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[Laughter] okay guys welcome welcome to the vlog I'm so excited right now because we got snow like legit snow it is deep enough to play and I know a couple inches maybe but the fun part the fun part I talked about this in the other vlog that we were gonna try to build a ramp off the drop in so that we could go across the pond we only have one shovel we're using sleds and we're just trying to build enough snow off the pond so that we could roll off this downside while that's slick didn't realize I was on the pond that's a drop right it's amazing it's a nice snow shovel right there so the idea oh geez the idea is that we get enough speed off of the drop in which is covered in ice we've dumped water on it it's frozen that we can go all the way down come off the dock come down the snow hill and then across the pond it's foolproof it is the perfect idea for today we got snow guys you know how excited I've been about this you guys like in the snow you playing in the snow Oh Britt brought out the toy oh it is it needs gas I'm sorry well you got a lot of warm up it's freezing she's cold you put a blanket on her taking to the grocery up with gas in it I know I know come on snow dog Snow Patrol you're fine he'll move Britt's having so much fun he's fine dude we got to add some ice down especially down at the bottom I think with the sled it'll be a little different result let's try to make it off this thing it's not done yet we're gonna give us our ego can we make it off the dock that's amazing that's about keep hundred shovels worth 500 e it's so fluffy oh here we go here we go [Laughter] is there snot on me Dov icicle snow stick do a little try it dude there's like a very nice drop off at the end kind of hurts yeah sorry about your aunt [Music] we need more water we need more water falling yeah we add water you're gonna go flying there you go there you go here goes mommy's dad Brittany's dad up her the snow so awesome oh he's going all the way all right I'm gonna bust out the metal holy crap this thing's so slick [Laughter] [Applause] ooh nice that's what bonus points did 540 oh he's going he is going alright it's mommy's first time mommy's first dropping you've never went down this ever you got this it's so fun that's right look like it I don't like Heights it's not very high look low canes done it a thousand times he's a penguin oh my gosh you got this babe get lined up just get lined up I'm just gonna watch I won't touch me you're good just take your time just come up to the line and just here I'll stand right here it's all about going straight there you go just drop just drop mando ruff oh look at this Cup that's hilarious do you got enough Marshall you guys want some hot chocolate for the marshmallows no no the rough life coming in from solidified chuckle oh it's man with the good stuff these kids like hot chocolate inside boom I can't even see I don't even know who that is don't like me they would you say what do you what do you got your mouth here to go Brittany and her mom on the tube I think [Music] Oh oh boy hang on little girls hang on little girls oh my god Britney Britney she's faking no buffer oh your nose is bleeding really bad just get in [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay here we go barefoot oh ho oh my gosh okay hot sup time that's it you got it okay we're walking past slow yeah so cold I'm such a baby when it comes to cold old dude my feet are frozen my feet are gone my feet are gone I'm getting in hurry hurry okay so we've had an absolute riot today some of the stuff is so hard to film I just filmed the best I could hey little dude now we're gonna jump in hot tub and warm up we've literally been outside all day - hot chocolate time thanks for watching guys thanks for being a part of our telling you this is the secret horse fence you got another surgery what did they add a plate yeah I got another plate now so now we got two good better than one concerning the Terminator did I know I'm jumping around quite a bit in this video towards the end here and I was editing the initial clips from this sledding and what we did today and I noticed like what's going on with the mustache what is going it doesn't look like it right now but through the vlog it's like this I don't know if I don't like dirt or what but I'm watching I'm like what is going on with the stache so I need to shave but that's not it I don't know what's going on anyway it looks it looks muddy or something I I don't know what it is anyways I want to show you this in case you didn't see it I only know because of you guys tweeting me and showed me so check this out thank you thank you thank you thank you guys we passed 14 million subscribers obviously a mind-blowing number to myself I still remember getting 50 subscribers and that blew my mind I believe me when I say this I am truly blessed and honored to have each and every one of you and to hit that number of 14 million these are these are just numbers guys that just never was possible is it possible literally impossible to me so thank you from the bottom of my heart my family and I we just we talked about it all the time we are lucky to have you is truly a blessing sue sure it's you're stealing the focus back there he's focusing on you back here buddy I got another one right here check this out got this guy sitting right here with me as I edit and the chain country got me I just hang there for now anyway guys hope you're having a perfect day a wonderful day fight for that positivity I used to challenge you guys all the time to just think positive for one hour if something bad happens or you're thinking negative change it push it aside and think truly positive and you know it's a great great thing to try right now you know everybody makes New Year's resolutions jump into the positivity you know what I'm gonna think positive it's hard it is very challenging I fight it every day I myself find myself fighting positive it's tough it's much easier to be negative it's easy to be negative it's that's the easy route being positive is tough it's hard did you got so many things pulling you and pushing you it's tough believe me we all know you and I we all know everybody's fighting different battles I don't want to get off-track here thank you guys for absolutely everything we are we are just speechless all the time thank you thank you thank you we will see them all have a wonderful New Year's you are beautiful you are truly one-of-a-kind smama you
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 2,818,150
Rating: 4.920013 out of 5
Keywords: Roman Atwood, Roman, Atwood, roman atwood vlogs, family vlogs, roman vlogs, atwood vlogs, noah atwood, kane atwood, brittney, roman soldiers, kid-friendly, kid friendly, family-friendly, family friendly, family fun, Vlogs2017, vlog, vlogs, vlogger, vlogging, day, daily, Everyday, Smile more, Roman atwoods, House, Home, Kids, Noah, Kane, donkey, Empire, flash, Husky, Dog, Girlfriend, Britt, atv, pull, off road, can am, x3, tracks, tank treads, mini tank, fast, outdoors
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 31 2017
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