Create a Modern Glassmorphism Card in 4 Minutes | Figma Tutorial

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hey everyone it's Arash here in today's video we are going to create a modern glass morphism card together so without further Ado let's dive in so here I created a frame and now I need a background for it you can use whatever background you want however for this tutorial I found this beautiful background on I put the link down in the description in case you want to download the exact same background alright so now I need to add my background here into my frame here it is let me bring it and put it inside my frame and next I'm gonna go ahead and create a card we are going to create a credit card together so I'm gonna need a rectangle let me draw a rectangle here let's set the width to 500 and the high to 300 just like that I'm gonna align it to the center and also I'm gonna increase the corner radius amount to 40. next I'm gonna go to the Field section and I'm gonna change the type of field from solid to linear here so that we could get a linear gradient and I'm going to set these two colors to White just like this make sure to set them both to White and then let's change the direction of this gradient just like that so if I select this first color you can see that the opacity is set to 100 percent I'm gonna set it to 70 percent and for this one I'm gonna set it to 40 percent okay next I'm gonna add a stroke to it I'm gonna set the color to white and also I'm gonna make sure that it's a linear gradient and I'm gonna change its direction just like this okay and also I'm gonna decrease the opacity of this stroke to something like 60 percent so far so good now we need to add an effect to it so for the effect we are going to need the background blur effect just like that and I'm going to increase the blur amount to something like 20. you can obviously adjust it based on your preferences but for now I think it looks very good maybe I can go ahead and decrease the opacity of this color I'm gonna set it to 50 percent and this one to twenty percent yeah it looks much much better now next let's add another effect this time a drop shadow and I'm gonna set the blur to 40 and the Y to 20 and also I'm gonna decrease the opacity to 10 and here it is our glass card is almost ready now we need to add some information to this card so I'm going to add a text layer quickly let's add the card number I'm gonna write something random okay and then I'm going to increase this text size to 24 points and I'm gonna change the way to medium and let me change the color to white so far so good let me bring it right here I can increase the letter spacing as well a little bit now let me duplicate it hit Ctrl t or command D bring it down here let's write the name of this card holder I'm gonna write John Smith for now and just decrease this letter spacing to zero and also the font size to 20. once again duplicate it bring it down here let's write the expiration date let's write 0 9 26 and for the padding I'm gonna set the bottom and left padding to 40 pixels just like that let me select these two and bring them up for the padding in between I'm gonna set it to 8 pixels and for this one I'm gonna set it to 16 pixels now I'm gonna use this Visa card logo I'm gonna copy it and bring it here let me put it right around this corner and for the padding I'm gonna set the top and right padding to 40 and next I'm gonna select this icon this tab to pay icon copy it and paste it right here put it there and let me align it with my content so the left padding is going to be 40 pixels and I'm gonna align it vertically with this Visa card logo just like that alright here is our glass morphism card and you can easily change the background to whatever you want I hope you enjoyed this video guys if you found it useful please consider subscribing and give it a thumbs up if you want to learn more about figma make sure to check out this video on the screen have a beautiful day and see you next time
Channel: DesignWithArash
Views: 40,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ui/ux design, ux design, user experience design, ui/ux design india, how to become a ui/ux designer, become a ui/ux designer, web design, figma, figma tutorial, figma design, figma tutorial for beginners, ux, ui, design, ui design, uxui design, uxui, learn ux, ux course, design course, designcourse, beginner ux, junior ux, junior designer, junior ux designer, entry level ux, how to learn ux, learning ux, user experience, user interface, glassmorphism figma
Id: nExMC7NYro8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 30sec (270 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 26 2022
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