[CRAZY TAXI] BEEP BEEP your ubershark is here

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[Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] what's up I can't really hear myself the music is very loud for me but anyway today we're playing Crazy Taxi Deja Vu I've been in a taxi before my tummy hurts but I'm still eating this ice cream even though my tummy hurts so that's how my day's going so far how about you guys it's loud what what do you mean yeah it's kind of a lot for me too [Music] let me adjust my my Sonar so I can hear what you guys are hearing give me a second [Music] that should be good now okay where's the game it's taking a nap no this is the best part of the ice cream no because I do this thing where like instead of eating the or sometimes I do this but you know when you you're supposed to save the best part for last that's see that's that's a curse that's not the right way to do things don't let your mommy tell you otherwise that's not the right thing to do if you say the best thing for last then you're you get either near uh and you you get full before you get to the best part and you actually end up leaving the best part behind which is kind of ridiculous so you should always eat the best part first so that you actually are you have an appetite for it that's just my thought on that rule other than that I did not rule is stupid I think it sucks are really stupid I always eat the best part first don't save it for last never save it for Less you know you know who started that that nonsense somebody who wants to eat your leftovers they say Save The Best For Last so that they can eat it and not you that's nonsense anyway praise Taxi good there are Chris taxi is originally a game on the Dreamcast system which came out in I Googled it this time 1999. correct I at the end of the stream last time I was like oh yes Crazy Taxi uh on the Dreamcast system that came out in the early 80s or something like that and I think I gave half of you guys watching I think have you had a stroke you were like I'm not that old yet girl hey girl I'm not that old yet you better Google that shark I said oh okay all the way to go over there again but it's okay though you're not that old yet it's only 99. what is that it's like 10 years it's marginally better it's not that bad yet [Music] it's okay whenever I talk about ATV offer if you're nobody out there knows what I'm talking about and that came out in like 2003. see we're not that different after all the game is this game is 22 years old give or take um yeah I played it a little tiny bit just to kind of see what was going on I still don't really know what it's about I like to clearly somebody play it a little bit as well driving a taxi pretty much okay some of you do know the ATV games all right I feel a bit better yeah I like jumping on the train ATV off-road Fury off-road Fury into the train train Heist back before was GTA around in the early 2000s I'm gonna get yelled at aren't I um GTA's been around since uh 95. good out um yeah whatever I played I played off-road I played the ATV I didn't play GTA I played ATV I did train heists on ATV Offroad 1995 oh GTA is 97 yeah whatever I was close anyway let's play Let's Play 97 was close it was close I wasn't that far off wow I can't really think with this game uh audio in the background this is gonna be fun chaos let me try that a little bit more wow that is uh distracting anyway uh uh um actually um I'm gonna make sure I have this all right what are we playing arcade original what do you guys want to play what do you guys you guys know this game better than I do what do we play Arcade Mode original I don't know which one I played I think I played original I'm gonna try it I'm gonna start with original I think I think I started with original uh arcade crazy box records name registry I looked at the name registry and it's cool it reminds me of like old old arcade games I like oh no no it reminds me of old PlayStation games because old PlayStation games also had the the like three letter name system and you were like you'd always like you'd always put in ass and be like funny joke played by Arcade rules work for three minutes work for five minutes work for 10 minutes let's do a warm-up round there play exit mode while you're funny [Music] I got ice cream with extra Crunchies by the way if you have Crunchies that's what it is they put a bunch of hot fudge sauce in the bottom why would you put it at the bottom [Music] I think I need to go back and teach whoever made this how to make a proper ice cream sundae you don't put it on the bottom you put ice cream oh Boy's on the very bottom of the ice cream [Music] I think I need to have a talking with them [Music] [Music] ah baby we're gonna play it we have axel [Music] we date Joe Jenna and we have five seconds I'm gonna play his J I'm gonna play his Gus looks like an orc S no offense let me play this there we go that's the horn okay we're going to the clothing store hey can we pick up my own person no we cannot okay we're going to the clothing store okay whoa I'm testing the brakes I'm testing the brakes uh stop screaming I can't hear my my jams this reminds me of excuse me this reminds me of Barbie horse Adventure because Barbie horse Adventure also had this big Arrow wait a minute oh yeah [Music] how do you reverse oh right no s no yeah okay D is reverse I'm playing on the PC by the way okay right let's go pick up our next customer excuse me excuse me why do you want to go this looks like easy mode [Applause] Plaza like money to buy use the gear shift stop stop oh gear ship there's no gear shift in this game there's right arrow key left there okay shut up don't drive my taxi for me [Music] I got 45 seconds I'm good I can make it oh my God excuse me oh dear okay never mind I'm here okay they jump combo wait a minute you can get points for jumping what'd you call me watch it fool [Music] foreign [Music] excuse me shut up [Music] is this shopping mall normal all right I want a challenging one never mind we only have 10 seconds left where do you want to go the record store excuse me you're open to ever see you oh well thumbs up results hey D for what game over register that's okay that was a practice run you sure yeah all right I'm gonna play again I Wanna Do It Again Play Bar what is arcade rules mean d for the shark yeah we can do better than that also I definitely get points for jumping I think I saw I think I saw you can get points for drifting as well is that true is that this game d for Dangerous D for decent D4 driving [Music] time decreases in arcade mode oh can my time extend and decrease all right let's play let's play I don't know I like Gus I also like axel oh Gina hey I'm ready we're picking up this one it's a good one right here hello aren't you clothing store wait is this randomized do they have like randomized and hang on Baby wow excuse me how do you get more points wait a minute you get points you get points for driving recklessly normal what do you mean normal not bad not killing helps with points I just ignored somebody asking for a taxi these brakes are so bad [Music] I barely made any money how am I supposed to make money ah wait excuse me I'm sorry I'm sorry I wouldn't I didn't mean to do that I didn't mean to do that never mind we're here though wait okay we're gonna break now nice nice nice nice nice straight more time okay plus two seconds plus two seconds okay let's pick up this one okay okay oh my God we have 20 seconds oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God where's the mini man go that way [Music] oh nice oh nice oh nice oh nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice excuse me coming through [Music] excuse me four customers hey all right all right what are the points here what what's the tips here give me the tips for this game what are the tips how do I get better how do I do it better go fast don't crash okay [Music] bucket hats are back in fashion now everybody's wearing the bucket hat okay okay okay cable car top stop car can I pick up more than one person no I cannot okay I'm going to the cable car We're Not Gonna crash this time I promise I'm not gonna crash this time no you're welcome my lady can I get your number foreign bottom so that should be we just delivered the top now we're going to the bottom and this kind of looks like GTA isn't there a road like this in GTA does this take place in the in the same like oh shoot cashmere yeah [Music] okay okay okay 70 bars 48 we're getting there [Music] thank you all right pizza parlor anybody wants a Pizza San Francisco [Music] you can love that as a jump how do I get more on your more like jump points [Music] oh dear God oh I'm a bath [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] why am I still so bad why am I not great at this game yet okay what is crazy box bad I'm not even getting a B for bad 41st [Music] D for Dorcas yeah I'm a dork I guess but if I'm a dork where's that my you guys need to go crazier am I not crazy enough is there a tutorial um it's gonna be hard until you learn the routes that makes sense I think knowing where like certain locations are probably is easier but that goes for every game doesn't it knowing like where the locations are knowing the maps like the back of your hand at rookie rookie arcade Brown crazy box is the tutorial that's a line into the tutorial I did a little bit of tutorial little tutorials and an old game yeah the tutorial was called sitting down and playing for like hours until you're like oh I understand uh okay what is Axel all right let's get it on oh it's just challenges okay cable car top I know where this is excuse me don't freak out on me I'm a crazy driver can you handle it [Music] how's that for crazy Speedy [Music] Cable Car Cable Car bottom I can't read Cable Car bottom let's go let's go no cramps no crash no crash just air no crash just there whoa Here It Comes Here Comes Here Comes [Music] [Music] okay Pizza Bar we already did this round [Music] yeah I did that's like totally [Music] how are you not supposed to crash in this game [Music] this guy's trying to steal my taxi around Square Park okay [Music] oh yes oh yes okay we're going this way you'll cook soon uh he sure makes me want Kool-Aid don't forget on me I'm a crazy driver can you handle this amount of craziness I like to move it move it I like them jump [Music] I think you could go like that slight detour for Speed you know speed move your U-Haul bro oh Chicken Shack I want some fried chicken Taxi I'm picking you up we're going to church yeah cause you need it [Music] we're going to church everybody hopping [Music] I like to move it move it [Music] yeah kfp it was totally candy excuse me I think my car is broken what is that is that the he looks like he would go to the heliport teleport that's where helicopters land right excuse me hey coming through we can do some mad Donuts in here that's the engine what's wrong with it it sounds like it's coughing you look like you're going to a baseball stadium all right you got a chat on board ladies and gentlemen what kind of music do you think this guy listens to wait can you turn this game I already asked that but let me let me wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait you totally can dad Rock what is that rock music I'm pressing the hitting the Go Button okay we're going to the mall aren't we the r b station s I'm gonna go to the station sounds like Bill from Left 4 Dead [Music] oh yes we're good at this game oh baseball stadium and he's got his camcorder no I Gotta See I got a I got an achievement that said I gotta see so it uh I cheated I got to see my grade before better driving than New York you guys can drive in New York you just like to use your horns a lot too you're very vocal drivers that's what it is do we have to save our progress what does it do I'll make some ice cream and actually it's more like soup right now it's like really thick chocolate milk [Music] yummy all right [Music] Axel 21 male 100 183 centimeters 72 kilograms B for bolognese eight Angels 25 male 179 centimeters 68 kilograms and oh but oh yeah Gina 23 email I like her red hair I like Gina 175 centimeters we don't know kilograms and a B for a babe Gus 42 male 176 centimeters 85 kilos MB for blood what a glass my name's ah [Music] crazy jump jump past the k-point perform the crazy drifts crazy drifts to earn um wait what perform crazy drifts to earn a minute 15 combo within the time limit is that English [Music] ah [Music] should we do the baby level should we start with the baby wait minimum what did I say maximum oh I said minute is it oh it's not English it's a game is being snapping the minimum know my abbreviations I know that sometimes I make up my own abbreviations on and I might confuse people did you know that a w with a forward slash next to it is with [Music] sometimes I do that as well all right we're gonna start with the baby one okay Point past the K Point jump past the K point that's the word jumping it though so we're gonna do it what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this ready excuse me [Music] how do you jump you have to flip how do you flip how are you supposed to do this you have to do the reverse trick how do you boost yes wait what's the Boost button there's a button for boosting [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I gotta look it up try F4 very funny what's a tutorial and what is a voice stop it no thank you no wait is it under helping options yeah right controls what is this old keyboard never mind it's not okay boys got a numpad do you want keyboard type num pads where's the voice button e easy accelerator Q steering wait what [Music] confirmed destination the D Gear S yeah okay reverse gear yes I knew that e okay ma'am that's my keyboard yeah well you have an old keyboard then where's the RGB can you imagine not having an RGB keyboard in 2021 what are you doing what are you doing [Music] Rd guest boost huh Rd [Music] [Music] hold on we're going back up we're gonna try that again [Music] this Taxi's really sticky reverse Drive gas reverse Drive gas all right all right all right all right reverse Drive gas e [Music] h what do you mean reverse Drive gas speak English I can't understand reverse Drive glass gas glass is gas is gas is not okay you retry yes I don't know I'm pressing the acceleration button [Music] sing e wait you have to hit them like like a like a combo input the buttons faster gas it at the start like Mario Kart ready [Music] [Music] huh to pull to pull one off hit the drive button okay the drive button is that e does that mean accelerate and hold down the accelerator button immediately afterwards the drive button okay wait that's D no that's s s d wait one more time let me try one more time oh sh that's definitely not it no I don't get it [Music] was that it that was not it was it reverse to midair I thought this was supposed to I thought this was gonna be why am I suppose faster okay go fast with me it's all at the same time I am holding it I am holding down e are there different cars in this game I thought you only had different characters in this game all right I'm gonna google it because this this this this this this this all right all right all right Chris Taxi K jump help for this challenge you need to drive your taxi off at ramp at least 150 meters to do this use a move called the crazy Dash you perform a crazy Dash oh this is this is uh controller controls I'm on a keyboard [Music] on the crazy Dash by letting go to the right trigger and then quickly pressing B before holding down RT again oh wait what that still doesn't make sense ow did you hear that that was my hip oh I got such old lady bones okay wait okay wait let's go [Music] I don't understand I don't understand what it's not how you do it that's what that's what dolo says the Google says you the the Dead [Music] it should be a very fast three-step process that takes less than a second to perform we should have enough room to do that three on these provided Ram but you'd only should do two to one right away do one at the very end and one level it's not a boosted move called the limiter cut but you won't have to use that to the very in a crazy box without moving wait what [Music] I don't understand [Applause] it's the drive button at the same time as you accelerate what is the drive button I'm gonna go look at the controls again I don't get it foreign button is Dr can we use can we use lingle Drive switching to drive okay so s that's s then right the d gear is s the G Drive [Music] choose toggle S and E back and forth [Music] right now we're using Q [Music] wait what [Music] [Music] oh geez AJ's kid [Music] I just heard it did you hear that did you hear that did you hear it was that it did you hear that did you hear that bum at the very end was that it ah okay ready yeah yeah no anyway doll I understand now I got it okay you can't blame me these controls are weird I always watch it all faster is it like a sweet spot Oh I thought this was supposed to be easy I gave it another go wait a minute stop it in a break okay good luck you ready [Music] I have to hit the brake doll I'm hitting qse you only have to do it once I thought they said you have to do it like three times good good I see [Music] this game is dumb what's up [Music] I feel silly I feel a little silly I'm not gonna lie [Music] wait a minute why is this like this let's go let's go let's go let's go again [Music] [Music] is there any way to beat that did I beat your record probably uh d okay perform crazy drifts to earn a minimum 15 combo with the time limit advice to start button well I don't know how to do that if I start button [Music] uh [Music] ah [Music] I don't know I didn't I don't know how to do it I don't know [Music] the drift all you have to do is hold down a button as long as you get some combos in okay there's a button that you hold down an attempt was made I'm trying my best here all right wait what button you hold down [Music] well I don't think there was that button I'm assuming it's like a gear button [Music] isn't that your break button oh yeah do this oh Ferris wheel nice you like tap the buttons hold the drip button to drift there's a drip button why did they say jerk button oh it's gas and break gas and break q and E right you tap it and you press it foreign [Music] [Music] yes wait let me pause it then how do you pause it Escape good luck ready I'll go anywhere okay here we go what's the pause button no [Music] that is definitely not the button why am I remember Sing Now what is this [Music] another go is this game like is this easier to play with a controller is that what it is I don't understand hi I just want to do the drifts [Music] are fun why is this like this how do you maybe maybe uh what all right we're not doing that one we're not doing that one right now I don't understand it I don't understand it right now just drip girl I don't what's the drift button break I was hitting the cube button you saw my car go like this enter his paws okay Enter his paws apparently uh all right exit play crazy box maybe it'll give us some tips help help where's my where's my tips hello hold my hands game please wow wait a minute [Applause] [Music] [Music] how is that not a drip all right moving on to the next one let me do a different one different crazy box crazy Rush take all the customers to the destination and timeline so that one doesn't go fast but it's a crazy flag maybe I went out of order how do you dash crazy tag she Crazy Taxi um uh what are we doing drift [Music] release the gas and begin a turn while turning roll your thumb across all right well uh crazy drift released the gas begin to turn release the gas and okay that doesn't sound that hard I'm gonna try it one more time I wanna I wanna do it release the gas and hit a turn go uh but it's only 777 man so you do you do like do you mix the the crazy boost with the drift now it's both gear buttons RND is returning r d is returning all right all right all right [Music] because our R doesn't do anything [Music] was that not a drift was that not a drip is that not a drift that's just a really good that's just a really good turn I was taking okay now it's e and s do we do neither of us know how to play this okay so it's either DNS ens you gotta keep drifting I will get this anyway okay here we go all right uh [Music] [Music] I'm moving on to the next one no I don't okay bye one more time one more time [Music] how do you do this [Music] Drive [Music] [Music] are you ready to retry are you sure you are you sure you want to retry are you sure you want to retry no I said no please don't Release Me From drift hell because clearly I don't know how to do it [Music] am I am I [Music] uh all right ready I said no I did I didn't okay [Music] all right [Music] [Music] okay Freedom okay freedom nah nah nah nah screw that okay we're into the crazy flag we're gonna go go go go go [Music] around the town but I already forgot how to do the hey Grace wait a minute it does like a drag race how do we do this again I've already forgotten let me do this one more time okay so we just did that hey hey all right all right all right cool sometimes it doesn't work mine does it not work sometimes also why do they start You by you oh yeah okay guys you can't do it in the sand I just did it crazy balloon pop all the balloons we got it oh foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] whoa let's give it another go baby [Music] now okay green down below 20 seconds we got this we do one blue okay we're not gonna make it foreign [Music] oh it's so [Music] oh easy no no I jinxed it [Music] is it not cute she still thinks it's cute what do you mean it's not cute what is it then if it's not cute and Einstein s instead of Q okay it's s instead of Q and now it's ready [Music] are you telling me your key blinds don't reverse how am I supposed to is it ever no yeah s and d e H yeah know how to do it now it's D plus I see okay [Music] well I had it working I had it working when I do use QSC nevermind it's just SC it's literally just S and E there's no q and there's no d okay s e it's just s-e that's it there's no Q there's no d you did tell me but other people told me other stuff as well you can't ignore that you can't ignore that there's been a lot of letters spammed in this chat I'm trying my best here I'm trying to decipher which one it could be from you guys so now we know now it's s e s e should I write it down on my mousepad I just claimed my mousepad a few like a week ago two weeks ago or so I got rid of all my crazy writings but now I can write down on it again uh maybe not with this one this one's stain it that's okay I'm sure you guys remember okay and zoom button okay so we know how to se do you need to know do you need to do you need to boost in order to drifts Maybe s e they would have been an s e and then you drift after you do the zoom now right on the mouse pad but mouse pads are washable [Music] press enter [Music] I still don't get it shift into R shift into d shift into R shift into d D and S are ours are shifting buttons what is r do [Music] ah [Music] give it another go I don't get this one I don't get the drifting I enjoyed to the one I'm gonna do a different one instead what is one that's crazy bowling knock down all the pins easy okay yeah boy let's do that thank you this is not a baby game or maybe maybe it's a baby game on a controller but cable were just confusing keyboard is confusing my boy [Music] oh yeah yeah baby oh by the way did you guys pre-order your Guru noodles yes it is shut up guys I don't need it from you too yeah everybody I sold out okay I think they might be sold out now I know you can get them from different I'm doing a few different ways to get the good and Endo I like I know that the the US store the US store the US good smile store went down for a little bit when I released but um I don't know I don't know if there's other ways to get it the website was down I'm me I'm me I'm gonna be sold out instantly you got it instantly okay seems like pretty mixed I wonder if they'll bring it back though I don't know anything about anything about that though yeah I didn't know it was gonna be a limited release I didn't know that um I hope everybody that wants one is able to get one though [Music] I was actually really sad I'm reading somebody's Nando sold out before I could get one I was very upset I was very very upset yeah I don't know I think I might have to wait for somebody when I post one on like eBay or something yeah I was a little upset about that one I was not fast enough are they still available somewhere [Music] good luck [Music] yeah I totally get out all the pins yes it is guys please [Music] why is this game so hard oh I didn't know that maybe next time okay let's go back to the crazy box what else do they have this is the bully drift crazy world take customers to this place with the time limit uh crazy bounce crazy bound rule without without falling into the sea take the customer to the dead oh that sounds fun [Music] what do you like too foreign [Music] how to drift I don't wanna [Music] how am I supposed to drift [Music] I think I'm a visual learner okay wait wait Crazy Taxi droved with keyboard keyboard controls yes Crazy Taxi tips and tricks is there like a Crazy Taxi community [Music] how do you drift in Grace Taxi [Music] go back to a settle acetyl Corso can you play with like a like a PlayStation controller or am I gonna have to do a rematch with this with my my like my driving wheel wait when you say controller do you mean like driving wheel or PlayStation controller I think I mean PlayStation controller yeah PS2 um I don't know if I have one around I'm just horrible like my PlayStation controller is pretty old and kind of sticky actually it's very sticky it's like sticky and yellow do you know when controllers get really old and the rubber starts getting icky sticky yeah it's kind of gross after I use it my hand is really sticky afterwards I feel like I can walk up a wall with it controller's better Xbox I don't have no Xbox controller no Anno Xbox controller so I feel like I should get one though I feel like I feel like as a gamer gamer I feel like I should have a controller of each client wouldn't that be ideal gamer Gunk yeah you can get the good gamer Gunk on the PlayStation controllers yeah gamer gunk gamer gun figurine when Xbox controllers for the PC or you can use any control with the PC PC do I have a what what custom Guru controller Xbox is ideal for PC I'm mine's banana meow meow meow girl Gunk yeah gamer Gunk guard gamer that's my middle name gamer uh wouldn't you like to know wouldn't you like to know you okay we're gonna try this again anyway Drive don't tell me what to do no time to take a mouse when plastic got a figurine you're late my friend we're cutting Corners here yeah have you been swimming this summer did you get sand in your swimsuit you smell like sunblock [Music] we like to move them move it that's so good do you ever like walk by people and they smell like the beach they smell like sunblock and well it's pretty much just sunscreen do they make like sense of sunscreen you hate sand I do too I don't like hot sand it's essentially well you should think of it like a spot treatment Hudson people pay lots of money to go put hot rocks on themselves awesome have you ever thought about that yeah people pay lots of money to go put like hot hot rocks on their body it sounds kind of weird also there's like people pay lots of money to also go sit in hot sand so I guess if you have access to the beach you can go like sit knots in you should I don't know allowed go sit in the hot seat couldn't be me yeah no I agree it also it couldn't be me very much I'm ready thank you [Music] God playing old games like this make me want pizza [Music] a co-workers smelled like the ocean for a while [Music] ocean smells good come on come on land the car it was eating pizza earlier I had a really tasty Pizza the other day from the freezer [Music] it's hard wee weed budget [Music] with times when he says move and move it he's gonna say it after this jump never mind let me try oh my God let me try oh come on land the car shark we should make us more pizza we should do another cooking another cooking stream oh oh [Music] foreign pizza with like Nutella and marshmallows and M M's and stuff [Music] get me out of here look at this guy sitting in my taxi telling me what to do with a fade haircut like that wow what a cool guy okay [Music] no no no no no no [Music] I want my job on my job I almost had that okay I'm done now I want to see what else we can do what else can we do in your crazy box without falling into the sea crazy Rush we'll take all the customers crazy Jam take all the customers crazy poll rule pole rule stop oh why do you have to press that would be so much easier if you just didn't have to press this button in order to do another drip ship to give it back [Music] thank you [Music] shut up [Music] foreign [Music] oh no oh no no no no no no go go this car just sits it doesn't have any four-wheel drive it just sits in the ass spins out the entire time he's about to drive something like this get in Mohawk and shut your mouth later [Music] [Music] [Music] where are we going pizza boy let's go in the car in the vehicle [Music] get out of my car you're wasting my time baseballer hey hey welcome to San Andreas I'm CJ from Grove Street land of the heinous taxi drivers and cold heat oh let's go Mohawk let's go [Music] let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go okay break break break break get out of my car I'm not gonna make it I'm not gonna make it did you just put me off where's your problem [Music] s [Music] oh he's got flowers I know it's for me I like getting flowers my mom sends me flowers my mom sent me flowers and fruit once it's pretty nice [Music] yeah I got a lady in my life setting me flowers thank you Mommy good in my car get in my car it's time to get in my car it's time to get in my car get in my freaking [Music] CJ I'm losing this one again let's make her want to play Sonic [Music] stop the car [Music] it'll be much easier more than one person could get in this card at one time I do want to play Sonic though I want to play Sonic for a while there's so many titles so I didn't know where to start hmm all right I'm gonna go back to playing on I want to play do we we have one more let me try to wait wait wait wait Sonic 06 Sonic adventures maybe we should do like a I'll do like a poll on the Community page or something we can start picking a Sonic game I don't want to start it though until I finished um some other games that I started playing yeah these are challenges though the main game is this uh play the arcade rules let's see if I've improved let's play b-day BD b day BD BD Joe yeah Billy Joe yeah sorry ladies are we leaving today wave and Beach is that a Dragon Ball Z shirt foreign yes oh yes yes yes [Music] lady I am never picking you up again you literally your route literally took up my entire time [Music] slow I ran people over for you foreign [Music] [Music] man okay let's play I like a cheetah her cheetah tank top okay I know where you're going yeah you go to the top of the cable card it's right around this corner here yeah [Music] okay then we pick up this girl right here pick up this way you're going to the bottom we're gonna get some crazy freaking speed here are you ready [Music] nice [Music] see Violet I'm making you want pizza I was talking about that did I tell you about the pizza hand it's pretty good yeah [Music] excuse me [Music] no no no no no no no no no no no this is no get out of here nice nice nice okay I could have picked you up I'm going over here instead come on [Music] to church everything [Music] ah a [Music] excuse me [Music] a fried chicken all right [Music] foreign okay okay wait a minute we're doing right here going back to church I know where that is okay okay okay okay heliport I know where that is okay okay ready baseball stadium [Music] [Music] [Music] you just kick my car you just took my car [Applause] we got average game over yeah [Music] came over yeah I heard his foot because I packed this car full of uh titanium cement I filled the entire lining on my the interior of my car between the uh the Upholstery and the shell is actually filled with cement my car actually weighs 15 kilo a kilo of 15 kilotons yeah that's why his toe hurts he just pushed his toes all the way back into his heel bone here we go average here we go hold on let me scrape on my the hot fudge sauce yeah I've never heard of a killer time nice driving girl thank you I'm average hooray for mediocrity exactly you've got the right idea did you miss something what do you mean my killer driving skills yeah once you learn how to boost you really save yourself a lot of time killathons is for explosives oh like we have C4 I have five kilotons of C4 do you use it for fireworks as well okay I wanna do one more round which we do one more round a killer time isn't explosive but it's a type of explosive or its use of measurement measuring mass and kilotons makes sense I can measure it in seashells next time [Music] that's nuclear yeah is it C4 is it nuclear people always talk about C4 like it's really bad or like it's really it's explosive what is the most powerful explosive C4 am I gonna get in trouble for Googling this is this one of those magic words you're not supposed to Google is the FBI agent in my computer going to be suspicious of me if I type this in C4 explosive Let's test it out take over explosive before or composition C4 is a common variety of plastic explosive family known as composition C which uses RDS RDX as is explosive agent C4s composed of explosives plastic blind and plasticizer to make it malleable and usually a marker or all the rising tension chemical I understood none of that [Music] wait it's malleable so like you can like shape it into things yeah everybody say hi to my FBI agent and my PC hello hello look at all my friends we're all here to say hello we're just looking at seafloor we're just trying to familiarize her I mean we're just trying to explore uh we're supposed to expl we're just learning about stuff really though it's like clay it's like Sculpey man if it's easier to if it's easier to like shape than Sculpey maybe we should just use C4 instead of Sculpey the scope is hard all right put my hand all right let's do one more drive around uh we'll do a regional there's our Ka rules and we'll play with axel [Music] and yeah this channel is an educational Channel have you learned something today what have you learned today from this dream let's talk to the FBI agent what have you learned today everybody today we've learned um taxi tummy floating store oh my God yeah [Music] was that the crunching of bones or of car material [Music] go go [Music] he did what I learned in boating school is [Music] used car shop okay [Music] [Music] I was like the Mystery Machine [Music] man there's like one Scooby-Doo movie I used to watch all the time did you guys have you guys seen the Scooby-Doo movie uh the it's got the Hex Girl and by the Hex Girls and we're gonna Put A Spell On You what is it Scooby-Doo and I have like the Scooby-Doo summons the demons Scooby-Doo summons the dark lord I should sing a hex girl song in the next karaoke what am I doing with my life we'll make it don't worry Millennium Tower more like Millennial Tower am I right hello hello [Music] we're in the city I went the wrong way sorry I know wait what was it called okay wait Scooby-Doo wait I gotta look it up [Music] Scooby-Doo and [Music] um Scooby dooby doo booty booty The Witch's Ghost no that's not it that can't be it [Music] dad [Music] they got their own wiki page [Music] Scooby-Doo and the Witch's Ghost is it really no no no no Scooby-Doo the legend of the vampire that's what it is it's the legend of the vampire Scooby-Doo legend of the vampire maybe we can watch Along on this I really wanna oh I suddenly have a very strong urge to watch this movie yeah I watched this one uh on repeat pretty much oh my God I remember the Hex Girls oh my God memories oh man I used to play the I used to play the Scooby-Doo the Scooby-Doo PlayStation game as well yeah Scooby-Doo night of 100 frights I had a lot of I remember I put a oh God I I asked for like a ton of PlayStation 2 games like permission for PlayStation 2 games um but I guess older games older games are really hard to get permissions for like I guess or maybe the ones I asked for are really hard to get but I remember I had a big old list of Playstation 2 games yeah there's Scooby-Doo night of 100 Frights and then I had another one which was a bit newer it was Scooby-Doo and um [Music] mystery Mayhem that's what it was could be a mystery Mayhem Scooby-Doo Mystery Mayhem Scooby-Doo uh Knight of 100 frights apparently there were other ones as well do I like the live action Scooby-Doo I do I like the old one the old the red the older the old live action one is really good I remember being really good but I really like you guys know this but I really like a live action versions of well for the most part I really like like live action versions of cartoons like the Cat in the Hat movie that everybody seems to hate I think that's a really good movie because that one is really good Scooby Doo live action is really good what is the other one that's really good um and then I can't hat one um um um um um pretty much everyone except Avatar the Avatar live action was not good no no although it wasn't then um didn't they they directed The Cat in the Hat film as well right oh god dude I watch the other day actually I watched Stuart Little which actually when the credits came up it was actually am nice slamma demo ding dong it was Emma Shyamalan that also just do a little so maybe maybe Emma Shyamalan has like a very specific type of movie that they can do really really well and it just happens to be [Music] cartoon to live action with anthropomorphic animal creatures that turn into humans I think that's I think that's their maybe that's their specialty anthropomorphic animal at night wait wait maybe I got a different one I swear to you his name was on adult or their name was on and I don't know if I'm like Shyamalan I don't know who they are really I am right little right yeah and like Shyamalan shamala it's not directed by it's a screenplays by unless screenplay also means director uh anyway though he wrote it he didn't direct it yeah all right my bad you wrote it though he was on there somewhere his name was on there somewhere M Night Shyamalan M9 Shama Lama Ding Dong so the screenplay is like not [Music] the same I guess uh anyway though I'm done playing the game for now I'm gonna go and we're gonna have some chat so for those of you that are only here for the gameplay I'm all done for today I'm all done for today I'm a little tired today uh so I just want to kind of hang out and chat we're gonna read some super chats and we're just gonna have some chat time with everybody but uh for those of you I do want to try this game again with a controller uh because I do want to learn how to drift because I know you guys were talking about the drifting a lot but yeah um so yeah for those of you that really like a video game thanks for coming by we'll see you guys around for those of you that want to chat some more give me two seconds and I'm gonna set up the uh uh the kotatsu for some coffee time okay [Music] get an Xbox controller maybe I should get like a special Guru Xbox controller custom wrap Guru controller I bet like Etsy has that or something [Music] for the Hex Girls [Music] uh what is it called [Music] oh that's that's a sudden change [Music] all right hopefully I set this up and nothing yeah baby's gonna come up okay we're good bye ah time for chat temperature God I'm so excited when we we were told that the hollow live music studio is going to be Bossa Nova version ah because I think we've all played we've all played um what is it the Lo-Fi version a lot but yeah the Boston Nova is really good we were told we can also use it for karaoke so I'm kind of wondering if I should do a karaoke summer karaoke Summer Oceanside the members got some Oceanside I don't know what you would call that soft talking slash what is it so I'm like humming of some sort well maybe we should do uh maybe we should do everybody Welcome in summer Bossa Nova something with like you can hear the ocean and the palm trees and stuff yeah cause I don't want to do another karaoke I had a lot of fun with the uh the uh the tavern karaoke hmm yeah we don't have to do only haul a lot we can do other songs as well like um there's lots of Bossa Nova versions of songs that'd be fun uh with a big floppy sun hat and and like um a coconut you can drink from a coconut even though I don't like coconut water coconut water is pretty nasty honestly or maybe it's the difference between having a fresh coconut water and like when you get at the store because it's kind of like um it's salty it's kind of weird it's supposedly really hydrating for you so you should always drink coconut water if you are dehydrated yeah I like I prefer drinking Pedialyte [Music] I like coconut but I don't necessarily like coconut water it's kind of odd and salty yeah I like Pedialyte Pedialyte is also salty um but they hide it with flavors like blue flavor a gorilla don't Guru me guba [Music] where's the jar the jar is right here foreign oh just kidding it doesn't want to show up right now oh that's right because I linked it to like it doesn't work but um baby it's hey no no this is a jar here's the jar [Music] there's the jar I took I took it out of the jar because we wanna before we put it in the jar it's been in the jar for a while I wanted to let it breathe a little bit look it's me life size come no Freedom back in the jar yeah no freedom you don't keep me in the jar 24 7. you can't do that I mean you can do that honestly are you gonna poke holes in your jar like air holes or something ain't cute [Music] do we look alike wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait bye bye bye [Music] is it do we look alike it's my mini me [Music] bong we'll keep her there for now maybe I put like a cowboy hat should we have mini cowboy hat let's get a cowboy hat let's not get lied to and get a cowboy hat that is not actually a PNG [Music] I think this one is good I think this is a PNG all right I think we're all right be all right Leo Roy [Music] say oh yeah [Music] say [Music] hello howdy do they have a Nando wait do they have an underwear with a cowboy hat cowboy hat hey you need to really oh they got a McCree does anybody here have the macrina no also can you put the Hat can you put the can you take the hat off of the McCree and Android [Music] take the Hat take the hat off of McCree and put it on the shark [Music] oh yes oh yes it's high Neon foreign from Red Dead Redemption has a Nando no as I said that seems like a weird choice I don't think Arthur would have one there's a Dante Nando wait a minute I feel like I knew this wait a minute foreign [Music] his face is like is like so if I if I got the Dante nindo then I could pose I could pose myself with the Dante bike and the Dante guns and the Dante sword [Music] okay this is dangerous this is danger mode here um we are reaching levels of oh my God I didn't think for power is possible are the parts interchangeable um the uh yeah Nando's have a lot of interchangeable parts like um like my hood for example is you can take my hood off and stuff and um from what I know about Ninja is that they're pretty they're pretty highly customizable maybe maybe like maybe Dante Dental has like a special way to sit on the bike maybe and maybe I don't have like suitable suitable legs and stuff it must be hard to find though must be sold out everywhere unless you go and grab it from some collector give me Dante hand over the Dante all right let's try some super Jazz I've ever done that in a while um mama mama what's your guys's dream then Droid have you done that thing where you search up your what is it you search in your birthday you see what your your nendoroid is like the numbers of your birthday like I would be what would I be I'd be June the 20th 6 20. let's see what Android 620 is Zelda oh wow okay nandroid 620 is Zelda Wind Waker Zelda apparently it's Wind Waker is it yeah the Wind Waker version of Zelda is number 620. what about you guys Dante Nando is 110 dollars [Music] oh my God can I cook an Android oh yeah if you want to I don't recommend it though I'm gonna melt I'm gonna Mount that might be unfortunate Darth Vader carbon Jack Skellington saber all right some good taste yes Pokemon Trainer Red Captain America Captain America has a mandaroid wait up this is what is Captain capitalism Captain America nindo it he does he looks so weird it's so weird seeing characters that are like super cool made into ninja rides are so cute and tiny that like seeing things that are cute and tiny and Endo form it's I don't know it just adds to cute and tiny but seeing like Dante for example and now Captain America like these big these big strong like dude guys turn into these tiny little chibi cute little chubby it's so cute Captain America do they have wolf what is the name Wolfman that's not his name uh X-Men the wolf guy with the the mutton chops what's his name wolf wolf Moon wolf guy wolf wolf man wolf somebody help me uh ninja Roy ah Wolverine that's his name Wolverine oh really no Wolverine Android that's interesting he'd be cute with his little his little mutton job so wait wait wait wait wait wait wait is this now you're breathtaking well Loki has one ah there's so many Doctor Strange Dr weirdo Hulk maybe not Hulk I don't know wow wow Deadpool Deadpool has an oh oh what Deadpool have in Android yeah Keanu Reeves does Keanu Reeves have one probably has like a character and not necessarily Keanu Reeves the Ninja um Hulk does Helen who's the Okay aside from me who's the cutest Android you've ever seen though other than me cute ninja ruined foreign custom Androids as well Miku Miku is a really cute Nando yeah who else is super super cute there's a character that is that is I don't know it hits all my buttons for super cute oh God what is her name oh what's her name uh I'm sure if I described it to you you guys would know let me try and find her though um foreign ER I don't know what her name is though but I have her picture why do I come up next to her um um um um um what's the name I I he knows [Music] is adorable and has figures that I would like to own does she have an end though I think she does oh my God can I show this on stream I'm gonna show this on stream I'm gonna show this on stream I will take the L if I so deserve one let me show you something really cute for those of you that don't feel like Googling it that's fine I got you okay this is I he not uh let me show you um oh my God look in this why are you so grumpy pets on the head yeah she's so cute oh my God okay wait one more picture one more picture one more picture one more one more one more one more one more hold on I am not done yet [Music] so so cute so so so cute yeah I love her design though her hair is super cute and her little Beret and and and and and and and and and and her dress is super cute because I really like like the the Sailor style State sailor style stylist sailor style like right I don't know if she has a sailor collar though I've heard maybe like just a friend is like inspired by or maybe it's a different thing oh she doesn't have a silver collar okay no no it's not a sailor collar it's a it's what we would call a Peter Pan collar God she's cute all right sorry I'm done I'm done I'm done I'm done uh actually a fun story though uh when I was asking when I was talking to you Mama about my my outfit that I got but I actually used I as like inspiration I was asking I was like oh cute cute like I I hear yeah please yeah did that make sense [Music] okay uh I'm done talking about I for now anyway though cute okay I'm gonna drink some water hold on [Music] all right super chance [Music] does she have any full scale figures so that's the question I'm just wondering [Music] yes she does [Music] okay all right all right all right all right all right uh Moving On Moving On [Music] one funny girl hi bunny girls oh no not now YouTube don't do this to me uh all right I'm gonna give the supers a second to load because they're not wanting to load right now no Super One all right we're good [Music] all right we're good all right all right all right all right oh okay this is a really cute one I'm gonna go figure shopping because I'm having issues can't get I out of my mind I can't get I out of my mind thinking I was wrong in the wrong time bye everyone living in a world gone plastic I he know what to do you are fantastic okay where's taxi crazy Taxi [Music] Claire thank you very much all right cute girls whoever makes cute girls is good at it all right they do the job really well because I am weak that is my weakness is um this cute cute girls I think I think we might have that in common no did you say we have that in common you guys you are so classic all right let's see uh quick thank you and I see thank you Jason dreams it's an Android also scared of heights while you're going on the top shelf by the way don't look down hey at least yourself if your Shelf has like a like a pillow underneath it or like a bed or something that's fine uh on I recommend not storing me on the top shelf or if I fall and I like scuff my face or something and what then you have to break out the ninja the men the men the mendeloid kit The Mending nindo kit you have to mend my face you're gonna have to bust out the Airbrush Airbrush over my big scuff on my face huh yeah though if you really only have a place to store around your shelf that's fine but I prefer being closer look on your desk or something on your desk so I can hear what you get up to at the PC yeah don't worry you're durable I wonder how high I bounce hey can one of you guys shoot me out of a T-shirt cannon that'd be fun maybe maybe hold on maybe not We're not gonna do that I was gonna ask you guys like weird set maybe when Nintendo was released released right and delivered to people maybe we can like have a stream where you guys show me weird things you can do with the nendo uh but that might be a waste of I mean they're you know expensive I don't think we want to be hurting these very much but yeah if one of you um has the ability and the desire to um shoot me out of a T-shirt cannon I would like to see a video footage thank you yeah but we can do like a ninja review when it comes out we can unbox it oh ninja light unboxing and you guys can send me pictures of your nandoid yeah that sounds like fun let's do that but it's not for a while though yeah it'll be a while before we all get them I think hello something to look forward to I'd like to do that so science was not when I grew up science time I still want to do like a science stream where we built like a volcano or something I think that'd be fun sorry I still have eye in the other window um I'm liking the bunny girl is growing on me I want hair like that do you think I can get a hairstyle like that one day I really like those like uh what there's another character that has this kind of hairstyle like the the low behind the head a little ponytails she's from the idol Master uh uh anzu anzo from idolmaster also has this hairstyle that's low low twin Tails puffy low twin Tails that's really really cute uh I would like that I think I would look good with that ask Mama yeah oh that'd be cute did you guys see the Arts the art of me in pecores outfit with the teeny tiny little braids on the side of my head wasn't that cute as well ah if I could I would ask Mama she don't for like just a bunch of hairstyles like I'm fine with just getting new hairstyles but I would like it like a side braid and like two two twin tails on the side of my head and then the little puffy twin tails and then like straight straight hair and then the one that I mentioned to you guys that I really want to get like a ponytail on the front so I look like a unicorn right so I have three tin Tails I could call that one my gamer one so when I'm gaming really hardcore when I'm gaming really hardcore I have to tie my bangs up come on guys I gotta concentrate let me tie up my hair and it's just the front of my bangs a Mohawk The Mohawk will be pretty cool and then just like a high ponytail I have like a side ponytail but yeah a high ponytail like Cali would be really nice as well man we are just buzzing with ideas bald [Music] foreign [Music] you guys could draw on hairstyles for me that'd be kind of fun wouldn't it we could have a stream where we just change out hairstyles submitted by you guys oh a mullet business in the front party in the back [Music] foreign yeah or like a [Music] ah but that's just like short hair like really really short hair like my hair is like well it's kind of long I guess but like short straight hair will be also really cute man I just wanna I just want lots of hairstyles really a comb over all right now we're getting uh now we're getting a little mullet overalls no my Farmer hairstyle would be pretty pretty simple it'd be like something messy but out of my face Maybe double braids that'd be really cute yeah double braids yeah I was like it was like a like little wheatstrand sticking out of it or like flowers or something I'm daydreaming about hairstyles now [Music] oh cute do you know like those um people that make you can get like for your figures you can get Squishy silicone bodies made so like foreign like booby squish oh yeah I don't remember there's like a bunch of different types of companies that make the silicone bodies and you have to brush them every now and again with some kind of a nice talcum powder to make sure they don't they don't get sticky or anything but yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah sure look at me like that I see um but yeah I really I want I want one I want one you can choose like depending on what character you want to use it for they give you options to choose like skin color and then like size of um bust and stuff like that yeah no it's for your figures it's like figure size you can get you can get oh God I don't know the scale sizes what is it one quarter size is Big right they have um figure skills size chart but it's meant it's like silicone for figures um um yeah one quarter scale or one-fourth Square scale is really big they have one I don't know if they have a fourth scale it's pretty big but they have a 16s um uh and like a seven one seventh is pretty big yeah but they're really interesting though and then you can get them painted or not like if you want to paint on details and my body details and stuff [Music] I think that's just one of my things because like if you think about like dolls that you know they have like where the joints meet that's always kind of I don't know it kind of bothered me as like visual maybe I'm thinking of like the the big ball jointed dolls or whatever but like no because then if you get the silicone body it Smooths it out so you don't have that the only problem is that you're gonna have creases where the wrist is where the wrist wrist where the arm meets the hand and they're gonna have a crease with the neck as well um and then also at the feet or no maybe not the feet but definitely the hands which is an issue but yeah um I don't know I like figures though [Music] I was actually thinking about because you can get them sometimes they're really expensive but if you there's like there's people that make much much cheaper ones and you can just take the head off of those and put on the head of your figure and then it might work out but it might be a problem trying to figure out what size shout out rest uh flick of the wrist it's definitely gonna restore stories your Guru is gonna be your first figure oh I'm honored to be your very first anime figure welcome to the dark side welcome welcome to the haha [Music] oh big thank you [Music] welcome to the shark song exactly I was trying to think of something I was like Welcome to the I was gonna see something really bad like plastic Welcome to the plastic size something stupid my name is a shark's eye shark side is way easier I was watching somebody play Roblox the other day I never seen that gameplay before but yeah I was watching Roblox should we play Roblox one time or is that gonna be cringe oh my God it looks like Playmobil why was I watching somebody play Roblox because I didn't know anything about Roblox I think Minecraft is as far as my brain goes I do want to play a Lego game though Roblox ha ha ha ha [Music] there's air stuck between my mouth and my chest so I'm trying to make sure it doesn't come out because then you're gonna be like oh clipped shark made funny bubble air noise anyway I'm fine now thank you drivers cute five stars thank you for your review it helps me out greatly thank you Minecraft is better than Roblox well those sound like fighting words well what can you do in Roblox do you do anything in Roblox do you build stuff in Roblox Roblox why does the Google page look so naked it's kind of eerie [Music] I see that Google has dark mode now isn't that nice finally finally everything is dark mode for my poor gamer eyeballs thank you thank you color why it was destroying my eyeballs foreign blocks Roblox is an online platforming game uh create well it allows users to program games and play games created by other users Roblox Ian when the website oh God oh God Gmod for kids instead of Gmod it's B mod baby mod baby Gmod assignment I'm a bit about that the other day we'll be talking about that on stream or was that off stream I don't remember remember that was on or off stream we were talking about that um remember I remember not uh Azalea thank you very much lately I've been eating peanut butter with a spoon is this high or a low that's I mean it's a high when you do it it feels like you're I mean the high of eating peanut butter straight from the jar with a spoon I haven't had that in a really long time though I don't know something about peanut butter yeah I do I'm gonna eat the peanut butter it's called goober when they mix peanut butter and jelly it was like a swirl in the jar I want to do that because then you get a little bit of each yeah uh creamy of course chunky peanut butter is for squirrels well I guess I'm a squirrel then because I enjoy crunchy as well crunchy peanut butter is good it has its place though yeah uh actually I used to have uh peanut butter and um all right don't judge me for this but I used to buy um um dark chocolate hummus uh I used to buy dark chocolate hummus and I would have like um I would eat that with a spoon and then sometimes I would be like this needs more so I would get um some peanut butter as well so I would be I would be eating a dark chocolate hummus and peanut butter with a spoon listen it's not that bad all right I know it sounds awful that's why I got it because I was like dark chocolate hummus this is gonna be terrible but it's not that bad you think it'd be bad but it's not no it's not if you think dark chocolate hummus is bad um you might be right but it also might be that you got the wrong brand listen get the get the Boar's Head one the dark chocolate the boar said dark chocolate I don't know if they still sell it anymore but it was in like the dark red dark red tub and I have pictures of strawberries and pretzels on it but now just use your fingers pretty yummy though it's made with garbanzo beans me and the boys at 3am meeting chocolate covered garbanzo beans vomit here all right I think we need to have a discussion about our tastes here listen put the chicken nuggets down right chicken nuggets down I had chicken nuggets the other day they're pretty good chicken nuggies sponsored stream no I'm just passionate about chocolate hummus [Music] that's so wrong that's wrong I don't want to be right [Music] thank you nice to see you around but not free for all thank you are you still playing breath of the wild off stream curious how it's going if so oh no I haven't had any time to sit down and play games actually uh off stream I should say um uh I think for the first time in the past ah two weeks now two and a half weeks maybe I think I've played like 15 minutes of mustache off stream I've been really busy lately yeah it's been kind of crazy but no I haven't had time to play breath of the Wild I have some I have some some some no stream days though so maybe I'll do that I'll curl up in bed and I'll have a day where I just sleep all day and Play Breath of the wild that'd be nice yeah I don't know if I've gotten out of the tutorial yet either I think I still have to get the the glider the paraglider thingy did I play Minecraft on stream did I I don't remember did I talk about doing that maybe like prep beforehand oh no I did play a little bit off stream I started building the ooparoopa the upper tube that's right okay so I did that as well yeah I did some um yeah I started building my uparoopa tube it didn't take me that long though as you can see I wasn't very far into it yeah um yellow I'm looking forward to having a little bit more time to play this is a wild in bed bed of the wild just kidding any teasers for upcoming stuff um um I'd have to look at my calendar [Music] let me see if I can talk about some stuff uh I know there's a there's a group collab coming up yeah next week next week There's a group collab with everybody in Ian hey everybody including Iris so that'll be fun [Music] what else is next week next week There's Fan Expo with uh Ahmed and Kiana yeah oh you guys are wait do you guys already know about the uh I'm not gonna [Music] I don't spoil anything I'm not saying anything no I'm not gonna be the one [Music] okay I already told you yeah it's garlic fun we're gonna play guard film with everybody yeah that'll be fun I haven't played that game yet but it's like telephone right it's telephone essentially telephone with my pictures or something garlic fun yeah I'm playing garlic foam oh Iris and Hanky I already mentioned it all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right [Music] and that's next week that'll be fun yeah garlic phone yeah yeah also I've been chat with Iris speaking of a child with Irish trying to figure out what we want to do together I think I um I think I threw too many ideas at once I was like I was like oh we can like we could like we could like chat like if that's done some topics just kind of hang out because I haven't really haven't done that yet why and then I was like oh maybe we could draw stuff as well oh and then maybe we can draw each other from memory or maybe we can look at memes as well and then I was like oh maybe that's too much maybe we should is that too much to do during his dream like are we gonna be too distracted she's like oh yeah maybe that's maybe too much I was like um so yeah we're trying to think of what we could do but I think I want to do something more like I like chatting I want to get to know Iris and I'm sure you guys are curious as well maybe I can I can ask some some cheeky questions maybe a guru distracted never ah right I'm never distracted I'm not I don't I don't I'm not that personality type but I guess distracted really easily fish brain what are you talking about never Minecraft's not too maybe we can have some Minecraft chat too I don't know I don't know what we would do with Minecraft we could build oh I don't want to do more pixel art I'm still a little uh a seven hour stream with Kiara villain a pixel art kind of burnt me out a little bit tiny Tiny still uh so I need some more time before we do that but maybe we can do something else perhaps build a giant foot oh my God oh no my tab refreshed no [Music] uh Brown thank you mean thank you Ravine thank you peace this taxi is getting crazy a red bread thank you wacky woohoo taxi shark Adventures yeah yeah I say about upgraded my microphone by the way yeah I wasn't really a fan of the one that I used I used it in one stream I used it in the Taco Bell stream that was a different microphone but since then I've changed back to my other one yeah uh the other Mark I was using um it's not as high quality as this one I was actually thinking of going above this one that I'm using right now I want to stick with Norman I really like Neumann yeah I want to use um I don't know it's like a dream microphone this Norman is great this Norman has done so well it's captured all my all my screams and shrieks and odd noises really really well I think it matches my voice really well yeah people always say unless I mean this is this is true that your voice is going to capture differently through different microphones depending on like your voice pitch and your texture and all this your texture your Timber and stuff like that like my voice is pretty uh has a lot of uh what would you say uh treble that's what it is I feel like my voice has a lot of trouble compared to Bass and I don't know I just don't really I feel like I sound pretty good through this microphone but anyway I really want to try the um the Norman u87 AI really badly I don't know if it's gonna sound good necessarily um but yeah that's when I've been dreaming about that's that's um um it's a big boy microphone yeah it's a big boy microphone I don't know um this one is also a pretty big boy microphone but um as much as the uh the use u87 yeah extra crispy yeah I have extra crispy or maybe not I don't know you're the Roar eagle it's very pricey yeah I don't know about it yet I'm thinking about it because like it's I mean you can always return it if it doesn't sound quite right usually but yeah I'm thinking about it maybe I'll do that maybe I had to attack them next to a crispy crispy crispy honey thank you I'm very sweaty all of a sudden I have the hiccups ah uh Robert thank you thank you foreign [Music] what do you mean there it is there it is she mentioned she's sweaty yeah and oh I'm sorry I'm sorry that being underwater you never ever feel sweaty but here on Earth you have to regulate your body temperature imagine how do you guys do it having to live regulating your body temperature what is it that's what your hypothalamus hyper you miss [Music] ha thalamus air conditioning yeah yeah but your body does something instead it's like inside your body doesn't the hypothalamus damn that's right wasn't it hypothalamus oh God I'm smart let's go biology school but the way that's not biology I think it's biology the hypo it's a hippopotamus the hippo the hippo hippomus yeah inside your body make sure your body stays hot cold and stuff like that uh excellent thank you monkey difficulties that monkey did you guys learn anything from the monkey stream I had it open but I didn't have the audio on it's just there is monkey pictures [Music] Skye cat thank you [Music] uh Azure 8604 thank you and Adam Smith thank you very much thank you Adam Nicholas Paul thank you very much thank you good morning [Music] spider monkey I've heard of a spider monkey for some reason am I think another spider crab ew okay here's a fun fact I'm not really a fan of monkeys uh why is the Spider-Man Okay spider monkey we have an issue too many legs this is too leggy I don't like it limbs too long wow oh no no no no no no no no no no no no [Music] why are his limbs so long [Music] I don't like it I don't like it do I have to show a picture of this as well all right here's a picture we do monkey [Music] I don't like this no no sorry I I's picture has to go away in order for spider monkey all right Shield your eyes or don't this is a spider monkey foreign [Music] why is it so laggy [Music] there's nothing yet Bay in this right let's not showing anything right okay now it's just a monkey is this the one that on my hand what do you mean it's cute you guys got weird taste weird taste [Music] very few monkeys are cute what is this one is this a spider monkey this one looks like something added this one looks like Voldemort oh tiny monkey mini monkey finger monkey is out there called finger monkeys are all right because I know they're not gonna get that big okay this one is cute finger monkeys that was called okay the only type of monkey that's allowed in this chat is is finger monkey this is so cute it doesn't really look like a monkey oh it's so cute [Music] okay I'm here to cleanse your I'm here to cleanse ready okay this is the this is this is this is this I want one [Music] look at that how cute this is I don't know if it's called a finger monkey but that's what I've been Googling if you Google finger monkey this is the finger monkey oh he's so cute it's just a baby it's just a Barbie [Music] a finger monkey or a pygmy marmoset pygmy marmoset Pig me pig me marmoset monkey okay so this is a baby one apparently they get kind of big they look a little scary when they're older they look a little stupid also okay this one is a baby though it's cute though it's cute it's cute it's cute they get a little scary when they're older they get a little uh uncanny valley a little a little looks like its name is Dave it's got a human face I don't like it we went we went down the wrong path really quickly no why [Music] this is the same monkey I'll show you I'm sure you'll give me a second hold on it's like Dave why does it look like this hi what do you mean that's cuter uh-uh no no no baby it's cute but now it looks like George to control Z undo undo undo yeah I know about that the baby version is cuter baby version is cuter I'll be handsome I think your hands my boy what do you mean he looks angry he looks looks like you just cut him off in traffic and he's trying not to have a road rage [Music] why wait one more one more one more one more yeah still cute still cute oh yeah you're going downstairs you're getting a snack from the fridge you open up your fridge door and then this greets you bubble [Music] why does it kind of look like me wait wait a minute wait a minute [Music] no it doesn't no it doesn't no it doesn't doesn't even if it does but we're moving on right now English one one ah man thank you Mr King thank you Christ is God thank you and wings TV thank you brushed blushed images what happens if you type in blurs I know blurst is a meme [Music] all right I regret that decision anyway uh Wings TV thank you thank you what do you think uh girl what do you think would be a better theme for an En group insects or dinosaurs or insects absolutely insects there's so many there's such a wide variety of insects I mean there's a wide variety of dinosaurs but I feel like after a while you get like you have your herbivore you have your carnivores you got the pterodactyls you got the oil crocodiles the dinosaur right I just feel like bugs you could have a bit more variety because there's so many like colors of bugs and bugs in the dirt bugs in the sky bugs in the trees um um they have like little roly-poly bug girl would be cute and then you could have like um like a dragonfly girl and then like a moth Mommy and what else could you have um foreign s are not dinosaurs I beg to differ have you seen one before as a dinosaur but dinosaur dinosaur all right what kind of dinosaur girl would you have you could have like um dinosaur I don't know my dinosaurs that well chickens are dinosaurs yeah I believe it foreign [Music] girl technically a raptor Raptors are raptors tiny and annoying though wait a minute I thought it was a Raptor no not a Ford Raptor Google I typed in Raptor and Google images and all it gave me was the Ford Raptor no really I'd type in dinosaur to height [Music] they are Apparently one the average uh the average dinosaur the average Raptor was 1.67 meters centimeters meters or five foot six apparently [Music] they're tiny and they go fast oh a raptor is the one that can jump I think Raptors can jump so taller than you yeah much taller than I am what's a dinosaur the shortest dinosaurs the shortest dinosaurs are known as oh they're like little bird ones okay that's not what I was expecting toy dinosaur tiny baby dinosaur I want a dinosaur pet we should watch a Jurassic Park I've already seen Jurassic Park but we should watch that and I'm feeling a movie marathon coming I just want to watch movies for some reason uh cool rock guitar thank you hi girl I just had an asthma attack let's go no I'm sorry I hope you're all right though I mean if you're if you're here that means that you're fine so let's go let's go Korra surviving an asthma attack let's go it's nice to see you around hope you're doing all right friend uh Dan thank you Dan let's go hey they said it was an exclamation point so they were obviously excited that they they had an asthma or they were pleased that they uh lived through an asthma attack exciting you live through your body trying to shut itself down that's cause for sale reception let's freaking go let's go Korra nice and Dan thank you have I played Hilux what is Hilux foreign this looks like something Cali would play Pilots [Music] what is this [Music] what in God's name is this all right now I've never played that but um it's a weird RPG I mean uh uh I mean I'd give it a try honestly it's art what is this chat it's art yeah okay yeah I mean I play it looks pretty interesting a little weird though but it's lime uh Bishop Johnson thank you and the end Diablo thank you uh thank you foreign how do you feel about being on a tattoo I'm assuming that's what you mean by which you said uh being on a tattoo I think that's pretty crazy that somebody would put permanent ink on their body of an anime Shark Girl anime short girls fly that's back here again like okay so say say in a few years you don't want you don't want my face tattooed on your body anymore how are you gonna hide it then are you gonna like what are you gonna re-tattoo it as it's gonna have to be like [Music] you can make my face into a giant Rose I guess Blazer removal imagine explaining that one hi yes um I'm here to get my anime shark girl tattoo removed I'm being swarmed by a fly I don't like it he's very big it's like a big old swollen raisin like if you left a raisin in water for too long and it got all plump and Squishy I'm gonna try and catch him on stream turn it into a monkey hey that's just a smart thinking right there uh Jamestown thank you Sonic Colors they reference the series in one of eggman's PA announcements I'd love to see you play the release when it drops I saw that we were just talking about that yeah I want to play Sonic hey speaking of Eggman though and Sonic did you see in uh in dead by daylight they they revamped all the characters like uh textures and stuff so they made them look a bit more detailed and what have you and now David there's a skin where David has a mustache and he looks like Eggman that was literally the first thing I watched a video with like a showcase and the first thing I came out of my mouth was wow he looks like Eggman have you seen him then I get a picture of that we're going in [Music] I don't know if I could find a picture of it though you might have to go and look it up if you want to if you're curious mustache ah ah I can't find any pictures but uh yeah it looks like Eggman it's pretty funny though pretty funny I laughed I did uh oh how do flies get so big yeah um happy birthday and thank you hey where's bloop um uh he's right here where is he he's on he's um he's um he's right here oh [Music] hey Bloom nice for you to join us buddy high five foreign [Music] body it's there it's hidden underneath um it's um it's fine [Music] the only kid with the upper half [Music] [Music] uh uh uh thank you Elian thank you and to a Lulu thank you thank you Devin hi yakawa thank you and ghost Phantom thank you it's more fun because it's more intense than driving a bus that's slamming yeah uh in as a boss thank you biggest Dorcas yes he's suffocating what do you mean he's not suffocating he's fine he's always uh well he always looks like that don't be alarmed he's just without his bubble and let him out for the summer because it's probably getting hot stuffy stinky and musky stuck in that bubble imagine that in the summer imagine that living in your own bubble a bubble of your own filth without any airflow or anything like that ew ew swimming in your own filth yeah that is a huge that is a huge fly how did you get so big what have you been eating my God how do you get that big I need like a little hand vacuum I could just think I can catch it he's literally the size of my thumbnail that's crazy all right he's going away Goodbye Mr fly uh accessible thank you uh I rare find it thank you and celeb wise thank you okay love wise thank you uh Wing CV thank you Alexa song thank you hey girl don't ever let off the gas gas yes step on that yes yes yes uh deadbeat shrimp thank you and look out Ted thank you thank you new potatoes thank you uh Tech thank you very much I've been to New York girl you're wrong they are bad at driving they're worse lights signs law safety basic human decency these do not exist to New York drivers GTA NPCs are literally safer drivers well what do you have to say about that New York any New Yorkers here do you agree with this statement Tech has made about uh those of you from New York foreign really accurate my my don't believe when you you work I am walking here I am frog in here excessive boots thank you and itchy sketchy thank you wings TV thank you hey forget about it frog get about it I think that was my favorite part of the game yesterday was the uh the handsome frog what's it called men frog that was good that was funny okay so thank you so you talk about commercial during a baseball game I was eating at an Applebee's at the time oh were you by yourself or were you perhaps with your parents maybe and then you were like hey look Ma look on the TV it's a it's that shark that I I listen to sometimes check on the TV watching you eat your food Apple a psycho thank you and taka cookie Taco cookies that's mean asking if you're eating eating an apple bees with your parents what's so wrong about that why you guys not want to go out to eat with your parents ow what's wrong with you I'm sorry to eat by yourself I didn't mean it in any way that's mean why are those the only options oh um oh I mean oh okay were you uh eating with your friends perhaps hi welcome to Chili's a wolf foot thank you um I don't care what to name myself thank you is it thank you thank you nice to see you zombie I need some thank you Lord XM thank you and Carter McKendree thank you if it makes you feel any better I've owned this game for 22 years and you've already made more progress in it than I ever have game hard brain don't comprehend chat mad the gamer is bad chat mad shark bed welcome to another stream of cargura you're not lonely or anything we can all be lonely together that's fine yeah I don't know if there's any way really to get over your loneliness other than like making yourself go outside and interact with the outside world like go to the store and interact with like cashiers and like go to like if you have a farmer's market maybe you can volunteer at like uh like maybe you guys have like have you heard of a co-op Farm are they where you go and you help out with like planting uh vegetables and stuff so that everybody in your local community can go and take from the co-op Farm that sounds like fun group hug win also that that is well yes maybe if you go to a dog park if you don't really necessarily like being around too many humans because then you can be around dogs and humans if you are more of a dog person that might be good just go hang out at the dog park and let all the doggies come over and lick you and play with you and stuff that sounds like fun I would do that but dogs dogs kind of overpower me a bit and I get a bit overwhelmed if there's too many because if we have one dog jumping on you and that turns into two and then ow ow too much going on at once what about a cat Park I don't think those exist a cat Park [Music] uh yeah thank you and Lauren's mail thank you Jason dreams thank you Papa Cap thank you mad your room thank you of lions hero thank you and Mitchell Senpai thank you [Music] how's my cat my cat's good I can't my cat's really independent like incredibly independent which is probably for the better um but yeah very independent we don't really see much of each other or we do we do see we see each other but I mean sort of it's like having a a small hairy Romaine that you feed and pick up after but that's about it we like past each other in the hallway it'll be like hey wow goodbye wow we won't see each other for like six eight hours or whatever I don't know I mean I don't mind it's company companies company I'll take it a furry freeloader no I mean it's fine uh Taco thank you and horror cool thank you Penny thank you hello uh thank you Jonathan Richards thank you duck and duck thank you uh thank you yeah can you enable him I mean what am I supposed to maybe if I like do you think it would uh no I was gonna say what if I what if I don't give but if I don't give treats and yummies and cookies huh then then you'll interact with me Ryan you'll come you'll come over you'll mule you'll beg me for some some crunchy cookies yeah then they'll interact with meow or not you'll just get over it is it me do I smell funny [Music] you kind of just have like stare-offs too like across the room she's just staring at each other and it's like still getting used to one another so I'm like [Music] I'm across the room and cats kind of have that like that Laura or or I don't know maybe not all cats do but a cat or of like I own you [Music] Yes master fuzzy whatever you say kitten kitten cats although I know cats I think I saw like cats like if you slow blink at a cat that's like a sign of calmness or something slow blinking you're not really supposed to cats are wait what is it cats are in a prey uh prey animals right for the most part maybe but so if you stare at them they're gonna get freaked out I don't like stare down but like we'll glance at each other for long periods of time but yeah you're supposed to like slow blink or or or not make a direct eye contact with the cat because then you'll be like all right you're not trying to eat me that's cool oh they're predatory yeah but they're small Predators so they are essentially there they can be prey as well because other things will eat them so don't stare at it our dog's the same way I don't know I feel like dogs make a lot of eye contact challenge every cat you see that's right I'm the big cat here bow down to me you little fuzzy fuzzer fuzzington [Music] yeah uh doing it thank you uh Outlaw two four four eight thank you excessive boots thank you thank you TB thank you uh buddy ninja is still available on Tokyo takumo thank you thank you I I would like I would like that one I am going to purchase this one yes uh fastest thank you and slushy slushy thank you roly-poly thank you yeah I was a little surprised because you know like Kiara's cats are always like wow even Amy's cat was um on the last stream the cat was like up on the desk and stuff bothering her and like you always hear Kiara's cats talking to her on stream and I was kind of like I was thinking that was gonna happen it only happened like once or twice uh yeah that's about it I don't know I guess I guess maybe my cat's camera should I or stream shy Maybe it just does it really doesn't care I guess uh Randy thank you girl what were you doing to make your controller sticky I think it just gets sticky with AIDS right why do controllers get sticky I think it's the same way any type of like rubbery material will get sticky after a while like the little numpad or the thumb pads get sticky and peely and stuff yeah all these cats always annoying her while streaming yeah I don't have that problem I seem to uh not have to worry about that so far which is you know it's fine makes me feel a little unloved that but it's fine in the long run it's all right I have you guys to keep me company instead it's fine I don't Adam is fine I'm not my feelings are not hurt no not at all not in the slightest not in the slides whatsoever thank you uh sorry thank you Shadow thank you and Gators thank you easy yeah oh did you guys see the new Dorito flavors by the way what is it Tangy Ranch and then something with a lime I think something lime some uh zesty lime maybe is this the lemon I think it's lime I think it's like that but I saw those in the Box the packaging looks pretty cool yeah I don't know sounds like something that's going to be sold at Walmart why does Walmart have all the good stuff questioning here uh I feel like Walmart has all the good stuff all the time Jack Ranch no it's a like Tangy ranch or something you put the lime in the coconut it sounds bad it sounds summery summer summery oh I'm sorry it's Tangy Ranch and tangy pickle Tangy pickle and the boxes of the bag is pretty interesting it's like lime green the Tangy pickle bot bag is lime green with hot pink writing all over it yeah pickle Tangy pickle nonetheless like Tangy Ranch is one thing but Tangy pickle I don't know I gotta catch up on my food review channels all right boys and girls what are we tasting today uh Walmart uh Walnut sorry I have Walmart on the brain now Walnut be sure to thank you and forever zero thank you sign chaos thank you pickle Tangy pickle it's green it is green it's green Tangy pickle Tangy pickle uh same thing right thingy Tangy uh yot thank you and X thank you some person thank you flowers for sharks thank you uh thank you if you want to play a good Sonic game Sonic Colors is re-releasing Sonic Colors showing Sonic yeah somebody else mentioned that I think is for the switch Yeah Sonic Colors [Music] oh includes baby Sonic baby Sonic you get a song but this baby it would baby Sonic would this technically be like Lolly Sonic you get a lolly Sonic with your purchase of Sonic the universe I don't know I don't know if I like the way that baby Sonic is looking at me he looks like he really want to say you say no because I'm right it says baby Sonic little shining little baby Sonic oh well showed up if anything no it's gonna be a lollies cute loli LOL thank you and mother okay thank you yeah I played that it looks pretty interesting I like the colors of it though this fly is becoming an issue still bigger than girl hey shut up [Music] um hi hi else MIT thank you oh hey cutie I went to Whole Life Summerfest and your Android is on display oh I think I saw pictures of that yeah hello live Summerfest have you guys seen all the the like really cool pictures of everybody around uh uh Japan is it Akihabara there's a bunch of hollow live art everywhere that is a huge fly I know I keep saying that but it is absolutely gargantuan my God yeah uh Hall of Fest Hollow some Fest yeah yeah that's exciting yeah some stuff there a lot of uh uh the the upcoming up and coming holiday figures on display I saw a picture of it yeah they didn't have the pop-up parade though they didn't have those on display but they're like the and then and now I have the Nando's yeah a white day thank you Milam uh Milan burial thank you send sensible Now That's What I Call vehicular man's water uh Lauren's melting you Abraham thank you and Richard Collins thank you lightning liger thank you okay who taught you how to drive Guru me me and the TV and video games and you guys whatever you guys say how to drive that's how I drive you guys taught me how to drive chat usually teaches me how to drive but it usually goes bad as well as it goes today because everybody has different ideas and of how to do it and uh my brain sometimes has trouble comprehending what you guys want me to do so I tend to stumble a lot but anyway yeah I mean we make it work in the end sort of it's like uh the push me pull me in that movie Dr Doolittle that's what you guys are with me I'm the push me you're the pull me and together we kind of make something that works most of the time can't blame us for this yeah I can't watch me it's it's a shared blame it's it's shared all right my brain didn't blow though too many button inputs that's straight from the norm what you mean is not wise to you mean it's was the q e r d and also the number pad and also sometimes the r d s button what do you mean stop it okay girl show me your license uh I don't have a license but I can show you this picture of baby Sonic [Music] yeah I actually have one better I don't have a license but I can show you a picture of this half transparency uh pygmy marmoset instead [Music] foreign thank you Max on Ming Sun hey how you doing Mac it's been a while hope you're doing all right thank you so Kasai thank you [Music] I need Google Translate Translate hey song hey song Hey song Hey song hey song Ida a song thank you very much Ram forced seeing you and Rick thank you Rich Krampus thank you Velma or Daphne oh [Music] foreign she knows a lot of stuff she's cute girl with glasses cute little short haircut cute outfit with a little skirt right and she's kind and she's patient and then Daphne is Daphne seems kind of high maintenance but she's really pretty and I bet she smells really good she has good taste and fashion foreign thank you thank you and Jason dreams thank you thank you for the endless entertainment you are the cutest funny Swedish shark that we know that we love to laugh with at and cheer on thank you Jason thank you that's very sweet of you thank you Jason thank you guys for being uh cute funny sweets cheeky yeah you guys are fun to interact with so thank you as well and thank you Jason oh Arthur thank you wandering for gouda akka thank you hey girl thanks for the taxi ride it was comfortable and safe and me me and the broke gang wish you a safe night driving and hope you get a lot of fears thank you one the ring for gura wandering thank you very much too bad that's amazing you got my four wisdom teeth taken out ouch y ouchy did you smell bone I remember I remember I hear stories about people that got their wisdom teeth removed and depending on how they take it out they like drill into your mouth right and um depending on if you get put to sleep or not but if they just numb your mouth for it and then they drill into your teeth you're probably gonna smell burning bone which apparently is a smell that not a lot of humans smell but it's also a smell that you'll never forget yeah it's blood blood and uh and tooth my burning bone burning tooth all day as I drill into your tooth then yeah but um yeah that sounds kind of fun I mean it's once in a lifetime experience right maybe hopefully hopefully uh why are you reminding me uh she's no thank you and Brad Nichols thank you shrimp brain control thank you it tastes like burning hair I don't know I don't know what burning hair smells or tastes like either so I guess that's a good thing for me hmm um um um Alex nerve thank you and for sure thank you and Sasuke thank you king shark thank you a Celia thank you uh thank you and thank you Austin Worthington thank you [Music] thank you thank you croup I like Krill that's cute wingstv thank you again Richard Sue thank you uh Humdinger thank you you should be able to use your switch Pro controller on the PC hey that's a good idea because it kind of resembles the XBox doesn't it ah igato thank you suggest a Star Wars watch along I mean I feel like someday it's gonna happen eventually someday along with the Matrix as well someday yeah chocolate and vanilla thank you love me short also win I wanted to play it but people said it was really yummy and like rated 18 plus and I probably get in trouble by YouTube for it um but yeah I mean I'd want to play it even though it is a visual novel but everybody always talks about how cute it is so yeah I don't know if it's gonna be able to happen though uh Vincent D'Amico thank you and John Kito thank you [Music] thank you if a flying cockroach suddenly appeared in your room what would you do um probably scream because I'd hear it before I saw it and I'd be like what the hell is that and then he would come over um I don't think they bite so I don't think I'd be necessarily scared of them oh there's a safe version on Steam safe version foreign I would enjoy the company of a flying cockroach though because apparently my cat doesn't want to keep me company so that's fine um and rhyme thank you Lord thank you another friend from Korea oh God Young meow meow meow oh my God [Music] your name is fun to say [Music] okay I'm sorry okay I'm done one more time okay uh Rachel thank you uh business thank you thank you can you sing akpel songs girl yeah sure next time next time I do a karaoke [Music] next time maybe next time for the next karaoke I mentioned it was gonna be like Bossa Nova Beach maybe we can also give the non-members a little taste of what we did in the membership stream and I'll do like an entire song where it's just like ocean waves and a little bit of Reverb as well Ella before neck kinda counts as acapella right right a meme dude thank you very much Captain corn cob thank you if I was a pro wrestler what would your in-ring name B and what would be your finishing move oh I'd be uh something silly like Grumble Bumble in this corner standing at 141 centimeters there's a Grumble Bumble and my finishing move would be the [Music] something with my tail guombo Bumble and the shark meat Massacre and I just slammed them with my tail I like get up on the I get up on the Rings [Music] oh I get up on the right I get up on the Rings and I jump and I spin around in the air and then I land flap on my tail on their body and I snap ribs that's how wrestling works right or or something like that yeah Windows is saying oh hi I'm here too hi windows honored coder Virgil thank you [Music] yeah I was working on the three million sub celebration I wanted to do something specific for it and I'm still waiting on uh on that but I haven't forgotten about it although uh maybe I'll change it to like depending on where we are when when it's ready maybe it'll be like a a three three point where are we three point three point two Mills slumber party special yay yeah no I haven't forgot about Adele or anything but yeah I'm trying to figure out a very specific thing for it so 3.25 yeah maybe we can guess uh 2.25 for it yeah [Music] oh Manny Panzer thank you and RAM forced thank you anjay thank you anjay make song thank you oh God a 24-hour stream I don't know if I have the energy for that what is it my longest dream is like 10 hours or so I think I have to like take a I don't know I'd want to take like a one hour break but I feel like that would be too long or maybe it's like we got uh 30 minutes every every six hours we took a 30 minute break and did like a little nap maybe not a nap no because I can stay up for 24 hours pretty easily yeah I did a lot of really long days uh I mentioned them on stream when I was I was I don't know I felt I know it was a little off and that's because I was so over tired because I pulled like 24 hour 24 hour and then what did I say 36 hour 36 or 38 hours after a 24 hour yeah how long have I been awake now I don't know but I've been I've been much better much better lately things have been much better lately but yeah yeah we spent 10 hours in Devil May Cry 3. I want another Devil May Cry game I know I know trust me I haven't forgotten about Virgil Virgil I'm gonna come back stronger than ever I'm gonna beat that nerd up so bad beat him up with his own his own tactics uh buff man thank you and Hong Min thank you Syndicate thank you Jack and his Glade thank you and slim Shadow thank you 24. thank you maxo Ming Sun thank you and Panda thank you Joseph Joseph Joseph Solis thank you perilous Long Way to the hill and hungry llama thank you Tom tornado thank you and Chris thank you if you consider playing any Pokemon games on stream in the future uh we have the ability to play Pokemon unite but it didn't really look like a game I'd be into that much um I don't know it's like a I don't know I didn't really I don't know if I thought about it but I mean I've been down to play I guess I'll be dying to play I don't know I'm not really a Pokemon fan I didn't really grow up with it or anything but yeah orange bottle 11741 thank you and zero zero seven thank you little demon thank you Warden five three thank you just call me a casual [Music] Bossa music music Bossa Nova music stops I all of a sudden got tired yes you guessed it yeah uh casual Maybe uh one class inspector thank you you even know JoJo characters have Nando's yeah I know JoJo characters have ninjas I actually saw one not too long ago I don't know what the character's name was but it was the green they were green and purple with blonde hair yeah uh Rudy meow thank you [Music] yeah yeah let me say come on the scary truth the scary truth of nandoid buy one and they increase yes you can never have one then though that's true I only I don't have one then though I got one then though and then I ended up with like what did I what how many do I have three or four or anything yeah that's very true there's no such thing once you uh what is it once you buy one you just can't stop they're very very cute um but yeah thank you thank you thank you and Jason dreams thank you very much reminder that girl has extremely good taste now some things I do I think is this subjective gurus taste is always right uh but anyway guys that's all I have for you today thank you everybody for coming and watching me play Crazy Taxi for a little bit and thank you for chatting with me oh my God I think we chatted longer than I played the game oh no maybe we did it the same put you 40 figures and then those send help my God Austin that's a collection yeah I also I have like a little bit of a collector's personality um personality type I like collecting things so I have to be careful if I am if I get too into it then it might be a problem uh but so far so good but yeah uh more Hollow live uh a figure is a problem though because um I will I will get my hands on all of it one way or another but anyway thank you guys for coming to the stream I'll be a nice time uh I have a couple days that I need to take for uh off stream hello live work stuff as well as I need some time to uh sleep again um but yeah I'll have a schedule ready for you guys and like I don't know a couple days or so and I'll see you guys then yeah yeah thank you for coming today don't forget to drink lots of water I've been forgetting to drink lots of water and I'm starting to feel the effects of it yeah kind of feeling a little crummy so drink your water right I'm gonna tell you to drink your water because that's easier than eating your vegetables I'm not going to tell you to eat your vegetables because I have not been eating my vegetables lately um I've been having chicken nuggets [Music] chicken nuggets uh chocolate milk drink your water all right we're gonna start small here drink your water yes all right delivery buddy thank you for coming to this dream today I had a lot of fun I hope you all had a very uh lovely time here today I appreciate you guys and your company as always um um um um yeah okay I'll see you guys and I'll see you guys when I see you guys all right [Music] all right all right all right enjoy your August enjoy the beginning of your August soak up the last few weeks of Summer before you get sent back to school or uh I don't know what else you get up to college work I don't know what I'm trying to say is enjoy yourself all right all right all right first bomb what's up nice okay peace out you guys uh yeah all right I'm gonna go bye bye bye bye bye guys bye [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Gawr Gura Ch. hololive-EN
Views: 550,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ホロライブ, hololive, ホロライブプロダクション, hololive production, ホロプロ, Gawr, Gura, がうる, ぐら, hololive English, holoEN, hololive Myth, holoMyth
Id: _7b01SjiiBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 201min 59sec (12119 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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