Crafting A Near Perfect RF/Fire Trap Amulet

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hello everyone I am back from Korea and we're back in playing Path of Exile I just wanted to share with you guys my very lucky amulet craft how you could craft it yourself probably not as easy as I did and try to set this up something a little bit different this is effectively a best in slot like nearly perfect amulet actually for both firetrap and folks that play Regis fire as well it's actually a very simple craft there's a lot of struggle starting off getting that plus gem level as long as you don't get an unlucky Regal it's actually a fairly deterministic craft afterwards what we're gonna do is I'm gonna show you guys how we would craft this in craft of Exile and then I'll just roll the rest of the footage showing how I actually crafted it on stream since the very hardest thing to hit here is the plus level of all skill gems that's the first step that we're gonna go for whenever you start a craft right you want to go to craft of Exile we're going to click jewelry and then amulet we go down here to our mods and we want to look at the weightings if we look at level of all skill gems it has a weighting of 50 that is .023 to hit as a full weight on the affixes right there so that is very very hard to hit and what we're gonna do is alteration spam and this is the hardest part this is the most painful part if you have any way to make this easier you know any way to make this easier I strongly recommend it because this is very very painful I got incredibly lucky the average is about one in two thousand alterations to hit this I got very lucky I hit it in 45 which is absolutely absurd I wasn't even planning on like fully doing the craft on that stream but as soon as I hit it I knew I had to finish it so you just alterations spam and since we have a fractured suffix what that means is about half the time you're actually going to get nothing when using alteration because the alteration will hit the suffix and you just have to use an augment afterwards so also we want to bless it up we want to use intrinsic Catalyst for our build specifically strength is very hard to get so that is why on my version I'm using intrinsic Catalyst try to push that strength up as high as possible I get 72 strength on my amulet alone gigantic percentage of my total strength on this build oh well that's a nice little sale here's a little interjection for the channel challenges I was doing a blueprints this morning and I got a replica ferals so that's a nice little sale in the middle of recording right now as painful as Heist is this is not painful this definitely offsets a lot of the pain of doing that challenge anyway back to our regularly scheduled program the basic idea here is we want to get as much strength as possible right I've crafted strength you know something else would be pretty nice what we're going to do is alteration spam into the plus level of all skill gems so what you're going to see is when we use an alteration right I used it half the time you don't get anything and then you have to go to an augment right here and you're just going to be doing alteration augment doing this you know go back to the augment alteration you know oh we hit chaos right there pretty nice keep on doing this this is a one in two thousand this is gonna be very very painful and the problem is it's not only alterations it's also augments so you gotta stock up on a lot of those and you're all items here I recommend typing level of all skill gems and then this way it'll highlight when you finally hit that so you don't accidentally roll over it I'm not gonna do this whole thing right now but yeah you're just gonna do that one in two thousand it is very very painful through the magic of craft of Exile let's say we finally hit it that one of two thousand it could take you four thousand six thousand we had one person in chat lastly that was rolling righteous Fire amulets and it took them 16 000 to hit word of warning this can be very very painful but it's still going to be on average cheaper than you know spending the 18 divines on the the fractured base for reference the dot multi-fraction base for me was seven divines I've seen it between six and eight divines on a good amulet base for the past week so anyway when we hit this now unfortunately we are in an additional layer of RNG the nice thing about this is once we get past this step the RNG is over and it's basically deterministic however this part kind of sucks so what we're going to do is Regal and really really hope that we get a suffix all right we got lucky and I I got lucky as well when I crafted this myself the reason we want a suffix is we want to be able to clear off all of the additional mods and block a prefix and then we can augment deterministically through Harvest to get plus one fire jump if we had a prefix here unfortunately what that would do is it would force us let's go for a prefix this forces us into a 50 50. because we know what our prefix is that we want to have unfortunately this puts us in the situation where we have to annul and then we're back to square one if you and null your plus one level you have to scour and you're going back to square one do your alteration spam again that is like the worst case scenario you know you see that prefix that you Regal you're just very very sad you hope you hit this all right you're good to go and then you're in a good situation now this is actually cheaper than if you Regal a suffix if you annul then you're good to go you can multi-model we can do the augment if you Regal a suffix now the nice thing is no RNG however what we have to do is craft prefixes can't be changed and scour we have to do this because we require two crafted suffixes to block for the Harvest augment so unfortunately in this situation we have to do prefixes can't be changed and then scour it's scary to do but you will protect the prefix so if I craft prefixes can't be changed I scour and then safely remove all of the suffixes and then this is the Clean Slate that we want to be on from here the craft is fairly deterministic it's actually 100 safe and there's no risk any further once you hit this you're good to go what we do from here is we do can have three crafted modifiers we do prefixes can't be changed and then because there are two fire prefixes fire damage to attacks and fire gems we want to block fire damage to attacks so this crafted T2 fire damage to attacks this will then block the ability to hit that on the Harvest augment and then this guarantees 100 that the augment will hit plus one fire gems so we go to harvest we go to add remove and then we go to Fire and what it does is it's add removed since prefixes can't be changed is guaranteed heed to remove either the can have three crafted modifiers or the prefixes can't be changed so if we just click that bada bing bada boom now while we still have prefixes can't be changed and the crafted prefix unfortunately Ashling won't work the reason for that is since we already have a full prefix and they're protected it has to remove prefixes can't be changed and then give you a suffix which is okay you can craft 55 life on the prefix and then you can kind of like fill the suffixes have a failed suffix that's totally safe if we do Syndicate ashlingvale this will guarantee remove prefixes can't be changed and give us a failed suffix just like that then what we could do is we could craft a suffix to block something I would craft intelligence to block an intelligence unveil and then we can just get something right minimum power charges not bad minimum endurance charge is pretty nice Craft Life on the prefix slam suffixes whatever to finish so we could hit something like this and then you know you could slam an additional suffix hey tier 4 chaos was pretty nice that's a pretty good item right however if we go back to where I had it the safe play to do here unfortunately we have this fire damage to attacks is to remove all crafted mods recraft prefixes can't be changed it's going to cost you two more divines then you do an Ashling from here and you want to get that prefix unveil the prefix hopefully you get life but maybe there's something else that's pretty good then you can unveil the life which is what I did and then prefixes can't be changed again this this craft is not a cheap craft and then what I did is since we are happy with increased fire damage and a good Fire Res either one of those was good for me for my build I just did prefixes can't be changed Harvest reforged fire until I hit a nice Fire Res that then I wanted to change into cold res afterwards but I would have been equally happy with just hitting increased fire damage as well finding rest somewhere else get a little damage there and then I crafted strength on top of that and then that was my crap instead of Ashling however I used a veiled chaos orb there's actually a pretty good chance that you're safe doing this as well it's going to be cheaper than using a nationaling it's going to be less hassle but if you do mess it up and it fills the prefix and gives you a veiled suffix you will be very very sad so just so you know this is a little bit riskier replay it's not super risky but it's a little risky and we can demonstrate this if I keep clicking maybe it'll fill a prefix one of these times there we go so this is just the worst case scenario fills that fire damage to attacks you can no longer get life on there and then you're just unhappy with a veiled suffix so really the safest play here is ashlings are really really cheap right now they're like one to 1.5 divines on TFT I would recommend if you're already you know you're already four six eight divines into the craft on top of the fractured base strongly recommend just buying the Ashling and if it gives you a veiled suffix that's okay you can do prefixes can't be changed scour again and then prefixes can't be changed it's gonna cost you four divines each time you know better than breaking your craft right just do it until you get a veiled prefect so anyway that is all the steps of the craft then you have your GG perfect amulet honestly you could just use for a bunch of other builds enjoy the footage of me doing this craft live I'm actually going to stream very very early today so I'm gonna go get ready for that I'll see you very soon goodbye thank you to The Crucible trees though use a randomizer nah I I really want to be like excited about something yeah I mean a Raider zoom zoom is definitely compelling although like is it even worth using a radar when you can just use a Pathfinder right now the wall Flex yo thanks to the prime man trip was really really fun really fun great food of course bleed toxic rain Giga juice blade Vortex uh I mean I did um I did original sinblade Vortex last League if you want to look into that oh hey what's up guys hey how's it going um uh you can't imprint a fracture base unfortunately we just gotta YOLO it I'm a master crafter all right Regal wants all we can do oh we gotta all right we got a suffix let's go all right previous can't be changed look at the scariest thing you could do in your life boom all right look at this boom look at that guaranteed look at that see see I knew that you guys would have my back I knew that you guys would have my back all right how much how much juice do I need 15 000 purple juice nice watch this boom hey look crazy plus one fire that's wild hello that'll do so I got cold res on here right now I could do reforged cold s can't be changed before it's cold let's see let's see we gotta we gotta be smart about this hold on because I don't need chaos right I just need a res so reforged cold kind of sucks right because we can get cold damage reforge fire we could hit fire damage we could hit tier one fire damage which would be neat and then if we hit fire runs we can switch fire to cold right I think that's the safest yeah what is my cold Rose at right now my cold res is very clean so I would like 30ish 30-ish on the res prefixes can't be changed okay I'll take tier one I can live with tier one res I guess that's okay all right all right I need yellow juice and then do I have to craft strength on here I do okay I wonder if I can get away with strength index let's see f no off that top if that top rolls how much do I need 10 more strength top rolling that will give me four more uh annoying God how much am I missing what they ask you how you are you just have to say that you're fine when you're not really fine but you just can't get into it because they would never understand
Channel: subtractem
Views: 52,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 28 2023
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