Crea TU propia Película de Dibujos Animados estilo PIXAR de ti 🫵🏼 GRATIS con IA

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just a few weeks ago We were looking at how to make Disney-style images and even create our own movie with characters invented by Artificial Intelligence with this style But what if I told you that now you can create a Pixar-style cartoon movie by Artificial Intelligence yourself or whoever you want, because it is exactly what we will be seeing in today's video, for this we will be doing it in four simple steps and so that you can try it for yourself, all the platforms that you will be seeing throughout this video will be completely free It sounds good so let's see the first step as the first step we will be converting photographs of ourselves or anyone else to a Pixar style cartoon or any other style like Disney's before seeing how to convert your photographs I recommend that these be in the context and suitable positions for the different scenes that you want in your film in this aspect, for example, I went walking in the mountains and took different photographs for today's tutorial here, as you can see, I have renamed it for three different scenes and in these, as you can see Because of these images here I have exactly the positions that I would like it to have in each of the scenes of the film that we are going to be creating throughout this video and once you have all your photographs prepared you are ready to be able to show it to a Pixar-style cartoon format and we will be doing this through the Leonardo Ai platform, which is this platform here. Before continuing, I remind you that you will have all the links and information below in the description once you have landed. Here, if it is the first time you use this platform, you will have to create an account. To do this, you would click create an account. You would create your account. Logging in with an email or even with a Google account. Since I already had an account from previous tutorials, I automatically landed. this page here and to be able to move our photograph click on I image generation and once we are here the first thing we have to do is select a model so that we have that cartoon style for this click on this button here and now we select the which is called 3D Animation Style, I click on it and we will have the model once we have this we have to upload our image so we click on this second tab here here and here we would click to upload our image we would select our image I'm going to Start with this one here where I was climbing a mountain, open it and once your image has been loaded. It is very important that you take these two things into account. Firstly, the strength in our image. The more strength we give it, the more it will respect the image. image that we have uploaded but we will also lose the Artificial Intelligence style that we have selected, however if we lower this number even more we will make the Artificial Intelligence even more creative Although it may be that it moves away from the image that we have uploaded due to previous tests What have you been doing, I recommend that you put it around 0.5, giving it a little less if you want it to be a little more creative or a little more than half if you want the image you want through Artificial Intelligence to look a little more like what you have uploaded So for this example I will leave it at 0.6. Also from this button it will appear in what dimensions these new images will be created by default they will be just as you have uploaded in my case the horizontal format but if we wanted to make a video in horizontal format. For example, for YouTube, you can change this again by clicking on the Advance control on the left, selecting the dimensions you had and now changing it to the other one you want. For example, I am going to change it by 16 ninths, which are the dimensions. from the video of this tutorial once we have all this chosen we simply had to briefly describe what the image we want to create consists of So for this I am going to write Aleji with a black sweatshirt climbing a mountain So I click generate and let's go Let's see what it does for us. Keep in mind that once you click you will have to return to the generation history tab. So You click on it and it would appear here, this would be the first result, the second, third and fourth, as you can see, it is very similar to the image that we have uploaded, but here what I recommend is that you play with the strength of the image. That is to say, if I now let him be more creative, for example by 0.4 when I hit generate, I would have these four images here that, as you can see, have not really been able to maintain exactly the back position that I had since the Artificial Intelligence is being a little more creative So here what I recommend is that you play with the strength of the images until you find exactly the style you are looking for, but be careful, keep in mind that for free you will have up to 150 daily credits and each of these images It really costs one credit, we have it for many creations, but keep it in mind so as not to spend the credits and have to wait one more day. Furthermore, once you have the image that you like, you will be able to increase the quality simply by selecting one of them and clicking on one Of these three buttons I am going to select this one here since it is going to give me another alternative with a higher quality. So I click on it and after approximately 10 seconds I would have it here having this one with a higher quality and if the we compare with the original we would have this one here in case you liked the image you would simply click Download image and you would automatically have it on your device Now I am going to do exactly the same for the other remaining images that I have here So I make a cut and we see it now and Ready I would have all the images made here and the most interesting of all is that as you will be seeing now all the images that we have made by Artificial Intelligence with this Pixar style have a consistency in each of them to To see it, I'll give you some [Music] examples and once we have our cartoon-style images, we are ready for the next step. Now we will be creating the voices that we will use for our film. Here I really recommend that you use your own voice so that it is the most original possible Anyway, I'm also going to show you how you can generate other voices through Artificial Intelligence but that have exactly the intonations that you want and to do this we will be using one of the new functions of the Level labs platform, which is this platform of here and to be able to use it we would use the speech to speech product which is new and Here we are going to be able to do some tests without registering Although I am going to Log in so you can see what it would be like with the session started So I click on Google and I just finished start the session here click on the first option here And instead of this first option we will select this second one here this one is great for us If we want to add more voices beyond that of the characters Like for example that of a narrator I obviously for the character I will be using my own voice although for the narrator what we can do is select one of the voices that they have here in this aspect, what I recommend is that you go to voice library and from here you will find many voices but in my case like I want that of a narrator I will use this first option here of narrating and story and in my case I will be using Marcus's which is the most used in this category So to be able to use it we have to click Add voice I, since I already added it, no I get it but I'm going to click on this one so you can see what it would be like, this option will appear here, click on Add voice and now when you return to this menu again, this first option here, when you click on settings, the voice that you have selected will appear here. really keep in mind that in theory this functionality is only in English but really since we are going to be speaking in Spanish and we are going to be adding our intonations it is going to give us a decent result for this we could simply upload any audio file that we already have We have or directly record our own voice I am going to record my voice so you can see what the result is like Hello This is a test so you can see how my voice can change through Artificial Intelligence I give it to stop and stop convert our voice we will give it to lerey let's see what the result is Hello This is a test so you can see how it can change my voice through the great Artificial Intelligence and as you can see it has said exactly what I have put in audio with a very similar intonation. Although it is true that being in English the accent is not exactly the same. Once you are clear about how you can simulate other voices through Artificial Intelligence yourself, you would simply have to create all the audios you need to your movie, if you need inspiration you will be able to go to the gpt chat platform and put a prompt like this where I am asking you to act as an expert to write for children's cartoons and I am also explaining the different scenes that I want for What is really interesting about my film here is that what I ask is that you tell me the dialogue of the narration and that the character speaks in some of the scenes, although in my case I am going to remove the latter and I also ask you to recommend effects . of sound and background music for each of the scenes So I give it an intro and it would automatically be generating for each of the scenes the Voice of the character's narrator sound effects and the background music that we are going to have in each one of these scenes, once we have this directly, we will be able to read it with the functionality that I just showed you from leven labs, although you will also be able to select the text-to-speech option by clicking on this first option and simply copying the narrator's text that we has given chat gpt you would paste it here you can edit it a little if you wanted to modify it and once you have it again you would click generate and here we will have the result aleji begins his adventure climbing a mountain along the trail admiring nature and listening to the song of the birds are great and and now I just created three audios of the narrator's voice for each of the three scenes that I am going to be doing So once we have all the voices prepared we are ready for the next step. As a third step we will be animating the images that we have just created from cartoons to video format and for this we will be using the runway platform which is this platform here to be able to use it we click on try runway for free and now we will register with the account that we want in my case Google that I use in all the tutorials, now click on generate videos and select model two since it is the most updated and the one with the latest functionalities. Now here, simply leaving the image part marked, we will upload the image and select one of them. For example, here we open it and now we are going to give it to generate 4 seconds of video and I will start generating while it is generating. This video keep in mind that this platform is really freemium. That is, if we go to their page Of the price plans, yes, we are going to be able to use it for free since they are going to give us 125 credits and keep in mind that each video creation is 25 credits, that is, it would be giving us to generate five. But keep in mind that you have other free alternatives like pic laabs where we have no limit and you will be able to generate as many scenes as you want and we were already doing this in this other video here where we were creating a Disney-style cartoon film through this platform, however in In this case I am recommending this one to you since it has other functionalities that are very interesting that I will tell you about before Seeing the result that we already have it here So let's see how it turned out perfect and once we have it to be able to download it click oars on this button here and we will automatically have it on our devices like other features in runway that I mentioned before, you will have a new one, which is the motion brush one, to use this one. I will be uploading another image so I am going to click on this image here. I click on it to open and once uploaded, if we click on this button we will now be able to specify what we want to move in this video, that is, if we simply select some part of the vegetation. For example, this area here and this entire part here, we are going to be able to select how we want the horizontal, vertical and proximity axis to move. I am going to put these quick adjustments to see how it would look, click on save and Now again we give it 4 seconds to generate, great and here we would have the result, we are going to see how it turned out and as you have been able to see, it has really maintained exactly the effects that we have applied to it. Also keep in mind that in a similar way you are going to have another functionality called Camera motion and from here again you will be able to make camera effects so that you have different movements such as side to side zoom among other options. Also keep in mind that you can make the character move his mouth according to the audio that you are going to upload To do this, keep in mind that you cannot do it on this platform, but you will be able to do it from another call l lamu, which is this platform. Here I am going to click on Let's Start and from here I would upload our video. We select it, we open it and now we click on it. and once we have it, we can upload an audio or add it from this platform. For this, I click on add New audio and click on upload audio and now we select one of the audios that we have recorded for our film. In this aspect, it is important that it be in MP3, in the case of your audio that is not MP3, you will simply be able to rename it to mp3, give it an intro and it would automatically use the extension that is compatible with this platform. So I am going to [ __ ] This first audio I will open and a Once we have it selected here, we simply click on this button here two hours later, well, and after approximately 163 minutes it is still loading. I don't know if this is something specific today, but instead of continuing to wait to see if it works, I'm going to show you another alternative since you may get the same error that appeared to me, however, this platform was seen in the previous video that I just recommended, which I am also going to leave below in the description. Although I do recommend using the previous if it works correctly for you since from my point of view it does work a little better here as you can see it also works with lip synchronization according to an audio that we are uploading and this one even has a simpler interface that is to say we here upload our video So we delete the one there is and click on My device we upload our video again this one here we open it and once it is loaded we will upload our audio So we delete this my device and we would select our audio we open it and once we have it We simply click on submit and I will automatically start processing and that's it. We would have it after less than 3 seconds and we would have the result here. Let's see how it turned out. Okay, I think that right there is the great suspension bridge and in this way we would have our character saying exactly what we want, once we have the result that we liked, we would simply give the three dots on the output video and click on Download and that's it automatically. We would have it on our device and with this video together with everyone the other videos that I have already been making through ramweb and I have already downloaded them we would be ready for the last step for the last step we will be putting together all the materials that we have been creating throughout the previous steps for this we will be using an editor video here you can choose your favorite video editor Although I will be using the capcad video editor as an example, which is this editor here, simply keep in mind that this is available for both Windows, Mac and even Android mobiles. and iPhone, you can also edit online so you won't have to download any application, however, since I already have it downloaded to my computer, I'm going to open it directly and I'll have it here to edit our video, we would create a new project simply in create project and once we are inside we have to import all the content that we have been creating. So click on import We select all the audios of the narrated voices in my case three again click on import And now we would select all the videos that we have generated by Artificial Intelligence with this cartoon style here I recommend that you rename each of the videos to be able to organize it one Easier way, for example, I would put a point for all those that are scene one and after the point the number of the position that corresponds to each scene, in this way I would have the first of the scene here and the second of the scene here and so on with the other scenes this is really optional so here the important thing is that we import it and once we have all this we will simply take all the videos and drag them here and in the same way we will take the audios and import it to the audio timeline Once we have this, we just have to organize the audio a little in the position we want. Also keep in mind that this editor offers us a lot of functionalities for free, among which we have sound effects by simply clicking on audio and clicking In sound effects, from here we will be able to select the ones we want, for example, as chat gpt recommended here, the song of birds, because directly in the editor I would put the word in English, bird, in this case, bird, and it would already have an effect here. sound of the birds as I could be hearing now to be able to use it you would simply take it again and drag it where we want. Also keep in mind that to make the cuts of the different videos a little more dynamic you will be able to Add transitions for this simply click on transitions and now you would select the one that interests you the most by simply leaving the cursor you will be able to see the effect and if you like it you would take it again and drag exactly on the cut that we want, for example here to show you the result, I have already edited it previously with the wait for the previous platform that took a long time So I'm going to go directly to the other project So I close here and I go to the video that he edited, which as you can see directly I have placed different transitions I have put different sound effects of birds, insects and in general sounds of nature and also the voices narrated exactly at the corresponding time to see what the result was, I will directly press Play so you can see it. Aleji begins his Adventure by climbing a mountain along the path admiring nature and listening to the song of the after a pleasant walk alei sees something in the distance Okay I think that's exactly where the suspension bridge is with a little fear but full of determination alei approaches the bridge each step is a challenge but he knows that Overcoming your fears is part of the adventure and well. What do you think that we have done this for free? Leave it to me in the comments and share if you liked it. As we have seen in this video, now we can create our own cartoons using Artificial Intelligence of whoever we want. This, like other innovations, will influence you depending on how you use it. You can simply watch it try it or apply it to a project you have. In the end, start trying different things based on new innovations or applications. They will make you discover doing new things that you never had before. you would have imagined and
Channel: Alejavi Rivera
Views: 73,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cómo hacer dibujos animados, inteligencia artificial, ai cartoons, estilo pixar, estilo disney, lalamu, gooey, runway, elevenlabs, chatgpt
Id: ceP3zhiPXg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2023
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