CppCon 2018: Victor Ciura “Better Tools in Your Clang Toolbox"

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- Good morning everyone. Thank you for coming. I hope you're properly caffeinated and ready to go. This has been a great week. How are you enjoying CppCon so far? Good? Awesome week. Hope I am not going to ruin that for you. A few months back my friend Simon tweeted this and I immediately identified with the problem. But, I said, I'm gonna roll with it. I'm not sure if I'm gonna do that again, but ... And my daughter keeps telling me that I do look like Gru, so if it fits. Just in case you're disoriented this is the Victor roadmap for the week. You're in this talk. If you want to catch any of the other ones you have to wait for the videos. Let's get started. We're gonna talk about Better Tools in Your Clang Toolbox. Why am I talking about this? First of all, I've been coming to these kinds of conferences for years now and I've always had sort of a tool envy, so to speak. All the cool kids hang around the Clang cucumber weather, and, I was kind of jealous and wanted to get in on the action and try out some of the tools around the Clang ecosystem and play around with them. But, historically, I've been in a team that developed Windows-only applications and we've been working on our product for 15 years now and we're knee-deep in COM and in Visual Studio and I thought I would never get an opportunity to really try out in production, cool stuff like clang-tidy or any of the Clang-related tools. So, about a year ago, my friends and I started playing around, more like a hobby, with, We started with Clang format basically, and we tried to experiment and see how we could use Clang Tools on Windows and see if we can make them work and integrate them in our workflow. This talk is organized in mainly three things. The first part I'm going to be talking exclusively about the tools. I'm not sure if all of you have been to the welcome reception on Sunday night. We had a poster expo where you can still see some very cool posters in the main hall there. You can probably see this giant poster there. It's all about retrofitting modern C++17 features in older codebases and how we got around to implement our own custom tools to help us with that. So, I'm gonna spend a little bit of time talking about Clang Power Tools. Clang Power Tools is basically bringing all the goodness of the Clang Tools ecosystem for Visual Studio users. I'm talking explicitly about tidy, compilation and, of course, clang-format. It works in latest Visual Studio versions as well as the previous versions. It's an extension for the IDE, it's free and it's open source. So it does help with this workflow. Initially we developed it internally and, like I said, we tried to play around with it and see if it can really help us pinpoint issues and improve our codebase. But, after a while, we decided to share it with the community, and we chose exactly one year ago today. I couldn't have scheduled this better myself even if I tried. So, exactly one year ago today, I had a session here at CppCon where we announced this tool that we open sourced and made available in Visual Studio Marketplace. How are things standing one year after this launch? We've been surprised by the popularity and the enthusiasm in the community around this tool and people embracing it and trying it on and sometimes it failed for them. They submitted tons of bug reports and we tried to stay on top of them and fix all the issues that we encountered out there. People got very creative and used it in contexts far beyond our imagination and we've seen project configurations that well exceed reasonable complexity limits. So, it's amazing what people can do with them as build files and Visual Studio property sheets. It's definitely been a learning experience for us and, surprisingly, I can confidently say that debugging issues and seeing other people's configuration scenarios around trying to use this tool, ironically, made me better understand how Visual Studio works and how MSBuild works and how to properly organize and configure your property sheets. Definitely a learning experience for us and we'd very much like to thank the people that got involved very early on and helped out, with their suggestions or feedback or even pull requests and ideas. I wanna give a shout out to my friends Gabriel and Ionut that really, really, they're the brain behind this wonderful product. If you're interested, you can definitely get involved. The project is open sourced. At least you can submit bug reports if you try it and it doesn't work for you, and we'll try our best to make it work. We started with a PowerShell script, to be honest. We didn't start with a productivity IDE integration scenario. We initially started building a PowerShell script and we still maintain it today and we use it for CI automation because we want to keep building our codebase with Clang to see that we don't have any regressions on that front and we've enriched this script and we're actually dogfooding ourselves. It works directly on Visual Studio project files or MSBuild, for that matter. It does support compilation and tidy workflows. It does not do any roundtrip conversion and it doesn't generate JSON Clang compilation database. We do have that as a feature request and we're thinking about implementing that. But, definitely, we would try to automate this process of generating the compilation database and avoid putting the pressure on the user in terms of describing the project configuration by hand. It does support parallel compilation of translation units and it does support pre-compiled headers. This is very big for us. We make extensive usage of pre-compiled headers in our project. And it does help speed up the builds. Of course, it automatically extracts all the settings from Visual Studio projects, include platform toolsets, directories, PCH information, everything. It has a very rich interface in terms of automation. These are just a few of the inputs which is that it supports and, like I said, we're very interested in keep using this in our workflow and, we've definitely improved the script as a consequence of this. You can run the PowerShell directly by specifying all the parameters required. So you do gain low-level access and configurability over every little detail of its behavior. But, it also supports a configuration file, so you can safely configure any project-specific behaviors or parameters that you can put in source control and share with your teammates. This is how it would look like, some very simple examples. For example, compiling a whole workspace, if you don't give it any parameters, it actually tries to detect all the solutions in the current directory and browses all the projects and compiles everything in there. You can be explicit about it. You can ignore on certain criteria with regular expressions and everything. Basically, what you would expect from this kind of a tool. You can run tidy workflows on specific projects or specific files. You can even tell it to automatically apply the fixes. Basically, it just pipes down all the expected tidy commands onto clang-tidy itself. This is how a configuration file might look like, a very simple one. This is actually the one that we're using internally, more or less. So you can definitely avoid giving all those switches every time. Very important for us, we do use Jenkins for CI automation and the Jenkins PowerShell workflow is very important. I just wanna give you a very quick overview of how you would configure something like this. You would need to install the Jenkins plugin for PowerShell, for example. That's in Jenkins plugin library. You would need to configure a PowerShell job as a build step. You can add the commands. This is where you can be very specific for your project needs or your build job needs. We can even make it be triggered by an STM change or something like that. The workflow that works best for us is ensuring that every change on development branches do passes the pipeline and we don't have any regressions in terms of the project actually being compilable with Visual Studio but, not compilable under LLVM. So, we do try to make sure that each pipeline passes only if the LLVM build actually passes. We even have triggers. We use Slack internally and we even use notifications about build failures around this Clang job. Even emails, some people prefer to receive reports via email rather than Slack. The built-in output and errors are right there in the email content itself. And, of course, the thing that really touches everyday work of the developers on our team is the integration in the IDE. This is where the Visual Studio extension comes into play. It's available in the marketplace You can just install it. You go to updates, of course. Highly configurable. You can, basically, tweak every knob in there. You can even pass flags directly to the gcc driver for Clang. You can be incremental in your approach in embracing LLVM compilation. You can suppress lots of warnings in the beginning and, as soon as you're able to fix more stuff and strive towards ISO standards compatibility in the codebase, you can be more strict and eliminate some of the ignored warnings along the way. You can be verbose and see detailed output when stuff doesn't work and investigate dependencies within the projects and problems within contextual variables in your MSBuild files and see problems there. For the tidy workflow, we found that tidy workflow works best for us in manual scenarios. So, we run it occasionally and try to see various passes and we're being very selective about the actual checks that we run and we don't run everything all at once because we wanna be very explicit about analyzing a particular kind of, for example, modernization pass. Let's say we're focusing on range for or we're focusing on, I don't know, equals delete or the full constructors or something like that. So, we're actually using, almost exclusively, the autofix option. So, we're very much relying on our git-gui to see the changes and examine the changes carefully before we except any of the automated fixes applied. We do have most of the checks built in, but you can, of course, specify them explicitly, for example, using wildcards or selecting multiples passes at once. The integration in the IDE itself is in the usual places you would expect to see it. Contextually on a per-source file basis, per project, either selecting multiple files or compiling or tightening up a whole project or a whole solution. So, in the usual places you would expect to see such an integration. An interesting part in the integration scenario, the one that I love to use, is that we do have a setting by which, each time you successfully compile a source file with Visual Studio, it automatically tries to compile it with Clang in the background 'cause, usually, we see problems there. So, if it successfully passes Visual Studio compilation, which is what every developer on the team expects, you immediately see if it's also okay under Clang. Of course, the IDE integration is natural and uses the standard output panes and error panes and has navigation to issues and you can filter them out and you basically leverage all the power within the IDE itself as if this would be the de facto compiler in the iterator itself. For example, if we're analyzing on a static analyzer report, you can see the actual information, the output from tidy in the output pane. Sometimes it's a little bit difficult to reason about such an output in this dense textual format in the output window. Our plans are to surface such information in a much more friendlier way as tool tips or hovering the code itself where the problems reside and maybe even implement something on top of preview windows like Code Lens and much fancier GUI features in the IDE itself such that you would have much more cleaned-up information about the analyzer report or the warning or the error in such particular case. And it would be contextual to where you're actually focusing on in the source code. Because we find this is rather difficult to digest especially if there are many, many, many warnings issued by the analyzer and, yeah, it's kinda difficult to follow. But, why do we care about all this? The reason we care about this is, we've been working on our codebase for 15 years now and, in some parts of it, it really shows. It started pre-C++11 of course. When we are dealing with millions of lines of code it's unreasonable to expect to change anything just for the sake of change and it's out of the question to do it manually, so we've been very happy to be able to leverage modernization passes from clang-tidy and be able to do transformations at scale on our source code. This has been very important for us in terms of morale, more than anything else. It's much more pleasant to work on a codebase that looks and feels modern and uses modern constructs. We've always been on the bleeding edge. We've always upgraded to the latest and greatest from Visual Studio. But, it's very straining on the eye to see parts of a source file with leveraging modern features and modern library facilities and language features and, within the same file, you see some old, contrived, ugly constructs from C++98. You want uniformity in that regard. Being able to do modernization passes at scale actually led us to have a more cleaned-up source code and uniform. For example, a very simple thing like think about range for loops and avoiding all the long lines of complex iterators, and combining range fors with auto or something like that. So, definitely very pleasing and it did help morale. Although this kind of tool induces friction within the team when adopting it initially, because you do have to deal with all kinds of new warnings and errors that you didn't see before, and, yeah, typename appears a lot in warnings. So, that's just because MSVC compiler didn't have two-phase lookup for 20 years. So, what are you gonna do? It is frustrating when you're getting in, but, the team was very receptive in embracing this tool and tolerating all the warnings and issues that they had to fix because of the benefits and the end result being a much cleaner and modern-looking code and being able to actually enjoy programming modern C++. We've been doing that and we're very happy with it. I always like to probe the room and see how far along are we on standards usability? Any of you stuck on old compiler toolchains? Few of you. C++11? I still consider this old now. Okay. 14. About the same people. And 17 now. Oh, oh. Not bad, not bad. Yeah, not bad. Yup. We wanna get there and, we need tools to help us because, like I said, it's not pleasant embracing new features and giving special attention and love to certain parts of your codebase and have all the other millions lines of code looking like crap. So, you do need tools to help you there and, yeah. The second part of my story is about massaging the code. Basically, you do this for two purposes. One, I mentioned earlier, is that you do want standards conformance, even if you're not doing any cross-platform or cross-tool compilation. So, you do want ISO standard C++ conformance, just for the sake of being future proof and not have any surprises when your compiler gets updated. The other thing is, you wanna find bugs and subtle things that you've been ignoring for years. I know I've seen some ignored warnings in my codebase. As a rule of thumb, we do use W4 and WX. So we treat every warning as error and we're using level 4. But, we do have certain places where we explicitly ignore some warnings. We know why. Yeah, sure. - [Attendee] I'm just wondering if you're to the point where you can use permissive- yet. - This is my next slide. (laughing) (attendees laughing) You're thinking ahead. We're explicitly ignoring some warnings. Definitely. And, this is interesting, when compiling other Clang, sometimes you need to get around that too. Regarding permissive-, we're trying to get there. We're not there yet, but I am not feeling guilty because of this. Yeah. - [Attendee] What does permissive- do for those of us who don't know? - Yeah, good question. What does permissive- do for me? permissive-, basically, gives you the good compiler from Microsoft. (attendees laughing) It's the one they don't wanna tell you about. I think it's on by default for newer projects. But it doesn't get upgraded for your old projects. So, this flag basically enables the modern compiler, the one that actually has an ASD and two-phase lookup and supports all the fancy constexpr functionality and the reason it's an explicit flag is that it breaks everything. The main thing that's problematic for us, we've been fixing permissive- issues in our codebase but the problem, big, big problem, is the Windows SDK. They're making big strides in that direction. For examples, the Cpp/WinRT subpart of the Windows SDK, Cpp/WinRT is now part of Windows SDK by the way, it actually compiles the newer, modern parts of the SDK, Rout good, for example, most of the UWP APIs for programming the Windows Runtime, those are in good shape. But some of the ugly, older ATL words in the Windows SDK don't compile under permissive-, not yet. They're trying to do their best, but it's a problem of synchronization between teams. So they're totally different teams within Microsoft. There's the Windows, the old Windows division. Now it's something else. At least it's called something else. They're shipping independently, so, they're doing their best to fix the issues, but, at the same time, the Visual C++ team works hard to push and implement all the cool stuff in the C++ standard. So, they have to be strict about it and enforce these requirements under permissive-. Basically, not flipping on permissive- gives you the ability to access most of the C++17 modern features in the compiler, but still in a Microsoft-compatible way. Permissive- disables all non-standard extensions in the Microsoft compiler, everything that used to compile. And they do need to compile the whole Windows and SQL and Office. Think about how much code is in there. And they're not using Clang Power Tools to modernize it. (attendee speaking off mic) Yeah. It's a lot of work Fixing permissive- issues, it's not a small task. The thing that we noticed for our code proper, ignoring the key dependencies, is that, because we fixed all the issues and all the warnings triggered by Clang, we didn't have any permissive- issues. So, we're in good shape. And at each major upgrade, we've been using the Clang front-end since version 3.9 and at each upgrade, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0 now, new warning classes were triggered on by default and we're actually using Wold in Clang as the default for our builds and we don't enable any, except the preprocessor, any Microsoft-specific Clang flags. We're striving for Wextra but we're not there yet. We still have a lot of aggregate structures that we do need to fix and fill up with nulls. Because of the fact that we've started and enforcing and fixing issues reported by the Clang front-end, we didn't notice any permissive- issues in our codebase, just in related to the SDK usage. A big shout out for the STL team. The Microsoft STL actually compiles cleanly under permissive- and actually requires Clang 7 in the latest versions. We did encounter some issues around COM GUI, GUIDs, and those were fixed in Clang version 7. Like I said, it all started with clang-format. It's very easy to get in, very attractive. Building on the success of the adoption of clang-format in the team, we gained courage to experiment with tidy. And this yielded tremendous benefits for our codebase. We encountered a lot of subtle bugs and things that either we ignored under the Visual Studio compiler or things that MSVC blindly completely ignored and happily compiled. And, of course, lot of best practice kind of things like uniform usage of override and not having any surprises around renaming stuff in your base classes and interfaces. Actually, this is one of the most impressive modernization passes we've ran over the codebase in terms of sprinkling overrides in all the right places and in this way, ensuring a lockdown on being able to confidently rename stuff in your interfaces in your base classes without any surprises. And also, you want uniformity. I hate it when I see a class with 10 methods and just two of them are marked override and all of them are virtual. So, I don't wanna see that and tidy really helps here. It was this difficult to start out but we were determined and it did pay off for us. We've encountered tons of issues. Some of the changes were mechanical in nature, like the typename, the missing typename and the dependent name lookup. What are you gonna do? You have to sprinkle typename everywhere. But, those are, of no benefit for us. But, you have to do those as well. But, other issues, like encountering near misses in visual function names or functions that actually didn't override anything, although you thought they did, we did find quite a few of those. Yeah, I mentioned this earlier. Why are we encountering this? It's kind of easy to get into this problem. If your toolchain allows you to use non-standard constructs or some fancy language extension or, and I'm not picking just on MSVC here, I'm just using it, but, same goes with gcc, for example. If you're allowing programmers to use some non-standard construct, they will use it, given a sufficient amount of time, and, you're stuck with it. So, if you're compiler gets more strict and, for example, needs to implement correctly, requirements in the new standard, let's say, under permissive-, you're gonna encounter those issues and you have to deal with them. Otherwise, you can't move on. I talked about the modernizers and the readability also has quite a few checks that we found very useful. And, of course, static analysis. Visual Studio has great integrated static analysis and it does have the Cpp Core Guideline checks right in there, but it never hurts to have more. This is the kinda thing that comes with lots of false positives and you have to really look for the needle in the haystack there. I thought that we would just examine just a few examples that we've encountered. For example, frequent offender, delete without a virtual destructor. It's kind of difficult to figure out when you have a deep class hierarchy but, client immediately picks this up. For example, here, overload virtual. So, we actually had the virtual functions that had a slightly different signature. Loop induction variable or, in this case, an iterator was incremented both in the loop header and in the loop body. I don't know how that escaped code review, but ... Quite a few of these pessimizing moves. Quite a few of these we found in our codebase. Anybody needs to pick on those? It's all clear why client protested there? I don't need an aside about RVO and stuff like that, right? Tons and tons of this one, Wreorder. People were not very consistent in declaring their initializer lists and, we had to fix a whole bunch of these. So, this was highly unpleasant. In some situations, we actually encountered initialization dependency problems that were dormant there. So this was extremely yucky. Missing field initializers, a few of those. Not very serious. Another frequent offender, double user-defined conversions. We had a ton of those, especially around the strings and the string literals and stuff like that. So we did have to fix a lot of those. And it was tedious. I won't lie to you. Another frequent one, delete with no virtual destructor. But this time around, shared pointer. Quite a few of those and people didn't properly annotate their interfaces and they had shared pointers around interfaces that didn't have any virtual destructor. Quite a few of those, as well. Another situation here around a simple interface with unique pointers this time. So, basically it's the same issue as before. A lot of this. How many of you are still using old enums? Yeah. I can't tell you how many of these we found. The wrong enumeration being used in the wrong context. They sound the same, but it's not from the same enum and it didn't even have the same value. (attendees laughing) So, wow. We found several of these and I was just amazed that we actually sold the product, this crap. (attendees laughing and speaking off mic) So, definitely no test coverage there. You can be iterative on achieving conformance. You don't have to be extremist right off the bat. You can disable delayed template parsing, throw in Microsoft compatibility switches for the client compiler, ignore the typename thing, suppress particular warnings that are very noisy in your codebase and just come back to them later when you're feeling better. (attendee laughing) Regarding the clang-tidy checks. Whole bunch of them. I think there are around 300 now. And, but, these I'm listing just the ones that we've successfully ran over our codebase. Of course I picked on the modernize and the readability ones. Use-nullptr, loop-conversion for range for, overrides was a big thing. Redundant-string-cstr function. unbelievably stupid usages of cstr functions when initializing strings and copying things unnecessarily. Use-emplace, that was a nice touch. It's debatable about if it's legitimate or not in certain scenarios. Use-auto, this was number one favorite in the team. Make-shared, make-unique, instead of actually sprinkling news everywhere. Equals-default, equals-delete, you wouldn't believe how many empty constructors we had there. Default-member-initialization. That cleaned up things a bit. Redundant-member-initialization. For example, lots of people feel the need to initialize standard string to nothing. I don't know why. Pass-by-value, braced-init returns. I would pick on the worst modernizer pass I have ever seen is use-using. You would expect that to be the most trivial one. It really screwed up everything. I'm gonna show you some details there. A lot of modernization and readability fixes around initializing strings and string comparisons, and, there are some gotchas. You need to be very careful with pieces of code like this, where an actual C string function was necessary because it was passed around to a buffer that was longer than required and actually needed a null char there. We actually caught that in code review and doing these automated changes. So you need to be careful with hacks in your code. Some of the problems we found, for example, a few of the unique patterns without the array specialization for make-unique. We found several of these. And, when using auto, it left us with some garbage in terms of all typedefs that we used before for iterators and auto cleaned up the initializer but it left all those typedefs that are pointless now and we needed to clean those up by hand. So, not perfect, but ... In modernizing range-based for loops, sometimes the iterators were hoisted above the for loop and stuff like getting the size of the container in the count variable, that thing just remained unused there. At least you can catch those with unused pods and you can clean those up by hand. I'm just being fair and showing you that it's not perfect. Some manual attention is required. I said about use-using, use-using was by far, the buggiest check we've ran. It screwed up all our function pointers' definitions. So we had to do those by hand. In certain situations where we actually used templates this modernizer autofix actually replaced the last template instantiation, the last type that was attempted in that template actually used that one when replaced the using, the typedef with the using. So it actually replaced the concrete type there instead of the template parameter. So you need to watch out for those. Beyond clang-tidy. We wrote custom tools. We fixed, like I said, lots of member initializer lists, removed a lot of private fields in our classes that were unused in any way and didn't have any side effects, of course, refactored some of the heavy class constructors when we eliminated a lot of unnecessary initialization. So, we're striving for Wextra. We're not there yet. And we're improving the extension and we plan to continually run stuff. For Part III, more clang-tidy checks. Tidy checks are organized in modules, which can be linked into clang-tidy with minimal or no code changes in clang-tidy. Checks can plug in in the analysis over the preprocessor or with PPCallbacks or, in the AST, with AST Matchers. Checks can report issues in a similar way with like you would see any Clang diagnostics, and can even provide automated fixes like we have seen. So, you can definitely go in there and roll your own and automate the process. There are some scripts that help you set up the scaffolding necessary to generate the new tidy that you can write. You can use tools like clang-query to interactively prototype an AST Matcher and explore the AST for a particular situation that you're trying to address. You can dump the AST and see how things are laid out and guess what kind of checks you need to provide in the AST Matcher. This would be a typical layout for a tidy check that you can plug into the existing ones. There's an LLVM on Git mirror there and you can clone it and easily build them. For example, if we're implementing a PrettyFuncCheck this is what we would have to do. And initialize the scaffolding and this will generate test for us, will register the module and generate a skeleton for the check source file. This is how it would look like. You would have to inherit clang-tidy check and the minimal thing you would have to do if you're trying to do an AST-based analysis, register a Matcher and actually implement the check itself. So, those are virtual functions that you would need to override. These are called automatically by tidy, or by the framework, and you just need to do your magic there. If you wanted to do any preprocessor analysis you would have to register a PPCallback. But those cases are much more rare. For example, we can bind to a function declaration. Let's say we give you an identifier as needle. And, later on, we can implement the check and get ahold of our needle that we matched and, for example, we can check if the function declaration starts with something like get underscore ignoring case and issue a diagnostic and suggesting a fix to start with uppercase get and no underscore, because that's how I like it. Sure. - [Attendee] Is it possible to register some sort of callback that can look at comments.\? Like, if you want to see that all you parameters are documented for your function? - The question was, is it possible to register a callback to match code comments so that you can enforce like policies on commenting stuff. Is that accurate? Of course it's possible. (laughing) This is how you would invoke your custom check. I put this check in the readability module just because it's more readable to have functions with uppercase Get. So, this basically instructs tidy to suppress all the default checks and just run your own. That's what that syntax means, if it looks unfamiliar to you. You can enroll checks that are configurable. Many of the built-in checks have knobs that you can switch on. For example, the aggressiveness of a particular check or some kind of class of functions that it looks for when it matches stuff. For example, if it looks for fine functions or any of the derivatives or what kind of string type to search for or something like that. So many checks are configurable. You can load up configurations for checks and even store them as to be in dumped further on. For example, here I have two options, an integer and a string, and I just read them from the configuration. And, of course, there's a standard way of providing check options for clang-tidy. Works, you just supply the values in a dot clang-tidy file, configuration file. That's just standard syntax there. I just used some symbolic names here because it doesn't fit in the slide. So this is what you would expect and, of course, you can build it, build your check and your test unit for that check. If you're having trouble to, the difficult part is actually figuring out what to write either in the Matcher or in the check itself. So, my example was trivial because that's about what I can do in such amount of time. But, you can dump the AST for a particular situation that you're trying to target and try to visualize the AST and pick out the right types in the AST so you can probe them and see if you can properly identify them within the targeted source code that you're trying to modify or diagnose. I do encourage you to write custom checks for project-specific needs. We're trying to do that. We're still learning to do that. And the most important thing is to run them regularly. A theme for me this week has been around strings. I've had two talks around strings, one around strings in COM because there are several types of strings in COM where there are particular problems, and one around string_view and how I'm looking into eliminating some of these interop problems in using COM with string_view, especially if we're thinking about modern SDK-like Cpp/WinRT and its type string hstring. I'm heavily interested in researching this issue and figuring out the good practices and all the gotchas and actually trying to automate some of the nitty gritty parts of actually interoping these string types in our application and do proper data marshaling without any of the dangling references issues. It's not easy but, I'm trying to figure this out. And, yeah, we're knee-deep in COM. Our application now has a very wide API surface area and it makes heavy use of COM and we have several types of string classes in our application and it's always awkward when we do have to see that GLU code sprinkled all over the place and unnecessary copies being made and unsafe constructions assuming an automated string and stuff like that. Clang-tidy has several string-related checks and, even one around string_view. It's a more of a general setting. It detects any dangling handle. Its main purpose is around string_view but it's a general check. This is one of those checks that have a configuration and you can actually specify a different handle-like class, like string_view, if you have some of your own in your codebase. So it is configurable. Very hot news. Lifetime profile 1.0, I'm sure Herb will mention it in a few minutes. So, detecting dangling string_view is an important thing because it's such an easy way to convert from string to string_view and, basically, you're almost guaranteed to run into dangling references. This is a trivial example from Herb's paper around it. If you're running a newer version of Clang with a Wlifetime switch on, you can see passing the dangling pointer as argument error there and it immediately picks up this problem in your code. I do encourage you to see one talk today. It's at two o'clock. It's about implementing Cpp Core Guidelines' Lifetime Safety Profile in Clang, the thing I just showed you earlier, the Wlifetime flag. So I'm very, very interested in attending this talk and I do encourage you to go as well. The Visual C++ team started a new series of blogposts on their blog around Clang tooling and building with Clang. So, I do appreciate this effort and their articles are very well-written. I put a link there and I encourage you to read it and I'm very excited to see the follow-up articles on that. There's a new kid on the block. Another extension in the Visual Studio Marketplace that, actually, tries to help you build your project with LLVM. It basically gives you another toolset within Visual Studio and you can basically switch from CL.exe and Link.exe to Clang and build stuff with Clang. For example, if you wanna follow in the Chromium footsteps. With this, I'm about done. Can't wait to crash in my hotel room after I see all the good talks today. And, thank you. (attendees applauding) We do have a few minutes if you have questions. Or you can catch me in the hallways and I'll be happy to answer. - [Attendee] I just wanted to say a big thank you for putting the Clang Power Tools out there. I'm one of your happy, one of the 80,000 users that's totally happy. - (laughing) I'm happy to hear that. - [Attendee] I experimented with it last spring. I've got something close to 20 million lines of legacy code and-- - Wow, you're really pushing us. - [Attendee] No, I did about half a million and we picked the modernizations that we thought were just gonna be really easy, sure to work. And we did kind of a subset of what you put out there. But the same thing that you just mentioned is what I ran into. We thought the using substitution would be just great-- - No, that's - and it just, it just causes havoc. Is that a bug in clang-tidy or, I didn't get a chance to look at my code-- - It's a bug in the check itself, not in clang-tidy, in that particular check. I'm not trying to shame the author or anything but I'm really looking forward to dig into that code. - [Attendee] So the interesting thing is the other option I looked at is there's an extension called Visual Assist from the Whole Tomato business-- - Yeah, yeah, we use it. - [Attendee] And we've used it for years, and it has a subset of these modern assists and they're using substitution works correctly. - Yeah, but it's not implemented on top of clang-tidy. The Visual Assist people, I've been using Visual Assist for 15 years now almost-- - Yes, the same with us. - So, they well-precede any of the Clang tools. So, they wrote their own. So they have their own parsers and everything, so-- - [Attendee] The problem with them is they do one file at a time and so, as you know, it doesn't scale. Anyway thank you again and one more thank you is I was on Visual Studio 15.2 and there was a bug in your PowerShell script. I reported it and somebody fixed it that night and when I came in the next morning-- - You can thank my buddy Gabriel back there. He's the one that maintains the PowerShell script, so-- - [Attendee] Anyway, thank you very much. - My pleasure. - [Attendee] So, another thank you. I had almost exactly the same experience that the previous gentleman had. The one I wanted to call out, I ran into the using type dev and the dot cstr one. We had that happen on us and it happened at runtime so we were (speaking off mic) But it happened pretty fast so it was all right. We were able to back it out. - That's tricky, yeah. - Yeah, it is. But it didn't go to any customers so it was fine. The other one I wanted to call out especially that I really like was the header reorder. That one was really nice to use for clang-format. We had the headers in Oleko styles, so. We had a lot of them where things were in the wrong order and it found all kinds of ridiculous header inconsistencies. - Exactly, yeah the - So that was a nice one - physical versus logical relationship within the models. We've had that issue as well so, that's related to clang-format and not tidy itself, but, we've encountered lots of weird dependencies and transitive includes that were not supposed to be there. - [Attendee] Yeah, we're still finding though where people are somehow windows.h got in there, right, or Boost. Both of those two, I love. I like using Boost, but it has tendency to bring the world in with every header that you have so that's-- - I feel with you. And my colleague, Theor there, he's the header hero. He actually cleaned up all our headers so, lots of work there. - [Attendee] It's a rough job. That is not a fun job. - No, he can attest to that. (laughing) - [Attendee] Well thanks anyway. I just wanted to say thanks again 'cause I'm one of your 80,000 too and it's been great. I'm gonna put it on the build server and get it more automated but I'm not there yet so, I've just been hassling people-- - If we can help in any way, shout out on GitHub and-- - Okay. - we'll try to help you. - All right. Thank you. - Yup. - [Attendee] I just had a-- - Hi. - practical question. If you can speak to, So you write your own clang-tidy checks, right? - We're trying. - Of course but you're trying to. - We're trying. - [Attendee] I'm thinking like, how, from a practical perspective, in an organization, do you maintain that? Do you have, I assume, your own fork of clang-- - If you're talking about project-specific stuff, you kinda have to because you're not gonna be able to do any pull requests and nobody's gonna accept any esoteric checkout there. - [Attendee] So then do you make a binary that you share on your file server or something so that everyone that's using your own checks-- - Right now, our usage of clang-tidy in our team is on, it's a la carte, so to speak. So, we're using it, if we're talking just about the tidy itself, that workflow we're using it manually. So it's not automated or anything. And, we have one or two people in the team that actually try to do those passes and inspect the difs and it's not something that every developer on the team has installed and configured like the Clang extension itself. So the Power Tools extension, everybody on the team has installed and they're constantly using that workflow. If it compiles in MSVC automatically background compile in Clang so that it picks up all the warnings and errors that are Clang-specific. But the tidy workflow, it's something that we do a la carte right now in terms of I periodically run it and my friend Gabriel runs it and we report stuff and investigate and try to patch things up. So, it's not something that we need to share yet. We're not there yet. - [Attendee] Okay, thank you. - Yeah. Cool. So, we're out of time but, you can definitely catch me in the hallways and we can chat further if you want. Thank you. (attendees applauding)
Channel: CppCon
Views: 4,158
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Keywords: Victor Ciura, CppCon 2018, Computer Science (Field), + C (Programming Language), Bash Films, conference video recording services, conference recording services, nationwide conference recording services, conference videography services, conference video recording, conference filming services, conference services, conference recording, conference live streaming, event videographers, capture presentation slides, record presentation slides, event video recording
Id: 4X_fZkl7kkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 41sec (3641 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 25 2018
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