Craig Ferguson 4/18/14C Late Late Show tweetEmail XD

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welcome back to the show where tonight we're going crazy really yeah crazy we're going crazy you ah yeah you know I'm like what I like is that you know these days that we can get through the emails without the phone interruptions all the time no phone calls that no phone calls what are we calling up from other shows those celebrities will call again Holi with their antics oh we don't need that around here excuse me would you hello hey it's K log K Oh Luigi you're the third caller you've won tickets to Kenny Loggins Annie Loggins yeah hey I met Kenny Loggins once did you really well that's great cuz you're the big winner you're going to see Kenny oh yeah Kayla Kayla Lucci Kenny Loggins all day all night what's your name where you from no no no what's your name where you from Oh what's your name if you want the tickets jackass you better tell me huh kay log yeah that's weird hahaha what's a surprise that wasn't it yeah well type in Jeffrey Pierce yeah it's tweet mail time time to take advice from a man who will wear that red ties sometime in May excuse me a second uh yeah can you get me a CBS 1:35 I'd like to speak to Jeff Peterson please just a minute please okay I've got mr. Peterson on the line for you Jeff yeah hey what's up man how can I be calling you and your hair no I'm in the future I'm in May right now and I'm looking at you and you're wearing that red tie from April I think was the 17th is that right Oh 18th oh sure that's right that's what I meant all this I see I see yeah sure sure you look great Thanks where are you I don't know I can see some light and I'm thinking of walking towards it should I walk towards the left please do do you need money are you all right yeah I wouldn't make some money I have much of you got of which do you need $100 you fool I don't get paid chalo chalo des filles alright ah anyway it's a tweets and emails jangle you ready we assure ourselves alright tweets and emails tweets an email time I like that you like that yeah that's fun yeah you know cuz you're doing a late night show wake up uh this is from Avery in Washington DC you ever been there oh yeah hell yeah we were there we went 30 yeah yeah be said now hotel what was a car that won the one day after heat from the thing okay good that's enough Laurie hey Craig would you do me a favor and so the robots weekend plans for me thanks what are you doing this weekend yes standing here all weekend okay pretty much like last weekend yeah uh this is from Margo and oh I thought that said penis landing its Penn's Landing yeah I thought I thought it said penis landing I'd be like whoa whoa whoa yeah what's that blocking out the Sun Jeff that's a penis slip penalize is it is it live dinners and take it off yeah Korea very hard to get to that Airport penis landing wasn't that a sensitive Shore and life time in the 1990s penis land in Atlanta girl with james Van Der Beek he was so good at math he was he was good in there Margot says Craig and Jeff have you ever taken a selfie together yeah yeah a couple of times oh the photograph thing how can I say no there was that one does that one we did at penis land yeah exactly yeah that's right yeah this is for Bryan and San Clemente San Clemente in California it says Craig do you want to play soccer with my friends we play at the end of Pico and Saturday mornings yeah sure yeah I'll be there you go down to Pico and play soccer with those guys yeah why not I'm good at Pico I'll take some oranges you take two rights and a left at pinis landing yeah this from Jordan Los Angeles California he says a Craig I have a grammar question for you well I have an answer for you tootsie fruitsie yeah yeah please please please don't encourage profanity he'll just enjoy it I think I was possessed there yeah a little bit well I was possessed by you he possessed me here's how you know when I'm possessed by him I am a racist there it again cuz you are a racist racist racist all right and this is from somebody else um hello yeah hey don't hey listen just calm I know you need some things done unity things done like hey aren't you ow yeah those bigger I don't yeah al you're al from Las Vegas yeah yeah I'm over here just I was watching a show I just make sure everything's all right you need anything done many people think curve what he need anything for me no I'm good alright listen to me and the falls are gonna go into a penis landing a little bit if you want to come over sure I'll bring some oranges I love it chalo well that's about Oh hello yeah hello it's Danny Glover daddy blubber yeah how you doing that's great great to talk to you it's great to talk to you Danny Glover what's going on big big fan of your show wind uh uh you're starting a little insincere daddy oh no I'm a huge fan I love it I love everything you do very funny were you did you ever do a guest ball in that sure what was it called again penis landing yeah yeah I was on that you know james Van Der Beek he's a beater and a very good actor Matt I think we all fell in love a little bit with James on that show do I know I certainly did you lovely young man lovely yeah yeah he's a great guy van der pute or as I call them VDB oh it's good yeah VDB you're funny you're funny guy yeah yeah yeah so what can I do for you Danny I was just trying to find out where you got that April tire yeah where this time once a month yeah no I'm looking for a nice time for Easter I just want to know where you got that a nice tie for easy that's right that's what is it time for Easter roar well I like to get dressed up you know when I have my ham you know my eggs what ha you dress up and wear a tie to have a ham yeah man I'm Danny Glover I do it right um you know just like you I'm getting too old for this when I smear but I swear this if I'm still on the air in a month I'll wear this time
Channel: TVsCraigFerguson2
Views: 64,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Craig Ferguson, Geoff Petersin, Michael Naidus, Malinky Stoatir
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 29 2014
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