CppCon 2014: Nicolas Fleury "C++ in Huge AAA Games"

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Thanks to Nicolas Fleury for posting the original links in /r/gamedev. Check that link for more discussion.

Also make sure to check out his colleague Jeff Preshing's talk on how Ubisoft develops games for multicore, before and after C++11.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Idoiocracy 📅︎︎ Oct 28 2014 đź—«︎ replies
hi everyone my name is Nicolas Karim a Technical Architect at Ubisoft Montreal it's an honor to be with you today um Ubisoft Montreal is known for its huge triple a game open-world games like Assassin's Creed watchdogs Far Cry port and games like Rainbow six printer cell and subversion I've been at Ubisoft Montreal for eight years now 11 years on the game industry before was working in other industries but still in C++ but coming in the became insular change the way I see C++ and I want to share part of that experience with you today um this is a talk where I will cover a bunch of different things ABI will repeat a few points from the Mike Mike Acton talked earlier but my way the person will discuss the situation at Ubisoft Montreal then I will talk about what we do to improve completion time in iteration time and C++ then I will discuss a few performance issues and finally we will conclude with some debugging tricks and tips and please keep your questions for the end of the talk so first is situation Ubisoft Montreal it is as far as I know the biggest video game studio in the world slowly reaching 3,000 employees and working on big games up to a thousand employees worldwide at the end of a project with up to 400 in Montreal and the technology mainly in Montreal as 300 developers approximately and its much windows centric development environment then if we're doing multi-platform development enjoy game console they come with visual studio integration maybe a few points in the fluid slides might be window specific but not much and working on big games big codebase biggest one Sassin screed unity should be released soon I could count over 6 million c-sharp a C++ lines of code and the code base made by different sass and three teams over the years that isn't the code base actually 9 million more C++ size would go that are from insider projects they can be technology group code that can be code from external partners and I could count five million c-sharp lines of code as well if you look at Rainbow six siege a game I am working on if I count only the code that we are compiling and linking together in the same executable I can count in half million C++ lines of code made by the rainbow 16 in 4.5 million C++ line of code from the technology and even the technology group code typically we compile it on developer machine because we want to be able to tweak that code and debug it and I think overall we still manage to have a good compilation time compiling and linking all that together it takes three minutes five minutes depending on the target I will discuss more about that soon the code structure the engine the game itself I will describe it as an inverted pyramid we have multiple layers and they introduce new external libraries at the bottom we have the core of the engine so mathematics object model it will simple stuff that is used across all the errors then we have a graphic layer which was possible rendering where performance is extremely important and then over that what why we call the engine engine services or physics sound animation services are that are used then by the last a year the game player which contains code that is specific the gameplay beginning and we have singer programmers working in all of these layers but junior programmers they tend to often end up in the gameplay here it's really important for people working on lower layers to provide an API that is as less error-prone as possible the irony here and not only not every problem when it comes to stability but also when it comes to performance and sometimes you have to choose between the two minimum I choose performance container might take the most performant approach by default but if you want something else you need to specify it explicitly and we don't consider C++ to be the most productive language in the world we use it because we want performance when we don't care about it we tend to and said you'd see sharp sole editor that is used to make the content that the game is made in c-sharp and it is embedding windows that are from the engine in C++ and it is communicating to with the other process I chew with two tcp/ip and of course when we need performance sometimes we need great code I'm a shark to the engine side in C++ that stuff we don't use from C++ we don't use on time type information we have an own reflection system on object model we even ship the game with our reflection system so we have data driven systems like epic systems that can edit properties of objects too complex for bridge paths and you want to control the exact memory overhead of this system we don't want to ship with the game a game with class names or property names that would be a waste of memory and that will help actors uselessly we don't use exception and link in the pass it add a runtime class on some platforms as I have 10% that was clearly a no-go but even today it's still as a compile time class and anyway there's no return on investment for us to make our code exception safe we have utilities to reduce the call stacks where there's stuff to fix and we even use a static analysis tool like every beauty that can tell you you know this function 8 times of 10 you're looking at the return code but even here you're not be making a mistake we don't use the STL containers in the engine but we do use the SL Egger rims with other containers affecting Estela interface we don't use a CD vector because our hourglass has more features especially debug features and for the other containers there are alternatives with better performance often these alternatives they will come with some restrictions for example a map container could say only supporting achaeans values that are value types that oughta have constructors in our case not only we're fine with these restrictions but we see em as features I don't want my programmers to make a map with ease of values without with constructors and we never ship a game with a map with a string as a key this is just not the way we work and the last one might sound controversial but we have no boost included in the engine sometimes they they appear in the past word remove camp or compilation time reasons we have much better completion now than back then so maybe it will come back in the future I don't know iteration time so as I said I think we have a good completion time considering the huge code size we have the first tool I want to mention is a tool called fast bill fast bill is not bringing that in knitting that much new to the table to us but it is containing a bunch of utilities and tools that were using before as solutions for completion time what is fast bill for us is replacing game is built for C++ so it's really make file to like Boojum or G make it's open source and it's made by Fanta with working at Ubisoft Montreal today so compared to a mess Belfast it means smarter a dll dependencies since we can compile it provides a dll without waiting for the dependencies of the DLL itself better CPUs it according to your numbers and it has support for distribution and caching so what we do is we is like incredible basically so what we do is that we run fast build workers on every developer machine and every developer is contributing the compilation of others with as much as half of his course if it's machine is idle and whence the teresting is that before I said you know three to five minutes depending on targets five minutes actually without distribution on Rainbow six an assassin's creed building without distribution is a bit slower but the serious thing is that with distribution which seems to compile pretty much every project at Ubisoft Montreal in three minutes there's a kind of a critical path that we have that is order to make its order to go slower look pastor than that and fast bill is also support for caching so the way fast build is distributing compilation is like by pre-processing locally the file to remove dependencies of all the includes and then send it to our machine and so it can make an md5 at that pre-process file and look on a cache in the network the result was done already by somebody else so what we do is that build machines on the bill farm they will update the cache because there's overhead so we only do it on dual machines and programmers they typically don't sink the last the add of the code always the instead go through a tool that will think the last changes that was successfully compiled in machines so it means that the cache is up-to-date so the first time a programmer will will sync the compilation will be extremely fast because typically primers their work on very high layers so bank bunch of a big part of the code is well they will get a recompile for most free and lastly fast bill supports unity builds built in we've been using unity builds and QB soft Montreal for over ten years we call them the blobs that Ubisoft much wrong so if you don't know the concept as the concept of having let special CPP file it will basically include a big number of UCP files and come compile that unity CPP file instead and overall it will compile faster is what us will link faster my 10 line a few more functions as well as consequences it means your high scope do you need to have unique name I need if you make defines and simplifies you must not forget to under them because I can affect another CP pile and the same unity but most importantly means that you need to maintain still a compilation without unity builds because you want every CPP file to add all the included needs and people also complain when using unity builds that when I modify is CP file then I need to recompile the entire unity in ok sit as when built being true but only the first time we modify a file so what we had before is a special unit here work unity and will edit a file it will remove us from that unity and put it in the work unity so that way you will iterate over your work indeed I have never done it but you could even do that in parallel as you first edit the file in vyasa you directly launch the completion of the unity - change um but since fast build is creating the unity builds on the fly as it is compiling it doesn't even need that step can just remove from unity builds ICP file you are working your onion just you just iterate over them directly there's other stuff we do as well use pre compile errors like a lot of people some people they stink they are competing with unity builds before my numbers are completing each other there where we don't use pre compilers is in some distribution patterns depending on platform sometimes they are not worth it on other machines to use but luckily it for us it's like a big big game oops sorry there's one Microsoft compiler option that I think is really resting for debug builds the option is called ob1 not to confuse with the Star Wars character what the obi-wan is doing is minimally lining so it will inline simple functions from 805 so it mine signs we'd at first we have a debug target where some functions are in line but I've been working with that for over five years now and I don't want to go back um the reason is that my debug target is not much faster and since the video game it's it's it's appreciable and also it will link faster because there's a big bunch of symbol that don't need to be object five anymore and this one is really important when people have bad completion time is often because of template's so we try to make template classes derived from non template based classes the idea is that template code should end up in line by your compiler otherwise maybe you should write your template code differently if I take an example an assassin shoot one at first was not done so we add an RA class the entire code was there then in every translation unit we compile aways the exact same re types even if we use unity bills we still have maybe 300 of them in our code base but we did instead is that we change the class to move inside a non template based class as much code as possible and some cases 7 is CPP 5 to make sure it's not in line yeah and then in the template code we keep simple function that will end up in line we also use a lot of generate code we have our own interface description language for our object model so basically next - most header file and CPP file in the engine we have another file that is the interface description file and there we declare classes structures denims and there and some of their properties and function and this valley is responsible of code regions inside the corresponding header file and CPP files so for example in our header file you will have a class and vary as the bracket is opening you have a code region and you can still the primary and seller right is all members and all functions are outside the cold region but current record region itself is completely and all by a tool that we run very quickly at the beginning of every compilation and this tool is allowing us to the interesting we can avoid a lot of meta programming in the CP files example the skills a shell function they know exactly all the properties were declared inside the interface description file a narrow file we can sort members to minimize padding between save memory we can generate IDs as CRC's of a name all of that directly inside the tool so basically we have created another file with another timestamp that will affect the generated code so that way we can then speed up the c++ compilation alone and we also have our own programming language as it actually it looks very much like c++ it's actually generating c++ under it and the reason we did that language because we wanted to have edit and continue working on 64-bit platforms or gameplay programmers we event went further by making sure that editing cut you is working event in multiplayer session propagating code to all to all players and we even wanted to be able to remove and add virtual functions so when it comes to the virtual functions implementation is not using the c++ virtual function we have our own table so that we can patch function pointers at runtime more easily and since generating c++ we benefit from aligning all the performance from c++ and we used no preprocessor tricks like dash line all of that to specify the original file line so we support the C++ debugger completely naturally since for the debugger it's like it's it was passing and we have developed some tools for the years to help up speed up improve our code one tool to mention is an objection eliezer so the idea is to give you the size of a symbol but by making the total of its size across all the translation units so you might see functions that are an arrow files but should not be there because they are just too big but more likely what you will see are templates I the area class I've mentioned earlier about on Assassin's Creed um before doing that change or splitting the class into pieces an assassin's creed one that place that class before that change was taking almost 80% of object files of all the imagine you have a million multiple millions lines of code engine and you have a single template class taking almost 80% of object file still today with the changes who did in debug we have some functions that don't end up in line because of debug check that we are them and still the error class is taking 15% of objects files and debug target we also made our tool to remove useless include and Ave and add forward declarations I want about talk about it much because realized recently that Google's include what you use is actually a better tool these Ness configuration which is the same thing so just use that thing instead when it comes to performance it's well known that we care about performance in the game industry some performance very important for us the last console generation lasted for eight years you can imagine that we need to be able to always make more with the same there's a 90/10 principle arguing pretty much 90% of the time wasted and 10% of the code so people working on that 10% pretty much I have a different mindset people working on the rest of the code um that mindset is pretty much similar to what we heard from Mike Acton earlier today and the way an engine is made is it has a frame rate so it's a big part of the code is being stressed confusing so it's not like a desktop application that is event-driven and it's not running that much code um so yeah typically a game will run at 30 frames per second so 30fps gain of games like Rainbow six siege a seven 60 FPS what happens is that when shipping again may be months before shipping a game especially single-player games your game might be during at 20 FPS or 22 FPS but you want to ship a game at 30 FPS and you don't want to cut stuff that people have put a lot of effort in so what that a lot of people a lot of talented programmers they are dedicated to just optimize the last months of the game have been extremely impressed in the last eight years seeing people optimizing code that was technically have been already optimized by multiple other talented people and they succeed when way of doing that is by understanding the art where so I want to give a quick example very simple I have a structure it's basically an area of integers which are a bunch of different values they make a make a you Jerry and the exact size it matter it's not least it's one Meg of objects from that type and I have two different piece of code doing exact same thing are just calculating the total of all the value don't reach a spec is to join the same speed which one you expect one on the same speed I've seen a lot of stacks this week that assume that you know the answer this um so if it's not your case let me explain it preferment this on my pc the second example is running eight times faster so why is that programmers they understand there's a huge difference between the rhyme the our drive not event access to have them anyway the same way i drive is bigger it's slower but the cpu and it's registers is not accessing your eight gigs or 3d quick gigs 32 gigs of ram directly it is going to on the processor to multiple layers of cache the exact number of cache is mean it depends on the hardware but there are common stuff the l1 cache will be specific to the core while the last level cache and that case the l3 cache will be shared across all the court so suppose i imagine here's some fictional hardware made of six cores i the l1 cache is specific the core and then i decide that the l2 cache will be shared across pairs of cord and finally I'll have the l3 that is shared across all the cores and then the memory so when a core is accessing memory address it first look if under old it will look if the if it's in the l1 cache the caches are caching cache lines so for example the l1 cache could be 64 K big and with cache lines of 64 bytes so it means I had thousands pieces from the memory 64 bytes big align at 64 bytes these pieces can be from all underpriced in the main memory so it will load with the address the memory to accessing if it's part of the cache if not you have l1 cache miss l2 check it's not there L 2 cache miss if not then you have l3 cache miss and the main memory would be access for the l3 cache miss in that case the worst case because then you need create a price the speed of the main memory since if you have the layers the same rules are playing they are further you get from the chord the bigger they are but the slower they are there's a lot of things here to talk about the resting stuff how much all of this can be done in parallel other processor is making sure all the l1 are current but I won't I think that's a C++ forum what you need to understand is that less you access a memory address the more likely you are to less like it more like you are to pay I cuss if you work with huge data you don't work properly you are so likely to you have a big performance it also typically the way the l1 cache would be endl if it requires writing to a with l1 cache it will be it will have exclusivity to the cache line that it is writing to which means that if 2 core are writing to the exact same cache line if they are not writing the same bytes you will have a performance it one example earlier this week and an episode or stock where you have a remote treated container and aligning the node on the cache line size was improving performance greatly because that way you could not have to note in the same cache line if you come back to the example that was running faster it is accessing the arena completely sequential way this is the best because event modern processors today they can detect such patterns and even prefetch the cash in advance to me - mrs. but if we switch these two for loops then we're accessing memory in a completely different way or first getting the first element of every object and then we start back in yet the second lemon are very object so if I'm on this fictional I'll where I have cache line of 64 bytes the size of feature is 4 divides 64 by 4 it makes 16 I could expect this to run 16 times lower another example very simple I have a structure with an integer member and I have a function taking a bunch of values it will just update the member with the total the value I have two simple implementations the first one is very intuitive and of situating the value is incrementing the member and the second one is using a variable on the stack you expect these two to run on the same speed Pamuk the tests on my pc with the Microsoft compiler and ode to optimizations and the second one is running 12 times faster there are two things happening here this is dependent on odd where and this is dependent on the compiler itself as well so what happens is that in the first example the or compare is very likely that decided what you doing inside the follow is read from memory make a calculation and then write back to memory you quickly in the next iteration you're reading back in the same memory so there's a read after write opening on the processor processors will make sure that we'd have the right size as fast as possible but the point is that you cannot expect this kind of operation to be as fast as just working with the registers that are exactly that are on the same core and this is what the second example is doing as far as I know compilers could decide to transform the first example into the second example but obviously they are not and F says it with clang as well when it comes to Singleton's i don't know if you have Singleton's inside your different code bases continue that with a huge code base yeah at Ubisoft we have a lot of singleton a lot of classes with name ending with manager because we lack imagination especially when it comes to singleton names we don't want to create them on the fly I want them to construct them and deterministic order want to destroy them as well dynastic after like release so what we do is that we use a property of C++ very simple that constructors of members are called in the under declaration and destructors in the reverse order so every library has a special structure that we call singleton story where we declare this our singleton in their order of dependency so Auto implement such a singleton one way of doing it is just have a static pointer and set it in the constructor but what happens if this singleton is access thousands of times every frame and very different context what happens is that you get something that is actually less performant than just using global object and I couldn't measure the difference on xbox 360 the reason is that the global object you will access directly the memory address of the object itself while here the global object is actually the static pointer we have an indirection the problem is not you know CPU instructions to just dereference the problem is the cache miss that could occur so one solution is just to use global objects instead and call maybe initialize and shutdown functions inside this an open sorry another solution would propose we that is available in origin is our class class called global singleton so what is doing is that it has a static buffer that as the same size and the same alignment as the type you are passing and the scope nested class under the hood is constructor will mate please meet you inside the buffer and the destructor will do the opposite call the destructor so then getting the instance is just casting the address of the buffer as a pointer to distinguish in pipe so in the end you yet Singleton that has the same performance as a global object but with control construction and destruction I have talked about the lack cache miss but there's coast cache miss as well maybe when you started programming a long time ago you were writing you have a big bunch of shapes of different types you were writing an ugly switch case like on the right then you realize oh no this is not the way it should work I should make a shape abstract base class and have an abstract draw function in it and then if you shape type will implement the draw function then you iterate over a new array of shapes and then you call the draw function on every shape what's happening under the hood the object pointer will be different probably to get the first eight bytes of your object to get the vtable pointer you might add a cache miss but maybe such a big nut should big deal because probably the draw function will access members in the same cache line then it needs to access the table itself if you have a lot of shape types good change you have a data cache miss here then you're only interested in a single function inside that table you get the function pointer and then you go to the where the code it is again our to predict that you were needing that good chance you have a code cache miss as well because these two are multiplied and under F types you have a quick fix to at least sort your shapes by type that way you will get these cache misses only as you meet a new type but what I'm saying is not to not use virtual functions just as people working in that 10 percent of code they are will avoid the pattern at left it will typically instead aim for that are driven programming the idea is that is to remove abstraction don't iterate over pointers of shape their iterate over shapes and put the shapes of the same type together so iterate over the single shape and then you are so avoid code cache miss because you're running code exactly for that type and since you iterate over shape themself you trigger they rake over them in the order they are in memory which will make the best performance possible the processor can help you to prefetch more easily and to be honest when we on video game consoles if we need to prefetch manually to help the compiler we do it don't do that on PC that can slow down things but but on a fixed side wall at consoles we event prefetch remember yourself I don't want to come back to an example I've shown earlier with the RA class when we divide the class inside in two classes so what we did is take template code that was not being end up in line and put it instead in a base class and make that call a bit more generic so basically with that code without slightly more instructions you know we will pass probably a size of type in the another mind of type so does it run slower I think it might even run faster and I want to at least talk about that in the case on the left if there's a constructor or something and that type and I'm instantiating my re class with 2,000 types means I have 2,000 function in memory if there's no constructor or something that's so type specific probably yeah maybe with the different size of pipes or ABI I will have maybe 30 functions and memory but you can understand that you increase the chances of code cache miss with the example on the left my point is just that templates especially templates that don't end up in line by the compiler they might give you the illusion that you get something at runtime but you might not another thing too we do too performance is trying to avoid the heap the heap is a heavy I always found it funny when I see people writing containers trying to make sure everything is in line while the way to use allocations is taking more time than the rest of the container combined and the reap is global so you can allocate in the thread the allocation another shred so when you pay a price for that and in video games where we allocate so much every frame we have can have issues of fragmentation permutation is very simple you still have space inside your locator but will still go out of memory because you're asking a buffer that is bigger than any of these small spaces something that was done on Assassin's Creed 1 and we're still doing today then when we have an area on the stack like this no case is like our SD vector we look at what is the typical size what is what size is big enough for 95% of the time then we believe place that by a class with all in place area so it's not like your STD are a lot more like Annie bread between STD IRA STD vector so it will use the static buffer if the size is in that case 8 or smaller so it will use the stack so you also like save a lot of CPU everybody's happy and out and if it's bigger than it will use they eat so unprincipled to do the same changes as on Assassin's Creed and they were giving good results but when it came to memory fragmentation I was still once in a while in that case allocating and was removing their way to do that more thematic and then we found patterns on different platforms to know if your pointers on the stack on xbox 360 and playstation treat was as simple as a mask it was undocumented but for us that was good enough so what we did is that we change the area locator to look if the disk pointers on the stack and if it is we use what we call a frame a locator and so it's just a different alligator that is asserted the empty at the end of every frame since it's empty at the end of every frame there's absolutely no fermentation with every going to that alligator it's really cool because this is even working for arrays that are members inside objects on the stack in doing that change at that time on prints our first year it remove all the remaining issues and we had a fragmentation that played a game for 40 hours and no such problem when it comes to debugging we have our own challenges as well we have a huge mullet codebase you can imagine same codebase with over sometimes 100 programmers working at the same time in it as a consequence we have bugs that only reproducible in optimized targets since you know different tax our tasks are running at so much different speeds want to avoid recompiling for debug options want to debug issues are do as they are occurring and the debug targets might be fast to be usable because a game running at 2 FPS it's no more game this is unplayable I'm a consequence for the debug targets there's a bunch of stuff we disable this is all Microsoft stuff on this slide debug iterators from STL I said we're not using STL but we're using third parties using them and using it is using our tools as well the visual studio debugger heap we disabled we disable default windows fault around heap as well to the registry the last one is something Windows is the way when the application is crashing too often we'll just assign a different EEP to it but prefer to fix the crashes then have something run ten times slower and no programmers they need to be able to debug release code we have a one day course that is very popular in Ubisoft Montreal where programmers they typically learn to get back the disappoint through from the code the assembly and the registers here we can see a screenshot of a visual to your extension we have that is adding information so that people understand code the assembly better as well so one give the course but I can at least share one tip with resistors so on your PC you end up with a call stack like this that completely empty if you don't know what you do you're pretty much screwed because you have no no idea what just happened what happened is that your striction pointer register is now corrupted and what you can do is just look at the different registers and typically there's one with a value good enough to debug and just try them very quickly and as you press ENTER you will see your call stack resurrect from the dead when it comes to memory allocations I said we try to avoid them at your relative that we're doing a lot of them so much that we don't debug them and Julie so what we do instead is that we use something we call memory tagging so every memory allocation we do we pass a string that will be used to tag that allocation we even pass a parent pointer but the parent pointer is not used for ownership Allah this is bathing like any C++ knew the parent pointer is used to make a path with the tags so like Pat's on a file system so the reason we work that way is that it has a very low memory footprint it's not an issue and on all gen consoles because we just need to keep an adam account for every path and that's it so for example on Prince of Persia I added a tester playing the game for over 20 hours on multiple days and and then you will come back at the central hub and you will make regularly a dump a memory dump but then I was really easy for me I will just make a difference between these dump and see which memory tags were leaking then I will break in the debugger on these tags and just fix the code accordingly the way will break inside the code is by using something we call the breaks it's very simple it's just that a bunch of our singleton and managers they have a global object which just is just a structure with a bunch of values that we can set to trigger breakpoints and debugger so they are like conditional breakpoints from the debugger but with two differences to adventages they are much faster conscionable a point from the debugger if you're running through the code where you have put it that will be extremely slow but here they are compiled inside the code and you can set them you can post a label game the debugger and set them at write time where you can set them at compile time and also they are permanent so if a new developer arrives on the project we have a master class with a memory for all of these breaks classes and so can browse to all the breaks available inside the engine on this screenshot we can even see that we have another master class you can even actually browse through all the singletons for example all the singleton story when it comes to memory corruption as I said before you can have as much as 100 programmers working the same codebase a lot of people using the same eat so you can understand that another programmer can make your code look bad um so what happened is that when we have a memory address where we suspect there's been a memory corruption we post the bugger and we have a function called debug memory we can pass that address but what it will do is tell you which allocation was done in the past close to that address because often what happens that someone is writing to an object that is actually now deleted so this is finding things after the fact but often this is good enough well I like to do in the future is not even run code inside the process but instead add visuals to do add-in that is getting a memory and then you cast it in c-sharp and make the exact same thing so we have another approach as well we have an alligator that when you allocate it will allocate a complete page or allocation and put the allocation at the end of the page the next page is allocated as read-only so that way if you write pass an allocation it will break that within the lab error it's a class you are trying to write inside the read-only page and when we do the subject will keep the page as we only for some time so again someone is writing to an object that it's been deleted it would break in the debugger directly will be a crash so this is cool because now we are finding the memory corruption exactly as they are with the guilty code file oh sorry yeah yeah of course we have asserts inside the area class but suppose I'm just have a pointer to an object I could cast it another wrong type and then access pass the address oh yeah okay that will work as well yeah yeah so and but the problem with this is actually that's taking a lot of CPU time to allocate all these pages so we need to use it with specific specific allocation and maybe specific size depending on what the problem while I was waiting for questions at the end but anyway that's on the next slide inertia not the entire game not the entire game no but I think I've done it on an adjust dance project but yeah someone tried to do it on Assassin's Creed there's no no way but if it all was on here a memory problem we would not care we say okay we have a machine with whatever Ram is necessary but now it's more CPU problem yeah so that's it before the conditioned I talk I want to mention the first reference link it's a talk from game developer conference in 2003 from mr. Rickson from Sony if you interested in memorization its really resting so that's it yes time for some more questions hi can you tell us briefly a little bit about what kind of concurrency primitives you guys use is it kind of a set number of threads thread pools actually the next talk my friend just pressing is about bit of that I want to spoil him I don't yeah now he's really answering that question in one-hour talk yeah so you will have your answer in like half an hour Thanks do you use any other debugger is like windbg for some of those problematic crash cases or do you just use I will use the trace the Sony offer and then it's just you and that's it I wanted to ask if you guys have used if use any other memory debugging tools such as like address sanitizer or anything like this or if this is completely infeasible with video games uh by me I have not I don't know people have try yeah Jen do you have a lot of custom solutions all interesting that's familiar stuff so to see our curiosity feature selection you know we're talking about game beside games this size teens this size games different types of games do you have anything systems for feature selection between them anything that's actually managed or is it pretty monolithic sorry can you repeat the question do you have any do you have any systems Ubisoft having system for feature selection between the games like are you cutting out parts oh yeah okay yeah yeah so so let me show you man yeah sorry so we have a few have possibilities of choosing features for a game at Ubisoft Montreal is extremely organic every project is branching from whatever project so it's pure chaos ah but it works and that's actually I think we are able to be 2000 because we are extruding bottom-up we work the same way as you know 300 studio in the Sun some way but yeah so the IV project is branching and then it will just remove stuff like crazy that they don't want and the sequel needs again you have an OC end of something both need to put it back so so yeah this so they were definitely not for not working in a marginal way to remove stuff and add stuff it's maybe we maybe it's possible but the real life situation is that we're not doing that at all it's pure branching and very organic natural section good ideas that will finally come from project what you've seen over the years that having people moving from project to other projects as newly gets more other and bigger on this ship it's really helping to propagate good IDs people with a was using that on watchdog and so yeah that's that will say that it's very organic that means how much of a performance boost you get out of having a unity build versus relying on link time code generation so yeah how much performance we get at runtime from unity build I don't know maybe they assess the screen one day will have a good idea at that time they were maintaining both deals on Rainbow six we we only compiled without unity bills just to make sure they having food we don't even link that that target anymore so I really don't know but I know it's in lying a few more functions since you often you have function that are good thing candidates with foreign lining in CTD files but yeah edited more questions thanks for it up sorry your codebase predates se plus ax plus 11 standard can you talk about what any sequel has eleven features that you've added since the standard came out yeah by add some slides yeah box so the question is about c plus positive in usage I had some slides at first regarding some features we use from two plus plus eleven I removed them because they were not fitting in any of the three sections really far C++ is pretty much what the different compilers are offering with the new generation of consoles it's much better than in the past since we Sony made the great move up going with clang and then we have the Microsoft compiler so the yeah so what both are supporting is something we can support so then I will look at it and then I will sign an email to my team saying okay we can use this on this and this in these conditions so for example I made we're not using the debugger ders from Microsoft by I made my own actually in our container and so what I did is I made a container integrator that is only movable so that way I could use the last alive one and use it hope to make made the can tailor read only while the iterator is existing by just incrementing an atomic count inside the container um so that's an example I have between my mind but yeah otherwise yeah I cannot think of other features but yeah we're using a few features C++ 11 cool thank you for coming you
Channel: CppCon
Views: 70,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CppCon 2014, Nicolas Fleury, C++ in Huge AAA Games, Computer Science (Field of Study), Bash Films, Conference Video Recording, Event Video Recording, Video Conferencing, video conferencing equipment, videoconference, video services
Id: qYN6eduU06s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 43sec (2923 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 22 2014
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