Crack Addict interview-Victoria

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- Being a seven year old girl, having a grown man look at your breasts and in between your legs, it's just appalling to me how uncomfortable it made me feel whenever I wasn't even supposed to know what those looks meant. - [Interviewer] Okay, Victoria. Victoria, where are you from originally? Where did you grow up? - [Victoria] I grew up in Kansas City, Missouri. And I grew up in foster homes. - [Interviewer] Oh, you did? - [Victoria] Mm-hmm. - [Interviewer] Did you ever have your mom or dad? - I didn't meet my father until I was seven and it was just a short couple of years that I visited with him. And there was an alcoholic incident on my 10th birthday (chuckling). - [Interviewer] Uh-huh. - And I didn't get to see my dad again until was 20. And he passed away when I was 23, so. - [Interviewer] So, did you have parents growing up? - I met my mother when I was 15, in the penitentiary for murder. And I stayed with the original foster family from six months until I was 13. I was basically their slave. My foster brother sexually molested me. So I grew up in my original foster home from six months to 13 years. - [Interviewer] Yeah, but you were molested by who? - My foster brother that was about 10 years older than me, molested me sexually. I would black out and I knew the boogieman was coming. I could smell him. And later I learned it was dirty scrotum. (crying) I would have to take off all my clothes and cover up with just a sheet. I would wake up in the morning, it would just be another day. Incredibly, people ask me in the profession that I'm in now, how did I get so good at what I do? And the answer was because I was molested since I was seven. And I pretty much, you know, do everything the same way. I like to add my own sass and pizzazz, but I basically do everything the same way that I was taught when I was a child. My foster parents use to physically, emotionally, mentally, and financially abuse me. So sometimes I was made to stay in the corner for 10 hours, because I was five minutes late coming back from my girlfriend's house. One time we took a family photo They always went to the Sears store and had portraits made of them. And then they'd come home and my foster dad would take pictures of the whole family for the Christmas pictures. One time there was a kid named Tony with us. And I was the one that took care of all the children that came in the home. I had to wash them, feed them, and take care of them (sniffling). We were at a neighbor's house and he kept taking candy out of the candy dish. And I told my foster mom when they got back. I had to report. She gave him a black eye that was this big and sat him down in front of the camera with the family and took the picture. He was crying like me, right after it happened. I learned from that day forward to never be a snitch. So anyway, when I was 13, I kind of became a rebel. And at 13 I took the car and wrecked it (chuckling). And all the kids were harassing me and shit in the neighborhood so, pardon my French. So I told 'em, "Get me out of here, I'm gonna runaway." And so they put me in a group home. And I had already tried marijuana and was smoking cigarettes at the age of 10, I started. And then at 13, I started smoking cigarettes every day, marijuana every day. I ended up going to actually two out of foster homes. The next one was with a woman that I believe truly was a mother. She had been a victim of rape and had two twins by the rape, by her rapist, and raised them and she raised me. But she was with a a gentleman that was starting to groom me and molest me. And she caught him French kissing me. And I was on my knees in between his legs. And she caught it and moved us out. And she had a house and we moved into the house, until she met another man shortly after that. And she married him. And I took her car for a joy ride (laughing), again, and wrecked it in the pasture. And they threw me out. And so I went to my a pastor's home. Nobody else wanted me. And so I went to my pastor's home until I graduated high school. I was 19 when I graduated high school. And I was 15 out of 25 people in my graduating class. During high school, I would go out in the morning, collect the chicken eggs from the chickens. I would castrate the steers and the cattle in the spring time, roll out the bales of hay for the cattle work in the garden, and mess with the horses and stuff. And so when I graduated high school I got married one week out of high school. And that marriage lasted about nine months. He just quit working in our relationship and I was the only one that was making the bread in the relationship. And I left and he got a job later, to divorce me (chuckling). So all I wanted him was to get a job (laughing). And so he got a job to divorce me. So anyway, I had a little studio apartment. I worked a two or three jobs in order to maintain that and had some tumultuous abusive relationships. And I ended up in St. Louis, Missouri in 2001. While I was 20, I was getting liquor on my fake ID (chuckling). And so, then I met my second husband. And that was my baby's daddy. And we had the baby, but his company was transferring to a more central area for them to ship their product from. And we decided that we would take the baby and go move with his family in Pennsylvania so we could raise my son with his family, because I didn't ever have any. And really by the time that I met the rest of my family they were older than me and we just didn't have a connection. So, and it was ironic that my foster family had the same number of boys and girls, in sequence, as my real mother did. So they had, including me, they had five. And it went, boy, girl, boy, boy, girl. And my mother had five children and they were pretty much the same ages, so it was kind of ironic, you know? But anyway, so we decided we'd go to Pennsylvania and I try to raise the baby there. He couldn't get a job and fell into a deep depression. And I had spent a little bit of money on some clothes, because my maternity clothes were hanging on me. And so I was the bread winner at the time, I made the decision to buy some clothes. And when I got home, I was beaten and my jaw broken (crying). And I left and his mother had the baby at the time. So I went back and pleaded with him to take the job in Georgia, and so he did. And off we went to Georgia. And I spent 11 years in Atlanta, Georgia. And the relationship with him and I, I just didn't trust. And after he did that, I just, I couldn't trust. And he had this idea of me being a stay at home mother. And because I had always taken care of myself, even from a young age, seven, I couldn't depend on a man to take care of me. And I kept my job and I wanted to be a working mother. And so I was abused and ridiculed for that. And I left, I left when my baby was two. I didn't take my son, because he told me he'd slit my throat like OJ did Nicole. And he looked it my eyes and he said it and I knew he was serious. And so I left, I left the baby with him (sniffling) and continued my life. We had a pallet business and we were bringing in $6,000 cash a month, alone, just from the pallet business. And he told me I didn't have to pay child support as my part of the business. And so, I left and we had an agreement written up and unfortunately, it was written up incorrectly. The judge, when it went through, said, "This is backwards, you need to have it correctly written "and resubmit and I will approve." And then of course, we wouldn't find the guy (chuckling). He took our money and took off. And so I had paid for it as part of our agreement. And so the paperwork didn't get drawn up or taken back to court for a year and a half. And during that time, I had two jobs to maintain the two bedroom apartment I had for my son and I when I got custody of him. And then, come to find out, my roommate and I, I got a roommate during the time that the process was going through to help me pay for the apartment. We would buy groceries and things together. And so, one Christmas I was paying for it and she put her stuff in with mine. And mine had my son's diapers and toys for Christmas and all that, and she had personals in there. Condoms, shampoo, bath soap. And so, when the receipt was discovered by his lawyer, when we took it back for custody, because of the laws in Georgia, if you can prove that there's infidelity in the relationship, you're awarded, you know, you win the case. And they found the receipt for the box of condoms, took my childhood as instability, and I lost custody of my son, and it was devastating for me (crying). It was so upsetting for me, because I lived my life right. And I lived my life to the best that I could. And I loved my son. I did everything for my son that I could during the time that I wasn't able to maintain two consecutive days together, two jobs, I had my days off sporadically. I would go and get my son, but it wasn't a lot of together, quality time. And they also felt that that was unstable for my son. So I was basically picked apart in the courtroom, I lost custody of my son, and he was awarded $400 a month child support, which was 25% of both of my incomes. And so I had to go bankrupt. It ruined me financially, based all on lies and deception, in order to win. And so, as most bullies do, you know? Bullies do that kind of thing. So I quit my jobs and went into a temporary service. And I was looking for an administrative position. During the time that at Aetna US Healthcare was merging, I was working as a temp for the conference manager of US Health, Aetna US Healthcare. I was subject to sexual harassment for my boss. I had to orally take care of him in order to keep my position. But in the process of that, I met my fiance of four and a half years. He was my light, you know. He took care of me, the best anyone probably has ever taken care of me in my life. But his wife had passed away, of 28 years. I figured in the beginning that his drinking would be bad, but it would get better. But at the end of our four and a half year relationship we only had one domestic dispute. It did involve a gun, however, we worked things out in the relationship. We wouldn't discuss our problems and he didn't have anger while we were drinking and it worked out. It was nice. And he'd asked me several times at the beginning of the relationship if I would marry him. And I couldn't trust, and through the trauma, I couldn't commit until I knew, and spent some time. And I asked him if I could, I wore his ring for the four and a half years, and I asked him if I could ask him to marry me when I felt right. And so I did. And at the end of the four and a half years, he told me no. And so, I decided to leave. Well, there wasn't anything left. We couldn't move forward and so I left. And I got into ecstasy, I was taking ecstasy and cocaine at that time. I first tried ecstasy, I was drinking, I was a full-blown alcoholic at that point. I was taking ecstasy, I went to powder cocaine, and I had got into some BDSM websites and just sex websites, Adult FriendFinder. Obviously, I'm doing threesomes, I was a swinger. I was having the time of my life, I thought (laughing). I experienced a lot of different things, sexually. Kinky, a lot of kinky things. I met my third husband through those sites. And the first time that we were ever together was New Year's of 2002. And we had a sex party. There was six couples there. And basically, we all watched him do all the women (chuckling). And I wanted to try a threesome with two men and me. And the guy that was behind me, he went soft. And so, I never really got to experience that, but I thought in the back of my mind that maybe I might have a problem with this guy. He seemed to be all put together, but very experimental, sexually. We built a dungeon in our house. We had a lakefront home in Atlanta, Georgia. We had 500 feet of lakefront property. I had the car of my dreams, he had the car of his dreams. And we had a Harley, and I thought I was on top of the world. But I thought I had a problem with him. I thought he might be a sexual predator or just be a nymphomaniac, you know (laughing)? I did everything with him that he wanted me to do. Sexually, we had all kinds of sex toys, we had a dungeon in our house, I would go and, he went through a DUI and lost his license. And so, he was continuing to be on the sexual sites, because he wanted to find a slave for us, that would drive him, so he could continue to do his construction work and take care of his business throughout the day. And I was all for it. And I would bring girls home from the city and drive them back out to the lake home for him to interview, us to see how they felt with us, and see how they would fit. And one particular night, I brought this woman out and I had to go to work the next day. So I went to bed and I woke up to him coming in, frantically, trying to get me to wake up. And she said, "She's calling 911. "She says I threatened her with my nine inch knife." Which I knew what it was, you know, his dick. And I knew that it was true without even talking to the girl, but I had to protect my husband. And so, the police got there and she's drunk, sitting on our steps. And they're telling us they're gonna shoot the dog if we don't get the dog off of the police, because it was vicious. And I went to step down the steps, the police officers were to my left, she was to my right. And I bumped her and she flew over the rail of the steps and landed on her head and went unconscious and they arrested me for assault and battery. And that was the first time that I had ever been to jail. I stayed in the hold tank and he got me out. But he got me out and everything was cool. And I never cheated on him, although he constantly accused me of cheating and I figured it was the guilt, because he was doing the same thing to me. Found clothes and stuff in the house. And I cleaned all of his stuff, daughter's clothes, out of the house. And so, I had a position, a very prestigious position, payroll and benefits administrator for a utilities company in a corporate office. And I did all the benefits and payroll for 120 union employees. I was bringing home over $4,000 a month in Atlanta. And our bills only amounted to about 1200, so we had plenty of money to do what we wanted to do, what we wanted to have and everything. But he would harass me at work and try and get me fired. They tried to get me fired because of him. And so, I left the company And we started his construction, remodeling company back up. And I knew that he couldn't do what he used to do whenever I was at work, once I was at home. And the physical abuse became more severe. He would choke me out, punch me, push me, beat me in the upper torso, tell me to shut up, and call me names in front of the construction crew. And so, he decided that we were gonna take a trip to Florida. And I thought it was going to be really cool, yeah. But I had to drive. And when I got down there I had a migraine headache. And so we had put the two boys, that were 12 and 13, in their own cabin and we had our own cabin. And I said I was gonna go take a nap. And when I woke up, he was gone and the boys were in their cabin. And he was gone for hours and hours and hours. And I even went and looked for him. I knew that he probably went down and met somebody and it was off having his sexcapades. But I was just tired, I was tired of it. I wanted to know what I wasn't doing sexually for him, because I gave him everything he wanted and asked for sexually, with enthusiasm, above and beyond. And you just can't please. You can't please that type of person ever. They just want more and more and more. You can give everything you have of yourself (crying), and never get the acceptance and love that you're looking for. And so when he got back, I had cut the rope to the latch on the door and I locked the windows so he couldn't get in the cabin. And I set his things outside. He broke the window and came in. Took my phone so I couldn't call 911, punched me, threw me against the log headboard of the bed, which broke my back, and dragged me to the middle of the bed and sat on me, full weight, a six foot five, 210 pound man, sat on my chest and strangled me and smothered me until a passed out for 10 hours. When I woke up, I had a huge bruise on my chin and my face. His hand print on my face and on my chin. And I knew I was in trouble. And so when we got back, I decided right then and there that I was gonna leave him. And when we got back I went to the bank to take out my portion of the money, and he had taken $30,000 out of the bank account and left me with nothing. And I had secretly paid off some credit cards and I drove myself back to Missouri, from Georgia, by myself. And I took all the commercial construction equipment that we had, because he took everything else out of the house that was of value, and that's how I made it to Missouri. I became a methamphetamine intravenous drug user for four and a half years. And I did everything and anything to maintain that addiction. I stole, I shoplifted, I robbed people, I had a sugar daddy. I ended up stabbing him because he abused me. I stabbed him five times, I punctured his lung, cut him across here, I cut him across his chest, and I had hit him twice in the lungs on this side. And I have this scar here where I accidentally cut myself. I didn't even feel it when it was cut, when they sewed it without pain relievers, when it was healing, or anything. And I knew I had a problem. So he lied for me and I got out of jail. CSI came to the hospital and asked me questions, I passed and got out of it. He was one of four that I've stabbed in my life. Most of it was just protection, because they were mean to me and I didn't know why. They didn't have any reason to treat me that way. And so, because my mother and my father were both murders, I've always been very scared of myself and my temper and I've always tried to be very mild mannered. However, now that I get older, I don't have a lot of feeling. I cry for myself and I also cry for what I could do, what I know I have in me, and it hurts and it's sad. I left Missouri. I had a sum of money and I left my job. I was in recovery, 2010. I got sober from a 13 year alcoholic and four and a half year intravenous crystal meth user. And my recovery was short lived. I had bounced back and forth with crack-cocaine, methamphetamine, and drinking. And so I never really, from the apartment that I had in Georgia, I never got one another apartment on my own until 2012, I guess or no, yeah, 2012. I had it for one year and a girlfriend wanted me to come out to California and do the whole sunshine beach thing and every day was gonna be a party. And that's what I've made it since I've been here. There was some recovery in there. I tried to maintain my recovery. I have schizophrenia. I'm schizoaffective-bipolar type. I call my personalities, Monica, Victoria, and Baby Girl. And it started out as a joke, but it's real (laughing). So I came out here to California and the second that I was out here, I had a gun put to my head and my best friend's boyfriend said that I was disrespecting her. And I just kept bouncing my forehead off his stomach, asking him to shoot me. I even got on my knees and looked at him straight in the eye, told him I wanted him to just shoot me. I have never wanted to live since I was seven, when everything started (crying). Being a seven year old girl and having a grown man look at your breasts and in between your legs. It's just appalling how uncomfortable it made me feel, whenever I wasn't even supposed to know what those looks meant. And so I left. I was living with my best friend. She gave me about two seconds to get out of her house when she thought the money was gone. And she took all my clothes. I had spent at two and a half days in the hot sun in New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, trying to go through my clothes to figure out what I was gonna bring. And I had about $6-$7,000 worth of clothes in my Honda Civic (chuckling). And I made it all the way to Albuquerque, New Mexico before my car broke down. And so anyway, those were all gone within a month of me being here. And I thought I could bring out my nice clothes and I could find a good sugar daddy and be in the the high class districts and maybe be okay, you know? I went into recovery, went into a battered women's shelter in Compton and it was a transitional living home. And I just about drove myself crazy and was insane. It drove me insane, I had to be in the shelter with the other women, because the saying goes that, anybody that's been abused makes a great abuser. And so I left there and I went to another mental health program. And during that time I created a housekeeping business and I was doing well, for what I thought, $400 or $500 every so often. And that carried me through. But then I started smoking crack every day when I found out my mother died. She's the only one that cared about me in the end. And she would send me a birthday card with a little bit of money in it. And just an, "I love you' card here and there. And it meant so much to me. The first time anybody in my life had ever reached out like that, just me. And so I took it really hard, because I knew it was the end that anybody would care about me like that again in my life. And so, I've been doing drugs every day since and it brought me down here. I didn't have any money to live and my addiction was more important than maintaining any type of house. And having a house didn't have any value. I've been camping every day since I've been down here. Well, for two and a half years I did. And I loved camping when I was a kid, you know (laughing)? So I liked that, just like it was just a big adventure, you know, camping. And then I had one of the drug dealers down here ask me if I wanted to try to start it and they'd look out for me. And they gave me all the basics that I needed and how to do it. I started the sex walker position, I guess, or profession, March 6th, 2017, the first time I ever did it. I'm 49. So it's been good to me. I've had my run-ins, not necessarily with my clients, or friends, what I call them. But with the locals. I've been lured into a tent and given crack with that GHB laced on it that I didn't know about. And I came back to two and a half hours later with my pants unbuttoned, my shirt all filthy, no bra, and my hair a mess. And there was a piece of crack tossed to me. And I asked the guy, "If I take this, "do I have to do anything with you?" And I walked out at the tent and I went up to the guy that lured me in there and I stabbed him. I stabbed him. Then I walked away. I don't go in tents anymore unless it's my own, because every time I've ever gone into another tent it hadn't been good. I've had specific tents around that I need to stay away from because they will drag you in, muzzle you, and they will do what they want to do with you. Before I got put in my temporary housing, every night, for three weeks on the street that I lived on, there was a woman screaming for help. Sometimes it was faint, like the last breath that they were taking for help. Other ones were more energetic and more loud and more frantic. I figured those were the ones that had just gotten dragged in and was trying to get away as quickly as they could. But it's none of my business and I couldn't say anything. It would have happened to me. I believe 95% of my heart and soul, and I have been told by six different people, that I would be unconscious and they would walk into my tent and find men fondling my breasts and pussy and ass. And sometimes I would be a responsive, but not myself. And other times I wouldn't. I believe that was to get a little bit of crack money. I figured probably my pussy was sold for five, my ass for 10, maybe. So the person, they would lie, to get high with his girlfriend. And even as we speak of, I've had people harass me people try to play tricks on me, or get me caught up. They were trying to sneak into my apartment. I finally got my SRO, which has been six years in the making. I found out and it was reconfirmed in June that I have about stage three to stage four cancer. Vulvar cancer and how you get that, it's through the HPV virus. I have been vaccinated against that and I am not contagious. However, I'm sure that it's moved to a stage four. It's gone to my lymph nodes, and a lot of people say, "You look great." But I've lost a lot of weight and the weight that I do gain, it quickly falls back off. I'm constantly having to sleep and eat to try to gain weight that I have. People ask me if I'm pregnant, because of my stomach. And it's the cancer spreading. All I ever wanted was love, acceptance, and peace in my life, and for whatever reason, I've never been given that really. In brief instances throughout my life. I've been a survivor for 49 years. I've tried to commit suicide twice since I've been down here. I slit this and my artery was exposed. I missed it and I don't know why. I cut this with a straight razor, just. And I did this one, but I was too quick. I just barely opened the skin here. And I took off running with my arms up, thinking that would make the blood flow faster so I could die faster. And as anything with my life, it only made it coagulate. And I'm running around with open gashes in my arms with dried blood (laughing). I was running to try to increase my heart rate so my blood would flow faster (laughing). And instead it only made it coagulate faster and I'm running around with gashes (laughing). And so, I've tried doing things as best that I could. The person that has said that they loved me for two and a half years has done everything that I could think of to destroy me as a person, try to take my heart and my soul. I gave it my heart for a little while and then took it back. He's thrown a huge can of enchilada sauce at me, full, and beamed it off my head, hit me with a 12 foot board, blacked my eye, beat my head and torso, I have bumps all over my head. Here, here, here, back in here, behind this ear. And I have a plastic prosthesis in this ear so I can hear. And there's a huge bump here where I've been severely beaten by him. Somebody that has said they love me. So, last year, or this year, we were fighting. I was in our tent and I tried four different ways of trying to kill myself. And he didn't even know. I took a syringe and shot air. I found the pulse and I shot air into my artery and it didn't do anything. I took a tourniquet and tied it as tight as I could around my neck and it broke. I put a bag over my head and tied it with duct tape. It wasn't tight enough around my neck to keep the air in. And so he told me to take all my medication, and so I did, brand new prescriptions, every single one of them. 90 pills. He called the ambulance but when they came I was still conscious and told them I didn't want any help. They let me go lay back down in the tent and left. When I came unconscious, he called them again. And they didn't wanna take me. He begged them, he begged them to take me. I died in the emergency room. I stopped breathing. And why? I ask myself, why did he save me? Why did he save me? I don't know. I just thank God every day that I have the cancer. I think because I don't have to commit a sin to be able to have some mercy on myself, on my soul. I thank God every day for what he's given me, for not having to put me through hell that day, or letting other people put me through hell that day. I ask he'll forgive me of my sins, those known and unknown. And I ask him to please forgive me for fornicating, committing oral sex. I also ask if he'll send their souls back to them and mine back to me, and that's how I end my day. Take a big hit and fall asleep. I smoke cocaine, too. A lot, just to kill the pain. I still have a broken back and the cancer is spreading rapidly. And I'm just in pain all the time. And I take one hit to take the edge off, two hits is to completely kill the pain. And the third one, I can finally get high. So, yeah, they don't even leave me alone in my apartment, the locals here. They're breaking in my apartment. They wouldn't even give me any peace. They wouldn't even give me a sense of security in what's supposed to be a place of respite for me. And I'm tired. And I ask God every day to just please take me quickly, so my soul can finally be at peace. I don't even know if I'm gonna be here a week from now. - [Interviewer] Thank you, Victoria. Thank you, Victoria.
Channel: Soft White Underbelly
Views: 395,404
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: soft white underbelly, skid row, child abuse, prostitute, drug addict interviews, drug addicts, rehab, therapy session, life story, crack addiction, crack addict interview, character study
Id: ackOMHhbCII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 56sec (2816 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 08 2019
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