Crack All 16 Riddles, and You Think Different Than Your Friends

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okay sherlock you're up eric samantha and charlotte were playing volleyball on the beach it was pretty hot and one of the friends invited the others to go swimming in the sea one of them can't go swimming because well they're a robot okay can you guess who it's samantha first she's the only one who's not sweaty or red in the cheeks because of the heat plus it might seem like she's wearing a small necklace but it's actually a usb port it helps her stay plugged in you know jane was riding the bus back from work she was tired after a long day but she couldn't sit down because it was so packed some of the other passengers were acting strangely and she was worried that they might have been zombies which passengers are zombies there are two zombies on the bus the man on the right has a bandage on his arm and the woman next to the window is making groaning noises um i can get off here no really josh loves to make beds with his friends last friday he bet them that he could place a bottle in the middle of the room and easily crawl into it this time nobody thought he had any chance of completing the challenge so josh's friends were certain they would win but somehow josh won the bet again how did he manage to do it he said he could place a bottle in the room and crawl into it he didn't mention whether he was going to crawl into the bottle or the room though so he crawled into the room without any problem and won the bet oh that crazy josh on the table there's a row of six cups the first three are empty but cups number four five and six are full you need to change the order so that the empty and full cups alternate you can only touch one cup and you can't push or move the cups with the help of another cup how do you do it [Music] grab cup number five and pour the water into cup two then put it back mary was walking in the woods and saw a really fancy castle in the distance it was getting late so she thought she might ask to stay the night there when she knocked on the door though it was answered by a troll and he really didn't like intruders he captured her and locked her up in a dungeon with two guards the troll told her that she could escape if she solved a puzzle there are two doors in the room one is locked and the other leads to freedom the guards know which door will set mary free but she can ask them only one question one of the guards always tells the truth and the other always lies i have friends like that mary doesn't know which one can be trusted and only has one chance to win her freedom what question should she ask if mary says if i ask your colleague to show me the way to freedom what door will it be no matter which guard replies they will show the locked door one will lie and show the wrong door and the one who doesn't lie would also show the wrong door since it would be chosen by the one who lies this way mary knows the wrong door and she needs to choose the other one you have two ropes and a box of matches if you light both sides of the rope it'll burn for 60 minutes how can you use these ropes to measure 45 minutes [Music] you need to burn one of the ropes from both sides at the same time you set light to one side of the second rope when the first rope burns down the second rope will still have 30 minutes to go now you need to set on fire at the second end of the rope it'll burn two times faster and you'll burn both ropes in 45 minutes and what's going to happen in 45 minutes is still a mystery everyone in town thought jack was silly because every time someone offered him a choice between a 50 cent coin or a one dollar bill he would always choose the 50 cent coin people all over town would give him the same offer to see if he would ever learn he never grabbed the bill one time the people in the town didn't realize that jack was actually a genius what was so smart about what jack was doing [Music] jack was actually really smart because he got everyone in the town to shower him with free money as long as he continued to choose the less valuable option people would come and try this trick on him over and over again see that car jack's been refusing one dollar bills for over 10 years now and he saved up enough money to get a car three men were trying to decide who was the smartest among them a random passerby offered to help he said he would give them a riddle and whoever managed to crack it could call themselves the smartest he said you see these five caps in my hands three of them are black and two are white close your eyes the three men close their eyes he put a black cap on each of them and hid the two white caps in the bag now you can open your eyes whoever guesses the color of the cap he is wearing is the smartest the men spent ages looking at each other trying to crack the riddle suddenly one of them worked it out and shouted i'm wearing a black cap now how did he guess oh well he didn't actually guess he tried to think logically but there was no logical answer so he looked at his reflection in a nearby puddle you find yourself in a photo gallery after looking at the wall you realize that one of the pictures doesn't belong you see a raccoon a llama a football and a balloon can you tell which is the odd one out you have seven seconds to guess it's the llama picture the other three objects have two double letters in their names but the llama only has one double there's a barrel of water in the yard you look inside and say that it's more than half full but your friend argues that it's less than half full how do you figure out who's right without using any tools or removing water from the barrel tilt the barrel so the water just about touches its rim if you can see the bottom the barrel's less than half full if the base is still covered with water it's more than half full you find yourself in the middle of a forest with three paths in front of you one is covered with scalding lava another is littered with sharp nails and broken glass and the third path is so cold that it feels like you're in antarctica which path should you choose pick the third path it's bound to warm up so it's so close to the lava that the ice will melt in a few seconds john was at home sitting in his chair with a book all of a sudden his wife's super expensive statue fell and broke in their bedroom he ran into the room in time to see a stranger jump out the window and run away john tried to chase him but his glasses fogged up because of the coal so he couldn't identify the intruder when the police arrived they listened to his story and immediately knew he was lying why were they so sure anyone who wears glasses knows that they don't fog up when you go from a warm room to the cold outdoors it's the other way around the man made the story up because he didn't want to admit that he'd broken the statue himself one day a man got caught in the pouring rain unfortunately he had nothing to keep himself dry not even a hat or an umbrella somehow not a single hair on his head got wet why is this well the man was bald you have three matches can you make a six out of them without breaking them into pieces who said the number has to be a standard six the matches made a perfect roman numeral three right from the get-go so all you have to do is push the bottoms of the first two matches together into a v and you've got a roman numeral six let's imagine you don't know what an elephant looks like one day you're going on a safari to watch animals with your friends one of them points at a rhino and tells you it's an elephant the other shows you a hippo and claim that it's an elephant who would you believe and why you didn't know what an elephant looked like but that doesn't mean you didn't know what a hippo or a rhino looked like either you wouldn't believe either of your friends it's your first day in the new office some colleagues don't seem very friendly and you can't understand why they also act strangely never have coffee breaks and work at least 12 hours a day a secretary at the reception desk tells you that their company hires robots because they work so hard and aren't addicted to coffee she tells you to try to stay away from that and avoid making conversation because they aren't programmed to talk to people it's quite easy to tell who's a robot can you guess which one's the robot out of anna mike and lucy it's mike he's the only one of the three with a switch on his right
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Keywords: bright side riddles, bright side, brightside, riddles, riddles with answers, riddles and puzzles, logical thinking, logical riddles, logical puzzles, brainteasers, brain exercises, brain riddles, brain puzzles, detective riddles, solve riddles, mystery riddles, 7 second riddles, test your brainpower, test your intelligence, test your logic, boost your brain, hard riddles, riddles for smart people, IQ, how smart are you, how to increase iq level, riddles for teens
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 43sec (643 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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