Crafting Remastered Part 1 - Pathfinder (2e)

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[Music] hello and welcome to crafting in Pathfinder second edition remastered part one I already have a complete series of videos about crafting for those of you who are using the Legacy Second Edition rules and a link to those videos is provided in this video's description in this video we're going to discuss the foundation used for all crafting we'll be covering all of the general requirements and Rule and in the next course we'll get into specifics for crafting special items like Scrolls wands runes and also crafting weapons and armor using special materials like cold iron or adamantine the crafting skill can be used for a variety of activities such as identifying alchemical items and repairing broken gear but for the purposes of this video we're going to focus on using the crafting skill to create items before you can start crafting there are a few requirements that you will need to meet first the item that you wish to craft must be your experience level or lower if no item level is included in the item stats then it's considered to be item level zero second you must have the proper proficiency you must be at least trained in crafting in order to craft any items if the items level is ninth or higher then you need to have Master Proficiency in crafting to make it and if the items level is 16th or higher then you need to have legendary proficiency third you might need a special feet to craft the item the crafting skill by itself is sufficient to make most common mundane items like gear and common non-magical weapons and armor but if you wish to craft specialty items like those we will discuss in depth in the next video in this series then you'll need some special Feats if you want to make alchemical items like elixir poisons and bombs then you need the alchemical crafting feat if you want to make any magical items including Scrolls then you need the magical crafting feed and if you want to create snares like traps and alarms then you need the snare crafting feet the fourth requirement for crafting is you must have the right tools for the job an alchemist lab is needed to craft alchemical items a writing set is needed to craft Scrolls and so on Artisan toolkits are provided as a sort of catch all term when purchasing one of these sets you need to declare what kind of tools they are for example woodworking tools if you're working on carpentry or a brewing kit if you want to make beer in some cases you'll also need a workshop as determined by your GM for example you'll need access to a forge if you want to make a metal shield there's no hard rule for this in the book so it's up to Common Sense and again the GM's discretion the fifth requirement only applies if what you are making is not common Rarity and that is you must have something to work off of in other words you can't make an uncommon or rare item just off the top of your head you either need a sample of that item that you are going to make a copy of or you need the items formula although formula is the term used in the game this could be a recipe a blueprint a schematic or any other form of instructions to follow note again that you do not need a work sample or formula to craft common items and you are not required to have the items formula for uncommon and rare items if you have a sample of the item you are making a copy of but all of that said it is always a best practice to have the items formula because working from a formula will cut the amount of time required to craft the item in half obtaining formulas for common Rarity items is pretty easy a basic crafter's book can be purchased for one silver piece and it has all of the formulas for crafting common items found in chapter six of the player core book so this one purchase provides all of the formulas for swords bows chain mail musical instruments Brewing ale and pretty much everything else that's considered to be common and if you wish to purchase the formula for a common Rarity item that is found in a different book you can do so according to the table here formulas for items that are uncommon or rare are only available at the GM's discretion and likely will either be incredibly expensive or awarded as part of treasure honestly given that acquiring the formulas for common items is so easy you should probably just consider that having the formula for the item that you're crafting is a requirement unless you have a sample that you're working from and last you need raw materials worth at least half of the listed cost of the item if you are creating a common item like a long sword as long as you're in a settlement you can probably just pay the price in silver but more exotic items might require very specific and harder to find materials that you will need to Source once you meet the requirements have the proper tools a formula or work sample and the required materials then you're ready to get to work in order to create the item you must invest an amount of time or resources equal to its listed price and always start by providing 50% of that total cost upfront you then spend two days of downtime working or only one day of downtime working if you are using a formula so after one or two days of working depending on if you have the formula you then roll your crafting skill and the GM Compares that total against a secret DC that they set on a failure your progress stops but you don't lose any of the money or resources you've already invested and can start the process over again critical failures work the same way except you lose 10% of the materials that were used but if the skill check is a success you have a few options your first option is to pay the remaining balance needed and complete the work you always start by putting up 50% of the items price so if you roll a success after one day of work with a formula you just need to pay the remaining 50% cost to instantly complete it this does not save you any money and it takes some time but might be worth it if the item you're making is not available for purchase in your area or if it's important that that the item was made specifically by you for example if you're crafting a painting or other work of art your second option after rolling a success is to invest more time in crafting it every day of additional work lowers the amount of resources needed to complete the item by an amount equal to the table found on page 229 so for example if you were eighth level with expert Proficiency in crafting every additional day of downtime spent beyond what is required would lower the needed resources to complete the item by three gold pieces and if you roll a critical success you treat yourself as being one level higher so if you're again an eighth level expert and roll a critical success you would lower the amount of resources needed by four gold instead of three for each extra day of downtime spent working on the item after each day of work you can decide if you you want to pay off the remaining balance to finish your work and complete the item or if you want to spend one more day of work to lower the remaining balance that's needed note that no additional skill checks are needed for the extra days spent crafting once you roll a success is just a matter of counting days and seeing how long you want to work and how much more money you're willing to pay in order to finish now this might have you wondering about things like error do you really need to spend an entire day to make a single Arrow the good news is no you don't it's not quite that bad if you wish to craft ammunition or any item with the consumable trait you can make those in batches non-magical ammunition is created in batches equal to their numberers shown on page 281 so blow gun darts crossbow bolts and arrows are all made in batches of 10 and all other items with the consumable trait including magical ammunition are made in batches of four when you create by batch every item in that batch must be identical there's no mixing and matching so you can't make Five Arrows In five crossbow bolts in the same batch it has to be 10 of one or 10 of the other crafting in batches works the same way as crafting individual items except you add the price of each item together so if you're making a batch of four vials of holy water the price would be 12 gold and you would need to provide six gold up front for the material cost other than that crafting in batches works the same as what we have already discussed in this video We examined the basics of crafting and the next video expands that discussion to cover magic items and crafting weapons and armor with precious materials I will also be uploading a full example of crafting in the remaster Edition from start to finish so keep an eye out for that if you have any questions please leave them in the comments and I'd like to take a quick moment to thank everyone who supports me in this channel by clicking that like button subscribing to the channel or subscribing to the patreon thanks for watching take care and happy [Music] gaming
Channel: How It's Played
Views: 10,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: top 5, top 10, best, Pathfinder, 2nd Edition, PF2, 2e, Dungeons and Dragons, Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, DND, Paizo, Game, Role-playing, RPG, games, gaming, how to, guide, basic rules, rules summary, Pathfinder rules, Pathfinder rules summary, how to play Pathfinder, critical role, critical roll, crafting, making, forging, craft, pathfinder crafting, basics4gamers, remaster, remastered
Id: GJrknzlKHbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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