Create a Double Exposure Effect in GIMP 2020

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[Music] [Music] hello and welcome to yet another tutorial by Davies media design my name is Michael Davies and in today's tutorial I'll be showing you how to create a double exposure effect using this will begin version 2.10 point 14 which at the time of this tutorial is the latest version of but of course before I get into that I want to direct you guys over to my website at Davies media design com as always I have tons of and Inkscape tutorials on here as well as my book of layers and and Inkscape help articles so definitely check that out you can enroll in my 2.10 masterclass from beginner to pro photo editing on udemy you can enroll in any of my skills share classes by visiting school calm and you can get more with a premium membership to Davies media design your premium membership includes access to my help center app as well as any ebooks including The book of layers and exclusive content not found on YouTube and I'll include a link to this as well as all the relevant links from this tutorial in the description of the video so I'll be using two stock photos for this tutorial today one is found on pixels and just click the free download here I went with the large size and then I also used a photo from pixabay and just click the free download button here as well and I went with the nineteen twenty by twelve eighty version so let me minimize this here is the final result we have a model profile shot here and then we have the mountain mixed in here to create that double exposure effect I know I already created a tutorial on how to create this double exposure effect on my channel but that tutorial is about four years old now so I figured I would do an updated version of the tutorial using the latest version of as well as a new technique that's going to make this a little bit faster and produce a better final result so let's dive in here I'll start by opening up the photo I want to use so in my case I'll go to open recent file open recent and open up the photo of the adult businessman as its called so the first thing I want to do is select the foreground object from the background and we can do that very easily using the foreground select tool I have an entire tutorial dedicated to this tool so definitely check that out if you haven't already so come over here and grab my foreground select tool and it's going to start me with the draw background mode and I have the lasso tool here selected on my mouse pointer and I'm just going to loosely select the foreground object and make sure I connect this and now I'll hit the enter key next I'm going to make sure that my draw mode is set to draw foreground so I'll click on that if it didn't automatically switch me to that and I can increase the size of the brush using the left or right brackets on my keyboard or I can adjust the stroke width over here hold the control key or command key on a Mac and use the scroll on my mouse wheel to zoom in and now I'm just going to select the foreground and as always the more precise you are with this the better the final result will be so and let me just controls eats you want to do that I want to make sure I don't accidentally select any of the background while I'm doing this so I'll use the brackets on my keyboard to change the brush size as I go you all right once I have a lot of the subjects sufficiently selected here as the foreground I'll just hit the enter key on my keyboard and that should select your foreground object then I'm going to hit the enter key and you'll see that'll create a selection area in the shape of the profile here and there might be some holes in the selection like right there all you need to do to fix that is go to select remove holes and that'll take out any small areas like that but this is going to be good for now for what I need so now that I have my selection area and we're going to be using the shape of this profile here a lot what I'm going to do is go to my paths tab and then create a path from this selection so I'll come over here and click on my paths tab and then come down here and click this icon here selection to path that'll put that selection on a path so if I hit ctrl shift a you can hide or unhide this path and we can now use this selection area throughout the tutorial next I'll come back to the layers tab and I'm going to desaturate this now and let me just rename this model and hit the enter key and now I'm going to come over here and go to colors desaturate desaturate that's going to convert my photo to black and white and I'm going to set the mode here to luminance and click OK but next I'm going to just add a bit of contrast to this so I'm going to come over here to colors levels and I'm just going to adjust the levels slider here so that was the shadows here's the highlights and then I can also adjust the mid-tones so here's before here is an after so much more contrast there and I'll click OK next I'll bring in the photo of my mountain and I can do that by going to file open as layers and here is the photo right here you guys can search through your computer and find the photo you want to use mine's right here so I'll just click open so here's our photo of the mountain and I'll need to move this in place I'll hit em on my keyboard or I can grab my move tool over here and I'm also going to decrease the opacity of this a little bit and then I'm going to move the mountain to where I want it so I want the forehead to kind of match the mountain here and that's why I chose this photo because the mountain sort of goes up right here and then it falls off and we can use this area that's going up and falling off to match up with the forehead a little bit it's not going to be exact here but it is going to be good enough to use the only issue is this photo is currently not quite big enough based on where I want to position it so just hit shift s on my keyboard or click to grab the scale tool and then I'm just going to drag this so that it matches with the bottom of the photo make sure this little chain link icon is linked and hit scale so that's positioned a little bit better there I'll hit em on my keyboard it may be scooch this to the left a little bit right about there now that I've done that I'm going to increase the opacity there and next what I'll do is come over here and just duplicate the model layer bring that up to the top and I'm also going to change the layer mode of this because I don't want all of the elements from the original photo showing so I'm going to change the layer mode here to let's go with light and only and you guys can play around with the layer modes as you work through this composition to get the best final result you want so here you can see this is coming together the double exposure effect is already starting to sort of show through here but of course we've got all this excess happening here outside of the actual profile and we have a lot of the original mountain photos still showing so what I'll do is I'll come over here to the paths dialog and make sure I'm on this path here which is the profile shape so I can just name this profile hit the enter key click this little icon here and that's going to convert that path to a selection then come over here and I'm going to add this as a layer mask on all of my layers so I'm just going to right click go to add layer mask and under initialize layer mask two I'll choose selection and click Add if you're wondering why I'm not adding a layer group is because we are going to tweak each one of these layer masks so that they're slightly different as we progress through this tutorial so they're not all gonna have this same layer mask in the end so I'm going to move on to the next one here this is the mountain so right click add layer mask and same thing will go with selection and we're going to do it to this photo as well right click add layer mask selection so now we have a transparent background we're gonna fix that in a little bit so I'll hit ctrl shift a so here is our current result here what I want to do to refine this to get the final result I want is I want to have more of his face showing and some of the clouds coming off here and then I want the background to reflect the color of this guys so that it looks like this is all one photo so I'll start by coming over here creating a new layer and we'll just name this background make sure the fill width is set to transparency and click OK and then just click and drag this to the bottom I'll hit shift B on my keyboard that'll grab my bucket fill tool holding the ctrl key I'll grab a blue color from the sky here we can always change this later I'll grab a nice blue color and fill this in so now we have that color we want we're gonna leave this for now next I'll grab my paintbrush tool and I'm just going to click this icon to switch to black and white and then I'm going to increase the size my brush and make sure it's a fairly soft brush so this is set 247 you can go a little bit larger here then I'll come over to my layer mask for the mountain layer you'll know you're on your layer mask because you'll see a white line around here and a green dotted line around this instead of a yellow dotted line so we're on the green dotted line and painting with black we're going to paint on layer mask and that's going to reveal the details in the face that we want to keep there and I even kept some of the neck as well that part is optional obviously and I'm just going to decrease the size of my brush a little bit for this portion again I can use the brackets or the slider here so the next thing I want to do is make it look like the clouds are sort of coming out of his head so to do that I'm going to come over here it's the layer mask for the mountain layer and I'm just going to paint white with this so make sure your foreground color is switched to white so it's okay if you paint a little bit much of the clouds at first which is what I'm doing I'm kind of doing it on purpose just to see what parts I like so there we go now I'm going to hit the X key to switch back to black and now I can paint out the elements that I don't want to keep and change the size of my brush as I go so I'm only going to keep the big cloud here I'm not going to keep this little cloud down here you you know come up top here and right here there's a little bit too much of the sky so I'm just going to sort of using my soft brush try to make this blend in a little bit better and I think the blue we chose for the background is a little light so I'm gonna click on the background layer shift B to grab my bucket fill tool hold the ctrl key or the command key to grab that blue sky color and then click to fill that color in here and you can see that matches a little bit better if you want you can also grab your paintbrush come back to this layer here the layer mask for your mountain layer and just sort of let me switch to black here increase the size of my brush make this sort of fade out a little bit as it gets close to the edge that's obviously optional so hold ctrl and zoom in you can also add more elements here from the person's face so for example I'm on the layer mask still for the mountain layer and I'm painting black on here I can sort of reveal his ear if I want to and any other elements of the face that maybe I want to keep hold ctrl and zoom out just a couple of finishing touches on here what I want to do is add that blue layer to the very top and then change the layer modes so that the entire photo will sort of have that blue look to it instead of being more of ad saturated or black and white look so come over here and duplicate the background layer we can rename this blue hit the enter key drag it to the top and then change the layer mode to overlay and then I can just decrease the opacity of that so it's not quite as intense and there's our final photo all right so that's it for this tutorial hopefully you liked it if you did you could check out my youtube channel at slash Davey's media design don't forget to click the bell icon to be notified each time I have a brand new tutorial you can also check out any of the links to my resources in the description of the video thanks for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: Davies Media Design
Views: 38,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gimp, gimp tutorial, gimp for beginners, how to gimp, GIMP 2.10, GIMP, basics, GIMP 2020, Double Exposure, GIMP Double Exposure, Combine Photos, photo manipulation, foreground select tool, layer masks, layer modes
Id: 6tvG2IKf3aw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2020
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