Crazy Cousin tries to SLEEP WITH MY HUSBAND as REVENGE for having a BETTER LIFE than HER

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my entitled jealous cousin tries to sleep with my husband when I'm not around just to satisfy her weird jealousy that she has towards me in my life and I'm honestly so blown away by her actions I simply couldn't believe what she did here's what happened so my cousin who we will call Mary that's not her real name grew up to be an extremely jealous person in her teens we've all hoped she would grow out of it but she has not she refuses to even address it when I proposed to my husband who we will call Shawn a couple of years ago Mary threw a fit she wanted to be the first to get married between the two of us she said that she deserved it even though she didn't even have a boyfriend because Shawn and I chose to have a small personal wedding we were able to use money set aside for us to buy a home and to pay off half of the mortgage and this resulted in another tantrum from Mary despite the fact that there is money set aside for her too including from our grandparents and Aunt Miranda who chose not to have children so I think you kind of get the picture here if I have something that Mary doesn't she wants it if I accomplish something before her she screams that it's not fair it doesn't matter if she's younger than me by 6 years and I would naturally reach some goals before her there's just no logic in her Tantrums this then brings us to Miranda's annual New Year's party there's always food drinks and games it's a fun night where we can get wasted safely with family and friends if we want to especially since there are no kids in the family at the moment when I was returning from the bathroom I saw Sha looking extremely uncomfortable and trying to fend off Mary who was sitting much too close to him on the couch I managed to overhear her telling him that women are much better than men and insisting that he Tred with her because he didn't know what he was missing if you know what I mean also for reference I'm a 28-year-old male and Shawn is my husband now Shawn is 100% gay so this was just pathetic for her but I was seeing red over the fact that she was attempting to ruin our marriage to satisfy her jealousy I said to her if women are so great then date a woman instead of trying to get my husband to sleep with you now the entire room heard this and I definitely did not control my volume so right then and there the party was essentially ruined the family has spared us from most of the chaos that followed but today we found out that the money that was set aside for her is no longer for her the tuition to pay for the remaining classes for her bachelor's degree has been refunded to our grandparents since spring classes haven't started yet all the money from her parents is going to her younger brother and all the money from our grandparents and Miranda is going to be distributed between him and myself she's getting nothing she's also been given 3 months to find a new place to live because her parents don't want her living under their roof she was given a massive leg up just like I was and she completely ruined it all for herself now I do almost feel sorry for her but considering all the things that she has done I still don't feel that bad wow your cousin is super toxic like there's no other way around this like for starters her temper tantrums are completely uncalled for like she's getting upset over you like hitting milestones in your life and that's like really weird in my opinion like why is she so jealous of you like it really seems like she's obsessed with everything that you're doing pretty much all the time while completely ignoring her own life and her own things that she has going on so it really makes me scratch my head as to why she's upset that you're getting married and that you're also getting a house and you're paying off half the mortgage like why would that affect her so much that she would be like wow you don't deserve it this isn't fair also for reference Mary in this story is 22 years old you would think that somebody at that age would have it more together even just in a small way so for her to act like this even in her 20s is really disappointing and really cringey but in my opinion what she did at the party was so inappropriate it is really disgusting that she tried to do that to your husband and that she basically tried to sleep with someone who is practically family at this point like that's really weird and it's so highly inappropriate because just a imagine if the roles were reversed in some kind of way and you decided to hit on their spouse or their like significant other as some kind of way to like satisfy your jealousy for her like that would be an immediate red flag and that would be so bad but you know what based on the reaction from the family it seems like everybody's like on board and they're like yeah this is not okay and sure it does suck that she lost all that money but I am really willing to bet that this is not the first time she's done something like super weird this is most likely like the last straw that definitely broke the camel's back and now the family's like okay we're cutting her off from everything this is just not worth it anymore so seriously good for you for standing up for yourself because your cousin is being incredibly creepy and very weird and honestly the blowback she's receiving is kind of deserved if you like am I the jerk you're probably going to love am I the genius check it out link Down Below in the description also go to Ami thee submit if you would like to submit your own stories my entitled sister is constantly walking over our parents using them for just about everything while also overstepping boundaries and treating everybody like garbage and after witnessing this on the sideline for such a long time I feel helpless to do anything about this and at this point I seriously don't know what to do so I want to start off by saying that this story has no good guy actually this story isn't really black and white either however one person in this story is arguably worse than the rest of us I'm a 26-year-old female and I have two sisters who are 25 and 24 the youngest one let's call her Jane has always been the most spoiled between the three of us at the age of 21 I moved out of my parents house to join the military and my other sister let's call her Claire moved out at 23 when she was about a year into her nursing career despite having a college degree in Business Administration Jane still refuses to get a full-time job or even have any responsibility her life revolves around clubbing partying and going to the gym to her credit she did have a part-time job at our local coffee shop as a barista and this job was her way of funding her lifestyle but other than that she doesn't pay bills my parents pay for everything from her car to her cell phone bill and even her Tollway when she drives around basically everything a normal functioning adult would pay for themselves is footed by my parents because she doesn't even have a career yet and look I get it I have a daughter myself and I would do anything to make sure that she's taken care of even as an adult but there is the difference between financial support and straight up coddling I've brought it up to my parents specifically my mom multiple times as to why she doesn't pay for her car or at least her insurance but she basically told me that she shouldn't suffer because of what our dad did now for some backstory my sister was driving a used Honda around 2017 to 2019 the car itself was fairly new when they bought it so my parents had it financed and they gave it to my sister so she can get herself to school well suddenly and without warning my dad took my sister's car traded it for a brand new 2020 Honda even though it wasn't paid off now my parents specifically my mom as she is the bread winner is stuck paying for a brand new car and a car that she no longer owns because of my dad's utter stupidity my mom tried to make it up to Jane by buying her a new car of the same year as her Honda So Not only was my mom paying for my dad's new Honda and my sister's old Honda to which the balance was put on top of the new Honda but now she's got this new car as well but with all that being said my mom still feels that she shouldn't make Jane pay for the car because of my dad because everything was literally handed to Jane on a silver platter this has made her extremely entitled and this is to the point where even my parents are scared of her for example one time Jane bought Kane's Chicken the night before and left her Leftovers on the table well my mom saw it and she ate it and I had just gotten discharged from the military so I was staying at my parents house for a while until I saved up enough money to move out so I saw my sister's reaction to my mom eating her her leftovers I had just gotten home from the store with my husband and my daughter and as soon as we got home Jane angrily asked me if I had eaten her leftovers I told her I was just out with my family and we got lunch on the way back so I could not have eaten it then she called both my parents who were at church and she then found out that my mom had eaten her leftovers after that Revelation she started to yell and swear at them over the phone even after she hung up the phone she kept swearing and yelling and slammed doors and cabinets I mean my poor daughter saw all of this and was frankly quite scared of her Auntie at that moment the following week I was at work when I got an angry phone call from Jane asking if I had been in her bedroom I told her no because I was rushing to work she then hung up and I thought that was the end of it but after I got off work my sister CLA called me and told me what happened Jane called CLA complaining about how someone left her room open and one of the dogs had pooped in her room this incident infuriated Jane to the extent that she sto stormed into our mom's room where our mom was working from home and engaged in a professional phone call with a client Jane's intrusion disrupted the professional setting as she loudly berated our mom without any consideration for the ongoing business call my dad apparently came into the room hearing all the yelling and fed up with my sister's attitude he angrily tells my sister that if she doesn't like it here then she can move out of here which really upset Jane because she then left the house when I got home that night I asked my mom why she continues to let Jane step all over her even going as far as disrespecting her in her place of work she says that she is her mother and she is supposed to help her children the best that she can but I keep telling her that Jane needs adult responsibilities otherwise she won't appreciate the things that she has and at this point I seriously don't know what to do yeah Jane sounds like a spoiled brat there really is no other way around this like she clearly is being enabled to act like this and it really seems like no one's willing to take a stand except for you and that's so annoying because there's not much you can do in this scenario like it really does fall on your mom and dad to take a stand and say okay you've got to move out by the end of the month or something like that just to get the message across because right now it's pretty obvious that Jane is taking advantage of your parents and I think you're 100% right because I also agree with you that it's time for her to step up and start paying her way as an adult am I the jerk for telling my sister-in-law to stop being bitter about my wife's successful pregnancy after my sister-in-law had already had multiple miscarriages because right now I'm kind of at a loss and I seriously don't know what to do here's what happened so I'm a 26-year-old male and I'm married to my wife who's 24 and my older brother who's 30 years old is married to his wife who's about 28 years old my brother has been married for longer than my wife and I and him and my sister-in-law got pregnant quite a few times but she lost her pregnancy every single time they keep trying but either in the first or second trimester she miscarries my wife and I got married last year and she got pregnant a few months after after the wedding and we welcomed our baby A little over a month ago we celebrated Christmas with her family and New Year's Eve with mine we had Christmas dinner with a lot of extended family who had not met the baby yet so they were all quite excited for it my aunts and cousins and grandmothers were all over my wife and our baby asking how she was how the delivery has been how she was managing the baby's feeding and all kinds of stuff which I think is all normal right well the problem is is that my sister-in-law was very noticeably bitter and my brother was too I mean it's not the first time they act like this ever since my wife and I found out about her pregnancy at some point my sister-in-law said that she was sick of all the baby talk which really rubbed me the wrong way I told her that she could go home and have chicken nuggets all by herself if she didn't like being surrounded by other Happy People well she and my brother said that it was kind of insensitive to be talking about that when everyone knows about their issues to have a child but I told them that it's not my wife's fault that she was able to have a successful pregnancy and to stop being bitter about it and when I said that that started a big argument it's been a couple of weeks now and I'm still receiving some text messages from my family who are all deeply worried about my sister-in-law and brother after how I treated them badly now I don't think I treated them badly it's not my wife's fault that she can successfully carry a baby to term it's not anyone's fault that a new baby in the family is something to talk about and now some people are starting to say that I was insensitive now for a bit of extra context this this is not the first time my sister-in-law says stuff like this she has done similar stuff in my wife's baby shower as well as the gender reveal party even her birthday and other family gatherings she has made unnecessary comments and telling my wife to tone it down all while opening up gifts for the baby at the baby shower I mean my wife was obviously excited and my sister-in-law thought that she was overly excited and we had to end the gender reveal party early because she just won't stop crying we suggested my brother and her leave and that we wouldn't be upset over it and I even suggested to drive them myself if they wanted to but they still didn't want to do it she just wanted to stay and cry in front of everybody else so honestly am I the jerk in this situation what should I do honestly it seems like this is like a repeated scenario with a sister-in-law and I know if that was me I would be really annoyed with the way she's behaving like if this baby and the fact that your wife can have a baby is bothering her that much then in my opinion she needs to be the one to remove herself from the situation because I I think to an extent you are right instead of being happy that a baby is brought into the family she's using this as a license to try and stomp out your wife's enthusiasm as well as trying to stifle and like calm down anybody else who's excited about the baby and sure I'm not ignorant to the fact that they've had miscarriages that is an awful thing and seriously I feel very badly for them but for her to turn around and use that against everybody over any small thing involving this new baby that in my opinion is incredibly toxic like if that bothers her that much and if it really does trigger her and upset her in some kind of way then I really think she needs to figure that out on her end instead of punishing everybody else around her now when it comes to the comments you made at the party I think you could have been a lot nicer to be completely honest and I think in that regard yeah you really should not have done that because obviously this is a very sore subject for her but I really think it's counterintuitive for everybody else to be forced to walk on eggshells all because the rest of the family is excited about your baby but honestly that's just my opinion what do you think leave a comment down below do you think the original poster was in the right or do you think that he crossed the line let us know down below we would love to hear what you have to say my obnoxiously needy friend is trying to invite herself on my holiday with me and my boyfriend and I honestly do not want her to come along with me because I know for a fact she is going to ruin my vacation and at this point I seriously don't know what to do here's what happened I want to start off by saying that all the names in this story are fake so I was having lunch with two of my friends when Ash who's 25 years old asked me what my travel plans were for 2024 I told her I was really excited about planning my first overseas trip with my boyfriend and as soon as I said that my friend Ally perked up and said oh let me know when you're going so I can come too now we were both taken aback by the abruptness of her statement so I gently tried to tell her oh yeah that'd be nice however we would maybe like to do couple things which she replied by saying oh yuck but that's fine I just want to go shopping and get some sun and right now I'm trying to figure out how to gently tell her that I do not want her coming on this trip here are just a few things that I have issues with now Ally is my friend but she can be a lot for starters she has called me needing help with basic household chores before making me reschedule my own plans because she for example cut her finger to the Bone and for the record she did not cut her finger to the Bone I live 30 minutes away and I had to cancel plans only for her to manage to get herself together about 20 minutes into my drive she's also given herself food poisoning at least five times last year she sprained her wrist and I had to drop her off at the emergency room at the hospital she also sprained her ankle as soon as she touched the ocean so I couldn't go swimming because she'd get lonely on the land and this particular trip she was also not initially invited to also on multiple occasions she's inserted herself into conversations that I am in that literally does not involve her nor do the other people know who she is and the worst part about it is that she won't leave I usually end up excusing myself because I can see the person I'm talking to is getting uncomfortable she assumes everyone that knows me knows her and she will even later tell me that she tried to say hi to some people that I knew but they would just look at her as if they'd never even seen her before and I just have to keep reminding her that they don't know her but she insists that she has spoken to them many times and this honestly gets really exhausting she invited herself to a birthday party as my plus one and this is when she didn't even know the birthday girl but claimed that she did she made my boyfriend and I spend our first Christmas together at her house Al so she wouldn't feel lonely and she also invited herself to our family's Christmas where she literally only knew me so I was left to entertain her to the point that I couldn't enjoy myself now here's the thing traveling is expensive I want to be selfish when I travel and the last time I travel was someone who's not my childhood best friend was literally almost a decade ago and I will honestly have a hard time com ising this is also going to be my first trip together with my boyfriend this is my forever partner so I would like this to be a memorable trip where we each have each other's 100% focus on top of that I'm an introvert and my social batteries are as bad as an iPhone 7 and then as a result I'll get cranky and I don't want to subject my boyfriend to that my boyfriend has never left the country before so this is really exciting but I am also 100% preparing to take on all the mental load while we're traveling now in my awful blunt brain I just want to tell her something very straight up I want to say something like hey I don't want you there because you're going to ruin the trip I don't want to eat a romantic dinner for three or do a scooter ride for three people you're way too accident prone for me to relax when you're there even if you were on the other side of the island I do not want to get a call from a random Hospital saying that you've done all sorts of things to yourself if you want to go and we happen to be in the same area you will have to be 1,000% fine that I will ignore you now I am by no means stopping her from going overseas I just don't want the mental load of another person take into account her wishes worry if she drowned or dislocated her shoulder or anything like that but her rejection sensitivity is very real she is still a good friend of mine so I am trying to be gentle with her I feel like if she goes on this trip with us I will end up despising her and at this point I seriously don't know what to do it sounds like your friend is absolutely obnoxious like she sounds really attached to you and she keeps inviting herself into events in your life and that is really weird and Incredibly awkward so I can completely understand where you're coming from where you're like no I don't want her to come along this time so I think that not only should you not tell her specifics about your trip but you can also simply say no this trip is just for me and my boyfriend and then literally leave it at that if she priz for information just shut it down immediately don't tell her specifics or any dates that you're going or any of the hotels or anything like that because it literally will not serve you well and knowing enough about her she might just try to show up anyways and crash your trip and I know if I was in your shoes I would be devastated and I really would start to despise her especially with all the things that she's done in previous trips like she invited herself to your Christmas party even though she doesn't know anybody there like that is really obnoxious behavior and seriously that needs to be like stomped out as soon as possible and I also hate to say it but it really seems like she's attached to you because nobody else wants to be her friend like she very clearly uses you as like a doorway to get into these other groups of people just so she herself can also be included in the conversation like I'm not really sure what she's doing but it really does seem like she's just not self-aware at all about how weird she's acting the original poster also goes on to say that her friend is neurode Divergent but in my opinion that is not a good enough excuse to act this way and basically disrupt everybody else's plans as well as the original Poster's life like that 100% falls on the friend to figure out and to manage and it should not be everybody else's responsibility to navigate around her weird idiosyncrasies so hopefully this conversation goes well because the way your friend's been treating you in the past is really awful and although she may be like blissfully unaware of how she's treating you I think that it might be time to finally put your foot down and say no you cannot come with me on this trip when you subscribe make sure to hit the Bell to turn on notifications to finish listening to all the stories check out the playlist at the top of the description and if you want some chill music to put on in the background check out easy mode if you like Mi I The Jerk subscribe to Mi I the genius everything will be linked Down Below in the description
Channel: Am I the Jerk?
Views: 37,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: subreddit, reddit top posts, funny reddit, funny reddit posts, reddit, reddit storytime, r/confession, r/confessions, r/tifu, r/maliciouscompliance, r/prorevenge, r/choosingbeggars, r/IDOWorkherelady, r/Idontworkherelady, r/AmITheA**hole, r/AITA, finance, real estate, podcast, funny, am i the jerk, i am the jerk, im the jerk
Id: qM2ilHiemGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 8sec (1268 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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