Craziest, Widebody Lamborghini Aventador Ever For @shalizi, Marshmellos Manager! Liberty Walk
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: RDB LA
Views: 631,652
Rating: 4.934309 out of 5
Keywords: rdb, rdbla, rdb la, liberty walk, widebody, lamborghini aventador, green, wrap, body kit, carbon fiber, custom cars, super cars, customize, aventador, shalizi, velos wheels, rdb wheels, rdbvik, los angeles, cars, customization, wheels, exotics, supercars, lamborghini, automotive, rdb wraps, exotic cars, vinyl wrap, custom wrap, luxury cars, auto shop, body shop, wraps
Id: pJYVijiBllE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 03 2020
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