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We're starting the hide and seek for 31,000 Robux!   Can I enjoy the please I want that Robux Oh my God, you're so handsome  - I mean thanks but who are you  I mean I'll find you first so I guess you can  Wow, the chicken's so mean Hey, don't talk to my man like that Go hide you have 30 seconds to hide Hey, wanna hide with me I can go invisible Wait, she actually kind of went invisible I don't know the chicken says "Times Up". Oh we gotta run (3x) Get the city life women from roblox   Well, already have it Oh well look at this actually worked I think I saw someone in the Starbucks. Omg the chicken's right there We gotta go invisible okay you know what I'm just  gonna go invisible and we could actually work I   just saw them here I'm confused hey do you like  that trick I want to impress you more my man and   yo she changes up to all dark anyway she goes into  the vehicle well you can't even see her wait look   at her wait what oh my God he's right there I see  someone oh my God he's right there I think he saw   me bro you know what it is that wait let me just  go here because Subway basically teleport you to   places like this okay where did he go but you know  what that trick might actually work I'm just gonna   get in a car turn myself all the way block get  really small wear some dark clothes I feel like I   could work hold on listen oh my God wait wait did  it actually work wait oh look what this circle you   can barely see me live trimming is too hard wait  a minute is the secret live stream again I feel   like this trick might actually work hopefully  I don't get caught and oh my God the chicken's   live streaming and Yahweh he caught him one he got  the first person I'm closer to winning the 30 000   Robux and he caught the skibety toilet bro hey my  trick worked let me get closer you know um let's   go to the school oh no no oh we have to be careful  we have to be careful like the school's right oh no I'm getting scared oh my God wait did you  see her chat because like the choppable popped up   I'm weird don't worry he's not gonna see what  I said I'm private chatting handsome wait oh   yeah you can't even see the private Chow because  that's good why is cleanse beam and cleanse fan   on these cars oh yeah wait a minute just cleanse  me man oh yeah she's the cleanse me fan they must   be in the school and yo he's going in the school  right now oh my God we need to make the hide and   seek harder oh no how about you can only hide in  the airport hospital and police station wait what   don't worry I'll make sure you win handsome now  we have 30 seconds to hide there you know what   I'm actually gonna go with this vehicle because  it's invisible I always stay close to me no get   out of here like you're annoying like I feel like  she's gonna give me a car she almost got me caught   so many times wait a minute there's only four out  of five people left let's go to the airport honey   oh you know what airport might actually be a good  idea because if you're looking at board the plane   and we can hide somewhere inside the plane oh wait  a minute I kind of want to hide underground time's   up I'm coming for y'all we're outside of the seats  come next to me no I'm not coming next to you stop   you after he's coming wait oh my God he's coming  over the airport oh no no no okay okay let's go   over here let's go okay yeah I think I'm gonna  say look at this no one can see me no one can   see me oh my god look I told you and wait a minute  yeah he can literally can't see the chat I thought   you were in private chatting oh wait wait I just  felt like chatted oh no always trust me handsome   hey no no he's like hot private chatting oh my  God you're public chatted it's okay handsome   I'll let you go well the viewers are saying I  should make it harder so let's make it harder   you can only hide in the mall wait what only  them all that's hard are you wrong let me just   quick and go to the mall I'm gonna leave that  fangirl over here there I really want this 30   000 Robux 15 seconds left I don't know let's go to  the mall I know a place there dude she's so slow   oh my you know what I'm not gonna trust her oh  maybe I can try the same trick I tried over there   like going invisible right and like wait no way it  doesn't work five seconds wait five seconds no no   he's coming no no he's already in here oh I should  put the slipper back in here okay let me just go   in there oh my God oh my God it's actually a good  hiding spot and oh no you found someone with the   chicken actually found someone very handsome  pick up the sleeping bag is coming wait he's   actually coming over to the movie Let's Go to the  secret hiding spot it's only me and you handsome   um don't call me handsome that's pretty weird  wait wait she's going over here wait yo without   a flashlight you can barely see me this is a good  hiding spider you know I'm gonna hide it like   right here you know make it he's in the movies  weak sweeping back oh my God they noticed the   sleeping bag they glitched out oh no oh no isn't  that a good hiding spot King I'm gonna make sure   the private chatter is like no it's not they're  coming for us right now oh look at they're right   there we're about to die we're about to lose them  wait wait did they jump off this this is your mom   yo dude two people just accidentally jumped off  wait wait there's two Secrets now look at this   that's a chicken and there's another guy over  here oh no this is getting harder who's gonna   win the 30 000 Robux oh my God they're so bad at  parkour that is truth how are you gonna jump off   right here you're so good bang girl you're  so annoying all I want to do is win the 30   000 Robux and prove away the chicken wrong because  remember what he said about me and oh my God the   chicken found someone that you can find someone  and Yoshi's public chatting she's like chicken   don't ever do something like my man look at her yo  stop public chatting you may only hide at spawn in   grocery store 30 seconds oh no what are you gonna  do follow me okay oh my God we gotta get out of   here hey okay I don't want to die I don't want to  die oh wait wait a minute look how many sleeping   bags are and where is he I don't even know where  he is okay we gotta go quickly I know a secret   hideout in the spawn wait really a secret how  to spawn over here follow me handsome and you're   only 15 seconds left okay what have I had in  the spawn don't I look pretty where do we hide   and when she's like come on don't go where are we  going press down the building good building okay   we're gonna go in here look oh my God is that good  I mean it's pretty good and yo wait who's Grimace   your Grimace is up here oh my god look we need to  hide somewhere else okay no one can find his ears   and yo chicken's trying to get in here oh my God  wait wait I think he's failing he's gonna fail   he's gonna fail it's so cool man yeah no it's not  they're trying to get in here what do we do yes   it is handsome no it's not it's okay all right  now he's at the grocery store three people left   there's no way purple guy will win yes he will win  and don't talk about my man like that chicken I   mean thanks for standing up for everybody you're  pretty weird I hope they find the other girl and   we could be together why is there flashing lights  is it coming from the fountain oh my god did you   get the defend the water oh my God wait just look  at him he's looking around he's trying to find   people hiding in the water let's make it harder  the viewers are getting bored and we have to find   the purple guy and yo wait Grimace is a Seeker oh  my God dang we would have almost been caught if he   saw us you could only hide in the bank in other  stores near it wait near it don't worry I know   a place you can hide follow me me I don't know  if I should really trust her but you know what   she's helped me get this far in the hide and seek  top three or 30 000 Robux 15 seconds left okay we   gotta hide at the bank or something I don't know  where to hide we need to hide here come wait we're   already coming they're already coming look at  them where do we go wait where where come come oh   my God wait oh my God the secret wall it helped us  oh my God wait a minute no this is a really really   cool hiding spot oh my God no way oh there's a  bank wall right now oh my God wait a minute that   means that they can go to the event wait there's  event no no no okay don't go through that wait   no no no no no no no they're going wait we hide  under the stairs with the chairs the chairs get   hurt and then go over here they're coming in  I just saw someone here oh my God he actually gonna find anyone no one's here sadly  oh my God they actually laughed they're   leaving they're leaving oh my God that  was so so dumb we should have been a little bit the purple guy think he has a fangirl  I almost got his car I'm so sorry you better be   sorry and make me win I will okay you know what  I don't even know we need you like get away from   here get away from me don't hide near me but it  made you go this far please I want to stay near   you yo she's crying well I don't care I just  wonder what the hide and seek only in police   station well we can only out of the places where  we do I will make you win handsome just stay with   me come okay starting now okay starting now we  have to hide there I think we only have 30 seconds   come on girl we're gonna go under the map and they  can find us 30 seconds is off wait 30 seconds what   do I do you know I'll go no way no way you know  what I'm just gonna use the glitch she's taught   me wait she's the same things but wait her head  wait she just took over here if you saw that   and oh the chicken's going on everywhere bro wait  who's inside here he's inside Uno oh no huh where   is everyone hiding and some Clans we'll win we  will do it don't worry oh you almost got us caught   you were so slow but let's he's looking everywhere  on the pollution he's gonna find anyone the 30 000   of us is for us don't worry I mean I don't know  about that the chicken's looking at all the way   around I really hope it doesn't find does let's go  underground with the helicopter wait we're gonna   go under a ground under the map yes I want you to  the map oh my god let's go let me actually look   around okay no one's here oh my God look at this  I'm up here oh my God we got the helicopter we're   gonna go to the edge of the map and we're gonna  go underground wait a minute is this even legal   I don't know if it's legal so I'm going under  the map as you can see with the hook up they're   like I don't know okay you know what before I  go underground and I go over there and we lift   your cheats I'm gonna be like um is hiding in the  helicopter allowed it's part of the police station   so yeah I mean that makes sense because it says  police just to be safe let's go under the police   station I don't know which one of these buildings  are the police station anyway that's a lake right   there as you see we can see some water that's a  swimming pool I'm pretty sure and that looks like   the movie theater that we were staying go straight  I'll show you follow the road oh my God wait wait   I can kind of glitch up like this or you know what  I'm gonna follow these roads over here oh look at   some kind of glitching a position right here oh  look this looks a parking lot and stuff and I'm   pretty sure that's under the spawn box right there  yay we're gonna win the Robux now you can only   hide at the Town Hall I'm Gonna Let The Seekers  do this round for me what did you get so lazy   but what do we do take welcome to the town hall  do I go under the town hall I really want to win   this Robux I don't want to lose no am I get away  someone else's helicopter over there that might   be a secret you know what I'm gonna do boom there  we go go to the town hall I know a secret question   and 15 seconds left to hide dude where do I hide  where do I hide wait a minute maybe you're getting   hurt is the best one and then wait maybe we can  hide over here the girl if I'm going to be hiding   right there look at her don't worry I'm here  for you okay you're right there okay there's the   secrets right there look at that the secrets are  gonna be the Grimace is coming over there please   find the third person I really hope they find  the fangirl or the third person whoever that is   because I want to win the 30 000 Robux please give  me wait a minute if they should go and find the   third person maybe I can snitch on the girl that  was so close were the last two would you snitch on   me why me handsome we're together no I want to  get out to make you win handsome oh my God she   keeps calling me handsome oh my God the chicken's  right there oh no oh no come on find them check   this let's just three Secrets there's no way they  can't find the third person that's hiding instead   of us there's no way you guys can be finding them  I can't find them the viewers are getting bored   yeah and oh no why is the toilet over here ice  cream shop we can only out of the ice cream shop   what are we doing with the skinny Donuts right  there don't worry handsome who will win this come   wait 30 seconds to hide right now okay The Seekers  are all at the hospital okay I'm gonna try to go   behind the hospital I don't know I feel like they  might be cheating and looking at us okay you know   what I'm gonna glitch I'm gonna glitch out of  here there we go okay so they can't see me great   idea King I mean a king is a good word you know  what call me King yeah thank you I'm the king of   Brookhaven wait a minute I should pass over your  way how could we hide in the ice cream shop where   do I hide the invisible I know the third hider's  right here hey Hider You're Gonna Lose Hider oh no   oh my God we almost got caught there we  almost got caught we have three secrets   we have the toilet we have the Grimace and  we have the chicken there's no way they're   hiding this good King if you lose I  will lose I will give you the money   you know what I mean if he actually does that  that'd be kind of cool if she actually gives   them a Robux 30 000 robots there's a lot of  Roblox imagine what you can buy I don't know   wait they're getting a shopping cart Oh no you're  gonna be a shopping cart oh no they're looking   around oh no no no no no please don't find me  please find the other secret or the other girl   please please the chickens near me oh no no the  chicken's right there we're gonna make this way   too hard you can only hide in the daycare  are we gonna head to the daycare girl even   easier when they're like this will be easy wait  how will be easier for us we'll be easier for them   that's so small the thicker small come I think we  only have 30 seconds ahead as well let me actually   see let me actually see wait what are the other  Hider go okay where did she go I know she was   like a small person we will beat the other Hider  I mean I really hope we beat that Rider come on   let's go where do we have there's nowhere to hide  here can I even use the invisibility 15 seconds   where's she going wait a minute she's going over  there wait is that a good spot to hot I don't oh she's gonna hide in the chimney right there  oh my God there's no way then it's here yo what's   gonna happen oh no oh no I think I have the best  spot I think I have the best spot honestly wait   he's a finger actually gonna get away with it  wait there's no way they didn't see the fangirl   where's the other Hider she's actually a very  good Hider I'm not gonna lie the other hiders   in the chimney with me oh no she's right there  wait I mean I hope both of them get gone boy the   chick is right there wait the chickens look at  the chimney way there's no one in the chimney   how did they escape from the chimney that is  very interesting I wouldn't want the hide and   seek if they didn't do that no you can only hide  in the north to stay no no no no no no North the   state bro this hide and seek is getting harder  and harder and harder now we have to hide in a   house where they can banish don't worry Let's  Stay Together no I mean we did get this far   because I listened to her but like still we made  it this far let's win together handsome we got 30   seconds that I do oh my God no I can't be talking  to this crazy fangirl oh my God wait they're going   over the north of State no no okay we need to go  to the north to State look at this girl always   following me oh that's another sit over there look  at that well I mean it's a big house though but   I'm pretty sure they can use some strategies in  the house hide and seek a bit for especially it   makes it harder especially because of that girl  over there 10 seconds left okay I'm pretty sure   I'm gonna win I'm pretty sure you didn't see me  wait a minute maybe I can hide under here maybe   that would be a good spot because no one would be  able to see me right or maybe use my invisibility   glitch it would be good and over here because  like no one comes over you like No One's Gonna   Come over here and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna  get a good view or maybe I should go over here   come on come on please work at least one of  these work no it wouldn't work they're right   there they're right there there's always right  there oh my God they're looking around they're   looking around three people left there's still  three people oh my God he's right there I think   this year's under wait wait let me actually let  me actually see oh my God he's knocking on the   roof okay we need to go we didn't happen enough  we didn't hop let's go oh my God oh my God oh my   God okay thank you thank you thank you how about  how about I go over here the chicken is going all   around he's looking everywhere oh my God he's  right there oh the tools right there oh my God   don't do anything wait they're looking across  here we're going to win we will find them oh   we should move to a better spot so we can win no  I will win not you anyways what's the better Spa   because I really want to win this 30 000 Robux and  we're getting so close you know where the chicken she's hiding okay no wait what is chicken doing  I'm not here oh my God and this guy's going down   to kick away I'm pretty sure they can't see like  look at this yeah they can't see us finally come   handsome all right fine where are we going wait  a minute I know the best spot to hide okay hold   on hopefully no one's here okay no one's here you  know what I'm gonna hide in the toilet there we go   No One's Gonna Be in the toilet right hey I'm  a toilet use me hey yo that is disgusting not   messing around guys we need to find people okay  fine oh my God wait they were messing around   wait there's no way they didn't find me they  were messing around where did the fangirl go   wait we're shining friends I'm in the sewer they  watched me wait the sewer we're we're Shadows here   the hide and seek is coming to an end and you all  can only hide in the gym wait the Gym's like down   there look at that oh no what do we do oh my God  she was hiding right here right she was hiding   like the closet area handsome cleanse I have a  great idea what's the good idea come with where   do we hide okay there's no secrets right here  there's no secrets I'm just gonna jump I'm just   gonna jump oh it's you guys upstairs or what are  we hiding she's right here hey we see her we see   our Hider 10 seconds I've died wait where did we  hide wait a minute I know right here right here   right oh no we can't right here what if I pick  up the spotlight what if I pick him way smaller   that doesn't help either original outfit but then  I take off the hair because like the hair usually   pops up there we go yes yes they're coming they're  coming oh my God they're checking everything okay   I really hope they don't drink this bench look at  this stitching everything who's this who is this   wait because she's right right there are they not  gonna see her okay the chickens right here oh the   tradition over here they're focusing more on there  there's no way that is here here she's right there   guys she's right there toilet do you see her  someone's here you want to win I see someone oh   my God they caught her they caught her wait wait  does that mean I win I want to win hands of guns   don't get me gone and some coins if you won the 39  almost I'll do a voice review wait wait should we   should actually do a voiceover if you win the 30  000 Robux movie hold on um really I don't know you   should get a stitch on me because like they can't  see I know like for example the chicken can't see   I won't tell you where the handsome cleanse is he  will win I know please tell me where cleanse is no   please I can't give him Robux I said no let's make  the hide and seek harder no why to the library   30 seconds to go why do you always make it harder  for him exactly why oh oh my God I need to go over   that okay which area is the best one which one's  near like the library okay yeah this area I think   this area right here oh my God look at how I am  I'm bald this is what the height is you made me do   wait I think the library's in here the library's  in here I'm gonna in the library I'm going to the   first one in the library and I'm gonna win this  items oh no it's not the library nevermind I   think libraries over here the library's over here  there we go yes yes I'm Pro with like glitching   the sleeping bags and stuff and there we go she's  right here hey no no oh my God I hope you're gonna   see oh do you know where the other Hider is please  don't tell where I am fan girl although I kind of   hate you and you're kind of annoying but I won't  tell them I want you to win all right thank you   Fango thank you oh my God he's right there wait  he's lushika he's got a shopping cart oh no can   shopping carts pick me up I don't know chicken  don't find my man I will no you won't I see   someone oh my God oh my God is she gonna actually  help me win the game she's gonna do voice ask her   will you do a voice reveal if I win I win 30 000  Robux and plus she's gonna do a voice reveal yes   I want you to hear my pretty voice pretty voice  what do you mean okay wait wait wait I think he   was hiding in here yeah I think I might win right  now I think I might win there's no way I don't win   this this is way too hard let's go to the dentist  wait we're gonna be hiding at the dentist now bro   please let me win cleanser help you come here  um I don't know about you you know what I don't   care I'm just gonna go out of here there we  go okay I need someone I'll go to the dentist   um I know back to the dentist by the way I think  you have to go over here and the dentist is like   very very small so I'm okay let's go to the stairs  okay where's our other Hider where is she oh she's   right here look at her hey got lost I will win  girl I don't care I will win and I will Flex my 30   000 Robux on you let's see no you got no hair wow  really you have no hair either and you're short   look at how short you are 15 seconds left and I'm  gonna try to hide somewhere okay where should I   hide where should I hide maybe I should hide  right here wait wait no no they're gonna check   well I can hide right here I can hide right  here yeah No One's Gonna check the thing over   here right okay yeah the thumbs up the thumbs up  okay they're coming they're coming they're coming   they're coming they're coming they're coming oh  no I have to find her or they find her I won I
Channel: Cleanse Beam
Views: 1,506,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cleanse Beam
Id: iSfgSxfBFHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 42sec (1122 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2023
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