Crashing a HAAS at IMTS 2018!

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we're gonna intentionally crash this do not try this on your house Monsieur yes machine will break badly I'm gonna go for folks so you're gone oh my god I got good morning so we would walk around IMTS one of notes of one of the most practical things that we found and that frankly that one of the coolest things is this so everyone should know mark from the hot step of the day walk us to what we got here buildings in a single bound and for some reason I keep ending up here just I can totally agree which is this is like our entry level or whatever it's the lightest machine we've got we sell a ton of um because it's a great entry-level machine right it's it's it's too light to be cutting you know heavy parts on it but people buy them because those new fancy tool pass right the fancy yeah so that you can do crazy stuff in this machine that you couldn't do 20 years ago because of that and that's amazing but what's really cool is the test software they have on here and they're testing a feature which is unique this isn't this is amazing and this isn't gonna be limited to the TM series this will be something that may roll out on more of the hospital on and you've never seen this right so and so visit amazing I'm gonna have you do this so this is a jock handle and this makes it go up and down right when I jog this up the machine goes up and down and you might be touched off a tool or so go ahead grab that hand wheel we're gonna intentionally crash this machine this is amazing do not try this on your last machine yes machine will break badly we'll talk about it okay I'm gonna drive that tool into the table I'm rotating this down and we're actually I just can't I just go board I just go for it all the way through crash I'm gonna go for folks so you're going oh my god I got she just crashed the machines it's almost it's very awkward to do that that's just fun now let's go look at the personal we didn't break the tab yep saying he something happened not only that but it sent the blind manager here an email saying the machine crashed because we have that you know Gibby app app Brailler over so I think he got 230 she was crash jogger yeah yes it does leave a mark on your actually I didn't see it kind of I'm looking at that and I'm I'm thinking that it's like sometimes I'll feel I know it's almost a foul a tooth out and a half you know right but right dented it by 3,000 and then you know we're only seeing a southbound 1/2 10th but it's incredible so typically speaking a machine can't stop that fast so how are we stopping that fast yet because the head of our alleged lynching Department's PhD in physics so what's happening is the tool is coming down if we try to stop it based on spindle loaders the access load yep we couldn't stop in time if you have too late it's too late yeah drive it the loads are that high yeah this thing's got so much muscle behind it it's gets done you already you've already crashed the car after the airbag went off that type of thing yep so what they've done is they they know how fast I'm moving at every given moment yeah and they know they things they've a sample the position every millisecond to every one thousandth of a second so if the the tool is not where they thought it was supposed to be you know after a millisecond then something's gone terribly wrong stop give it full reverse yeah so the thumb that we heard in film wasn't wasn't necessary of the crash was was the full yeah right right right so we're laying in the plane and throw it on yes so this thing will save your tools we're cheating this is a flat you know it's a three flew tap nice and flat right right we're cheating if it was a spiral point tap that would have dug 10,000 to the park before it felt it yeah and it was a small carbide drill isn't like that on your steel would a chip the tool yeah this is not about saving your tools or your spindle bearings your linear ways your machine align your tram the long term long term maintenance equality yeah this is me it's fun right here to show I'm but in real life what you would do is you would you know flip the switch put it in setup mode or whatever put it in safe mode do your setup from your first part but it's not without a cost sword chief in two ways okay this was if this was a pointy tool would have dug in via a few thousand more or if it was carbide Oh chip the tool but again save your spindle yep and once in this safe mode you can see the whatever the green safe mode logo there wayde's and safe mode we're reducing the rapids by some amount yep per machine so head of machine slower or you move it Muslim so it's right so that you don't want to leave it in safe mode all the time because your rapids would be different yeah and yeah it's a trade on so you can do this with a g0 move exactly so long as you're so yeah so here's what I love about this is they're using the technologies I've been using the PID loop theory they're using the sophisticated stuff cuz I've always kind of wondered why why can't the machine tool just know what's happening so we're getting there and I like that you guys are being honest about look it's great there's some areas where it doesn't work but I tell you man this will save our but when we're in setup mode when you've got new users that's oh I don't care about wrap it to be a hundred percent the bad things happen I mean I'm jogging - stuff - no I haven't never but the bad the really bad crashes happened when you haven't set the offset are you credit wrong tools so this is a G 0 to C minus 5 inches yeah G 5 inches z minus 5 inches well that's my typo right there - five out of five and so we would wrap this thing into the table and that would not be good but instead it's a light bump it's a reversal no recent can I ask you guys a favor yeah would you consider letting us use safe mode as a callable parameter mode so that I can in my NC program in my cam actually say hey when this occurs I want to go into safe mode and then I want to come out of safe mode later that's good right yeah can be super useful right now this is a test machine it's only on beta yes so they test it on the TM they have to go in testimony yeah Racines and a faster and slower acceleration but they're trying to figure out the best way to for the user to use right on this machine I have to press f4 to toggle safe mode yeah now it's some type of Chico awesome exciting and I liked it I've been talking with folks in Faust about what's going on in the future and from what I'm hearing they are going to let us do at some point next gen updates or remotely so you don't have to necessarily have a service tech especially when you're out of warranty so that kind of stuff lets you get access to the new features like this that helps yeah can we go look at the UMC and the EC for sure awesome do not touch remove the part so you don't want to touch her through that part in a few minutes they'll be up liveaccess head doing a trace cut on that part so they've got it set up this is her race car stuff yeah we're here early it's not yeah we get we had some good footage of yesterday with running yeah this is actually different cuz I thought hey you guys have made routers before but this is really a beefier animal it is what they've done is a they've switched over and instead of calling and gr they're good at a GM because they kind of beefed up everything it's got a more standard tool changer on it and this particular machine hsk spoon so this guy is for Spain it's not just any just que like a 63 a okay 63 F okay so it doesn't have the notches on the side but it's well balanced and so this guy is running at 20k write for this spindle so it's great for this type of player for yeah but the whole point is it's a five axis machines right this is a GM - but it's not just a GM - it's a gym - pretty cool this would be great in model shops stuff it was a whole bunch of applications even aerospace yeah and this was our bread and butter right so everyone Satine or runners as a friend that's running a bf4 go and maybe you can see via for the trunnion gr 160 and this is another TR 160 but it's it's unique it's different it's our newest model and so this guy is all being held from one side that said it's not the one here it's very fast rotary okay and it's all support from one side so you've got more tables it's really so we had the TR 100y which is great but it was a dual support it says Wahlberg or ridge above man you really had to pay attention to your world but if you like this you use the break you index break and x-ray create a small 200 for your 5 acts of stuff so it just depends on what jacket or running which way you'd go yeah so yes squirt of oil that just came out that's a new tap cutting oil squirt gun option for the hospice Sheen so this isn't your standard coolant this actually has the ability to directly shoot tapping oil or fluid or whatever you prefer right onto the tap this can absolutely help with tap reliability tap life and the quality of the tapped hole so being able to have one or two vices with your five axes right there you're able to do off one two three or pull off multiple parts that's awesome yeah I see a lot of guys will do that HRT to Thames yeah look at sub plates will make them yeah hang them off the table so their parts within the travel range yeah water is hanging off there because of stability issues but oh really it's on a diving board yeah depends on who makes it you know but still it's pretty amazing and this of course the workhorse we make just a ton of these guys HRC HR t10 yeah this is the roller cam version eight hundred thirty degrees a second okay yes yeah it's two over two or pages a second yeah exactly yeah that's super fun this one's fun to watch and so that's what we're showing off here is just the fast if you guys haven't seen it J Pearson's shop tour he's got a bunch of Haas machine and he was using the HRC with a pretty big part it's actually pretty impressive to see the large part that he was machine on it and the seen that thing whip around rotate impressive yeah so this right here is used the newer style training which is not attorney at all it's all being held from one side this is a 100 millimeter version of the larger Big Brother but so this is the DM to smaller travel machine this is like similar to like a B up to that you might have seen but it's got crazy high accelerations the sewing machine at the drill mill the speedier Robo drill exactly what's happening a 5,000 rpms so it's just incredibly fast and again they made everything yeah I love the pro placement yeah but you rise you put it where it works yeah and you can do that everyone should know that you can move the probe wherever you on the table you can flip it around recalibrate look at this this is the UMC 1000 larger travels faster ruler ease to BSS and so something like 179 degrees a second or something okay so it's got bigger travels I really like the way it's designed inside every suggestion that they've gotten over the past five years for the UMC I love the machine except for yeah right it's all those little things yeah I hate doing this all those little things were taken and redesigned and reworked and so the way that it drains chips yeah slants both ways that's been improved so this thing you can just run all day and night the chips evacuate perfectly down the center in the corner requite lead a little spot where the chips don't get out of the weather yeah it's got a wash down also it's got more travel larger swing for certain parts a lot of engine builders and stuff what is the X Y so it's 40 inches in the X 25 and 25 in the Z yeah that's huge thank you almost by vm3 travel yeah exactly see exactly you can put a giant fixture on this ride and use it like a BF yep and then pull it off and when you decide you're gonna do your five so it's just a really a utility player yeah I'll do everything I'll do it all on one up if you choose to this this machine right here we talked about the HSK 63f yeah that hot ball on the five axes this machine has an HS k 63 he put two up so one of the cool things about hsk for folks that are newer to machine is many people seen the kap-40 on the problems of kap-40 is because it has a full stud you got balls clamping around it so as you increase the RPMs it's like a chuck those balls naturally losing their holding power hsk is the opposite it's holding from the inside out so you increase our PM's you actually increase your gripping power more suitable for certain types of jobs you lose all those trying to gain some they're one to ten taper on the HS KS as opposed to the 724 taper on the used to it's got dual content so it's pretty much straight its Hollow supposedly if they get crashed there you break the hold or not the machine Oh crunch so no cracker but but it's also dual face contact okay so it's running a more contact area here see ya and so it's just something we're trying and even with the cat 40 version this machine was just cutting beautiful and now we're just in the HSK 63 is this just a test are you guys planning to mark come to market I thought it was just a test and they're rolling there so this is a real option on this machine I think it's give you a 15 K option but we'll see what the future brings me great yeah so it's pretty pretty amazing I've never gonna leave them sure sure what's what's different also about this particular young is and you can see but listen yeah so look at this so that's the question is what is the next step on this and it's to me is what we're thinking about now which is not just positional five axis but simultaneous five axes but I want to run that night shift I want to run this machine when I go home at night yeah yeah but everyone's making these crazy pictures of runs forever I don't want to do that though I hate making pictures at 100 parts because give a problem or a mistake or there's a characteristic to it yeah other mistakes yeah I don't I just don't like it and it works great except now the machines tied up will you change oh yeah you're like okay now now I'm gonna go ahead and get a pallet change then you get a pallet change and you swap it out and that's perfect if you're running one part over and over and over it really is a really fast way of doing things with five axis you want to get all five sides see you in a small table so you can reach all five sides but that means I can't fit 20 parts in the table I you know really ideally on some parts might only build one yeah so you have to have not fourteen operator change you're good time [Music] yeah we can compound system and these pal suck recall that we scheduled the hospital interfaces ours which means it's just another screen on the control health fancy you choose your stuff you schedule the priorities and it runs there so now if you want this job set up you only want it once every three months there let's sit there so it's great for low volume high mix yeah or you put you know a to the same fixture on there and you're on high volume low mix so either either way if you're running high volume it's a good idea or if you're running low volume with lots of dipping you stuff great idea so this is literally what I'm trying to figure out will this work because what I want to do is have a machine that I can play with during the day the complex parts the parts I want to test the experiment proved out and then when I'm done or have a meeting or I go home at night I just want to call it the other stuff and it could be single parts of the larger well really what I'm thinking is we'll probably see it on the EC 400 but where you've got a tombstone or a picture that we've got actually a pretty high def see parts you know 4 616 high parts per pallet which really is funny because that makes this a type of production machine if you don't have a climax of speech or on it right if there's nothing for that yeah it might be better to just go the 4 axis machine or if you only have one hole at some funny angle you know put that that job yeah funny angle right so this machine this machine is it's just a maze I really really like this machine yeah I spent a lot of years working on horizontal so I'm kind of fond of them spent a lot of years I'm running job shops on verticals great there huh for the ease of use of the prototype but I buy the same part to run over and over and over again and I wanted to walk away there this is miss desert same type of setup here yeah so you can do anything you want like you said pictures grid and see some other parts on there you can run 100 the same part or put different parts on different sides and the beauty of it it runs by itself runs all night and the interface on the control nothing new yeah you can run it be up to you can run this yeah it's over folks that are new to machine one of the beauties of a horizontal is on a vertical you've got your base you've got your column and then you've got that extra third joint that comes out to go your spindle down a horizontal gets rid of that last leg so intrinsically it's a more stable machine better chip evacuation and better chip evacuation so on doing this way my favorite options I'm not a sales guy but I don't care if you're an owner of a machine shop by probing right itsc here because I'm the button pusher and I want probing 91 CSC because I don't like having to pick a million times right or get into trouble and TSC gets me out of it on the horizontals they help just like you sit you know the chips want to fall out all right on a vertical they want to fall into gravity's or the DSC is your best friend gravity's your best for these guys so here's the new setup just just a neat solid production machine this one's different than the ones that we've made in the past and then we've got Laura center of gravity's beefier castings kind of what we were talking about on the UMC we took suggestions on ship evaluation and they applied those not only to that machine but to this EC where Jean works hard and juniors and they've got this thing running the chips right down the center just the way you'd like to for this time machine yeah you got you gotta have that up you're gonna be running in the light lights out right and so I think that's why chip evacuation on the UMC became such a concern is because from day one they said we want to put a pallet changer on there so we have to be able to continually remove every bit of chips custom chip team there's all the normal stuff that's always the optional most of the hospital yeah are you using this so everyone says this doesn't work and so I used to climb in the machines at trade shows like rain-x the inside the windows for make them pretty yeah totally works infected if beat doesn't beat up but the internet says it doesn't work so it has to be done yeah so it totally works except it only works for a couple hours when you have to do a whole thing over again it doesn't work I know it work it works great but it doesn't work very long does it mess up your coolant it probably makes it cooler totally about work in da house separates the stuff this D emulsifies D yeah yeah very very yeah it's not a good idea for tradeshows it's great for those first few shots thank you we may or may not have cut a hole at our machine we were talking about loading up different parts with a pow'ful system on the other side that's a um see that if we saw the parts and then we've got intake manifold the cylinder heads those are big parts if you've got small little parts everyone knows this we've been doing it for years but you can gang them up and so on even this small part here the rafter picture with a dovetail yeah they're running for up here and because of the the funny angle on it he can hit all four parts in one operate so it's not a palette it's got a palette changer but you can still quadruple your output by getting crazy with tooling yeah in pictures and and the cool thing about this is that it's running a single program yes awesome cause of all the stuffed with the fancy software with tool center point control and dynamic work on sets if you didn't have that option then you would have to draw it up and in folks we spent the last six months learning five axis we had a TR toner Y or brand new to it and it was super nerve-wracking at first but my card here to the video where we machine this engine block and it was so satisfying most of us positional but then we needed to do a tool tip over to get some machine some crank relief areas I wanted a short tool tip that part over super easy and it's just when you made your own five axes part it's just so rewarding it's cool and once you once you cross that line just like protein right proteins impossible you don't want to touch it or a breaking thing and then once you've done it else you save once that's not true once you've done it 20 times yeah then you're like okay this is amazing it's easier and these can't go back because you can you can hit all that weird stuff in in one operation and you save yourself all that setup to reuse our probes multiple times a day on every machine absolutely but again this same program sub program for each thing he can take that vice put anywhere on the table run the same program without the dynamic work offsets TCP so actually a good question on this type of part what's your WCS / / / each one of these are you programming off the fixture as a salt you have a solid model that Raptor yes this picture yeah he's going top and center of each part this type of thing yeah and this makes it easy okay one stuff yeah I'll surprised I've been standing into that machine right with the police detective yeah you show us that insane rotary you guys have this is this is this is totally irrelevant but it's just fun far in a cheer like we could've written it some tickets what's it what's this bork it's it's for everything so there's some specialty places out there they're doing a new aerospace work they're doing oil field okay yeah right where they need to prove all that sighs what does this go on I think a VF 11 there's tons of machines out there where they've got the same and you just lay this on its back and use it as a rotary table to index so you can use this without having a machine you'll see you'll sell that to a customer it does whatever you told to do so get rotate this way stop we'll take that way stop right and so it's a CNC in a box yeah servo control because it's sitting next to this HRT also when you're not sure what to use as a table for your trade show just take a machine table and use that no I think this thing's something close to 6000 pounds just remembering that was one of my favorite things when Mark and I did the costumer factory card here that video was we'd walk out of hallway we come back 20 days later there's this vertical shale fracking with all the tables that they're going on the machine bills and we'd come back 20 mins later it would have been like completely turned over amazing you know what's funny is I use that line 20 times giving people tours after you went through there yeah some walk by it every day or I never noticed yeah never noticed oh and now every time I walk by a look and I'm like okay look at that table and then by Tom don't the tour tables come off because it looks like we've got all these racks and stuff let's just we're destroying stuff there yeah doesn't worked out everything moves too fast awesome anything on the turning side oh for sure I don't like getting too close to lathes they're serious looks scary this looks way too much going on here there's all those holy cow so you run the cam tooling so it's nice right this so there this is SC 20 okay this is the BM t turn this is the new turret and so it's driven from inside you know BM t 65 to leave he's running the cam kinase capital right exactly so it's just quick yeah little modular woman and out interesting sorry this whole machine is a new rep they do this but they don't like this maybe design the entire cast and they change angles the wedge made it's steeper they change the sub spent on this guy and so they're making it less expensively sub spend okay into this machine cheaper it's yet to making it cut better but redesigned the cash to get them and all the guys that kind of stuff so if you go to the show every couple of years they can see a different machine every time even the people on the beat up the lines you'll see a machine and not know that everything's been changing sides right here right right yeah we've been kinda look at it now that wouldn't that's not including the sub spittle so forth but still yeah live another 20 grands like that I like this this has a white bar here Oh keep us or we grab these parts while the world oh okay you guys you had these like 10 years ago right or 15 years ago we've had you know what's weird they stopped making on a lot of those are decisions based on in price points this other stuff yeah sell it to our customers at reasonable price we might redesign it this type of thing and so we did these right at the factory non-stop yeah that entire time and as customers in the field that have like hey we want this again it's all about automation so we they redesigned it completely here it's got the it's got the end of arm attachment that will grab the part nougats you know one basically parts that are almost six inches diameter 5.8 or something like that five inches tall so the bar will hold 25 pounds between the two parts or parts within that size range you can program it with an easy interface one control yeah just again the hostas you know it's all built in so you just say how many rows and how many columns you're doing come over beep-beep set the first offset and you're done you're up and running and it will keep going and if your parts don't look like this they don't fit on here you can make a new template okay yourself anywhere you want there are hexes and you're already cutting the hexes on your machine right you've got a you've got a call into decks but integer square or something silly yeah you just do the same thing with your template and so when the comes in grabs the part loads it it can orientate the spindle automatically so you can fly your pocket and then just push the thing we are looking at finished parts here yeah okay so yeah but it can it'll have a mix of stock and finish parts as it's going through so yeah normally you'd see this thing if it's all raw yeah in half done yes forever and so those machines were aging out right I did 20 years on something and so now they've redesigned it what's the spring in the turret four guys the shop deuce all the time when you're loading stuff with robots yeah a lot of times you don't get the firm and can check the confirmation and so what we'll do is we'll robot arm it'll put it in we didn't really seat well for the first operation I don't care right close enough it's better that's it second operation I need that length to be yeah so how do you smack that you know like you'd smack apart with a hammer right on your vice but on here you have a human who's gotten touchy-feely so we'll load up the robot for the first operation and cut then the robot loads up for the second operation that has to be perfect we'll load it to the clamp then we'll come out the spring thing push up against it yeah sure it unclamp for a second great clamp state it those awesome machines you can fly with an air glass option we'll have a tube coming over where it'll be blowing off those Chuck jaws near you so if there's any worry about getting the chip in there that that's taken care of the process reliability right yeah exactly yeah most the time it doesn't matter how long the park takes just can't stop what is he going keep going yeah you want your troop what is my room yeah yeah I don't care about my cycle time how many come often do I get a part off the line for the folks that have followed us as the New York days our first little bench top cnc machine was named Herbie and he was named Herbie because there's a book called the goal which got like the Bible in the operations world and the point of the goal sorry I'm spoiling it is in this case they put the slowest kid on a Boy Scout hike at the front of the group because that kept the group together and yes it did slow them down but it actually increases speed because I kept everything moving so and the parallel to factories is you always want to focus on where your bottleneck is and when your bottleneck drive the manufacturing process they don't have them are choke the machine and sit there for hours on end bottle that gives double that process yeah again there's new stuff here we go this is our CEO so it's our compact blade this one's got live to lean on so it's built in oh look at that spot drilling drill next to each other and if you've got a king you've got teo lay near luck the other side with the tool post emulate our CEO never forget their machinist right your machine is you can make it into a new one so on this common game 200 we've got ready tools tools so even though it's a single station on this turn it's an aid station turret yeah just as I've got eight stations it doesn't mean I'm stuck with eight tools down lays regular yeah make your own block put as many walls in here it goes in both bands air pushes the bar up against the stops with the urban yep away you go also it's only one bar but good Greek still right that's awesome yeah yeah so beautiful stuff yeah awesome folks hope you guys enjoyed mark thanks to sir man I really miss it yeah absolutely around see Joe again we really appreciate mark giving us a tour through the hast booth card here to our full-blown tour of all the awesome machinery and equipment and technology and tooling that we saw at IMTS 2018 hope you learned something hope you enjoyed take care folks see you soon
Channel: NYC CNC
Views: 224,672
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tormach, fusion 360, how to, cnc, machine shop, nyc cnc, DIY, machining, milling, CAD, cnc machining, cnc milling, haas, umc 750, imts, trade show, tour, umc 1000ss, 8 station pallet pool changer, ec 400
Id: JqfnlPELl_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 58sec (2038 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 17 2018
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