Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back Review - Quickies Don't Cut It
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Channel: Retropolis Zone
Views: 21,755
Rating: 4.9262295 out of 5
Keywords: Yes I said disguise instead of distress, Sorry, Also toads instead of turtles, Oops, Brainfarts, Crash, Bandicoot, Two, Cortex, Strikes, Back, Backtracking, Naughty Dog, ND, Dogs, Morgan, Jetpack, Jetski, Ice, Water, Orange, PS1, PSX, PSOne, PlayStation, Activision, Sony, Computer, Entertainment, Platformer, 3D, 1080p, 720p, HD, 60fps, Review, Reception, Analysis, Long, 30 Minutes, Detailed, 1997, Clancy Brown, N.Gin, Tiny Tiger, Komodo Joe, Ripper Roo, Bees, Josh Mancell, Mutato Muzika
Id: 0wj6mTdF_RM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 4sec (1864 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 15 2016
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