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hello friends it's me and today I'm sick so I'm gonna sound different my hair is a mess because I spilled soup on it okay day I've washed my hair last night I had it a braid like this and you know because I'm sick I had to drink some soup I picked up my square shaped bowl to drink it like this and somehow it just slipped it fell all over my hair I had noodles and carrots in my hair all over my shirt all over my shorts it's soaked to my underwear I did not have a good morning okay but anyways speaking of soup and foods I love food I love trying new foods going to restaurants food is a large part of my life you know so it begins basically the only thing I do when I travel is try new restaurants I love going to new restaurants I don't know if you know anything about me food is literally 90% of my life so today we're gonna be checking out some of the craziest restaurants in the world so this first one is in Vegas one of my favorite places it's called Heart Attack Grill so this is the most unhealthy restaurant in the world and they purposely make things extra unhealthy our menu is purposely designed to be offensive absolutely as unhealthy as possible so before you go into the restaurant there's like this giant scale outside the restaurant and if you step on it and you weigh over 350 pounds you eat for free so you could literally keep going back there to eat for free so the waitresses are dressed up as nurses and when you go in the restaurant you have to our patient gown everything is insanely high-calorie this is a single bypass burger half of a pound five slices of bacon we can saute tomorrow and then we slather chili over the topic double bypass triple bypass quadruple bypass that's nine thousand nine hundred and eighty-three strongly ones all or more you can upgrade your diabetes to super deluxe diabetes oh my god how do you even eat this burger I feel like this is literally just for Instagram like go in and order that attempt to take a bite take a picture with it you're done so another thing they do at the stress shot as they flog you so if you don't finish your food here you gotta bend over for the nurses slash waitresses and they will give you a good spanking I'm not even kidding this is an actual thing okay I really want to go here I would walk in there do you have anything gluten-free I go to Vegas a lot so if you guys want me to do a video here leave a like let me know and I will stop on by so this restaurant is called modern toilet they have a bunch of locations in Taiwan and Hong Kong so when you walk in you sit on a toilet I don't know if you could actually do your business while you're eating and they serve you your food inside a toilet shaped bowl so why why why so the person who started this restaurant was inspired by a Japanese cartoon about a character who loved to play with poop oh my god this touches me in so many different ways so inspiring I'm going to start a restaurant where people can actually play with their poops if not really it's actually food but they do have desserts that look like poop so you got chocolate ice cream in urinals tell me that doesn't look good I don't care if it's on a toilet I would still eat it like look at that they got a hot pot inside a toilet desert in urinals okay you're starting to cross the line here now this is actually very cute I would actually visit here so I don't think you could actually do your business in the toilet while you're sitting at me though these a cherry on top you could even wear a poop hat while you're eating you know Burger King got those crowns but this place got a poop hat so you could be king of the toilet a lot of people probably heard of this one this was an underwater restaurant they haven't in a couple places like Maldives and Dubai am I saying that right maldis so basically you're eating inside a huge aquarium except it's underwater so they have a lot of seafood there you're basically eating fish while watching fish the fish are watching you eat fish it's a little rude but you know got award these fish y'all see you this Eddie all-star acted up you gonna end up here all these fishes watching their friends a family getting eaten constantly limited beer I want to see what the menu looks like though how much does this place cost oh they don't even say the prices they have tuna tartare seared scallop I don't like Scout don't at me I've had it like twice that I hated it I always give things two tries if I don't like it after two tries I don't know same with lobster I really wish I liked lobster but it's just I don't know I don't have that bougie taste okay I'm not big on expensive food I'm a fried chicken kind of girl but like truffles I don't I wanna like truffles but I don't that's like one of the most expensive things out there truffles lobster creme brulee I don't know I have simple tastes I have Guy Fieri taste Oh $280 per person oh okay so you looking at about at least $600 after tax to eat at this place for two people you know you could just like go to the aquarium have dinner out of steakhouse or you could go here at 5.8 for $600 what about lunch $225 per person and it's the same thing it's the same menu but it's cheaper because it's lunch I mean would it even be lit at night would you be able to see the fishes or would they all be asleep I feel like lunch is the better time to go anyways that fast not for you in Brussels there's an actual underwater restaurant where you have to swim there so it's in a pod so they have somebody bring you the food are they underwater or are they not underwater so the pot is underwater they have to like basically drag the water let it all out after you get in there and they break you food and you just basically sit sighs this pod that is underwater like having dinner in its submarine but it's like a mini submarine and it's a lot fancier because it's just you and your date in China they have a prison restaurant so it's called prison of fire at this restaurant basically it's like a message and a warning to people like cherish your freedom I'm gonna eat up the stress shot because I take everything for granted and I want to cherish my freedom it's basically telling you avoid crimes you don't want to end up like this the rest of your life you know sit your ass down humble yourself okay so when you go to the restaurant I get seated you're basically in a cage with bars they lock you in and there's a little hatch that they open to serve you your food but do they serve prison food or do they serve good food is that like fried rice is that what they serve in jail and the waiters and waitresses dress up as officers I mean it's pretty cool but do they actually like lock lock you in what if you do to call the bathroom they'll just be like no you cannot once you get it yourself you have to stay seated until you paid your bill and left what if they like enforce that bad somebody brought their kids here the whole family we got to show you what jail is like so you don't grow up to be a hooligan you could even take a bug shot nice would you try this place column below you ever think some rich person just sat there and thought man hey eat in restaurants on the ground I want to eat my lobster mac and cheese in the sky not on a plane you know I get a little woozy on the plane I want somebody to take a dining table lift it up into the sky that's where I want to have my next meal and that's exactly what they did so it's called dinner the sky they do this in various cities it costs about $300 per person and you get to share a table with a bunch of other strangers but you basically get to pretend that you're stuck on top of a rollercoaster some amusement park ride like it just stopped and they brought you a five-course meal I would actually love to do this this looks so bomb so it Divac table everything there's a view and you're like strapped in it racing chairs it's a little random but okay oh and it's all lit at night they got it over the ocean what happens if Godzilla comes out of the ocean to just smack that and crawls back in y'all done it's over rest in pieces it looks like Bill Gates having a business lunch this is so cool I would definitely try this 100% but I want to know is the food good though so basically they take this huge crane to a ton of different cities and what is it like an hour-long dinner thing with that table of people and then they bring it down and then they bring another set of people up and you can take selfies and everything but we're not responsible if you drop your phone this dude over here is taking a pic of this dude taking a selfie cause he's too scared to extend his arm out how do the chef's like work maybe they prepare all the food first and then they go up there and then I think they like set the plates and everything you know like how they do it on an airplane so yeah it looks like it's just like simple things like soup because there's no way they're gonna be doing all that cooking or at least a lot of cooking like they're in front of everybody in the sky we got four chefs working in this tiny area like it's probably like this big like the chef's kitchen except it's not a kitchen it's just the hole in a table 5,000 feet up in the sky funny phrase that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video comment below let me know which one was the coolest which one would you go to and if you guys want a part to make sure you hit that like button the hey add subscribe show the Wolfpack I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys [Music] [Music]
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 2,342,598
Rating: 4.9518843 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reaction, reacting, funny, actually exist, restaurants, crazy restaurants, exist, strange, craziest, unusual
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 30 2019
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