categories right but we need to add a featured image for this specific article and that is the image that represents this article so I'll go ahead now and upload an image here now here for the tags we're just going to put something like web hosting okay and this actually just helps people find these blog posts better now there is one more thing that we need to do in order to make this fully optimized so now we're almost done I recommend always to Interlink articles so whenever you guys do create blog posts we did talk about interlinking and out linking and stuff like that you always want to make sure that you add links inside of your blog post if your blog posts have no backlinks or links whatsoever the odds of this ranking may not be that good either because it looks like a black hat website so for example here we have web hosts right you guys can say you know what for web hosts we're going to link them to something like right okay now what we're also going to do is we're also going to Interlink this article whoa look at that fix that up in a jiffy there we go we're also going to Interlink this so for example for web hosting let's say for instance you guys have other articles that you guys have written now this is just an example right it's like the five must-have gaming monitors you guys might want to Interlink other articles that relate to this specific article now I do understand as a beginner you might not have a lot of blog posts to Interlink but as you create more and more if you actually do want to Interlink as many articles as possible and in the next section we're going to install an SEO plugin and it's going to ask us to Interlink many articles in order to make this content more relevant to the rest of the websites so uh everything else here looks great now let's go ahead and publish this and take a look at our beautiful article that we probably spent 30 minutes on or maybe even one hour here I'll go ahead and publish and you guys ready publish go ahead and publish it all right so here we go let's take a look at our beautiful blog post we have our introduction we got some images we have some outbound links and as we scroll we have the top five best web hosts here we have siteground this structure looks great you know as you guys can tell you know it's very easy on the eye the structure is really nice here we have the buy now next we have hostinger what I could have done here maybe is just add a little bit more space in between this button and this text here that's probably one thing I probably should go back and fix but you guys do get the point and here we have name hero number three is name hero number four is Bluehost and they can you know click on this and go to buy now number five is GoDaddy and as you guys can tell this blog post looks great and this was completely generated by AI the amount of time this will probably take you with a Content writer is maybe like two days right maybe let's say maybe a day or two and we have made this blog post and probably like just like an hour and a half like an hour an hour max you know I can make this blog post e easily in one hour so you can see the potential of this by creating a lot of blog posts in such a short period of time so part of people congratulations on making a beautiful blog post we have now successfully created a 100 AI generated blog post using chat GPT and WordPress alright guys quick updates now during the creation of this video there was a new app development company called koala that emailed me telling me they had a product better than chat gbt now I'm very skeptical you know I don't trust anybody so I was like all right let me see what you got here I used their service and I was very impressed and there's a few reasons on why I was impressed now one of the biggest limitations with chat TBT is that it cannot access information after 2021 in short chai gbt cannot surf the Internet so since jgbt cannot surf the Internet sometimes the responses and information is a little inaccurate right however this new AI tool called koala can actually surf the Internet to get real-time information about whatever it is that you guys are writing about what's also really cool and helpful is that it can actually create permalinks inside of your article to back up its sources so it's a really helpful tool so I'm going to go ahead and just give you guys a quick intro to this tool so this is the website it is called I'll go ahead and leave a link to this website in the description below of this video and again what's really cool about this website is that it's going to pull real-time info for your blog or even your product reviews so here you can select the chat TPT version you can go between 3.5 and 4 so I'm going to use four for this example and then here we have article type and what's really cool is that you guys can create you know basic blog posts and you guys can also use this to create product roundups for Amazon so for example you guys can go ahead and say I want you guys to talk about like drones right if you guys want this to be a little bit more accurate you can always go over here under the Amazon search UR Rel and search what it is whatever you typed so you can put in something like you know dot you know slash drones and it's going to pull information from Amazon to make your results a little bit more accurate you can also change the tone of voice the language and you can also change the point of view right now I'm just going to do a basic blog post here and let's just talk about drones right and here we have SEO optimization now this is really cool because the SEO optimization will actually strategize how it writes your content so by default it's just going to create a normal drone article but if you want it more I guess leaning on specific keywords you'll click on manual and you'll say you know I want to rank for the best cheap drones you know and you can use that keyword so it'll write the article but it'll be a little biased to use this keyword you guys can also use AI powered which is really cool because what this is going to do is going to actually rank some of the top articles on the internet and it's just going to try to formulate a strategy on how to rank using some of those top ranking blog posts from other blogs so it is really helpful you know it's really cool you can see you can use AI powered you can use manual or you can just use their default and let it create content the way it wants to here you can pick the tone of voice so we'll just select SEO optimized and then we have the language point of view and here I'm going to click on use real-time search results and this is cool because what it's also going to do it's going to back up the article with sources so I actually use this on another blog over here for Divi theme tutorial and it actually linked my own website so right here you'll see that I used this before so over here under the pros and cons you'll see that it actually gave a link to my website over here to sort of back up its argument which is really really cool so you guys can use this for that specific reason so let's go back over here what's also really cool is that you guys can use this with the outline editor so over here I'll click on the check and what you guys can do is if you guys do want to create an outline you guys can actually structure the outline before it actually creates the content which is actually really helpful so right now it's creating an outline for our article so here you guys can see that it actually did create a outline for our article so here we have the top five best drones to buy factors to consider and just other H2 and H3 tags where you guys can you know you guys can move around and drag and drop and stuff like that and you guys can also change the title right so right here you have top five best drones to buy but maybe for example I want to put top five best cheap drones to buy so now you guys can see that it basically changed the h2 tag and then we can move this around you know you can you know drag it down there and you can you know drag and drop this so it is really helpful when you're creating content because sometimes when you guys do create the outline with chat TBT it doesn't give you an option it just go ahead and creates it but now that we have this structure what you can do is basically say okay I like this structure but now let's just go ahead and write the article so now click on write article and what it's going to do now it's going to create a full-blown article using that structure and it's also going to link sources and the article and Google loves interlinking so let's just give this like a few minutes to create the article and there we go and now created a 1500 word article in a matter of a few minutes you'll see that the structure is good you know it has an introduction we have the best drones to buy we have a list of the drones we have some more information here factors to consider types of drones drone regular relations and they talked about the FAA and also the Canadian FAA as well and you'll see here they finished off with some more regulations there at the bottom so they did create a really well structured article and of course we can add in more to this as we go but of course you know I'll probably you know make a whole dedicated video on this but uh what we can do here is just click on create draft and what that's going to do it's going to basically sync up with our WordPress website and it's automatically going to publish the article right away now of course this isn't draft okay so it's not published just yet so it's going to take all the Articles here and it's just going to sync it with your website and all you got to do is just add in the images publish the article and you're done so it's an amazing tool if you guys want to you know further increase the productivity of using AI so I'll go ahead and leave a link to this website in the description below of this video I will probably make another video that goes a little bit more in detail on this service so when I make that video you guys will see in the description but that's it let's go ahead and jump back to the tutorial all right party people now that we know how to create articles and content using chat gpt4 now let's create product reviews with chat tpt4 when we imported the template for our website you guys notice here at the bottom there's these popular reviews now these are custom post types so these posts are made specifically for product reviews so let me just give you guys an example I'll go ahead and click on one right here and this would be the image for your featured product and you guys can actually create more images here and have it slide like that below that we have the title of the review and then we have some features and on the right side we have scored it on our demo website over here we have done the same thing with the Elementor page builder so here is the actual featured image and we can adjust the size of this image just in case you guys feel like it's too large and below that we have the product review title and this could be anything right this can be like the Elementor page builder is it really worth it or is it good or is it bad and then here we have features you know for example we have design we gave it a five star learning curve we gave it a 4.5 pricing and plans we gave it a five and so on and so forth you guys can make as many as you want and you can score them any which way you'd like and that score would directly reflect the overall score right here and then we have two buttons where you can maybe put like buy it now or buy it somewhere else so some websites they'll have it on buy it on Amazon or buy it somewhere else just in case you guys are part of various affiliate programs here we have a quick summary sometimes users just want a quick summary you know read it really quick and then buy it below that we have some specs and we also have pros and cons now we can use chat tpt4 to actually create specs and features and then also pros and cons like I showed you guys earlier and then below that we just have the actual article itself where we just you know copied and pasted the article we added some images just so it's not so blind and boring and as you guys can tell you know this is a beautiful review and it probably looks like many reviews you guys have probably come across on the internet right so I'm going to walk you guys through how to actually use the custom post site product review templates so you guys can create beautiful product reviews that look just like this right here so let's get started all right so I went ahead and I created three different prompts and we're going to review the Sony a6000 camera now you guys already know about the prompts and stuff like that so here you guys can see that I asked it to write a detailed review on the Sony a6000 camera and I gave it the same prompt commands that we have been giving like I've showed you guys throughout this video and here you guys will see that I asked it for a bias review with a positive outlook so when you guys do make reviews and you want it to actually sort of lean a specific way you guys can say you know can you be a little bit more positive about this product and as you can tell when you read the text here it's it's really trying to sell them you know it's a great option for anyone looking to capture stunning images it's really easy access simple to use very impressive you can see just from the text here it's really trying to convince them uh to purchase this camera now out of all three of these prompts that I use I think I'm going to use the second one now this is the second one that I created and all I did here for this second prompt command was actually just ask it to include the pros and cons and give it 8 out of 10 rating now it did give us the rating but it's right here and it's really small I didn't really focus on it too much and then below that they gave us pros and cons and this is very helpful because we're going to include this in the actual product review I've also went ahead and I created a third one and this was using the outline strategy so I first asked it to create an outline and after that I asked it to create a article based off that outline but I felt like it was just a little bit too large for a product review I also asked it to include features and it did not include features so I'm not going to use this third one right here I'm probably going to use this one for a product review where I asked it to just give it pros and cons and I just use the basic format that we've been using throughout this video however I did need it to include features so what I went ahead and I did here was I actually created a whole separate prompt and I asked them to give me features about the a6000 Sony camera now I wanted it to be brief so right here I put please explain with only bullet points and make it brief the reason why I did this is because on our product review template right here if we scroll down you're going to see specs and we can change this to something like features you know I just want it to be very brief and straight to the point I don't want them to write a lot of content and information so for this specific example I just use features with bullet points just to keep it brief and now we're going to create a product review so over here you're going to see product reviews now in order to actually get access to this you guys need to make sure that you have the bloxy companion plugin installs if it's not installed then nothing will display so make sure that you guys go back and install that plugin now here is some demo content right but I want to go ahead and get rid of all this right here so I'm going to move all this to trash and earlier I mentioned that it's important to delete all the demo content because if you guys are going to try to get approved for AdSense you guys need to make sure that all of the demo content is off your website all right now let's create our first product review so up here add new review and now we're going to insert the title so I'm going to go ahead and insert the title here so in-depth review of the Sony a6000 camera an unbeatable combination of performance and value you guys can tell right away just from that title man it's extremely biased you know so I do love that and next we have this section right here where we're going to insert a little bit of content next we have the section where we're going to insert the main content however before we do that I want to go ahead and list the features in the pros and cons so I actually want to do this part last all right so this part here is referring to the actual main content of the article so I just want to let you guys know that this is the main source of your content right here so I want to do this last so first we have the bloxy settings we have the general Tab and then we have the rating right here so first let's add some scores for the camera so right here we have scores here click on add new item now what I want to score exactly well let's talk about the durability of the camera you know is the is the camera durable like if we drop it is it going to break for the durability we're going to give it a 4.5 out of 5. I'll add another review right here and for this one we're going to put I don't know memory you know I don't know some cameras have like good memory some of them have like just a little bits we'll just put like 4.0 add new item now we're going to add clarity and for clarity we'll give it a 4.5 and then for pricing we're going to now give it a uh here pricing get rid of that and we'll give this a you know a four okay and you can add as many as you want right so we have durability memory Clarity pricing and then we'll do one more like the overall value or something like that or value like is it really worth it you know and we'll just give it like a 4.5 now what's really cool is bloxy will actually calculate all these stars and they're going to actually propagate the main score depending on the Stars so there's nothing more for you guys need to do here I'll go ahead and just give this a little bit more all right okay now we have product specs right here add new item I'll open this up and for label I'll do camera specs and for label I'll type in camera specs and over here we got some information so I'm just going to include the 24 megapixel camera here or the sensor I'll add that in okay and I'll close that and now we can add another one so I'll go ahead and open this one here I'll type in video and over here you'll see that we have a 1080p full HD video so over here paste that in there all right and we'll add in one more so add new item make that bigger and for the label I don't know I'm gonna put ISO you know ISO is the actual uh control on your camera that makes it bright so we'll just say yeah it goes up to this much right and I got that from our features now I'm just gonna add three right now obviously I can add more but I think you guys get the point here so I'm just adding in product specs about that specific camera and here we have pros and cons so what we're going to do here is we're going to open that up we're going to go back to our article and we're going to find the pros now so here we go Pros look at that look how easy this is It's just plug and play copy and paste you know that's it so here's the pro and we're going to open up another one here go back over here impressive image quality auto focus system you know I actually hate autofocus I always turn it down on my camera when I'm recording because it makes everything blurry sometimes and now we just need to take our cons so there's no 4K recording it's funny if you actually tell it to give you a negative review it lists like a hundred cons it's actually really funny you know all right so there you go now we have the pros the cons the product specs and our scores let's just go ahead and save this as draft just to make sure that when we click somewhere else that this page doesn't like go somewhere else and we lose all of our progress so let's go over here not a general and here we have review entity now the great thing about the bloxy theme is that it's actually uh integrates with the schema markup so let's say for instance you guys want to either review a product you guys can actually put the product price product SKU and the product brand right here and let's say you guys are reviewing something else like a book or a movie right here you guys can go ahead and add anything that you guys might think that you need in order to get marked up by Google this is helpful because if you guys don't know what schema markup is schema markup is when you guys actually see little stars or pricing options in the search results that was all available and due to the Google schema markup so right here you guys can see themeforest I Googled the Flotsam theme review here we have the five stars we have a rating the reviews and then the price so this is what schema markup is so the more content and information you add for your blog post the better odds and chances you guys have of getting marked up with Google so I just went ahead and entered as much information as I can so I just put the product price and then also I let them know that it's made by Sony here we have gallery and this is where you guys can enter images for your product so I'll go ahead and go to upload file select the file and for demo images I'm going to upload these images here and click on open you guys are more than welcome to access those demo images at any time that you guys want so I'll go ahead and insert these but I don't want to include this charts I don't want to include this picture of Thailand and I also don't want to include that because these are going to be the main images for the actual article and I don't want the tomb to you know see that I can actually put those in the article now here it says affiliate button label this is the buy now button so over here you can see there is the buy now button and this is where you're going to enter in your affiliate link so whatever affiliate company that you guys sign up with or whatever it is that you got your link from you're going to put that link right here Sony here we have some options where it says open link in a new tab that means if they click on this link it's going to open a new browser tab for them so they don't have to leave your websites here you have sponsored attribute if you guys were sponsored to make this post then you might want to select sponsored attributes if not you don't have to select that here is the read more button label you guys can change this to anything right this can be Buy on another affiliate website or buy on another partner website so it's not mandatory it says read more but it's just another button that you guys can add to just make it structured I mean this looks really nice as is and if there's only one button it just looks a little Bland so you guys can choose to use it or not it's strictly up to you so next we have the short description and this is where you're going to enter in the description for your product now chat EBT you can see for the introduction I'm using this content right here so this is a small overview about what we talked about in the actual review so I'm just going to use this information right here so I'll put quick summary and this is going to be a heading 2 and then below that I'm just going to paste in my contents okay now we're going to scroll back up here and the last thing that we have to do now is just insert the actual content and right here where it says type to choose block this is where you're going to enter the content for your article but before we do that I just want to save this as draft one more time just so we don't lose our work so now I'm going to go back to chat GPT and I'm going to go ahead and copy and paste this content onto the websites all right so I went ahead and I copied and pasted all the content from Chachi BT onto our blog post now guys just remember whenever you guys added an article here from chat TPT like we talked about earlier you always want to run it through the plagiarizer Checker you want to clean up the structure of the contents and then you want to look for grammar mistakes and then you want to check it for plagiarism I can't stress out enough guys make sure you always follow those steps because if you don't and it gets caught for plagiarism this article might de-rank along with a lot of your other articles and you guys might lose the main Authority and get penalized by Google so just don't go there all right so make sure that you guys always review all the articles with Chachi BT before you guys add it to your websites all right and there is one thing here I need to get rid of the tell me more thing I'll get rid of that and as you guys can tell you know this content is ready to go all we got to do here is just throw in some images and we're done so let's add on some images here I'll throw in an image upload that image choose this one here we're going to go over here now we're just going to you know add in images throughout the article just to make it more flavorful you know just so it's not so Bland and boring and stuff like that here is that and then over here we have video capabilities let me go ahead and uh add this in here the image upload we'll put uh we'll put this one here right and I think that's good so we just added three main images here for our content you guys can always add in more you know maybe for the design quality I can add an image of a picture that was actually taken by the actual camera which is this one here all right so now that we added in our images for our content and everything looks great now we need to add the featured image so over here under product review you're going to see featured image make sure that you guys do add a featured image for your specific article so I'll throw in this one right here and for the categories we're going to use our own category so this is going to be like Sony cameras or I can even use like action cameras you guys get it right I can pretty much make a category for anything and then whenever I create a blog post about that topic I would just make sure that I select that category so then when we use categories on our website all those posts propagate in order and I think that is all that we need to add in here I think we're all ready to rock and roll let's go ahead now and click on publish all right great now let's take a look at our product review okay so here is the picture of our article and I know it's a little bit too big but we can always change this into theme customizer which we'll be talking about in the very next section and here you go we have the images here we have the title we have the features or the scores a durability memory Clarity pricing value we have the overall score we have the read more and then we also have the buy now button and you can see on the bottom left of the screen that it shows a link we have The quick summary we have the specs the pros and the cons here we have the table of contents we have some images here and we have our content and everything here it looks absolutely great so the blog post turned out really really well and here people can say great review man great great review bro and post the comments and it can also share these to all of their favorite social networks so if they want to share this to like Pinterest or Facebook they can go ahead and do that right here so now you'll see that I can actually share this onto Facebook and here is the actual title if you guys do have any questions about this feel free to let me know in the comments below but that's how you guys can create a post product templates to create product reviews for your website alright we are doing good party people so now that you guys know like the secret formula of creating really high ranking blog posts with chat EBT now we've got to talk about SEO guys we're not done you know we're not out of the woods just yet we need to make sure that our website is fully optimized for the search results so we're going to install an SEO plugin and then we're going to optimize our home pages we're going to structure our contents for the Google search engine we're also going to submit our site map and then integrate our website with the Google search console and this will fully optimize your website for all major search engines like Google a bing I don't even I don't even know if Yahoo is still around they are then it'll optimize it for that too all right so let's go ahead and talk about how how to properly optimize your website for SEO let's go all right Party People welcome to the SEO section so in this part of the video I'm gonna explain to you guys how to integrate this with Google we're going to integrate it with the Google search console we're also going to make sure that your website is properly structured for SEO purposes now the first thing I want to talk about is the actual structure and how your website will appear in these search results you guys can see that if we actually go to Google right here you'll see that on my demo websites Darrell we have this home of the affiliate products we have some title and some description and then here we have some excerpt about the actual website and even on my website Terrell we actually do the same thing where we have the name of myself we have the tagline of the websites and then we have some dental description and then here you can see that each page is broken down in a really nice format in the search results so I'm going to walk you guys through on how to do that for your website now also if we look at the Domain that we're currently working on you're going to see that it has all this other content and this doesn't make any sense so this is actually a WordPress theme that was on the server at one point and it's like talking about that and then it randomly talks about gaming monitors right here so we're going to go ahead and fix this to make sure that it appears a little bit more cleaner and nicer and it also helps get you more traffic from the Google search results so let's get started now the first thing we're going to do is we're going to integrate this with Google so first let's go over here to dashboard and we're going to install a Google plugin it is called the Google site kit plugin and then we're going to integrate it with the rank math SEO plugin so right here let's go to add new and for the search plugins just go ahead and type in so go ahead and type in Google g o g l e and this is the plugin that you guys are going to need to install on your website it is called site kit by Google this plugin makes it super easy for you guys to integrate everything from one location so right here you'll click on install now and then you'll click on activate all right cool now it's saying congratulations the sidekick plugin is now activated right here click on start setup alright so let's get started now the first thing we're going to do is you guys want to make sure you check this box right here this is actually going to integrate Google analytics as part of your setup here you can choose to opt in but you don't have to if you don't want to but right here I'm gonna click on sign in with Google so you guys will select your email account and you guys may need to sign in so I'll go ahead and sign in with this German account that I use for my other YouTube channel here click on next so next it's going to ask if you want to integrate this other data you guys need to make sure all these boxes are checked right here because this is actually going to send all of the information to the Google scikit plugin once you guys select all these boxes you'll then click on continue next we're gonna have to verify our website so have Google verify site ownership next it's going to ask us to turn on the metrics in your dashboard you'll go ahead and click on allow now it wants us to set up the search console the search console is important because that's where we're going to submit our site map so go ahead and click on setup next it's talking about Google analytics and the setup for that so we're going to now click on next so right now it's basically connecting us with Google analytics however it's also creating our account at the same time so this is our accounts right here this is our current property I want to view all website data you're going to list your country and then your time zone and once that's done you'll then click on create an account we'll now have to log in again to our email address and then we're going to give Google scikit access to this information so we can view our Analytics here click on continue now it's going to prompt you to the Google analytics website and all you're going to do here is agree to the terms of service so right here we must agree to their uh to whatever this is you know I'm sure everyone here watching this video is going to read all that and say oh you know maybe I disagree with that it's like well you don't got a choice you know it's just how it is here I'll click on accept at the bottom left and then we'll go back to our dashboard all right awesome so we have successfully integrated Google sites and we have now integrated Google analytics onto our website here click on OK got it now you guys are going to see that once you guys get traffic it's going to display right here under the site kit so now your website is fully integrated with Google and all the traffic that you guys get will display all right here I have this on my website where we actually view all the traffic right here so I actually use this same plugin because it's just really simple to use and just you know easy to just check your traffic really quickly so let's go ahead and go over here to settings and let me just show you guys around really quick this is the search console this basically shows you the Impressions your website is getting basically saying how many times your website has been seen in the Google search results and then we have analytics this shows you the traffic and Page speed insights will show you the speed of your website along with recommendations to make it faster here we have another tab that says connect more services and we can connect AdSense a little bit later but for right now we're not going to do that now the next step is we need to now install an SEO plugin on our website so we can modify and change how our website appears in the search results and we can also create a XML sitemap which is what we need so over here let's go to plugins and add new now over here under plugins if you guys just type in SEO I'll give you guys a quick little rundown there are various SEO plugins you guys can choose there is yoast there's all in one SEO there is rank math and to be quite honest these all do the same thing some of them have a little bit more features than the other but it's really not a big deal whatsoever I think rank math is the easiest to use so we're going to use rank math in this video so right here under rank math SEO we'll click on install now and then we'll click on activate here it's saying it wants us to create a free account you guys can choose to do this if you guys want you guys do not have to make an account at rank math if you guys don't want to but it's totally optional so I'm going to go ahead and click on skip now so next is asking us you want this selected as easy mode or advanced mode now for those of you watching this who are brand new we're just going to select easy mode advanced mode has other options you guys can mess around with like robot text files and stuff like that but many of us watching this video will probably never even modify those files so we're just going to select easy and click on start wizard no one needs to basically let rank math know okay what kind of website are you well we can put where a personal blog a web shop which is an e-commerce website but we're going to put personal blog the website name enter the name of the site to appear in search results so I'll just put the affiliate review Hub person or organization name your name or company name that is intended for the Google's knowledge panel we're just going to leave this as review hub here you guys can upload a logo and this is very important because when you guys actually go to these search results you guys are going to see logos here so it's very important that you guys enter in your logo for the setup wizard so next we have the default social share image and this is the image that's going to display when someone shares your website now if someone shares one of your blog posts that you've already created a featured image for this will not display this is only a fallback option if either no image was set or if someone shares like the home page of your website or something like that so let's go ahead and add in an image really quick so I'll put the image of these boxes here and then click on Save and continue next is asking us to connect our rakemath account if you guys have one if you guys do you can connect it if not no problem so next let's click on Save and continue all right so it says our site is ready it's kind of not ready yet but it's almost ready here let's click on return to dashboard now here are some basic features for rank math so we have instant indexing link counter and they have a lot of other various options now I may make another video that goes into every single option in detail but for this video we don't really need to know all this stuff all we need to do here is just get our site map and then basically make some changes for our post and our home page so the first thing that we're going to do next is we're now going to integrate our site map onto the Google search console right here you're going to see sitemap settings and this right here is our site map now we're going to take this and we're going to copy and paste it onto the Google search console so I'll copy this and now we're going to go to the Google search console I'll open up a new browser here so I typed in the Google search console and here is the link that you guys will need I'll go ahead and put this in the description we'll click on the Google search console tools and then click on start now so this is the Google search console and this is where you guys can get more analytics and information about your website now we have already created an account for us automatically here you'll see that we are already logged in and that is what the Google scikit plugin has done for us however we're not done just yet we need to incorporate our site map now later on you guys are going to see that this will display Impressions if there's anything wrong with your website like broken links or pages that are not being indexeded all that information will be right here it's good to check your your search console once in a while and you guys can actually access it from the back end of your website so you don't need to go to this website all the time over here we see site maps and this is where we're going to enter our site map so I'm going to now paste in the sitemap you just want to make sure that it says sitemap underscore index dot XML and then submit the sitemap all right let's click on got it now this might say error and all you got to do is refresh the page or just give this a few minutes and once you guys do that it'll let you know that it has integrated and here you can see that this has successfully integrated the site map now the site map is essentially a road map for your website for Google to crawl so they need this information to find your posts and pages so they can index it on Google alright so we have successfully integrated our website with the Google search console now let's go back to our website now the only thing that we have to do now is we now need to adjust our home page and then we need to also change some other SEO settings so right here let's click on visit site and then we'll click on edit page on the right side you're going to see that we have this square right now that says rank math go ahead and click on rank math and here you can see that we have a preview of what our website looks like right here click on edit Snippets and now we're going to design and customize this for the Google search results now you guys might see things like title separator site name this is essentially the title A separator and then the name of your websites so this is like the title of the actual page right here which is home and that's not what we want so for the home page and all the other pages I highly recommend to you guys to create custom content instead of relying on these commands right here these are generally more for posts and archive pages and if you guys are using this for your home page you might want to just delete all this and you might want to create something custom so for the title I'm going to enter in some content here paste in some content so home of the affiliate products Dash we're going to put review hub all right so that's how our website will look like in these search results here we have our permalink and then we need to enter in some description this is very important make sure that you guys have keywords that relate directly to what you're talking about so if you guys are reviewing something like phones make sure that you put phone review blog or something that talks about reviewing phones if you guys are reviewing laptops make sure that you guys are talking about that you guys review laptops because this description gets picked up in the Google search results and chances are you can rank good if you guys have good keyword research all right so here we go I typed in home of product reviews get the best product reviews on all of the best tech companies and the newest trending electronic products so this might take you guys a little time to fill out once you guys go ahead and fill this out we'll now go to our social tab this is what your website looks like on Facebook as somewhere to share it and this is what it looks like on Twitter you guys can actually choose to override these settings if you guys want to do that but it's not necessary because when you guys actually share like posts and stuff like that all that content is there however if someone specifically there's like a page on your website and not a post this would be the default information that would propagate so make sure that you guys do enter in content here in the setup wizard you can see that we've already entered in like the image from the setup Wizard and stuff like that so this is where you guys can further customize that if you guys need to go ahead and close this and once that's done we'll then click on update and since our website is fully integrated with Google search console and Google itself these changes right here will be sent to Google and it might take around a day or two to actually reflect on your website so now that I showed you guys how to design the home page one big misconception many people have is not to do this for their other Pages now I'm not talking about the actual posts I'm talking about like the about us and the contact page and these other pages so over here I'll click on edit page for the about us page and I'll click on rank math and as you guys can tell it does have that lorem ipsum text so this is really incomplete so you guys will need to go through every single page on your website and make sure that you guys fully optimize it for SEO so I went ahead and I just entered in some demo content here obviously this is just like you know about our company and I just threw in some description you know stuff like that and once you guys do this for every single page you always want to make sure that you click on update here to save all the changes so now that I showed you guys how to optimize the pages now let's optimize the posts so over here under post let's click on all posts now there are some strategies here where you don't have to optimize every single post if you don't want to you guys can actually use formulas to actually optimize your post automatically so over here under the ranked math we're going to click on edit Snippets now this is the general way on how your blog post will display we have the title The separator and a site name and this is really all about preference so let me give you guys an example all right so let me give you guys a few examples here of what people are doing on the internet this is my current website where you know we typed in how to write hierarchy blog posts and that is the article that displays because that is the name of my post now if we scroll down here you guys are going to see that people have other titles right so this is the title of the article and that's all they put there are no separators there also is no site name now some websites do this and some don't however I also want to talk about custom titles so here we have seoblog 101 how to write a high ranking blog post now if I were to click on this right here here you're going to see that the title in the search result is actually different than the title on the article you guys can also write custom titles for every blog post which I do recommend you know I don't like using the default formula because we spend a lot of time making these articles you know and you want to make sure that it has a really nice headline and you guys can do that with chatbt now if I go to the uh other result right here here I typed in Flotsam theme review you can see here this is a rich snippet and this website decided to actually create a headline that says plot some review from our experts separator and then they have the site name so they have the same exact formula right here title separator site name so it really is all about preference and how you want to go about that some companies do title separator site name however a lot of companies like myself we just simply do the title and some companies like myself will go ahead and even write a custom title for every single page now another clickbait strategy that you guys can use is to actually add the year after the month so right here we have current year and this is actually really helpful to get clicks because people when they see this article they're going to see the article and they're also going to see the current month and year after that and people are going to think that it's very current so the odds of you getting clicked are much higher versus other websites so there are many strategies you guys can use you guys can go with title separator site name you can do title current month current year or you guys can just do title which is a very standard practice for creating blog posts but I worked on a title for this article and I'm going to change this and the last part of this article is the description you guys might want to create different description right here because you can see it just basically pulls the intro paragraph and just displays it right here in the description so you always want to make sure that you guys create custom content for your description and this will directly affect what people see in the Google search results if you guys do need help with that you guys can always just go to Google just type in the keyword you're you know making an article on and then you can see what people are putting on their uh description here so some people you know they create their own fresh content like you can see this right here best of 2023 and this article right here probably does not start with best of 2023 as you guys can tell they use this right here but this is not the introduction of their article so they created custom excerpt for their websites so as you guys can tell you know these websites they're just basically saying oh Bluehost is the best psychron is the best hostinger is the best and they're doing that because they want people to come to their websites and click on those links so let's go ahead and copy this and let's remodify this on our website so here for the description we're going to paste that in there and we're going to modify this just a little bit so siteground was among the best web host for our pick alongside Bluehost and name hero so now you guys can see that this description makes a little bit more sense because it looks more professional and it's also based off our picks from our article so always do this for every single post let's go ahead and now enclose this and we'll click on update and next we're going to further optimize the article using the rank math tool now I showed you guys how you can optimize it first serve for SEO however you guys can also further optimize this with rank math here we have Focus keyword now whatever keyword that you guys are trying to rank for we can go ahead and type it in here so Focus keyword we're going to type in best web hosting press enter and on the right side they're going to give us some recommendations so they're saying Focus keyword does not appear in the title it actually does you know it just says hosts right so so if you guys don't get the green check mark for everything don't worry about it too much because we've already typed in best web host and they're just being really like anal right there you know so I think that's okay focus keyword not found in the URL in the URL of the actual link it actually does display that and you guys can find the url by going over here to settings and here is the URL so best web host it does appear you know but they're just being very picky because they're saying they need to say best web hosting but best web host and best of Hosting pretty much the same thing here we have additional and these are always good to check where you guys can go ahead and just go through the article and make any changes right here like adding an image with your focus keyword so for example for this image we might want to change this to best web hosting rate or best web host here we'll go ahead and scroll down to title readability you guys can see though you know the errors here are very small but personally I always recommend to go here and just try to up the content as much as possible and fill out everything with an X just in case because you guys always can get a better score and rank higher if you guys make some of these changes and the last one is they're saying we are not using a table of contents plug-in that's okay you know it's not that big of a deal but table of contents are always helpful so I do recommend always going through these options right here and just trying to further optimize your content for better rankings and once we're done with that we'll then click on update welcome back party people well so in this part of the video we'll be talking about the theme customizer now during this video you know we actually went back and forth to the theme customizer for some small settings but in this part we're going to focus more on the theme customizer and all the settings now the theme customizer allows you to control various parts of the website that the people are normally does not for example you guys can design the header and the footer of your website you guys can also adjust the blog layout and even decorate the single post structure to achieve a specific style and design that you want for your affiliate marketing websites so in this part of the video we're going to go through all these options in detail we're also going to cover the Block C product review post template now Biloxi has a special product review template that they have created which includes like all of the features it has an overall score it has a buy now button and it's a template that you guys can use for all of your individual product reviews it's a great looking template I'm really glad these guys made it in the free version so if you guys do want to make like just unique product reviews on one product they have a whole special template for that it's really amazing all right so uh you guys are really gonna love it so let's go ahead now and jump back to the video and talk about the theme customizer settings all right party people in this part of the video I'll be explaining how to design parts of your website like the blog page and also the blog post layout I'll also talk about other things like how blog posts display and I'll also touch base on the contact form now you guys probably have noticed here that when we're making these posts you notice that they're quite large and they might not look how you want them to look you guys can actually design the structure of these blog posts in the theme customizer so let's talk about the theme customizer here at the top you're going to see customize go ahead and click on customize so this is the theme customizer now every theme for WordPress has a theme customizer and theme customizer controls various parts of the website like the header the footer the blog layout and also the post layout for your website now I'm just going to go through some of these General options here now every theme for WordPress has specific features for bloxy they have quite a bit of features actually here they have these scroll to top and also a website frame where you guys can actually add in a scroll to top button at the bottom right and then also incorporate a website frame where you guys can actually change the color of this specific frame there are other options you guys can go through but I'm just basically scratching the surface of just some features and options that this theme offers now let's go back over here now one thing I want to talk about before I go into the blog is the header and the footer Builder which are probably the two most important parts of the theme the header Builder allows you to build a custom header from scratch so for example if you guys want to drag in like an account right here you can now drag in an account widgets and then this will propagate right here on your menu if you want to incorporate the button you'll see that you can take the button here and move it around right and this is how you can design and customize the header now if you want to further design these elements you'll go ahead and click on these elements here like the button and this displays The Styling options so this is where you can enter in the URL and this gives you a lot more options and features for every single element now every element also has a design tab this is where you guys can design the color and also add in transparency and all these other options right here now I'm not going to go through the header verbatim because I'll probably make a whole nother video dedicated to this but I just want to introduce you guys to this because that's how you guys can design your header now the same applies for your footer so if I scroll down here to the bottom way to the bottom here is past this post this is our current footer and if we go to our footer we can also design this using the footer Builder the same way we designed the header now on your own time you guys can go through these options and mess around with them which area one is this area right here and this is where you can add in like different blocks like you can add in like an image block a heading block a paragraph block or all sorts of blocks right here and these are all glutenberg blocks that you guys can use to add into your footer of your websites so in your own time again guys feel free to go check that out there is a lot to cover and I think messing around with these options for probably just like 20 minutes you guys will definitely get the hang of it let's go ahead now and scroll to the top here and now I'll talk about the actual post which is a little bit more important so here you have post types here we have blog post now the blog post is the actual page where your blog posts display in case you guys don't know how to actually set that if we go to the bottom right here and go to home page settings the post page is the page where your blog posts will display automatically so if you want to change that you guys can change that here so essentially the news page is our Blog Page okay so I clicked on the news page and this is our current blog page now we can do here is we can go ahead and design these blog posts because you guys can tell you know it's just this image is way too large it doesn't really look well so right here under blog post we can change the structure so here they have different ways on how we can design this so they have simple and I'm a big fan of simple I do like it this will basically allow us to design the blog post in a specific Style there we go I clicked on the news page okay yeah this is the this is the blog page sorry I was actually on the post page so this is the actual blog page here and if I click on classic you guys will see it changes that to Classic we also have grid this changes it in a grid view we also have enhanced grid and then we have I guess this is Gutenberg which is just like the Gutenberg default layouts and below that there's more options like number of posts there's card options where you can choose to hide or display specific information like for example if you want the read more button you can check on the read more and now users can actually click on that button there if you want to get rid of some information like maybe the post data we can get rid of that by checking out or hiding the post data and then you'll see that disappears now my personal opinion is I really do like the simple look the simple look is just straight to the points it's really friendly right I know I do like this and then under the design tab you guys can design more things like if you want to add a specific sidebar to this you guys can add a sidebar and you can get a little bit more customizable with there but I'm going to take off the sidebar but I just want to introduce you guys to these design settings so that's how you guys can design and customize the blog page now let's talk about the single post page so I'll go ahead and click on one of these posts here and this is our current post and like we talked about earlier you know it's just a little bit uh too large for me so we can go ahead and Design This so let's go back and now we're going to click on single posts now the single post is actually referring to the post here that we have created here we have narrow width we have normal width then we have left sidebar and then we have the right sidebar so this is how you guys can design you know the blog page here and even add a sidebar and then you can change like the content style to boxed I do like boxed because wide pretty much tries to extend the content all the way to the end but I think most blocks today use boxed and you guys can use this in conjunction with other styles so for example we have a block style here or you can choose to have a wide style I like I like box because I just feel like this is simple to navigate you know just gets right to the point and on your own time you guys can just go ahead and scroll through this take a look at it and just see how it all looks so next we have the post title and this is actually pretty important because here you guys can actually control the title you can control the excerpt and also the featured image as well so right away we can change the design of this if you guys want to change like the font color or if you want to increase or decrease the size of the specific font you guys can do that here you guys can also choose type 2 type 2 is kind of weird you know I'm just not a fan of that you'd have to pick like a featured image that really works well to go with type 2 but I'm going to go with type one we can also adjust the horizontal alignments so we can put that in the center and there's other styling options here like container bottom spacing and stuff like that so that's how you guys can adjust some of the post title contents now let's go back to single post here and I'm going to scroll down and here we have featured image featured image is one setting I do want to change you guys notice that the featured image might be too large and this is where you guys can adjust the featured image you can put it above the title below the title and then here you can change the image size if you want it medium or smaller and you can even go custom here and change the ratio to anything that you guys would like so this is how you guys can adjust the size of the image you can select the image ratio and then also select the image size for your article once you guys do all these changes you guys can then click on publish there at the top and that'll save all the changes and that's how the blog post will not be presented on your website now there is one more other important option that I do want to talk about and that is the product reviews as well you guys can also design the product review page so like we talked about on the beginning of this video when we talked about reviews we also have a secondary post that is the product reviews and you guys can actually use the theme customizer as well to design this specific page as well so this is the actual post page itself so under the product reviews we have single product review and this is where you guys can further design and customize the product review where you can you know take stuff out you can you know add a share box an author box like we talked about and all these other various settings so this is a custom post type that is separate from post so the post has its own section and then the product review also has its own section that you guys will have to customize here in the theme settings now another very important option is the site identity and this is probably the last thing that I'm going to talk about the site identity is the actual identity of your websites so here's my website and if you guys look at the top right here you'll see that I have this icon right if we go to our demo website you guys will see it has no icon so it's very important to add a site icon to your website under site identity so right here under the site icon you guys will click on select site icon and this is where you guys can pick an icon for your websites so I'll select our site icon here we're going to crop that image and you can tell right away that it actually displays there so it looks like there was an error cropping my image I'll just skip cropping and then you guys will see that it displays there at the top on our browser and then once we're done with that I'll then click on publish now the theme customizer is very robust there are a lot of options to go through but on your own time feel free to go ahead and just check this out there is one other thing that I do want to talk about and that is the sidebar so for every blog post you guys can choose to have a sidebar on your actual websites so let's go over here to news and let's just go ahead and find a post and I'll walk you guys through the sidebar now if you guys have a sidebar and you turn it on there is now an option here where you guys can customize the sidebar so over here under the single post we're going to add a sidebar right so now you'll see that we have a sidebar and if you do have a sidebar over here in a sidebar this is where we can now design and customize the sidebar so you'll see that we can have like different options and stuff like that so we can customize and design it now one thing that most people do is they add a very faint background color to their sidebar if you want to go that route so for example we can add a very faint background color like that's I think that looks really nice actually and this sort of separates it from the actual post this is just an option you know you guys don't have to do this if you guys don't want to but that's how you guys can design the sidebar now if you guys do decide to have a sidebar you guys might want to add widgets to that sidebar so now that we added our sidebar we now need to add widgets here on the right side so let me just explain how you guys can add widgets to your sidebar because later on in the video I'll show you guys how to integrate Google AdSense and this is where you guys can incorporate ads where you can start making money from your blog so go ahead and save your changes and let's go ahead now and exit the theme customizer I think that looks pretty sharp actually what do you guys think you know I really do like that in fact it's a sticky sidebar which looks really really cool but uh let's go ahead now and go to dashboard you guys can actually turn off sticky if you guys want to that means it like basically doesn't stay with the user as they scroll now if you guys want to add widgets to the sidebar over here under appearance you're going to see widgets now this used to be called widgets and now they're called blocks and blocks are basically widgets so this is where you guys can add widgets to your sidebar and personally I really do not like this interface with this new blocks because before like it was a drag and drop style and now it's this really ugly clunky style where you have to add in these blocks so this is the popular reviews here is a text widget we can get rid of this by clicking on these three dots and removing this widget this one right here as well I'll go ahead and also remove this Legacy widgets now here you're going to see this plus so here I'll click on add a block and I'll click on browse all so here are widgets or also the refer to as blocks that you guys can add to your sidebar you guys can add text you can add code image all sorts of stuff in fact later we're going to actually add code here and that's where we're going to integrate Google AdSense on our websites we'll do that a little bit later we're almost there actually but you guys can use any of these if you want to add these to your sidebar so you can put latest comments latest posts which is actually a really popular one right and we can also add a contact form and you can add all these widgets here to the sidebar now once you guys add something to your sidebar you'll then go ahead and navigate it so you'll click on it and you guys can actually further customize it with these options where you can align it to the left align it to the center or line it to the right and you know every single element that you guys drag in here you guys can customize it with these options here at the top so what I'm going to do here is just click on update and just give you guys an example of whatever changes that you guys make here these will directly affect the sidebar on your websites so let's go back to our websites click on our blog post page I'll click on a post and now you guys will see that we now have new posts here on the right side so you guys can add as many widgets as you want and that's how you guys can add a sidebar and also widgets to your sidebar so part of people that is pretty much the theme customizer summed up the theme customizer controls various parts of the website like the header the footer the blog page and also the archive and category Pages for your website on your own time feel free to go through all of these settings here and adjust them to your liking you guys can also adjust like the author page the search page and tons of other parts of your websites so I hope you guys learned a lot from this part of the video now let's go ahead and move on to the next section all right party people in this part of the video we'll be talking about monetization everyone wants to make money that's why you guys are watching this video hope you guys enjoyed the glasses too I just put them on because I couldn't find my contacts all right well let's first talk about different ways to monetize your website we'll also talk about how to cloak links and just talk about other monetization options now most people are thinking to themselves Google AdSense is my only option well that's not really true at all in fact there are other platforms like ezoic ads and other various platforms where you guys can use to integrate ads on your website I'll show you guys how to connect AdSense in this Parts but let me first talk about the other monetization options that you guys have now you guys can use the zoic ads I personally have not used them but I do have a friend who is like obsessed with this website and the ads on this website could pay a little bit more than AdSense so if you guys find yourself not getting approved for AdSense look for other revenues or avenues that you guys can use to make money with like ads and stuff like that so that is one way you guys can monetize your websites now also we talked about briefly about Amazon right now if you guys choose to decide to go with Amazon there's just a few things that I want to touch base on really quick now with most companies you guys get affiliate links right now when you guys go through the process and register with Amazon you guys can actually get links to all their products here at the top you guys will see that there is something called the Amazon Associates site stripe and that means when you guys click on any product you guys can get a link to that specific product when someone uses that link you guys will then make a commission of the sale so let's just go ahead and just give you guys an example of here what I'm talking about so I'm going to click on uh oh treadmills oh look at that six thousand dollars so you guys always want to promote the expensive stuff because then maybe if they buy it you get a cut of that expensive stuff right now when I went to this product you guys will see here we have get link there is the option to get a link get an image or text an image now this is your affiliate link so when someone clicks on this right here you will then make a commission if they purchased it through this specific link now there is one caveat with the Amazon affiliate program versus every other affiliate program on the planet with Amazon specifically you guys cannot cloak these links now in case you guys don't know what cloaking links means that is basically when you change the link to something like slash Amazon or slash siteground that's what cloaking links is and I'm going to show you guys how to do that in the next section but you guys cannot do that with Amazon it is against their terms of service so make sure that you guys do not cloak links with Amazon you guys will just go ahead and take these links and post them on your blog post and then when people buy something from that link you would then make a commission of the sale all right so that is pretty much Amazon summed up you guys can use Amazon you know just make sure that you guys go through the process sign up with their partner program and then you can use these links up here and incorporate these on your blog post now other companies like we talked about impact radius and there's also companies like Elementor and other various programs they're going to give you guys links right and with these links you guys can cloak those links and put them on your website so for instance here is impact radius or impact I gotta stop saying impact radius it's just impact now you know so let's say for instance I want to promote uh liquid web all right here they're giving me this link right here now if someone were actually to click on this link I would then make a commission so over here I'll open up a new browser I'll paste in this link and then I'll just press enter right now this link is going to take people to this website here you can see it says but obviously it is my affiliate link where I can make money if they actually use it now let's go back to our WordPress websites and let's just talk about cloaking links and tools you guys can use I'll give you guys the tool that I currently use for my websites I use a tool called pretty links it is a plugin that you guys can use that integrates with all of your affiliate links so right here pretty links now I'll be very honest guys I'll be very very honest um I'm not a big fan of pretty links I'm actually looking for another one but once you guys actually commit to like an affiliate link tracker it's really hard to switch you know because then you have to make sure that all your links are down for like a little bit and then install a new plugin and then you know incorporate all of those links on that new plugin which can take a lot of time and that means downtime which is not good but whatever let's just talk about pretty links because this will do the job just fine this will allow you to track the link and actually convert them to something like your you know whatever so I activated the plugin and here we have pretty links now right here I'll add new and let's say for example this is the liquid web link right liquid web liquid web now for the redirection I'm going to say this is a permanent link right and for the Target URL we're going to paste in that's you know weird whatever it is and then for this we're gonna type in something really nice you know liquid web and then I'll click on update now the reason why you guys do this is because you look a lot more trustworthy and now if someone were actually to go to this website you know liquid web it would then take them to this specific page right here a lot of users don't like to click on those long links because they just don't trust them in fact a lot of people don't like to click on links in general so that's just how it is but that is one strategy that you guys can use is using pretty links they do have other options here you know I you know I use these guys but um I don't really go into like their Advanced features you know I just really never had a reason to but it actually does help track the clicks so right here it'll say clicks and this is very important because I have had problems with affiliate program sometimes and then they tell me well I don't know we're not getting any clicks on your end sorry and I'm like wait a minute wait a minute my tracker is saying I have link clicks so what's wrong with you guys you know what's up with you you know and I've actually had disputes and actually left programs because I was cheated you're going to come across companies guys that might not do everything the right way and that's just business but you can use this to sort of track your progress and have proof that people are clicking links if the company tells you that their links are not converting well or they're not getting traffic from your link there could be an issue so always install a plug-in like pretty links where you can track your progress and also cloak your links now Google stats on cloaking links they don't care they said they don't care uh there is no Pro or conduits but 99 of Affiliates do it because it just looks better you know when you have it and um you guys cannot cloak Amazon links all right so don't do this with Amazon you guys can do this with any other program like any of these programs from Impact radius or even Elementor where you can go ahead and go in there and you know copy and paste the link and then do the same thing like I just showed you guys how to do now also with a lot of these programs they're going to require you guys to have PayPal unfortunately a lot of these programs they work specifically with PayPal maybe a lot of them will go to transferwise in the future but you guys will need to make a PayPal account if you guys have never made a PayPal account you guys can go ahead and make one make sure it's a business account where they can transfer funds into that account and then from there you guys can take those funds and then transfer those to your bank accounts some companies they do both right so for impact radius they will actually let you withdraw money into your bank and also PayPal but some companies like Elementor or elegant themes it's strictly PayPal only so that's how it is at the current time making this video it can always change in the future but that's that so that is just a general rundown of affiliate programs you know links and all these other stuff you guys might need to know going forward so next let's talk about how to incorporate Google AdSense onto your website which a lot of you guys might want to do now I'll leave a link to Google AdSense in the description and we are going to link this website here and we're going to link it up with the Google AdSense partner program let's first go ahead and click on get started and sign up so go ahead and select the email address that you guys want to use to sign up for so I'll select my German email account here click on next and now we're going to sign up with AdSense with this specific email so they might prompt you guys to enter in some information so go ahead and fill out the information so here we go tutorial domain no I'll put my country here click on I have read yada yada yada go through all the mumbo jumbo and then click on start using AdSense all right now when you guys first sign up with AdSense it takes a while to get approved okay it's not a overnight thing it might take a few days but you first need to enter in a lot of credentials and you need to fill out some forms so right here where it says tell us about you I'll click on enter information and this is where you guys are going to enter in more information about yourself this is important for tax purposes so they do need to know this information so before you guys do anything like Place ads you guys must fill out your contact information alright so there is my contact info I'll go ahead and submit this here we go actually this is a verified address there we go verified address and I'll click on next all right now once we've done that we need to still enter in some more information over here under account you're going to see settings you'll also see account information make sure that you guys fill this out and then also right here under personal settings you guys will need to go and also fill this information out right here as well so I'll go ahead and put in my info and once you guys enter your personal settings over here we have payments and payments info now they're going to actually take a look at your website and they're going to decide if they're going to approve you or not for their program now if they decide to approve you guys you'll need to go to your payments info and this is where you can actually enter in your bank account information where they can start sending you payments to your bank directly so once you guys do get approved make sure to always check payments info because they're gonna need to wait on how to pay you guys right here under verification check at the current time of doing this obviously they're going to take a look at all your info and your website to make sure that there's no dummy content on it so you want to make sure that before you guys actually do all this stuff that you guys have a well-optimized websites so now that we've done that over here under sites you'll see that our website is now currently um there it does need time to review so you can see it requires review so just give it like a day or two now let's talk about how to actually make ads so assuming that you guys do get approved let me show you guys how to incorporate the ads on on your websites so here we have buy sites by add units and then we have global settings now I like ad unit the best because if you do like buy sites what Google does is they take ads and they just put it randomly on different parts of your website I've had one instance where they actually broke my header or they're putting it like on my menu and made everything like stretch out it look really terrible so in my personal opinion I like Buy ad units and I do like the display ad so right here I'll click on display ads and this is going to give you an example of what the ad will look like on your website now I'm going to give my ad a name this is the sidebar ad or whatever right now on the right side you're going to see ad size and this is where you can change it to either fixed or responsive I like responsive because what this is going to do is based off the structure of your website the ad will actually filter automatically so it'll actually fill into whatever part that you place the code in which is pretty helpful you guys can also do fixed ad you know if you just want to create your own ad maybe like 450 here 450 by 450 we can do that as well that looks something like that but I'm just going to go with responsive and I'll click on create now here we have this script I'll go ahead now and click on copy code snippet and click on done now that we have this ad what we can do is now place that code on our website so let's go back to our website here and what I'm going to do is click on widgets so you can place this code anywhere on your website you can place ads anywhere that you guys want using the code element with Elementor or you guys can use the code widget for the Gutenberg editor right here so under the search we're going to type in HTML code so right here custom HTML and we can place that code right there and once we're done with that we'll then click on updates and after Google actually goes through and they approve you your ads will then start to show on the website now next I want to talk about the actual process of connecting the websites now when you guys first sign up it's going to say like oh you cannot connect your website yet because your account's not approved once you guys do get approved and they take a look at your website you guys can use the Google site kit plugin to integrate your websites this is my websites you know and I actually use this plugin on my website you can see that your account has been approved and what we can do first off I'll go ahead and show you guys how this works I'll go ahead and actually disconnect this so I'll go ahead and disconnect it and once I disconnect it for you guys you're going to see it under the connect more services again so it should be right here all you got to do is click on set up AdSense and the next step is it'll actually bring us to our Google AdSense accounts and here it's saying your site is now connected site kit by Google will connect your AdSense and here the review is requested so it might just take like a day or two guys to actually go through all of the process and make sure that your ads are suitable to run on your website and as a parting gift I do realize that sometimes Google is very slow with monetizing websites and sometimes it might disapprove you for no reason whatsoever that has happened to me on my end so I totally understand why you guys can find alternatives to use instead of Google AdSense there is like I mentioned ezoic ads there's propeller ads there's all of these other different advertising agencies and these agencies will actually pay you more than Google so don't think that you're missing out or oh my gosh I'm not part of Google AdSense I'm not making a lot of money like no there are tons of websites here that will actually showcase ads on your website and that you'll get paid from Those ads and they do have some really cool like dashboards that are actually much better than Google's in my opinion Union Google's dashboards are very hard to use sometimes they're not the most friendliest as you can tell but you guys can't use other alternatives to show ads on your website just in case you guys do not get approved for the AdSense program I do wish you guys the best I hope that this part of the video really helped you guys out there's various ways on how to monetize your blog and stuff like that so I do wish you guys the best hopefully you guys get monetized so part of people I hope you guys enjoyed this part of the video uh it might take a day or two to get approved for the Google AdSense program and if you guys do get denied for whatever reason uh just reapply again you know fix up your website reapply and just really push to get approved I have heard from users that it's a lot harder to get approved today than it was like five years ago uh yeah when I when I applied I just showed ads like the same day but today like they're a lot more stricter when it comes to advertisements and also make sure to diversify your affiliate links and also ads you can add it both on the same page so you can have ads running on the page and then also add affiliate links where you can make commissions from your partner programs I hope you guys enjoy this part of the video and I hope you guys make a lot of money with your blog well part of people congratulations on your affiliate marketing website if you guys are consistent with your blog you guys will start seeing your traffic coming in you'll see the income come in and you guys are going to be like oh my gosh I got my first commission it's a really exciting feeling when you guys get your first sale and your first Commission on your blog I still remember to this day where I got my first commission it was from HostGator back in like 2015 and I made 50 bucks and I was like oh my gosh I made 50 bucks like this is crazy you know so as long as you guys are consistent with your affiliate marketing website and you guys using chat gbt you guys will uh you guys will succeed now also I recommend maybe even hiring someone to just keep cranking out blog posts for you guys I use an SEO company and they make around 50 blog posts for me every single month and I pay around a thousand dollars and they strictly use chat gbt and it works out for me you know it's like all right great you know I'm increasing my reach I'm making money they're making money my visitors are happy everyone wins in this ordeal so I truly do wish you guys the best of success with your affiliate marketing website if you guys have any questions for me let me know in the comments below this was a long ass tutorial all right so make sure to like this video and leave me a nice comment and just tell me uh I don't know tell me that I did good or I lost weight or my hair looks good you know whatever all right I'll see you guys in the next video take it easy
Channel: Darrel Wilson
Views: 348,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt, make money online, how to make money with chatgpt, affiliate marketing, wordpress, how to make affiliate marketing website, affiliate marketing business, chatgpt 4, affiliate marketing for beginners, chatgpt tutorial, affiliate marketing website, elementor, elemetnor tutorial, wordpress tutorial, chatgpt explained, what is chatgpt, how to make a website, how to make a wordpress website, how to make an affiliate marekting website
Id: HSyjg2WRv8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 253min 7sec (15187 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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