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oh [Music] welcome back to the video i am in austria for crack works so yeah straight from quarantine i had like two days at home and now i've driven straight here crank works i'm currently an alternate first slope so i'm the first guy to drop in if someone pulls out um i'm going to be doing speed and style and whip off as well i've got quite a lot on today we've got first practice for slopestyle right now and then i've got speed and style later then whip off so it's going to be a hectic day so it should be a good one all right let's drop in for the first runs following yakub first run in [Music] wow i went deep then [Music] just cruising through [Music] sick first round in the bag i went so deep on the first jump run number two try not over jump this first shot massively [Music] oh still went massive half the landing cleared [Music] oh it's running so much faster than my [ __ ] it's insane wow it's really fun to cruise of course try this again and not land flat on this first jump wow that's running way faster than last year it's insane bit windy not gonna lie yeah it's pretty pretty sweet we get the shuttle back up to the top back of the pickup and it's a nice little breeze like calling you down because it's so hot today it's like 32 degrees it's insane but a nice little warm little cool off before getting back into it i think we're doing a bit of coarse watering at the minute so have a little chill grab some water and get back into the session all right another little cruise you've gone through very first day of practice [Music] this thing still terrifies me felt nice [Music] all right first run dropping in don't really know where i'm going this is all changed from the last time it's been stuff [Music] cool nice first run on that i follow you yeah you follow me ready ready go i've definitely got a way too heavily pedal gear on hold away from me i'm so proud of seeing [Music] stuff [Music] i think that's the best way to buy the spine i just flipped it let's do that way there so just made it all the way to the top of the mountain look how insane that view is and we're here to ride that jump it's the whip off it's gonna be insane let's get straight into the action [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] all right so just chilling and uh yeah i'll take it easy yeah all right just massive whips and stuff all right let's wait a half second try and try and get a little gap so it's not loads of people yeah of course just slowly edge forward okay if it gets in the way ready that one sucked oh what i went too far ah sorry man it's all good so good all right lean this one out as far as i can full whip [Applause] oh i felt pretty sideways not a chaos but still pretty sideways but whips are fun but threes are better [Applause] would have been rude not to done one at some point [Music] all right this is the biggest whip of your life right now i love that step down [Music] [Applause] wow [Music] almost got it back i'll lead her out [Music] [Applause] ugh [Music] top 20 guys for finals and then a 10 minute jam session so hopefully i'll get my best one done and be on the podium but hardly doubt that with the boys out here so just gonna have some fun and do some whips let's get the first one out of the way our finals [Applause] that sun's getting a bit insane now what are you gonna do [Applause] [Music] a minute so that is a wrap for whip-off as a wrap for this video i'm here for another like four or five days and uh it's going to continue to get more insane i've got more slopes out more spring stuff to do so it's going to be insane that's happening so keep tuned catch you next one peace
Channel: Tom Isted
Views: 13,232
Rating: 4.9909806 out of 5
Keywords: BIKE, DOWNHILL, FREEERIDE, DIRT JUMP, DJ, SLOPESTYLE, NEW Zealand, QUEENSTOWN, BIKE VS, DOWNHILL VS DJ, CRASH, SKYLINE BIKE PARK, GORGE ROAD, CRASNKWORX, RIDE, BACKFLIP, TRAILS, MOUNTAINS, ROAD BIKE, ENDURO, CXX, CX, 27.5, 26, 29, Planes, airports, lost bags, lost bikes, huck yeah, backflip, mtb backflip, bike flip, flip, Gawton, HSD, PROPER JOB, RATTLER, bmcc, wales, mtb wales, Crankworx
Id: jDhADwSG3rY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 17 2021
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