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so everyone has that one particularly hilarious wrong number story and it's usually in the form of a text message apparently some people consider it a good idea to text embarrassing information to a new number they just got from someone I mean wouldn't want to confirm you're actually talking to your friend Shannon when in fact you're telling a complete stranger all about your hemorrhoid problems but my hilarious wrong number story came from a full-blown conversation with someone on the other line who was irrational to say the very best of it one evening I was lying on my bed probably drawing when I got a phone call from a number I didn't recognize he was my area code so I figured why not this might be someone I know I answered and said hello a younger sounding woman answered back hello who is this Oh Rebecca so do you know my husband Chris Miller I didn't recognize the name of the guy so I said I'm sorry who oh you know full well who what my husband has been texting and calling this number for months I checked his phone I want to know who you are and why you've been talking to my husband ah here we go found the root of the problem and I said what every single one of us says in this circumstance I'm sorry you have the wrong number oh no I do not have the wrong number I'm not buying that you're going to tell me right now who you are and how you know my husband I guess any other normal person would have hung up on her but I'm not normal if anything I was curious to see where this conversation was gonna go ma'am I don't know anyone by your husband's name you clearly have the wrong number you're just saying that because you don't want to admit you're seeing my husband trust me honey I don't see any men period let alone someone else's husband I don't believe you you don't huh no could tell I'm a floozy over the phone could you yes I'm hanging up now no you're not maybe you should check the number you dialed again it could be an honest mistake you know the only one who needs to be honest it's you hello still here make this easy and just tell me how long you've been his mistress my how things have escalated between me and your husband Chris you said his name was you know exactly what you've been hooking up with him no I see did you say you were again Velma Dinkley well family you can just get listen this has been cute and everything but honest to god you have the wrong number I don't know your husband I've never called him before I'm trying to politely tell you that you've made a mistake a very common one in fact happens to the best of us so why don't you hang up check the number and the only number I need to check is how many times I'm gonna kick your good luck Chris you're screwed no matter what you say
Channel: Let Me Explain Studios
Views: 15,615,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wrong number, crazy, caller, crazy wrong number caller, animation, cartoon, animated, Wrong Number Caller, funny, lol, Rebecca Parham, story, let me explain studios, lme, girl, bed, drawing, iPhone, cellphone, husband, cheating, woman
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 0sec (180 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2015
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