Crazy Turkish Laws - 6 Suprising Things that are Illegal in Turkey!

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believe it or not there was a time when hula hoops were legally banned in turkey and did you know that snowballs were also deemed illegal in the streets of Istanbul back in 1935 although those weird laws no longer exist turkey still has some unique laws in place and this is the video that will save you from going behind bars because I will tell you about six things that are forbidden in our beautiful country Jokes Aside let's get to it shall [Music] we you have all seen it it's cylindrical it's red it has black tussel attached to its flat top and it's essential to any stereotypical depiction of a Turkish man closely followed by us riding camels that head gear is called Fez and wearing it has been against the law in Turkey for nearly a century now so why would wearing a funny looking hat be against the law I mean I know it's not the most stylish equipment but it shouldn't be a crime should it well the story is a bit long and it's tightly related to the early days of the Turkish Republic Mustafa Kamal UK who is the founder of Turkish Republic had a very clear Vision regarding the new country he built from the ruins of an old Empire the turkey a he created had to be modern country and that Vision introduced many changes to Turkish Society the choice of a representative democracy and a republic instead of any other form of government was one of them just like the evolution of calipat was or the switch to the Latin alphabet from the Arabic alphabet or giving women the right to vote you see where I'm getting at don't you the law number 671 on hats adopted by Turkish parliament in 1925 was also the result of the ne the found turkey changing its perspec to a more modern Western way as of today it's among the Revolutionary laws that cannot be revoked even if they are found to be [Music] unconstitutional we are staying with the founding father of turkey for the second law on our list and this one is still very much prevalent compared to the first you may not know this but trash mouthing aotk can get you in serious trouble back in the ' 50s more than a decade after otk's death the executives of the leading party had enough of the attacks on aot statutes and busts so they introduced a new law the law on crimes committed against atat as of today anyone who publicly insults the memory of Auto took and damages or spoils his busts or monuments can face up to 5 years of prisonment I mean why would you ever want to do that in the first place anyway it may be hard to believe but the same law was the reason why YouTube was banned in Turkey between 2007 and 2010 because a single piece of content found on the side was violating the law on crimes committed against theuk I bet you didn't know that did [Music] you let's have a Donar but before we do that let's make sure that we either drink non-alcoholic drinks with dinar or buy all the alcoholic drinks we would need before 1: p.m. because it's illegal for markets to sell alcohol after 1000 p.m. in Turkey I can say that this law is supported by the half of the country and the hated by the other half the regulations around alcohol always cause some kind of conflict among the population in Turkey take taxing for example many think that alcoholic drinks are taxed disproportionately While others believe that it's just a measure to protect people from alcoholism until recently promoting alcoholic beverages and Brands was not limited by the law in Turkey but that changed back in 2013 when advertising for alcohol was prohibited the government also suggested a restriction to increase the age limit to consume alcohol to 24 from 18 legally but it was later overturned by the court I guess your takeaway from this little section should be this if you are a boo guy or a girl you would be better off sticking to bars and restaurants instead of markets then again there are some times when you cannot buy sell or drink alcohol even in those places but that's only restricted to election days anyway let's continue with the next [Music] one this is a lot about photography now if you have been anywhere in Turkey you know that it's a beautiful place and naturally you would want to take hundreds of photos just to capture the beauty while there's nothing wrong with this you have to be careful about what you're capturing with your priced cameras or smartphones because there are places scattered all around the country where taking photos is the biggest mistake and those places are military zones since 2008 not only taking photos or videos but creating Maps drawing pictures and sketches of these places have been illegal too you can't even take notes about what you have seen I mean when you think about it if you're not a spy or some sort why would you even think about doing [Music] that all right number five on our list is a 241 just like the law protecting aot's memory there are two separate laws in place that protect the Turkish flag and the lra the official currency of tury the Turkish flag's colors shapes and sizes of all its elements are set in stone and these must be respected which is quite understandable but the law protecting the Turkish flag goes a little bit further although you have probably seen people wearing the red and white flag on national holidays a million times this has been forbidden by law since May 1936 the Turkish flag cannot be worn as a dress or uniform it also cannot be used on desks and podiums as a cover for any purpose not to mention that any situation that would bruise its spiritual value is forbidden by the law too putting the Turkish flag gen Mally aside the Turkish currency L is also protected by the law now there is actually a law in place that is about protecting the value of the L mainly against the foreign currencies regardless of its value you should never disrespect the L because guess what both a port rate and the Turkish flag are on the L and any offense against the currency would also mean an offense against aot Turk and the Turkish flag who you are matters in Turkey but what matters more is that you can prove it I think this one is common in most countries obviously for a foreigner who is Roaming In Another Country it's best to keep one's passport with him or her but in tury even if you are Turkish you have to your ID with you all the times obviously for a foreigner who's Roaming In Another Country it's best to keep one's passport with him or her but in Turkey even if you are Turkish you have to have your ID you at all times you have to be identifiable by the authorities outside on the street because random ID checks are still common practice in turkia especially in crowded and touristic areas just to be clear it's not outright illegal to not have your ID with you but it's considered a minor offense and if you can't provide a valid ID you can be fined around $20 that being said every Turkish citizen possesses a unique identification number which is also found on one's ID card and providing this magical 11 digigit number can sometimes get you out of trouble so almost everyone knows their unique number by heart all right with that out of the way we are going to wrap up this episode what was in your opinion the weirdest law featured in this list was there a particular law resonated with you because you have a similar one in your country be sure to let us know in the comments until next time stay out of trouble just kidding
Channel: Turkishle
Views: 16,577
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Keywords: learn turkish, turkish language, learn turkish beginner, turkish phrases, turkish lesson, turkish classes, learn turkish online, تعلم التركية, Учим Турецкий, как сказать, пожалуйста, по-турецки, Aprender Turco, turkish laws, things not to do in Turkey, turkey, Istanbul, turkish dramas, living in turkey, türkiye, Turkish laws, things not to do in istanbul, living in istanbul
Id: XDUGYqfdG5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 57sec (477 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2024
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