Crayfish Hunting in Tasmania | Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted

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[tense music] GORDON RAMSAY: I'm 30 feet down using a diving system I've never tried before called snuba. I'm trying to keep my air hose from strangling me, praying I don't run into a great white. Below the surface, I try to focus on finding a crayfish. I fight through the thick kelp. Underneath it, these crays are hiding somewhere in the nooks and crannies. Limbs on the line, I plunge my hand into the unknown of each dark hole. Damn, these crays move like lightning. Finally, I manage to spot a cray poking his head out of a crack in the rock. It fights me with all of its might, using its powerful tail to break from my grasp. While I've done a little diving in my life, I've never quite experienced anything as majestic or rewarding as catching a Tassie cray. [upbeat music] Woo-hoo-hoo! Oh my god. Yes! Great job. Thank you. Seriously, well done. Look at the size of that, baby! That is a beauty. Man, they move fast. SHANE: Oh, yeah. Right. I can't wait to taste it, mate. SHANE: Mate, they are the sweetest thing you ever taste, guaranteed. GORDON RAMSAY: Hard work done. It's time for Shane to make the most of this beauty by cooking it two ways. While the amazing tail goes into the pot, Shane serves up some crayfish sashimi. Look at it. A bit of soy in there. Bit of wasabi. GORDON RAMSAY: Nice. Look at that. The sheen on that is incredible, isn't it? SHANE: Yeah. Bloody hell. That is [bleep] delicious. Always tastes a bit better when you've earned it. GORDON RAMSAY: Next, Shane serves it simply steamed. The money. This is where it's at. GORDON RAMSAY: Mate. Look at that, baby. Oh my lord. Look at the weight of that. I mean, it's enough for six there, isn't there? You've done extremely well today. GORDON RAMSAY: Look at that. Wow. That is delicious. Do you know what, I'm amazed at the yield in terms of-- That's the muscle there. You felt the power of how much it is, and now you can see how it all equates. GORDON RAMSAY: That crayfish was translucent, delicious, meaty, sweet, and super firm. Incredible. I'm definitely going to use it to my feast at the end of the week. I'd love you to come and join us. I would love to. You know what goes really well with this? A bit of wallaby. I think you need a bit of game in there, a bit of meat. I know a lady that might be able to help you out. Serious? SHANE: Yeah. Just ask any of the locals for Sarah. Sarah. SHANE: Yep. Loves a bit of fire. Yep, she'll be right up your alley. The addition of a protein, the wallaby, would be amazing. SHANE: Yeah. That's Tasmanian surf and turf. That has to be a centerpiece of my feast. Do I do it like a surf and turf? Do I keep it separate? I got to think about that. But what I have got is an amazing start, because that crayfish is like the Rolls Royce of the sea. Best for your travels. Can't wait to catch you at the end.
Channel: National Geographic
Views: 1,154,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted, national geographic, nat geo, natgeo, animals, wildlife, science, explore, discover, survival, nature, documentary, Gordon Ramsay, PLivjPDlt6ApRiBHpsyXWG22G8RPNZ6jlb, PLivjPDlt6ApT5VT7oiz7riKmPzkl2sAe0, PLivjPDlt6ApQZoevMSasPxhn53gbayuh_, Uncharted, GordonRamsay, chef ramsay, gordon ramsay cooking, Crayfish Hunting in Tasmania, Tasmania, Crayfish Hunting, Crayfish
Id: uOGFE7ZikTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 17sec (197 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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