Craziest Scents Smell Test

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- Today, we put our nose holes to the test. - Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) "Good Mythical Morning." - Mythical beasts, your questions are like the drive-through. And we are like the angelic voice that you hear on that little speaker box thing ready and willing to satisfy your hunger for answers. Would you like fries with that? - What? - Or are you on low-carb diet and you're avoiding french fries at the moment? If so, we have some zucchini. - I do not understand you. William Leingang ask, "I broke my nose about six years ago." Oh, I'm sorry. "And now I can't smell a thing." Ooh, double sorry. "What can I do to improve - That's unfortunate. - my sense of smell to bring it back up to normal?" Well, William, you should probably see a doctor. - Yeah, a nose doctor. - But you could also do what we're about to do which is smell a bunch of smells to identify them. It'll be good. It'll help you. Let's do it. - That's right. It's time for... ♪ Ooooo, that smell ♪ - [Link] That smell. ♪ Can we tell that smell? ♪ - [Rhett] Yeah! - Okay, we're gonna be presented with a series of sense, actually, fragrances. - Fragrances, yeah. - Or colognes that have been made and sold by a company called Demeter Fragrance. - Yes. - But these fragrances, I'm told, should not have been manufactured. They're so weird and so out there, I don't know why anyone would've bought them. They were manufactured. I don't know why they were. - Okay, and as you can see, Chase is behind us, because this is just a new thing we're gonna do. We just decided that Chase is now going to be back there. And if you don't like it, you have to deal with it. No, actually he's back there because he's gonna be our bellows boy. That's a bellows. Show him how the bellows work. - Oh, whoo, whoo. - He's gonna be bellowing into a little nose hole, - What a breeze. - a nose hole contraption. And the way this is gonna work is we're gonna smell it, and then we're gonna be given an opportunity to guess what we think that scent is. If we both get it wrong, then we will then receive a hint from Drew. And then we'll be able to guess as quickly as we can to see who gets it right. If we don't get it right, there's a second hint, and we have to be really stupid to not get it at that point. - Okay. So two points, no hints. And then one person if we need a hint. - Yes. - One point if we need a hint. - Yes. (graphic whooshing) (upbeat music) - All right, Chase, bellow boy. - [Chase] Mm-hmm. - You gonna hit us with the stink? - [Chase] I'ma bellow. - [Drew] Okay, guys, the category for this one is food. - Look into my eyes. - It doesn't smell like anything I want to eat. I'm very disturbed by... Can you close your eyes? - Yeah. - I'm gonna close my eyes. Yeah, I could just close my eyes. I don't even have to ask you to close your eyes. - Smells like an old woman's clothes. - We've eaten this on this show. We've eaten something that smells just like this. - Bellow harder. - We've eaten something that smells like this on this show. - It's not broccoli. - Gah, what is it? - Pig anus? It smells like a pig fart. - It does have a porkishness to it. It has like a rancid porkishness to it. - Hmm, I don't know, man. - [Drew] I'm gonna need an answer. 3, 2, 1. - Spaghetti and meatballs. - Bacon. - Oh, I went with your pork and said bacon. - [Drew] Neither of you are right. (buzzer buzzing) - Give us a hint then. - [Drew] Cowabunga, dude! - Pizza! - Pizza! Ha! - [Drew] Rhett got it. - All right, so you got the one point. - Yeah! - That doesn't smell like pizza. I mean, now that I know, it still doesn't smell like pizza. It smells like old woman clothes. - It smells like the kind of pizza that Ninja Turtles would eat though. It does smell like sewer pizza. (graphic whooshing) (upbeat music) - All right, blow it up, Chase. - Here I go. - Oo! - [Drew] All right, guys. This is in the category of outdoors. - Outdoors? - [Drew] Yes. - You ever smell anything like this outside? (crew laughing) - No. - What parts of the outdoors have you been going in? - It smells like old woman again. (Chase laughs) Maybe it's the container. Is this an old woman container? - I don't think so. - Was an old woman contained in here before? - Is it the bellows? - No, that's pure, pure... - What smells like that outside? - Mm, flowers. - It's unnatural. Is it something that could be unnaturally outside? Like, somebody left like a washing machine outside? (crew laughing) - That's what I was saying, like fabric softener. - It smells like washing machine in the backyard that you've abandoned, is that it? - All right. I got mine. - [Drew] All right. - Oh, wait, mm. - [Drew] 3, 2, 1. - Ocean mist. - Linens on a line. - [Drew] No, you're you're both incorrect. But the hint is prickly rabbit food. - Carrots! Cactus! - Prickly rabbit food? - Thorns, bushes, berries. - Roses, flowers. - Black berries - Prickly rabbit? Rabbits eat prickly toenails? - Prickly rabbit food? - Pellets? - Rabbit toenails? - [Drew] Okay. Rhymes with crass. - [Both] Grass! (bell dings) - [Drew] Yes, it's grass. - Ain't no grass ever smelled like that. What kind of grass they been smelling? - Prickly? - [Drew] Yeah, it's what rabbits eat. It's prickling. - Grass is prickly grass. - Man, rabbits don't eat grass. (graphics whooshing) (upbeat music) - Man, this is not boding well for us. I mean, to me, that didn't smell like freshly cut grass, but I also didn't know that rabbits eat grass. Maybe they don't. - But have you been smelling- - Unless it's prickly grass. - Have you been smelling with your dominant nostril? - That's the problem. - Because I've been smelling with my undominant nostril. And now I've gotta go dominant again. - And I've only been breathing out into this. - Oh, that's a problem. - You've been smelling my breath through my nose and I haven't been smelling anything. - You've been drinking detergent again. Because that's what that smells like. - Fabric softener and grass. - Okay. Oh, okay. - [Drew] Okay. This is the category of, it's a byproduct - A byproduct? - A bike product? - [Drew] Byproduct. - A byproduct - Byproduct. - This smells like a teenager. No, it smells like a bad prom. - It smells colognish. - Yeah, like Axe. - [Link] A byproduct of... - Byproduct of what? That's so broad. What kind of things create byproducts? Processes. - I buy products all the time. (crew laughing) And I don't smell in a certain way. Sometimes, if I buy a lot of products, I get sweaty. - This is the byproduct of like two teenagers making out behind the garage or something. Is that it? - [Drew] All right, I need an answer in 3, 2, 1. - Oil, motor oil. - Teens. (crew laughing) - [Drew] You are incorrect. (buzzer buzzing) The hint is, wood you like a hint? Wood you? - Cedar! Sawdust! - [Drew] Sawdust. - Yeah! - Dang it. - Does it smell? - Yeah, it does smell like wood. I mean, as a wood lover, I'm kind of a little bit of shame to myself that I needed a hint for that. (graphics whooshing) (upbeat music) - I haven't gotten anything. Okay. - [Drew] Well, you tied on grass. - Oh, man. Okay. Mm, this stinks. - [Drew] Okay. This is the category of a plant. - Yep, that definitely smells planty. - Oh, I think I got this one. - Hold on. Really? - Mm-hmm. - Oh! Hmm, you know what? Oh, I recognize this. - Ready. - [Drew] All right. - Oh, wait, wait. - [Drew] No, I need to go. - Okay. All right, I'm ready. - [Drew] In 3, 2, 1. - Tobacco. - Eucalyptus. - [Drew] Link is right. - Yes! I got this one. - [Drew] Two points. - Two points. Cigar. I was like, "That smells like a cigar." - You know, 'cause you handled tobacco as a child. - As a child, I worked in a tobacco fields. Yeah, I worked in, it was my- - As a child. - He was a child smoker. - I was a farmer. I'm a farmer professional, not a smoker or a chewer. - It's kind of a nice smell. We have a tobacco-flavored candle in our room, in our office. (crew laughing) That I call our room. (crew laughing) (graphics whooshing) (upbeat music) - I feel like I'm being punished. Like, "Put your nose in the corner." - It hurts me a little bit. - You know how Miss Wancus used to put my nose in the corner? - What? - In history class. - She never did that to me. - Well, you weren't punished. Good for you. - I can say all 100 counties in North Carolina. - Ugh. - Pasquotank. - This stanks. This Pasquo stanks. - (laughs) Is Pasquotank actually a county? - [Drew] This one's category is a natural occurrence outdoors. - Farts. - A natural occurrence? Like a geyser? - I know what it is! - Is it, really? (crew laughing) - I'm honing in. I got it. - A natural occurrence? - Yeah, got it. That was almost a hint, but I won't call it that. - [Drew] All right, here we go. In 3, 2, 1. - Dirt. - Sweet summer rain. - Asphalt, wet asphalt. - Thunderstorm. - [Drew] Oh, there it is. Link got it. - Thunderstorm? - That smells like a wicked thunderstorm. - Like it's about to rain? - Don't hide under your tree. Lay down in the ditch. Get outta your mobile home. Don't get outta your car in the interstate. - Thanks for all the safety tips. (graphics whooshing) (upbeat music) - Smello the bellow. - Oh! - No, don't put your freaking mouth on it, man! - (laughs) I'm winning. I don't want you... - That's not gonna, well, you can't smell. You know what? I'm gonna do that. - That'll snip your nose off. - I found a weakness in your system. - That'll snip the tip of your nose. - [Drew] Okay, this is in the category of chore. - You know what? - Mm, chore. - This smells good. - You like it? - Yeah, I like it. - What do you like about it? - Brings back memories. - I wish we each had our own Tupperware. That's how I feel about it this. - Look into my eyes and you'll get your answer. - Oh, it kinda got in the back of my throat for a second. - Oh, it did? You've eaten this before I think. 'Cause I think I know what it is. - I've eaten this? - You've eaten this before. - I've eaten a chore? - Yeah. You know how sometimes, you're doing your chores and you get hungry and you're like, "I'm gonna taste it"? - There are times when I'm cleaning up the kitchen floor and I find a morsel. - Yeah. Just lick a little morsel. - And I'm like, if I recognize it- - Keep your nose in there. If you're gonna talk to me, keep your nose in there. - If I recognize that it's a morsel from a recent meal, I'll eat it. - [Crew] Ewe! - But if it's a morsel from like a previous week's meal, I'm like, "I should probably sweep that up." - Your dog doesn't eat the morsels? - She eats a lot of them. These are like ones that slip by her. - I don't think she'd eat this morsel. - I think I know what this is. It's a headache is one thing. I'm getting a pretty wicked headache. - [Drew] Okay. So let's guess in 3, 2, 1. - Laundry. - Dirty diaper. - [Drew] Yeah. Rhett, I'm gonna give it to you. It's a laundromat. (bell dings) - Yeah! - A laundromat? - You said dirty diaper? I thought it was a dirty diaper. - And you're talking about eating it? - I was trying to throw you off. - "You've eaten this. You've eaten that. He's eatin' a dirty diaper." (graphic whooshing) (upbeat music) - Why you got so many cotton balls in here, Chase? - Let's put our- - Oh! (crew laughs) - I don't wanna stick- - Ugh! - I don't wanna stick mine in their now. - Oh, my gosh! - Ew! - Hey, force your nose in, man. - Gosh! (Rhett gags) - Stop the bellow. Did you buy this from the fragrance people? You didn't make this one, did you? - [Drew] No. The category is gross. (crew laughs) - Ugh! (Rhett gags) That doesn't make you dry heave? - It's very high. - It immediately makes you dry heave. - It's a high stink. - Stick your nose back in there and see if it don't make you dry heave. - Gosh! - How do you, you like it? - No, I don't- - You look like you like it. You look like you're acting like you don't like it, but secretly, you like it? - No, but- - I can see in your eyes, man. - I'm gonna make myself. Like, my eyes are watering. - But look. I'm not acting. - Ugh! - Oh, you know what? (Rhett gagging) - Man, it's like sheep butt. - Oh, you just blew a ball out on me. - It's sheep butt, man. You know how the back of a sheep looks like that? - Yeah, 'cause it's wool? - [Link] Yeah. - This is cotton, man. - Do I need to identify what butt this came from? Like, what animal's butt? Or can I just say animal butt? Oh, man. - I think its more- - It's ticklin' my whickle. (crew laughing) - I think I know what it is. - I think it's sheep butt. - Is it sheep butt? Sheep butt for the win. No, I don't think it is, man. Is it tastable? - [Crew] Ew! - [Drew] I wouldn't. - Yeah, no, he should. I think you should. Taste it. It's tastable. - I mean, is it toxic? - [Drew] Yeah, don't eat it. - It's a cotton ball. It's perfume on a cotton ball, Rhett. - Hold on. Let me just- - What kind of demented - Let me just put it in. - brain trust it is bottling this smell? And what is it used for? - I gotta trick. See a trick. - That's distasteful. Your eyes get that big when you eat something? - Yeah. - [Drew] All right. You guys ready? - I have an answer. - [Drew] Okay. (Link gagging) - [Drew] In 3, 2, 1. - Horse manure. - Dumpster. - [Drew] No. (buzzer buzzing) But the hint is, get your bucket ready? - Vomit! - [Drew] Rhett got it. (bell dings) - Dang it. Vomit. - It doesn't taste like vomit. I mean, - It smells like- - it doesn't smell like vomit. It's smells like the bottom of dumpster. \ - No, it's smells like animal. - Like, summer dumpster juice. - It smells like animal, like an animal that poops in the straw in it. - That poops through a straw? (Chase laughs) - No. - What kinda animals you been hanging out with? - That poops with and a straw in it. - I poop with a straw. I don't like it to hit me. (Link laughs) I'm a cow, but I poop with a large straw. It's sort of a hose device. What do you mean? Oh, you mean straw's in it? - Yeah. Like they eat straw. - Like hay. - Hay, dude. - Like hay's in it. Yeah, it doesn't matter, - You win. - 'cause I win anyway, man. - You win the personalized bellow. You get to be the bellow fellow. And you know what? It can say, "Rhett." - I thought I had my name on it though. - Chase will do that for you. - I didn't know if you would win. - I'm gonna take this to all my outdoor events. - I gotta evacuate that. - Thanks Chase. - You're welcome. - And thank you, - Chase, you stink. - for liking, commenting and subscribing. - You know what time it is? - My name's Haley from California, and it's time to spin the wheel of mythicality. - Those were some not so good smells. But if you're into good smells, you can smell my beard oil. - And my lip balm. It's peculiarly perfect peanut butter peppermint. No peanuts actually inside. - Available at - You'll love it. I promise. Click through to Good Mythical More. We ask Mike and Alex to bottle some scents, and now we're gonna smell those jars and see how it turned out. - I'm sure, great. - Here we go! And no whammies, stop! - Unisong about ingrown hairs. ♪ Well, sometimes I get a little bump ♪ ♪ Bump, bump on my neck ♪ ♪ On my cheeks ♪ ♪ And I look into the bump ♪ ♪ Bump, bump ♪ ♪ And I see a little hair ♪ ♪ And it's red ♪ ♪ And I squeeze it like a zit ♪ ♪ But it's a bump, bump, bump ♪ ♪ An ingrown hair ♪ - What's the hint? - I made this. - Oh, no! - Is this your flatulence, man? - Shamefully, yes. - Dang! And you put your mouth on it. - Oh, my mouth touched it.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
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Keywords: rhett and link, good mythical morning, rhett and link good mythical morning, good mythical morning rhett and link, rhett and link vlog, vlog rhett and link, season 10, craziest scents smell test, craziest scents smell test rhett and link, craziest scents smell test good mythical morning, craziest scents smell test gmm, gmm craziest scents smell test, rhett and link craziest scents smell test, good mythical morning craziest scents smell test
Id: jc1Z4wmRw1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 08 2016
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