Cream Of Irish Folk - Various Artists | 40 Classic Irish Drinking Songs

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[Music] his money he was counting i first produced my pistol and then produced my right cure sink stand and deliver for you are a bold deceiver [Music] [Applause] [Music] and she filled them up with water [Music] just [Music] [Applause] if i can find a [Music] [Music] there's [Music] [Applause] [Music] the [Music] [Music] [Music] it breaks my heart from you [Music] [Music] kind relations i am bound for american [Music] oh then again it was your cruel father or not let me stay there [Music] but our absence [Music] am over the main [Music] may the lord protect my darling till i return against [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i [Applause] [Music] i would go in my arms in the dawn of sweet [Music] to tell you of me flight for at this time of writing i am not a pretty sight my body is all black and blue my face is a deathly grey and i write this note to say why potty's not at work today waste working on the fourteenth floor some bricks i had declared that throw them down from such a height was not a good idea the foreman wasn't very pleased he been an awkward sod he said i'd have to cart them down the leathers in mihod now claire and these bricks by hand it was so very slow so i heisted up the bottle and secured the rope below but in my haze to do the job i was to blind to see that a bottle full of building bricks was heavier than me so when i untied the rope the bottle fell like lead and clinging tightly to the rope i started up instead i shut up like a rocket till to my dismay i found that halfway up i met a bloody barrel coming down the barrel broke me shoulder as to the ground its bed and when i reached the top i bind the pulley with my head i hung on tightly known with shock from this all mighty blow and the bottle spilled out half the bricks fourteen floors below now when these bricks had fallen from the bottle to the floor i then outweighed the bottle and so started down once more still clinging tightly to the rope my body raked with pain when halfway down they met the bloody barrel once again the force of this collision halfway up the office block cause multiple abrasions and a nasty state of shock still clinging tightly to the rope i fell towards the ground and landed on the broken bricks that were all scattered around i lay there moaning on the ground i thought i'd passed the worst when the barrel hit the poliwheel and then the bottom burst a share of bricks ran down on me i hadn't got to hope as i lay there bleeding on the ground they let go the bloody rope the barrel and then heavier it started down once more and landed right across me as i lay upon the floor it broke three ribs in my left arm and i can only say that i hope you'll understand way parties not at work today [Music] i was born in a dublin street where the loyal drums to beat and the loving english speed tramped all over us and each and every night when the father came home tight he'd invite the neighbors outside with this chorus come out your black and tan come out and fight me like a man show your wife how you won medals down in flanders tell her how the ira made you run like hell away from the green and lonely lanes and killer shot and rob come let me hear you tell how you slandered brave parnell when your thoughts and well and truly persecuted where are the sneers and gears that you bravely let us hear when our leaders of 16 were executed come out your black and tan come out and fight me like a man show your wife how you [Music] come tell us how you slew them old arabs two by two like the zulus they had spears and balls and arrows how you bravely face each one with your sixteen pound of gum and you frighten those damn needles to them come out your black [Music] from the green and lovely lanes and killish the day is coming past and the time will soon be near when each oning will be cast aside before us and if there'll be a need then we kids will say godspeed we're the bar [Music] [Music] i oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] know [Music] [Music] is [Laughter] [Music] see more [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the star [Music] [Music] and stripes where peace and plenty flows i want your faithful promise that you'll wet with none at all until [Music] mmm [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] to join them [Music] [Applause] no [Music] [Applause] [Music] so so you [Music] so [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] so [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Music] in the street [Music] me [Music] he will not stay i wish i wish i wish i wish i was [Music] dream [Music] is [Music] [Music] she went upstairs to go to bed [Music] [Music] with every [Music] oh [Music] he went upstairs [Music] he took his [Music] large [Music] oh [Music] know [Music] [Applause] but now i'm returning with [Music] no more [Music] i used to frequent i told the land lady me money was spent i asked her for credit she answered me such custom as yours i can have [Music] no more will i play the wild rover [Music] she says i have whiskeys and the wines are the best and the words that you told me we're only in jester [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] what i've done and i've asked them to pardon their little son and when they've caressed me as often as before then i never [Music] no more [Music] last time [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Applause] heidi heidi [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] id [Music] hiding hideout [Music] [Music] [Music] a kiss to my girl by the factory wall dirty old town dirty old town [Music] brings a girl from the streets at night [Music] [Music] [Music] saw a train [Music] set the night on fire spells [Music] [Applause] i'm going to make [Applause] [Music] you down like an older tree [Music] [Music] dream the dream [Applause] by the old canal by the factory walls [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] happy days [Music] [Applause] [Music] remorse [Music] each person to really [Music] [Music] long day [Music] [Applause] [Music] boys [Applause] [Music] oh father why are you so son on this bright easter morning when irishmen are proud of the land [Music] ira [Music] the boys of the [Music] to answer ireland's call was long ago [Music] they all cricket and me but by my side [Music] oh [Music] with the rifle and the [Music] when history [Music] who stood with me when history was made [Applause] we sailed away on the 23rd of may we were boarded by a brave young crew bound for america fresh water there we did take on 500 barrels or more in case we'd run short come to new york far from the shamrock shore so fairly well sweet lies a deer and likewise and twice farewell to my comrade boys who dwell on my native ground and when i have got my fortune made and i have that money in store i go home and i'll wait we last see our left hunt buddies bring shamrock shore we sail for three days we were all seasick not a man on board was free and i lay below there on my bunk with no one to pity for me no father kind no mother dare to lift up my head went was sore which made me think more of the lassie i left on putty's green charm rock shore we safely reached the other side in three and twenty days we were taken as immigrants by [Music] in six different ways we each of us drank in a parting glass in case we might never meet more we all drank a house to all die your land and potty's green shamrock shore so fairly well sweet lies a deer and light white dairy town and when i have got my fortune made and i have got money in store i go home when i wet the wee lassie i left on potty's green shamrock shore [Music] i long farewell such bitter anguish no tongue can tell for i'm for [Music] [Music] how proud was i of my girl so tall i was envied most [Music] [Music] but all our joys were too good to last for the landlord came her young hopes to blast when we plead it for mercy no he hurt us out in the blinding snow not one might open to lost their door our rest is vengeance would reach them sure [Music] my idling fainted [Music] in my arms and died on that full night by lock sheet inside they have littered down in the churchyard low where in the springtime sweet daisies grow i shed no tears for the front had right at my engrave by [Music] farewell to all the sheep will soon take me far away but my fond heart will still be [Music] inside one two three [Music] is [Music] i hear the queen elizabeth [Music] is [Music] is [Music] well here i am from england they know hard enough i've broken the hearts of all the girls from miles from london and when they held i'm aware they raised the tickets oh don't tell her about that hence they're called on excellent [Music] well here i am from india it's a land of hiring now i have broken our hearts of lots of girls from miles from delhi town and when they see that i am away they will live on awful love they hear about a handsome fellow called where [Music] [Laughter] hey [Music] you hmm in a little pub in london moriarty drank his beer recited wondrous stories of his exploits far near sing an irish song said kelly best of order one and all then moriarty sang for them the hells of donegal there was cheering at the finish and they called in core and core moriarty said listen lads i can't sing anymore so we stood there sad and silent and gazed into his beer then his eyes there glistened starting of tears are you going home for christmas the kindly barmaid said moriarty fixed his gaze on her and slowly shook his head sure i haven't been to ireland now for 20 years or more my mother would hardly know me if i walked up to the door i was born said moriarty on an island off the west the last place god created but the first place that he blessed we were poor but we were happy in our simple little way my god i wish i was a boy again to live my youthful days my father god be good to him was drowned one woeful night and my mother left our lonesome and myself to work and fight so was the donald ru mccarthy and young michael agustin i came across to england to earn an honest pay i told my dear old mother i'd soon be home again but the curse of drink came over me and enslaved me in its chain so i haven't been to ireland now for 20 years or more but i know she's still there waiting for my footsteps at the door then someone started singing see him at the winter snow just like an old bell ringing far away and long ago moriarty stood and listened then pushed his glass away and he made a solemn promise he'd go home for a christmas day so he scraped up every penny he could get into his hand and come up to christmas he sailed for ireland his heart was filled with gladness and he felt content at last as the train rolled through the midlands brought him to the west and the village of kinshila that night upon the shore far across the deep blue waters he saw his island home once more the stars were shining brightly so they'd listened like a dome on that little white west cottage it was moriarty's home it is a grand night for the ceiling said the boatman thomas barnes moriarty didn't know he'd been away so long so they climbed into the buoyance and thank god thank god in heaven i'll be home for christmas day in a little room in london moriarty's poured a boat on a table in the hallway a message leon read the message said dear danny your poor mother has passed away she'll be buried in concealer after mass on christmas day [Music] [Music] morning in the morning [Music] he is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] him [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] keep clear that black foreign [Music] glory and don't forget she sang each note like an irish leaning tearing down her cheeks came that hear us like you she said oh dearly on next morning [Music] [Applause] [Music] and [Music] in our godly wishes [Music] tim finnegan lived in walken street that gentleman i irish mighty odd he had a bro boats rich and sweet and to rise underwater he carried a heart about him in a bit of a timberless way when he loved the liquor he was born and he sent the monies away each day to drop with a crate [Music] isn't it the truth i tell you lots of fun and finnigan's awake no one mourning tim was rather full his head felt heavy which made him shake people off the ladder and he broke his skull then they cutting them home his corpse awake oh they wrapped him up in an ice paint sheet they laid him out upon the bed with a bundle of whiskey at his feet and a bite of [Music] and mrs finnegan called for lunch well first she brought some tie and cake then piped the backhand banana punch then the windom alone began to cry ask that your lovely carp did you never see washington aboard and why did you die when you held [Music] i'm sure well pity pets to the bells in the gob i left a sprawling on the floor a civil war detention cage was woman's a woman in mind to man child a little law was all the rage in a real winner looks [Music] he duct and landing on the bed the whiskey scatters over tim i'll be daddy revives and see how he rises tim finnegan rising in the bed saying twenty hours scared all night blazes be the target and jesus do you think [Music] oh uh [Music] in 1803 we sailed out the sea out from the sweet town of derry for australia pound if we didn't all drown the marks of our feathers we'd carried and our rusty and chains we cried for our winds our good women we laughed in sorrow as a mid-cell unfurled and curses we hurled on the english and thoughts of tomorrow [Music] at the mouth of the foil to goodbye to the soil as down below dax we were lying all doggerty screamed walking out of a dream by a vision of pole covered dying the sun burnt crew as they dissed out the girl donald conner was down with the fever 60 rebels today bought for botany bay and then he will reach the receiver oh [Music] dairy i cursed them to hell as our balfour swell a ship danced like a moth in the fire white horses rode high as a devil passed by taking souls to haiti's we were not 43. we buried our comrades each morning and our own slave we were lost in the time endless nights without darling [Music] landing men's land is [Music] but the years have gone by i've ended [Music] on a cold winter's night you'll find me [Music] [Music] diary [Music] [Music] well ladies and gentlemen we've been asked to sing a song which has seven bests but we only have to sing five of them ours i was home on a monday night i saw a horse outside the door where my old heart should be well i called me wife and i said to her will you kindly tell to me who owns that hearts outside the door [Music] 100 [Music] i went home on a tuesday night as drunk as drunk could be i saw a coat behind the door where my [Applause] [Music] will you kindly tell to me who owns that coach behind the door where my old coach should be [Music] [Applause] [Music] plan as i went home on a wednesday night as long as drunk could be i saw me pipe upon the chair where my old pipe should be well i called me wife and i said to her will you kindly tell to me who holds that pipe upon the chair where my owl pipe should be teddy yeah you cannot see that's a lovely tin whistle that we mother sent to [Music] and as i went home on a thursday night as long as drunk could be i saw two boots beneath the bed where my old boots should be well they called me wife and i said to her will you kindly tell to me who holds damn boots beneath the bed where my owl boots should be [Music] [Applause] [Music] in geranium pots i never saw before pan as i went home on a friday night as the dumpster could be i saw a head inside the bed where my old head should be while i called me wife and i said to her will you kindly tell to me who won't stand head with you in the bed where my owl head should be still you can't see that's [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i never saw before [Music] [Applause] in my memory [Music] i will [Music] and the smell gone home in the rain running up the door [Music] and so many [Music] in the early morning [Music] the ball [Music] to know [Music] far deep inside [Music] and when i returned oh my eyes [Music] to see how a tongue could be brought [Music] and the gas that floats on to every breeze now the arm is [Music] undergone [Music] [Applause] [Music] never they will not forget for their hearts are set [Music] for what's done is done and [Music] is [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] my [Music] so [Music] [Music] when i was 18 years of age [Music] with a good intent second regiment as i was posted on guard one day [Music] soldiers children came out to play from the officer's quarters me copped and came under me for to take their names i took one name instead of three on the collective [Music] duty the opposite way a loaded rifle light to prepare for to shoot me cupping [Music] against me when i'd liverpolicizes me trial i stood and i held me courage as best i and the old judge said i'm a property go proper your soul for eternity [Music] i one friend and a girl would she would lay down her life so come all you officers take advice from me and go through german with some dignity it's only lies undetermined not his made a martyr of the property [Music] what do you do [Music] when you joined the great fallen in 1916 i hope you died well and i have you guys [Music] that [Music] lay the [Music] did you leave [Music] in that faithful heart are you forever 19. are you strange enclosed and far apart behind the glass frame in an all found pattern unfair [Music] to the pipes play the flowers of the [Music] on the there's a warm summer's breeze it makes the red puppies dance and look how the sun shines from under the clouds [Music] is [Music] i can't help but wonder [Music] did you really believe that this one would have to work while the sun round the suffering the glory the pain [Music] it all happened again and again [Music] [Applause] [Music] play the flowers [Music] play the flowers of the fall [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] and you heard about the big strong man well he lived in the caravan have you heard about jeffrey just quite oh what a hell of a fight he could take all the heavyweights you got got a lot here he bit the whole lot he used to ring the bells in the belfry now he's gonna fight tech dempsey that's me brother sylvester what's he got roll 40 medals on his chest big chest killed 50 badminton in the west he knows no rest bigger than man hells fire don't push just show plenty of room for you and me he's got an arm playing a leg and a punch sing about a big ship they saw the army in the navy to put the wind up sylvester and he thought he'd take a trip to italy he thought that he'd go by the sea he died in the harbor in new york and he swung like a man made a cart well he saw lucitini in the stress what he do took felicia chilli on his chest big chest followed all the water in the seed and he walked old cut deadly that was me brother sylvester what's he got wrote 40 medals on his chest big chest killed 50 bombing in the west he knows no respect of the man hills fire don't push just show plenty of room for you and me he's got an arm like a leg and a punch that would sink a bottle ship big ship they saw the army in the navy to put the wind up still vest and he thought he'd take a trip to old japan turned out the whole brass band people laid every estimate they got like a lot sure he beat the whole lot now the old church bells were ringing hell's bells the outdoor square was singing hell's fire all turned out say it farewell my big brother sell the vest that was me brother silvest what's he got throw 40 medals on his chest big chest killed 50 men in the west he knows no respect of the man hells fire don't push just shove plenty of new few knees got an arm like a leg on a point star would sing a bottle big ship nick saw the army and the navy put the wind up sylvester that was me brother silva vest what's he got throw 40 medals on his chest pink chest hill 50 buckman in the west he knows no rest bigger than mine hell's fire don't push just show plenty of room for you and me he's got an arm like a leg and a point so i would sing about a ship big ship take something army in the navy point the window [Music] [Music] [Music] the tears flow freely [Music] [Applause] [Music] and when i'm [Music] everybody [Music] with your [Music] [Applause] way there was another woman and she lived in the woods [Music] there was another woman and she lived in the water found by the river soldier when she had a baby three months old she had three months old down by the river sorry and she had a pen knife long and sharp with a wavy a warrior she had [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there were two policemen and a special brunch man a wheel yeah with your warrior two policemen and a special [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] as i rode a trick all the way down the seat for recreation on the 17th of august may mine's been elevated from altitudes similar with tickets at the station the ice began to dazzle for they're going to see the races [Music] so you'll see confectioners with sugar dainties the lozenges the oranges the lemonade and raisins gingerbread and spices to accommodate the ladies the big crop and for throttling to be sunken while you're able to do all [Applause] [Music] a sporting wheel of fortune with the four and twenty quarters was others without scribbles belt and one set for maggie our [Music] the pink the blues the orange the green the emblem of our nation and the belle was shrunk for starting all the harshest seemed impatient i thought they never stood around their spain was so amazing [Music] there's half a million people are of all the nominations the catholic the protestant the true and presbyterian has yet no animosity no matter what persuasion but quad and hospitality intuition mr paisley [Music] day [Music] [Music] well ladies and gentlemen as you probably know ireland's biggest export is people and uh one of the greatest importers of these people is a certain english gentleman whom we in ireland hold in the highest respect because he's taken us out of many a hole in this time he's put us into a few as well mind you his name is sir robert mcalpine was in the year of 39 when the sky was full of lead when hitler was heading for poland and paddy for holly head come all your picture ladies a new long distance man don't ever work for mcalpine or wimpy or john lyon [Music] well stand behind the mixer till your skin is turning to tan and they'll stay good on your body with your boat fair in your hands oh the crack was good in quicker wooden and they wouldn't leave the crown with the glasses flying and bitties crying so paddy was going to tell oh mother dear i'm over here i never will come back what keeps me here is the raga bear the ladies and the crackers oh as down that land came again with a shovel [Music] you'll find them they sweated blood and they washed down mud with pints and parts of mirror and now we're on the road again with my alpine skills and ears [Music] no money if you stopped for rain when my gal pined with god with a well-filled heart your shoulders cut a bit and seared and woe to he went to [Music] i remember the day that the bear o'shea fell into a conquering stairs when the heart's face said when he saw him dead when it wasn't what the rich called for rares claiming to be short when the one retort that i reached until my ears when they're going internal well you must be tough with my alpine [Music] [Music] fiberworks tell the sweat [Music] i've corrupted hard and i've got me cards and many a hangers fist across my ears give me a priority on life don't join by christ with my alpine [Music] [Applause] [Music] by a lonely prison wall i heard a young girl calling [Music] michael they are taking you away before you stole trevanion's corn so the young might see the morn now the prison ship lies waiting in [Music] where once we watch the small fever [Applause] [Music] we had dreams and songs to see it's so lonely around the fields of fat and right while a lonely prison wall i heard a young nothing matters mary when you're free against the famine and the crown i rebelled they ran me down now you must raise our child within the team no life where once we watched the small flea birds climb our love was on the wing we had dreams and songs to sing it's all only around the fields [Music] while [Music] as the prison ships sailed out against the sky what you wait and hope and pray for allah [Applause] [Music] right [Music] cry [Music] we had dreams and songs to sing it's all only around the fields are right it's so lonely around the fields of nothing right [Music] [Music] of all the stars that ever shawn that one could twinkle like your pale blue eyes [Music] like golden corn at harvest time your hair sailing in my boat the wind gently blows and fills my sins all your sweet scented breath is everywhere no matter where i wander i'm still haunted by your name the portraits of your beauty stays the same standing by the ocean wondering where you've gone if you turn again where is i gave you nazi spin on a day in springtime when snows and elk and streams begin to flow rising with the [Music] will return no matter where i wander i'm still haunted by your name the portrait of your beauty stays the same standing by the ocean wondering where you've gone if you return again where is me [Music] [Music] four daylight peeping through the curtain of the passing nighttime is your smile all the sun in the sky is like your laugh [Music] come back to me my nancy linger for just a little while since you left these shores i know no peacenor joy no matter where i [Music] standing by the ocean wondering where you've gone if you [Music] oh where is the ring i gave you nazi spin [Music] as i [Music] went to walking one more [Music] i was thinking on your flowers all ago and to decay [Music] lot grew [Music] break as i went to walken with my dog and my gun i rambled those mountains for joy and for fun but those days they are now over and i am far away [Music] [Applause] sleep it was not the one of employment [Music] that caused the persons of old ireland to rule but the rents were getting higher [Music] and we could no longer pay [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Laughter] that is so green to the parish of listen on the cross above the screen may good fortune shine upon you when i am far away [Music] sleep the brains [Music] [Music] all who's out there just knocking the ditches down who's out there they're stuck in the ditches down who was out there that's knocking the ditches down only me salsa's tone lie [Music] maybe i shouldn't say [Music] oh who's out there just hopping to win the pain who's that there they're stopping the wind the pain who's out there just stopping the wind and pain only results is cool going out here no coming in here me cool my dear don't come with me near me come on [Music] oh who's out there is climbing to sesame who's that's climbing the sides of me who's out there just climbing the stairs to me only me is also cool you're my dear don't come and eat it at me cool after you don't come any near me come ladies i'm coming here to be maybe i shouldn't just come [Music] [Music] is [Applause] oh who's out there just tickling the toes of me who's that there that's tickling the toes of me who's out there that's tickling the toes of me only means elsa's cool come on dear don't come in here to me couldn't i don't come on [Music] who's out there just tickling the knees of me who's out there just tickling the knees of me only myself is cold come my dear don't come and they never be cool out there don't come in there nearing me come out here now coming in near me maybe i shouldn't say [Music] me who's out there that's tickling the ties of me only means elsa's cold cold i did not coming in here i'd be cool i did i'll come on there near me cool i did all coming in near me maybe oceans is cool [Applause] [Music] four [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] november when blossoms still grow from each tree when leaves are still green and decent burns it's then that our land will be free [Music] and still through my soul i see [Music] i drink to the death those men who would rather have died [Music] to bring back their rights were denied oh [Music] are you gone like this [Music] how sweet is life but we're crying i'll mellow the wine that were dry [Music] a gentle wind but it's [Music] what good is [Music] our rivers run free [Music] [Applause] as i looked up in the sky [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we turned on to our home [Music] yet i never will forget those words he said will you stand in the van like a true irishman and go and fight the forces of the crown [Applause] [Music] far away from the land of the shamrock and heather in search of a living as exiles we roam whenever we chance to assemble together we think of the land where we once had a home these homes are destroyed and our soil confiscated the hand of the tyrant brought plunger and woe the fires are now quenched and our hearts desolated in our once happy homes in the county mayo long years have since passed with our hearts full of sorrow the land of the shamrock we left far behind how we would like to go back for there scenes of our youth which we still bear in mind the days of our childhood it's now we regret them they cling to our vision wherever we go and the friends of our youth we will never forget them they too are exiled from the county mayo from galway to dublin from derry to kerry in new york and frisco and boston also in pittsburgh chicago detroit and toronto there's loud-hearted [Music] in all kinds of weather don't show the white feather wherever you go like a brother and have one another by trueheartedmen from [Music] in dublin's fair city where the girls are so pretty i first set my eyes [Music] through streets broad and narrow crying cockles [Music] alive alive all crying she was a fishmonger and sure twas [Music] through streets broad and narrow crying cockroaches and muscles [Music] she died of a fever and no one could save her and that was the end of sweet molly alone and her ghost wheels her barrel through streets broad and narrow crying cockles and muscles [Music] [Music] muscles [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music]
Channel: Music Of Ireland - Ceol traidisiúnta na hÉireann
Views: 63,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Irish Drinking, Irish Pub, St. Patricks Day, The Dubliners, Ireland, Irish Music, Irish Folk Songs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 44sec (7484 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 23 2022
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