Craps Dice Control Part 3: The Eight Physical Elements to Play & Win!

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you are watching the third of three golden touch videos to detail the eight physical elements of dice control this video covers elements six seven and eight for further information go to viii physical elements of dice control it is absolutely essential that the eight physical elements of dice control be learned perfectly element six delivering the dice to the back wool now we come to the dynamic section of the eight physical elements the delivery of the dice to the back wall how you grip and throw the dice how the dice spin and how they bounce and how hard they hit the back wall will determine just how close to perfection we can get Dom will show you we grab the dice and put our fingers straight across the front so that they are perfectly even in the back your thumb can be about 40% to halfway down the dice and your thumb must be centered evenly between the two dice the bottom of the dice should be level with the table top and the front of the dice should be square with the front wall if you start your throw on an angle it will end on an angle and not give the dice enough surface area to release energy to the tabletop okay now we want the dice to be squared along the table and then we aim and gently bring the dice back and then forward and we release let's do this again we grab the dice grip them properly pause making sure that the dice is square aim then gently bring them back then forward with a pendulum swing and we release we want our arm to go back enough so that it will have enough forward momentum we don't want to push to release the dice we want the dice to come out on their own from our hands let Dom show you that again Elements seven spinning the dice once the dice are released they make their way to the back wall golden touch advocates a gentle back spin for the dice this backspin will keep the dice together in the air act as a break when the dice hit the table and help to dissipate the energy of the dice we do not want the dice hitting that back wall with too much energy with too much energy the dice will move more bounce more and become closer to random the closer to random the dice are the less control we have over them so now we're going to take a look at the back spin again Dom will do it from beginning to end daaamn grips the dice and does his back and fo would swing and then releases the dice into the air please note the spin you will want between two and four spins on the dice before they land on the table well let's do the whole range of motions again gripping backward motion forward motion and then releasing the dice now note the spin element eight controlling the bounce when the dice hit the table the biggest problem begins the perfect or almost perfect throw now starts to deteriorate as the dice make their way to the back wall we want the dice to travel at about a forty-five degree angle on most tables watch this now when they come down we want the dice to hit solidly on the felt so that the first hit takes away a lot of the energy from the dice you want as much of the surface area of the dice to hit the tabletop that is why everything must start with the dice being square to the table and the front wall now the dice make their way to the back wall you really want to hit the back wall on one bounce by the time the dice actually arrive at the back wall you want their energy to be almost completely gone the dice hit the back wall and died let's do the whole motion again setting the dice grabbing the dice gripping the dice back swing forward swing release proper spin and 45-degree angle landing one bounce hit the back wall and die okay where do we want to hit the back wall we do not want to hit the mixing bowl but we do want to hit with a back wall is straight you would you like to learn more if so get casino craps shoot to win by Frank's kill bloody with Dominator it is the most comprehensive craps book ever written the only book that gives you everything you need to get a real verifiable edge at the 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Channel: Golden Touch Craps
Views: 269,035
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Keywords: how to play craps and win, how to play craps at the casino and win, dice control, dice, craps, craps dice control, learn craps, beat casinos, win at the casino, dominator, how to win at craps, how to play at the casino, how to win at the casino with little money, how to win at the casino every time, how to play craps
Id: kCtciQ3my7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 46sec (466 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 15 2011
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