Crazy Hindu Multiverse Theory Explained by a Monk - ROYAL MARINE REACTS

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what's up everybody and today we're reacting to Crazy Hindu Multiverse Theory explained by a monk so I um watched a video a while back it was called um How the Universe was created according to Hinduism because I wanted to learn more about um other cultures other religions and a bit more stuff about spirituality I know my channel it's taken quite the turn since I've come back to the UK I'm doing some of the stuff I used to do like the the gaming and some military videos here and there I'm doing a lot more horror stuff every Tuesday and Friday if you haven't if you're not aware of that every Tuesday Friday I do horror stuff and I wanted to implement more stuff that I'm genuinely interested in right and I am genuinely interested in spirituality and how people view the world right hence some of the crazy books I have back here about all sorts of crazy stuff ranging from paganism to mythology to all sorts of different stuff Psych elic and stuff like that and uh I have my own practices of meditation I go to yoga um and and a bunch of other different things and hinduism's always brought up and I wanted to know more about it and I thought why not learn along with you guys so I made this video a while back it was like I don't know over a month ago um and I posted it and it didn't it did kind of crap um and then all of a sudden the past week it's absolutely blown up it's done amazing and people are genuinely being being incredibly kind in the comments um one thing I've noticed is i' i' obviously I play a lot of different gaming franchises and I come across a lot of different um fan groups or different groups of people right in general you got like the Halo people you got the Call of Duty people you got the military reaction people you got this the horror reaction people some of the groups of people are always incredibly toxic I remember playing a game called Metro and the the fan base was just incredible ibly toxic um Red Dead Redemption 2 some of the fan base can be relatively toxic with that and I put this video out of the Hindu video U of how the universe was created according to Hinduism and the amount of love in that comment section was Unreal that I probably have never seen in another video of mine um and I it was it was just really refreshing to see that and made me think maybe I am on the right path on on what watching some of this stuff and learning a bit more about it so I decided to pull up a new video this one's been recommended in that video quite a lot by people it's called crazy Hindu Multiverse Theory explained by a monk this is a clip from a podcast okay this podcast will uh well the link for this video will be put into my description so please go over there check it out go and subscribe and like and all that good stuff that's what I'm going to do right now actually I'm going to pull this up and show you that I'm doing it because I want people to know that it's important to like And subscribe to the things that I react to uh um other than that check out dreadn meter we uploaded a video yesterday it's a new project me and my brother are working on we're incredibly passionate about it please go check it out it means a lot to us uh other than that let's shut up let's pull this up don't forget the channels that I react to to subscribe and like the videos um and I wanted to do that on purpose so that you could see it okay let's watch this let's have a cheeky peek and let's see what this is all about actually let me let me uh let me give you my thoughts some whatat you know on the Multiverse and stuff um you have to just bear with me I'm a little bit I'm just getting over a flu so I'm a bit flemy um the the first time I heard of the Multiverse was probably when I was really young and I was learning about Nars mythology and you hear about yrail the tree and and all the different planes of existence on the tree and you can call that kind of like a Multiverse but also kind of not it's got kind of like little bits of it in there and then obviously there's like the Marvel and all that lot and one of my favorite films of all time is interstella which is you know obviously a lot about time travel and Multiverse and all that lot and when I first heard that Hinduism incorporates the Multiverse in it I was like At first I was like is this a new thing are they are they like kind of like how the Catholic Church always kind of goes back and says yeah now we accept these type of people and now you know they're always backtracking and was this something that Hindus just added or was this something that's always been in there uh one thing I learned in the last video is even though the video said that Hinduism is only four 5,000 years old a lot of people in the comments are like no no no no no no no no this religion is tens of thousands of years old upwards of 30 40 50,000 years old which I don't I don't I haven't read the you know I I still i' have the bag of agita right here with me I haven't read it yet I haven't read it yet I've got some other books I'm reading right now right here once I finish them I'll read them but um I want to know is this something that's always been in in let me move over some Square in the camera is this something that's always been in Hinduism or is this something new and I think it's something that's always been there which if it is it's going to be the first mention of the Multiverse ever which is pretty wild right so let's listen to it let's listen to it it's not everyone's cup of tea to consume an entire podcast that's why welcome to the EnV Show's highlights Channel DRS Clips subscribe and hit that Bell icon make sure you go over there and subscribe again the link will be down in my description okay something I've been studying a lot lately is astrophysics which is you know the physics of the universe black holes the stars and and the deeper you get into astrophysics you realize that the universe is massive it's just incredibly large you don't even understand how large it is if you think it's large just read a little bit of astrophysics and your mind will be blown away but it's very true astrophysics is fantastic Hinduism or non- Hinduism read some astrophysics it's brilliant and it will put you in your place I uh you know how much more Mega it is than you believe it is since you've read the bhagat Gita since you've studied it so since you've uh read all these holy scriptures uh does any of the Holy scriptures actually talk about the universe as in you know outer space what's out there oh yeah extremely in great detail so it's so fascinating ranir the West World about 700 years ago only knew that the Earth is flat and they believe that the Earth is the center of the universe that was the geocentric theory then it moved to the heliocentric theory that the sun is the center and our the scriptures and our Traditions the name they have for geography is B the Earth is round they knew it all the while and they have explained in so much of detail that there are five mandals three trokis seven Locas so the first is the Chandra mandal whose Lo is Chandra Lo it is rotating around a mandle called the buuh mundle whose Lo is bo lo the Earth planet but this bandal is also not fixed it's rotating around the Surya mandal so they already knew that things are rotating back then it's pretty wild never mind the Multiverse things just just your local astrophysics right and when I say local I mean our solar system um the fact that they knew that it's pretty wild I think there is depictions of our solar system in other religions a long time ago as well and science was science wasn't discovering things it was confirming things that people already thought right whose look is swl and the an the space in between is bhh so this bhh creates one triloki but the sua Mand is also not fixed this I'm telling you from these scriptures what they have described 5,000 years ago that this Surya mandal is rotating around parames mandal and the Loca the planet there is janalo and the parti mandal is rotating around another mandal swu mandal who low is brahmalok so all this now science tells us that like this sun in the Milky Way There are 100 billion Suns you know and like the Milky Way There are 100 billion galaxies which means that there are 10 to the power 22 Suns approximately in this entire universe that we know of that we know of also he mentioned that um it was wrote down 5,000 years ago and I think that's what the misconception was in my last video camera's not focusing on me where um I we presume that the religion was 5,000 years people in the comments were saying no it was wrote down 5,000 years ago but it's much older than that that's that's the misconception that I was getting in the last video to clear that up however now s is talking about the Multiverse Theory right that there are other universes as well and the waas say you know what how many universes are there all of this that you are perceiving is one Universe like this there are infinite universes and each with one Shankar one Brahma one Vishnu can I tell you a little story before he gets into the story don't forget to go up there and like don't forget to like this video and also subscribe to this channel if you want to see more videos like this if you the way that I I and I want to get into this before he starts the story the way that I decide whether I should stick on a subject or not whether that's more horror which is something that I love is first do I enjoy it secondly do my audience enjoy it and I'm able to tell that by the likes on the video so like the video and subscribe if you haven't already and I'll make more of these videos okay and we'll learn together we'll learn together got the same mic as it is said that once Brahma went to meet Lord Krishna in dwara and he asked the gatekeeper tell Shri Krishna Brahma has come to meet him so SRI Krishna asked the gatekeeper tell him which Brahma is he he asked Brahma G was astonished is there any Brahma apart from me so he tell him the foreheaded Brahma the father of the four kumars the gatekeeper said Shri Krishna called him in so Brahma on coming he said bhagan what was the meaning of your question which Brahma is there any Brahma apart from me so Lord Krishna smiled by his yoga Maya he called the brahmas of innumerable universes and they were all coming and offering their prams and our Brahma G saw that there is one Brahma who's got a thousand heads W so our chatur Muki Brahma said how big will be his universe and then there was one Brahma who had one lakh heads and one Brahma who had one heads and one Brahma who had one one billion heads soamish our brah fell at the feet of Shri Krishna SRI Krishna said Brahma G there are infinite universes yours is the smallest yours is the smallest can you imagine that the extent of God's creation and all of this is 1/4 of creation W this is the material realm and Beyond this is 34s which is the spiritual realm where this this this K cannot go so that is when we say God is great that's how great he is what all right that's already like let's let's take away the fact of this story which is already a pretty cool story right the fact that this story is 4,000 5,000 wrote down 4,000 5,000 years ago right is mindblowing isn't it because that means it's been told through Word of Mouth for much longer than that that means the theory of that the idea of that or if you're Hindu the the reality of that is the what people are proving through science right now is is they're not proving it they're just showing what's already been you know taught in this specific spirituality it's absolutely mindful I do want to read more on this before we get into it um I really want to know where to start if I want to read more about Hinduism and I obviously I've got the bag of bag with me if you got recommendations on where to start go over to my Instagram there's a link down below um my Instagram is by far the best place to contact me and just give me the recommend if you know okay this this is the best place to start cuz there's so many books we discovered in the last video there's so many books there's so many texts there's so many scriptures there's so many things you've got to learn and it Hindu Hinduism is like it's it's giant just like any religion it's really big but Hinduism sees even bigger right especially when it comes to the law of it um so if you've got recommendations please go over to my Instagram and DM them to me would that be really nice thank you the it's Indescribable because our words can only compare with the glories of what we see here right now let us say that we wish to give a comparison we will give it with material things and that is made by a different energy so this material realm is made by an energy called Maya the material energy and we see so much of Glory in every aspect of material creation you know from the tiniest higs BOS on to the biggest galaxies to Cristiano Ronaldo see absolutely there's glory manifesting in everyone to Sachin Tendulkar so now all of this is glorious imagine the glory of yoga Maya when the computer Revolution started one college boy came up to me and said Swami G what computer does God use to keep an account of our karmas so I said you know computer is made by the material energy and God has a superior energy called yoga Maya by virtue of which he knows everything that we thought of from from the time we were born till today not of one lifetime but our infinite lifetimes and not one soul but infinite Souls of creation so how does God manage to do all that by his yog Maya by that yog Maya he creates his Divine abod so let it suffice to say that it is sat chit and Anand it is eternal full of bliss now can you imagine I need I need to know more about this guy [Music] swam I'm so bad at pronouncing these names I'm so sorry objects made of bliss and sensient Consciousness so that abod is saand full of divine Bliss it's for the perfected Souls that means when we reach that perfection we will then be there can you become imperfect when you go there if you fail a test there once we are situated in knowledge then the ignorance will not overcome us again that's resonating a lot of things that a it a lot of things it's the soul is on a journey you know so in the journey we are slowly growing and taking a few few steps ahead maybe a few steps back and then again few steps ahead but once we reach that Perfection it means that now we are situated in knowledge so when you have Divine Bliss then why should you choose something far inferior yeah what a great video what an absolutely fantastic video that was um again don't forget to go over to the original video there'll be a link down below give it some love please also like And subscribe subcribe to my channel and um turn on notifications and if you like this video then I'll make more of them um again there will be horror stuff every Tuesday and Friday and more fun stuff every Monday and Thursday including stuff like this and a bunch of other stuff I think that some of these videos that I'm doing now of spirituality Hinduism and I'm probably going to do some more different spiritualities as well I think that it's important for us to listen to these things to improve as individuals and I said that in the last video I think it's really important for us to grow as an individual and by doing that we need to learn other cultures and learn other ways of being right so um although I don't consider myself Hindu I'm more of a pagan more animistic than anything um I still think that there is value in these teachings and that's why in the middle of the video I said go over to my Instagram and DM me reading material on where to start because I like reading about this stuff anyway if you enjoyed it please like don't forget down in the description there is also a link to my new project with my brother dreadn M please go check that out as well other than that I'll see you in the next video have a wonderful day goodbye
Channel: OriginalHuman
Views: 371,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how the universe was created according to hinduism, how universe was created, universe according to hinduism, universe, creation of universe according to hinduism, how was the universe created according to vedas, hinduism, beginning of the universe, creation of universe in hinduism, why universe is expanding why universe is created, how universe was created according to hinduism, universe and space, creation of universe according to vedas, hinduism explained
Id: Td9-sl3zDWM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 15sec (1155 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2023
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