Compact Enduro | Holland Speedway | Crash-A-Rama | 9.13.14
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Channel: RedneckRaceChasers
Views: 3,245,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: race, racing, enduro, holland speedway, crash a rama, crash-a-rama, crash o rama, crash-o-rama, holland, demolition derby, demo derby, demolition, compact enduro, race track, demo, derby, wreck, crash, wrecks, redneck, chasers, redneckracechasers, chuck rush, Wildest Show on Wheelz, enduro racing, enduro racing cars, enduro cars, cars enduro, wild, crashes, ashpalt, asphalt racing, black top, pavement racing, wild enduro, crazy enduro, enduro crashes
Id: JiE7zp6DCaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 23sec (2423 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 15 2014
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
This is all I ever wanted car racing to be.
I was there. My hearing wasn't
Holy hell, there's almost as many drivers as spectators.
AKA Asshole highway simulator.
I live near there and was at this race.
It is exactly how it l;ooks: a bunch of crazy rednecks driving junkyard clunkers for the enjoyment of a bunch of drunk rednecks
This looks like LeMons on an oval track? Wow.
Lol five wide at some points
that's some of the worst camera work i've ever seen.
Events like this and the 24 Hours of LeMons are truly inspirational.