Crafting the Chimera Daedalus Axe (Hypixel SkyBlock Ironman)

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so so basically chat almost a one in a million it was like one in 800 000 chance to happen and taking into account my stats if I had zero stats no levels of looting whatever it would have been one in a hundred million well anyways I have a quest here we did drop two data list sticks so I think chat knows where I'm going with this logic here we don't have enough gold so we actually have to pop into a crystal Hollows lobby with escape the pets I am too lazy to change my equipment it's not gonna make that big a difference gold mining is a quick process especially for only a handful of blocks to those that are not initiated the Sky Block gold mining is stupid easy as long as you find a good Lobby and they are fairly common nowadays because making gold from making coin from mining gold isn't really a thing people do anymore uh so let's see if we can find a mine of Devon so the goal here is to get however many blocks this is that 48 I think that's 48 yeah 48 Enchanted Gold Blocks we also should be doing this there we go hello virus man I have finally thrown my elephant pet egg cat and it's on its way to Legend oh nice time to enter the farming game um it's gonna be level 90 but I'm but in the meantime I can level my rabbit I crafted yesterday to level farming nice I would also look into eventually getting a mushroom cow because although for contests elephants are best bet and honestly for a while until you get good magic power elephants your best bet but like once you get really far into it you are gonna want a mushroom cow just for the extra shrooms to either sell if you're on a normal profile or to give to visitors if you're on Iron Man that's what I've been using it for oh we'll get to that later I've actually been doing a large amount of farming off camera well off camera again on Twitch follow the twitch it's just you know not a whole lot of content that you can make videos out of but it is still a Vibe and a half all right let's check up on the amount of gold they have um we need a total of 48 blocks we're already pretty close okay we're at 39. one two three one two 48 Enchanted gold blocks Daedalus ax gains four damage per taming level copies the stats from your active pet look at this little cat deals 200 damage against mythological creatures and minus followers doesn't really matter what we're here for with the Daedalus ax is copying the stats from your active pet that is why this weapon is good and honestly I've been thinking about this a lot there's been a debate in my chat ever since I dropped these two books ever since I dropped the first book what do I put the Chimera on right because Daedalus acts as the classic that's what everybody has been doing but the best melee weapon in the game arguably if you don't include abilities oh the dark Claymore I almost forgot its name tends to also have people put Chimera on it so I think I've made a decision as much as I am probably going to put Chimera on a dark Claymore I'm not done with mythological Festival I'm not done with that part of the game the Talisman still needs like 6 500 kills I still need 10 total stacks of Griffin feathers for Terminator I might want to make a second Terminator because some people recommend doing that you want one with fatal Tempo and another one with duplex so maybe I need another one maybe I need another 10 stacks of Griffin feathers I don't know long story short I'm probably gonna drop more books so I think for right now we are going to take both of these Chimera books combine them together for Chimera 2 copying 40 of my pet stats and then we are going to take that and put it on the Daedalus ax for a total of a hundred and forty percent of the active pets stats so boom and then while holding as a as a joke as a meme as a funny ha ha I want to see something if I were to use escape a pet for example with Devon armor for not even doing the equipment I'm at 1603 mining Fortune put this on oh it didn't didn't do anything is that because the scada Stats come from a perk for mining speed okay bad example hold on we gotta look at the mining speed before and after 4610 versus 47.50 doesn't matter you can't mine with the data list X actually you technically combine wood with it but I don't think that matters anyways that's just a fun example the true example is with a golden dragon so the Golden Dragon the the way that Chimera and Daedalus ax works is it only gives you the stats that you see at the top it doesn't count anything you get from the quote abilities right so none of these like dragons greeds shining scales I don't think that I don't think that matters what matters is only the three numbers at the top strength bonus attack speed and Magic find so let's take a look in my magic find before and after so for example if I were to not to have the Golden Dragon just nothing my magic find is 116. I equip the pet 137 and then I hold out the ax 167 not shabby bonus attack speed goes from 40 to 79. yeah that's insane only issue is Daedalus acts overall not a great weapon its main use is really just for the magic find or getting the final hit on bosses so there you go that is what this is used for that's what the Chimera is used for but yeah there you have it now what am I gonna do with this Daedalus ax here we go we're gonna put withered on it even though fabled is probably better for now I am going to continue grinding catacombs level So eventually this is going to this is going to be better so there you go withered Daedalus ax we're gonna give it some basic enchantments nothing crazy uh yet eventually we're gonna do uh that also hold on let's pause our content for a second here because I just realized we have some enchanting to do some experimentation tables looting for lock six yes so that is among the enchantments we are going to be adding could you theoretically put Chimera on a drill for mining speed from scada that would be kind of cool but as far as I know you can't ultimate enchant a drill also chat just gave me a decent idea I kind of want to try this when we're done with the experimentation table Here's a thought what would happen if I were to equip an elephant pet and use this on like pumpkins or something when farming elephant doesn't get base Fortune odds from the perk see that's the limitation of uh Chimera and Daedalus ax they both work that way how am I supposed to tell the difference Hypixel they all look exactly the same even if I wasn't using a solver right now how am I supposed to tell the difference where's the extra clicks of the auto finder bro sharpness five we're just gonna start out simple you know we're just gonna we're not going too crazy we're just getting it up to speed with everything else that I have you know just we're introducing it to the conversation here scavenger here hold on actually uh let's grab looting for luck six scavenger four right why not keep cubism please giant killer critical execute yes impaling I'm trying to think about how I'm going to use the weapon [Music] am I dumb did I already put first strike on it let's do that well there you go look at this weapon now it's not the best weapon in the game obviously but it is pretty nice I'm gone for two seconds and now you have an an ax with Chimera 2 on it yes this is an actual item that I have in my possession now let's do a a damage test although I should point out again it's not meant for this it's not meant to do damage it's meant to get magic find on the last hit boom 22k damage versus my warped aode oh hold on I'm using the wrong armor let's spec into an actual melee damage setup so we can give these items a fair shot so we're gonna go to hurtful and then we're gonna put all of my points into strength right no we're putting all the tuning points in the crit damage to even out the stats there we go oh another thing chat just reminded me we gotta make some hot potato books we're gonna make some vanilla paper and then I'm actually going to take the enchanted sugar put this there nice okay that's what we needed to do then we put this there one two three four five six seven eight nine ten Hot Potato books I'm getting so many texts right now from so many people like random people in my life I haven't talked to in a long time it's crazy I don't know what's special about today I'm gonna have to respond to like seven different texts when I get when I get done with string here okay so we're fully optimized for damage now enchantments could be better but I'm not wasting it on a Daedalus X we do have hot potato books on there though honestly those stats aren't even that bad 220 damage 400 strength that's actually good though 50 crit damage is a little low but like damn almost 400 strength okay that's not bad and again since we're using this setup in the proper we're using the best power Stone two hundred and four thousand versus my warped amte 230 000. so it does oh that time it did last for some reason it's still not bad it's like a hundred and eighty seven thousand which for a weapon that you're only supposed to really get the final hit on that's not bad let's get a little bit of an unfair damage cast if I can find a single living thing to attack almost 300K damage versus liver dagger from the front oh it does less action wait wait wait what living dagger does less than hold on does that mean my warped aote is better than 11 dagger is that how bad living dagger is wait I thought almost foreign useless wow okay then well there you have it limit dagger is officially terrible attack speed who cares about attack speed we got like a billion plushies now look at that oh here's the final detail I didn't talk about with mythological we did drop three washed up souvenirs and I ended up putting one on the ammo Knight I put one of them on the Flying Fish and like a stupid I got a third one was like oh might as well put it on the dolphin but then I forgot that reindeer and Squid exist those would have both been pretty worthy candidates but again we're gonna continue doing this electron transmitter 188 magic find not bad chat that is not bad you guys ready for my dreams to get crushed when I ask Guild whether or not 188 magic find or whatever it's gonna be is good they just come back here it's okay it could be better you know I got like 400 magic fine personally but that's not bad I just thought of something [Music] wanted to know if we really wanted to know magic find I only have two pieces of Sorrows so bear with me on that one but there you go okay now we get to see what our actual magic find is after this 190. [Music] I have a feeling the number and tab is different from the number that shows up in chat when I get a drop so we're still gonna try and find a lost city because some automatons now am I actually gonna be using it like this uh probably not if I had to guess the way I'm actually going to grind It Is by swapping with Spirit scepter use black cat pet g-dragons more a lot more actually it's like 22 magic fine well there you go Chad that's the moment 205 magic find is what we have against automatons oh [Music]
Channel: ThirtyVirus
Views: 84,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thirtyvirus
Id: PJtZicoveWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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